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Sisällön kieli

Käsitteen tiedot

... > Bible > New Testament > Passion of Christ > the episode of the Last Supper > Last Supper (in general) (Matthew 26:21-35; Mark 14:18-31; Luke 22:3, 22:15-23; John 13:21-38) > communion of the apostles: Christ giving bread (host) and/or wine to the (standing) apostles

Käytettävä termi

73D245communion of the apostles: Christ giving bread (host) and/or wine to the (standing) apostles  


  • apostle
  • bible
  • bread
  • Christ
  • communion
  • disciple
  • Host
  • John 13
  • Last Supper
  • Luke 22
  • Mark 14
  • Matthew 26
  • New Testament
  • Passion of Christ
  • supper
  • wine



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