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Religion and Magic > Christian religion > saints > male saints (with NAME) > the Four Crowned Martyrs, soldiers, sculptors, stonemasons, the 'quattuor coronati'; possible attributes: crown, sculptor's tools, e.g. chisel, compasses, hammer, square

Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma

11H(CROWNED MARTYRS, FOUR)the Four Crowned Martyrs, soldiers, sculptors, stonemasons, the 'quattuor coronati'; possible attributes: crown, sculptor's tools, e.g. chisel, compasses, hammer, square  



  • chisel
  • Christian religion
  • compasses
  • crown
  • Crowned Martyrs, Four
  • four
  • hammer
  • martyr
  • religion
  • saint
  • soldier
  • square (drawing-instrument)
  • stone-cutter
  • supernatural
  • tool



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