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JUHO - Finnish Ontology for Public Administration


JUHO is a public administration ontology based on Finnish Government Subject Headings (VNAS). JUHO was established by the State Treasury in 2010 in cooperation with the FinnONTO project (2003–2012), led by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. Following that, it was updated as part of the Finto project of the National Library of Finland. Nowadays, JUHO is maintained by a team of specialists at the Prime Minister's Office.

The concepts and collections included in the ontology are broken down below under "Resource counts by type". The total number of concepts includes concepts from YSO (the General Finnish ontology), in addition to the concepts and collections of JUHO. This is because JUHO is linked to YSO, which complements it, for example, with regard to broader concepts. The number of discrete JUHO concepts is presented as a separate figure. JUHO also includes collections that have specific functions (such as grouping concepts and composite concepts). The collections are not intended for use in descriptions or data retrieval. The numbers of terms listed under "Term counts by language", however, only include JUHO concepts; in other words, these figures do not include YSO terms. Each ontology concept has a preferred term and, optionally, one or more alternative terms.


National Library of Finland


National Library of Finland
Prime Minister's Office
Semantic Computing Research Group (SeCo)
State Treasury

Last modified

Monday, April 22, 2024 13:14:04




Resource counts by type


Term counts by language

Language Preferred terms Alternate terms Hidden terms