Föredragen term
action with an object
- Action which has an animate or inaminate object.
Överordnat begrepp
Underordnade begrepp
- abandonment (desertion)
- abstracting
- acceptance
- acceptance (psychology)
- accident investigation
- accident investigation
- accounting
- accreditation (education)
- acquisition
- activation
- adhesive taping
- adjustment
- administration (action)
- administration of justice
- admiration
- aeration
- afforestation
- aggregation
- agricultural work
- air humidifying
- alkalisation
- allocation (active)
- allocation (economics)
- aloitetoiminta (fi)
- aloitus (fi)
- alphabetising
- alteration work
- amateur radio
- amendment for reasons of equity
- amendment of by-laws
- anaerobic fermentation
- anchoring
- annotation
- anti-doping
- apology
- application for a permission for establishment
- application (use)
- appreciation
- archives management
- archiving
- arms proliferation
- arrangement (music)
- arranging
- artistic work
- asennus (fi)
- assembly (composition)
- attempt to commit an offence
- audition (physiology)
- automation
- automation
- baking
- baling
- banking (earthwork)
- bearing arms
- beginning
- being distinctive
- betting
- bibliographic control
- binding
- biohacking
- biomanipulation
- blasting
- bleaching
- blessing (activity)
- body painting
- boiling (cooking)
- bookcrossing
- bookkeeping
- braking
- branding
- building site marking
- burial
- business
- business operations
- cabling (installation)
- calibration
- cancellation (legal)
- cancellation of books and documents
- canonisation of saints
- carding
- care
- carrying
- carrying into effect
- casing
- casting (manufacturing process)
- castration
- causing germination
- causing to move
- centralisation
- centrifugation
- certification
- certification
- charging (loading)
- chimney sweeping
- chlorination
- claim for recovery
- cleaning
- cleaning
- clearing of a riverbed
- clearing of land
- clearing (transfer of money )
- climate engineering
- cloning
- closing
- cognition
- collection (general)
- collection management
- collection of charges
- collection (recreational activity)
- collectivisation
- colouring
- combining
- combustion (active)
- commerce
- commercialisation
- commercialisation (activity)
- committing oneself
- compaction
- compensation (activity)
- competence
- competitive procurement
- competitive tendering
- compilation of statistics
- compliance
- component pricing
- composing
- composition (visual arts)
- concentration
- concentration
- conceptualisation
- confession of guilt
- configuration
- confirmation (validity)
- conflict resolution
- conservation
- construction
- construction
- construction contracting
- construction works
- consumption
- consumption
- continuing
- control
- control
- control (prevention)
- control (steering)
- conversion
- conversion
- conversion (religion)
- conveyance
- cooking (until done)
- copying
- corporate activities
- corrosion prevention
- costume design (scenography)
- counter-terrorism operations
- coupling
- covering (activity)
- creation (religion)
- creative activity
- credit granting
- credit granting
- criminalisation
- cross-breed
- cultivation
- cultivation of seedlings
- cultural activity
- cultural appropriation
- curation (collections)
- customisation
- customisation
- customs clearance
- customs clearance
- customs transit
- data processing
- deactivation
- debarking
- debt adjustment
- debt adjustment
- debt collection
- decentralisation
- decentralization
- decoration
- decoration (artistic creation)
- decrease (active)
- deinking
- delegating
- delegation
- delivery
- demilitarisation
- dental bleaching
- deregulation
- description
- design
- design (artistic creation)
- design right infringement
- destruction
- devaluation
- devaluation
- development
- development (active)
- digital photography and cinematography
- digitising
- dimensioning
- direction (arts and media)
- disarmament
- discontinuation
- discount
- discounting
- discounting
- disinfection
- disintegration
- disinvestment
- dismantling
- dismissal
- dissolution (active)
- dissolution of parliament
- distillation
- distraint
- distribution of delivery
- division
- division (active)
- dockage
- documentation
- doping
- doping (semiconductor technology)
- dosage
- downshifting
- downsizing
- drafting
- draining of a lake
- dramatisation
- draw
- drawing (artistic creation)
- drinking
- drying
- due diligence
- due diligence
- duplication
- DX listening
- dyeing
- earthing
- eating
- eating arrangement
- editing
- editorial work
- electrification
- embalming
- embellishment
- emptying
- emulation
- encounter
- encryption
- ending (active)
- energy harvesting
- energy saving
- enforcement
- engine tuning
- enlargement (active)
- environmental rehabilitation
- equalisation
- espionage
- establishment of government or local government owned companies
- evaporation (method)
- exchange
- execution (implementation)
- exhibition activity
- exorcism
- expansion (active)
- experiment
- experimentation
- exposure to light
- extension
- extraction (chemistry)
- extraction (engineering)
- face painting
- fastening
- favouritism
- fermentation (alteration)
- fertilisation of plants
- filleting
- filling a public office
- filming
- film production
- filtration
- finance
- financial management
- financial management
- financial statements
- financial statements
- financing
- finishing (final treatment)
- fire extinction
- fish transplanting
- fitting
- fixing
- flagging
- flower arranging
- fluoridation
- follow-up
- food preservation
- foodstuff cleaning
- forest management
- forest regeneration
- forgery
- forgiveness
- fortification (military)
- fortune-telling
- forwarding (freight)
- founding (establishment)
- framing
- freezing (physics)
- funding (transfer of money)
- fundraising account submission
- furniture upholstery
- gamification
- gas drilling
- gasification
- gaze
- generation of added value
- gilding
- glassblowing
- glazing
- gold mining
- gold panning
- granulation
- greening
- grinding
- guard duty
- guarding
- hair perming
- handcrafting
- hanging (meat)
- harmonisation
- harmonisation
- harmonisation (music)
- harvest
- hatching
- headhunting (primitive peoples)
- heating
- heating (materials)
- heating (spaces)
- hinnankorotus (fi)
- hinnan pyöristäminen (fi)
- historical reenactment
- hobby crafting
- Holocaust denial
- homogenisation
- housecleaning
- huolto (fi)
- ice breaking
- identification
- illustration (concretising)
- illustrations (cultural objects)
- image reproduction
- imaging
- imaging
- imitation (artistic creation)
- imitation (behaviour)
- imitation (performance)
- implementation
- imposition
- improving
- improving efficiency
- incorporation
- increase of share capital
- individualisation
- individualisation (education)
- information retrieval
- information retrieval
- inhalant abuse
- inhalation
- innovation
- innovation (activity)
- inspection and revision
- inspection of weights and measures
- inspections
- installation
- instrumentalization
- instrumentation (music)
- instrumentation (technology)
- insulation
- integration (unification)
- intelligence and reconnaissance
- interior decoration
- interior decoration
- intermediation
- interpretation (translation)
- introduction (deployment)
- invalidation
- inventory
- investment
- investment activities
- irradiation
- irrigation
- isolation (microbiology)
- iteration
- job application
- job application
- joining (coupling)
- joining (entry)
- joining together
- juggling
- katsastus (fi)
- keeping in operation
- know-how
- knowledge work
- kohtuullistaminen (fi)
- lamination
- landscaping
- language revival
- lapse of notification to Trade Register
- launching
- launching (marketing)
- leasing
- lending
- library management
- licensing
- lifting
- lining
- linking
- listening
- littering
- loading
- localisation (adaptation)
- locationing
- loss (feeling)
- lubrication
- mainstreaming
- mainstreaming
- maintenance
- maintenance
- making
- making an appointment
- making an appointment
- malicious damage
- malting
- management
- management (control)
- management of finances
- manufacture
- manufacturing
- mapping
- marination
- marketing
- marketing
- marking for cross-cutting
- mashing (brewing)
- match fixing
- measurement
- measures (procedures)
- mechanisation (active)
- mending
- metal plate work
- military camouflage
- mineral processing
- mining activity
- mirroring
- mitigation
- mixing (sound)
- modelling (artistic creation)
- modelling (creation related to information)
- moderation (editing)
- modification
- modification of advance tax
- modification of tax withheld in advance
- modulation (music)
- monitoring
- mortgage
- moulding (metal)
- mowing
- municipalisation
- naming
- nationalisation
- neglect
- negligence
- nervousness
- network slicing
- neutralisation
- nomination
- objection
- observation
- obstruction
- occupational accident investigation
- occupation (military operations)
- oil well drilling
- optimisation
- optimization
- order for payment
- organising
- outsourcing
- outsourcing
- ownership
- ownership (activity)
- ownership arrangements
- oxidation (active)
- ozonisation
- packaging
- packing
- painting (visual arts)
- palautus (fi)
- parking
- parking
- participation
- participation
- partitioning of land
- patenting
- patenting
- pattern drafting
- pattern grading
- patterning
- pawning
- paying online
- payment
- payment arrangement
- pay rise
- peacekeeping
- pending
- perception (activity)
- personifying
- personnel leasing
- petition for appeal
- petition for appeal
- phishing
- photography
- photography
- physical examination (coercive measure)
- picking
- piercing
- placement
- placing
- plagiarism
- planning
- planning and design
- planting (plant culture)
- plant propagation
- plastic works
- playing (children's games)
- playing (games and sports)
- pledging
- police investigation
- polymerisation
- popularisation
- position finding
- positioning (advertising)
- posititoning
- possession and holding
- postcrossing
- postponement
- praise
- precipitation (active)
- precollection
- preliminary taxation
- preparation
- preparation to commit an offence
- prescribed burning
- pressing plants
- prevention
- prevention
- price increase
- pricing
- pricing
- printing (graphic arts)
- printing (output)
- printing (photography)
- privatisation (economics)
- privatization
- processing
- producing
- productisation
- productisation
- profession of faith (activity)
- programming
- promotion (furtherance)
- pronunciation
- proofing
- property development
- property formation
- property maintenance
- protection
- protection (activity)
- protection by law
- pruning
- public cleansing
- publishing
- publishing
- purchases
- purchasing
- purchasing
- quality assurance
- quality work
- radio broadcasting
- railway maintenance
- ratification
- rationalisation
- rationalization
- rationing
- realisation (active)
- realisation (transfer of ownership)
- reclamation (occupation)
- recognition
- recollection
- reconstruction
- recovery (recapture)
- redemption of an enterprise mortgage
- redemption (transfer of ownership)
- reduction
- reduction (active)
- reduction of share capital
- refinement
- refining
- refrigeration
- refuelling
- refunds
- regionalisation (active)
- register
- registering
- registration
- registration
- regulation
- regulation (adjustment)
- regulation (control)
- regulation of water systems
- regulation (rationing)
- rejection
- religious practice
- remontointi (fi)
- removal
- renewal
- renovation
- renting
- reorganisation
- reorganization
- repairing
- repairing
- repetition
- repetition of an offence
- replacement
- representation (mutual action)
- reproduction
- reproduction (social and cultural)
- research
- research
- research
- research activity
- research and development
- research and development operations
- research work
- reservation of ownership
- resettlement activities
- resignation
- resistance (politics)
- resolution (chemistry)
- resource allocation
- restoration
- restoration (reconstruction)
- restoration (repairing)
- retouching
- return
- revaluation
- revaluation
- revamping
- revitalizing
- ridicule
- risk-taking
- road maintenance
- roadworks
- rock excavation
- rotary drilling
- routing
- running a transport company
- sale
- sales
- sales work
- salting (food preservation)
- sampling (inspection)
- sanding
- saving
- savings
- scanning
- screen adaptation
- screening analysis
- searching
- searching
- seasoning
- sectioning
- security investigation
- sedimenting
- segmentation
- segmentation
- selection cutting
- self-employment
- self-employment
- selvitys (fi)
- sentence analysis
- separation
- separation
- sequencing
- service (maintenance)
- set design
- set-off
- settlement of matters
- sewerage
- shaving (facial)
- sheet metal work
- shielding
- shooting
- shortening
- simulation
- simulation
- sintering
- ski waxing
- slash-and-burning
- smelting
- smoking
- snow removal
- socialisation (transfer of ownership)
- soil extraction
- sopimuksen täyttäminen (fi)
- sorting
- sounding (geosciences)
- sound reproduction
- souring
- sowing
- space reservations
- speculation (transfer of ownership)
- speech synthesis
- spin-offs
- splitting
- sponsorship
- spraying
- spreading (active)
- squeeze
- stabilisation (chemistry)
- stabilisation (economy and society)
- stamping
- standardisation
- standardisation
- starting
- start-up
- sterilisation (hygiene)
- stevedoring
- stimulation
- stocktaking
- stone carving
- stoppage
- storage
- storage
- storing and recording
- strategy work
- strengthening
- student application
- styling
- sublimation (psychology)
- subtitling
- supervision
- support
- suretyship
- surrender of possession
- surveillance
- syllabication
- synchronizing
- systems work
- tabulation
- takaisinotto (fi)
- taking advantage
- taking into possession
- tanning (leather)
- tasting
- tattooing
- taxation
- taxation
- tax collection
- tax collection
- tax evasion
- tax evasion
- taxidermy
- technical drawing
- telecommunications activity
- television broadcasting
- tempering
- tempering (metalwork)
- termination
- terminology work
- terraforming
- testing
- textile finishing
- text production
- textualisation
- theatrical makeup
- thinning (forestry)
- thread cutting
- throwing
- timber growing
- timber harvesting
- timing
- title (ownership)
- touch
- tracing
- tracking
- trade
- traffic control
- training
- training
- transcription (language)
- transcription (music)
- transfer
- transfer
- translating
- translation
- transliteration
- translocation (plants and animals)
- transport
- transposition (music)
- treatment and handling
- trenching
- triage
- trick photography and cinematography
- tuning
- tunnustus (vahvistaminen) (fi)
- typesetting
- underestimation
- underwater photography and cinematography
- unloading
- updating
- upholstery
- upkeep (servicing)
- use
- utilization
- vaihto (fi)
- validation
- value creation
- VAT refund
- vehicle inspection
- velvollisuuden täyttäminen (fi)
- ventilation
- verification
- versification
- virheen korjaus (fi)
- virtualisation
- visualisation
- vitaminising
- voice production
- voting
- voting
- välittäminen (fi)
- waiver
- wallpapering
- warehousing
- wasting
- water abstraction
- water system filling
- waterway maintenance
- well drilling
- wheel throwing
- window dressing
- wine tasting
- winning
- withdrawal
- wood chopping
- word formation
- worship
- This is a hierarchical concept not to be used in subject cataloging.
Termer på andra språk
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}