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Käsitteen tiedot

... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig > the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of female saint
... > Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > female saints > female saints (with NAME) > the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig > the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of female saint

Käytettävä termi

11HH(WALBURGA)6the Benedictine abbess Walburga (Walpurgis) of Eichstatt; possible attributes: crown, phial of oil (on book), (three) ears of corn, sceptre, pastoral staff, flowering twig - martyrdom, suffering, misfortune, death of female saint  


  • abbess
  • Benedictines
  • book
  • Christian religion
  • crown
  • ear of corn
  • execution
  • martyr
  • misfortune
  • oil
  • phial
  • religion
  • rod (flowering)
  • saint
  • sceptre
  • staff
  • suffering
  • supernatural
  • three
  • torturing
  • twig
  • Walburga (St.)
  • woman



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