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... > Religion and Magic (en) > kristinusko > naispuoliset pyhimykset > naispuoliset pyhimykset (NIMEN kanssa) > group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea > group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea - portrait of female saint
... > Religion and Magic (en) > kristinusko > pyhimykset > naispuoliset pyhimykset > naispuoliset pyhimykset (NIMEN kanssa) > group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea > group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea - portrait of female saint

Preferred term

11HH(CAPITAL VIRGINS, FOUR)9group of the following saints ('Virgines Capitales') together: Barbara, Catherine of Alexandria, and Margaret; later also Dorothea - portrait of female saint  


  • Barbara (Pyhä)
  • Dorothea (Pyhä)
  • Katariina Aleksadrialainen (Pyhä)
  • kristinusko
  • Margareetta (Pyhä)
  • nainen
  • neitsyt
  • neljä
  • pyhimys
  • tärkeimmät neitsyet, neljä
  • uskonto
  • Virgines Capitales
  • yliluonnollinen


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