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Bible > New Testament > Passion of Christ > from Christ's deposition to his entombment (Matthew 27:58-66; Mark 15:46-47; Luke 23:53-56; John 19:39-42) > descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross, usually by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea who are standing on the ladders (both arms of Christ detached)

Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma

73D71descent from the cross: Christ is taken down from the cross, usually by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathaea who are standing on the ladders (both arms of Christ detached)  


  • bible
  • Christ
  • corpse
  • cross
  • descent from the cross
  • John 19
  • Joseph of Arimathaea (St.)
  • ladder
  • Luke 23
  • Mark 15
  • Matthew 27
  • New Testament
  • Nicodemus
  • Passion of Christ



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