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  • INSPIRE-ryhmäkäsite

  • Käsiteryhmä

  • Kokoelma


  • http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme


  • Läge för fastigheter på grundval av adressuppgifter, vanligen i form av gatunamn, gatunummer och postnummer.


  • An address is an identification of the fixed location of a property. The full address is a hierarchy consisting of components such as geographic names, with an increasing level of detail, e.g.: town, then street name, then house number or name. It may also include a post code or other postal descriptors. The address may include a path of access but this depends on the function of the address. \ \ Addresses serve several purposes, these include the four uses described in the Dutch Address Registration catalogue: \ (i) location (e.g. for visits or the delivery of mail), \ (ii) identification (e.g. in context of a building registration), \ (iii) jurisdiction (e.g. authority responsible for the property identified by the address), \ (iv) sorting and ordering (VROM 2006). There may be other uses identified in the INSPIRE user requirements survey, for example, to aid emergency response.\ \ A number of different object types can be related to property. The most commonly recognised types that have addresses are land parcels and buildings (including flats or apartments). However, other object types, such as water pumping stations, and agricultural buildings, are also types of property. Although they do not receive post they may need to have an address for other functions. This is true in both rural and urban areas. Some other property types that might have addresses include a sports ground, a foothold or a mooring place. Collectively, objects which can have addresses are referred to as addressable objects.\ \ The location of an address is most often defined so that it characterises the location of the related addressable object. \ \ Although all national or local address systems share similar concepts and general properties, differences exist in formal and informal standards, rules, schemas and data models within Europe. Differences also exist in the extent of the address system, for example, it may be simplified in rural areas. (From revised D2.3)

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