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Käsitteen tiedot

... > Bible > Old Testament > the time of the Judges > the time of Samson ~ the book of Judges > Samson and the jaw-bone of an ass (Judges 15:9-20) > when the men of Judah deliver Samson to the shouting Philistines in Lehi, the cords drop off him

Käytettävä termi

71F353when the men of Judah deliver Samson to the shouting Philistines in Lehi, the cords drop off him  


  • ass's jaw-bone
  • bible
  • delivering
  • falling
  • Israelites
  • jaw-bone
  • judge
  • Judges
  • Judges 15
  • Lehi
  • Old Testament
  • Philistines
  • Samson
  • shouting



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