Käsitteen tiedot
Käytettävä termi
16 Botany
Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet
- aapa mires
- absorption of water (plants)
- acacia
- accompanying species
- Aceraceae
- adventive plants
- African violet
- Agaricaceae
- Agaricus
- Agaricus bisporus
- alder
- algae
- algal bloom
- Allium
- almond
- Alnus glutinosa
- Alnus incana
- Aloe
- aloe vera
- alpine mountain-sorrel
- alsike clover
- Amanita
- Amaranthaceae
- amaranths
- Amaryllidaceae
- Ambrosia trifida
- Amelanchie
- American ginseng
- amoebae
- Anagallis
- anatomy
- Andreaea
- Androsace
- Androsace septentrionalis
- Anemone
- Anemone nemorosa
- angelica
- angiosperms
- Annonaceae
- annual rings
- annuals (plants)
- Antrodia crassa
- Aphyllophorales
- Apiaceae
- Apium
- apoplast
- apple
- apple trees
- apricot
- aquarium plants
- aquatic plants
- aquatic vegetation
- Arabidopsis
- Arabidopsis thaliana
- Araceae
- Araliaceae
- arboretums
- archaeobotany
- archaeophytes
- Arctic raspberry
- Arctophila (Poaceae)
- Armeria maritima
- Artemisia
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artemisia vulgaris
- arum family
- ascomycetes
- ashes (plants)
- Asparagaceae
- asparagus
- aspen
- Asteraceae
- autumn tints
- avocado
- azaleas
- badlands
- bamboo (material)
- Bambuseae
- banana
- bark
- barley
- Bartramia
- basidiomycota
- bast fibre
- beans
- becoming feral
- beech
- beetroot
- berries
- berry bushes
- Beta (Chenopodiaceae)
- Betulaceae
- biennials (plants)
- bilberry
- birch bark
- birches
- black currant
- black leg (plant diseases)
- black scurf
- bluegrasses
- blue lupin
- bog blueberry
- bogs
- bog vegetation
- Boletaceae
- Boletus edulis
- bonsai
- Boraginaceae
- boreal zone
- botanical gardens
- botanical museums
- botanists
- botany
- Botrychium
- Botrychium simplex
- branches (parts of plants)
- Brassica
- Brassicaceae
- Brazil nut
- brittle willow
- broad-leaved trees
- broccoli
- bromegrasses
- Bromus benekenii
- brown algae
- brown rot
- Brussels sprouts
- bryologists
- bryology
- bryophytes
- Bryopsida
- buckwheat
- bud
- buds
- bulbils
- bulb plants
- bulrush vegetation
- burls
- bushes
- Buxbuamia viridis
- cacao tree
- Cactaceae
- cambium
- Camelina sativa
- camellias
- Campanulaceae
- Campanula rotundifolia
- Canadian waterweed
- Cannabaceae
- Cantharellus
- Caprifoliaceae
- Capsicum
- Capsicum annuum
- carambola
- caraway
- Cardaminopsis petraea
- Carex
- carnation
- carnivorous plants
- carrot
- carum
- Caryophyllaceae
- cashew nut
- cassava
- catch crops
- cauliflower
- celeriac
- celery
- cell and tissue culture
- cellulose
- cell walls
- Centaurea
- Cephalanthera
- Cephalanthera rubra
- Cephalozia
- Cephalozia macounii
- Cephaloziella
- Cephaloziella rubella
- cereal crops
- chaga
- chanterelle
- chard
- Chenopodiaceae
- Chenopodium
- Chenopodium pallidicaule
- cherry
- cherry tomato
- chicory
- Chinese cabbage
- chive
- chlorophyll
- chloroplasts
- chrysanthemums
- chrysophytes
- Cirsium
- citrus fruits
- Cladonia
- Cladonia rangiferina
- clay soils
- Clematis
- climbing plants
- cloudberry
- cloud forests
- clovers
- coconut palm
- coffee tree
- Collema
- Collema curtisporum
- Collema multipartitum
- Collema nigrescens
- commercial forests
- common bean
- common millet
- common reed
- common snowdrop
- competition (biology)
- cones (parts of plants)
- coniferous forests
- coniferous shrubs
- conifers
- Cordeauxia edulis
- coriander
- Coriandrum
- cork oak
- cornflower
- corticioids
- Cortinarius
- Cortinarius sanguineus
- Cortinarius subgenus dermocybe
- Cortinarius subgenus telamonia
- Corylus
- cotton
- couch grass
- cranberry
- Crassulaceae
- Craterellus tubaeformis
- creeping thistle
- crown (parts of plants)
- crustose lichens
- cryptogams
- cucumber
- Cucurbitaceae
- cultivated forests
- cultivated mushrooms
- cultivated plants
- cultivated vegetation
- Cupressaceae
- curly birch
- currants
- Cuscuta
- Cuscutaceae
- cut flowers
- Cynoglossum
- Cynoglossum officianale
- Cyperaceae
- Cypripediaceae
- Cypripedium calceolus
- Dactylis
- Dahlias
- damson
- dandelions
- dark-leaved willow
- data deficient species
- date (fruits)
- date palm
- decayed wood
- dendrology
- Deschampsia
- deserts
- determination of species
- Dianthus
- diatoms
- Dicotyledons
- dinoflagellates
- directive species
- distribution
- downy birch
- dried flowers
- drought resistance
- Dryas octopetala
- duckweeds
- durmast oak
- Dutch clover
- Dutch elm disease
- dwarf birch
- dye plants
- dyer's woad
- ecological succession
- economic botany
- edible flowers
- edible mushrooms
- edible plants
- eggplant
- Elaeis guineensis
- elm
- Elodea
- emmer wheat
- Empetraceae
- Empetrum nigrum
- endangered fungi
- endangered plants
- endangered species
- endemic plant species
- endemic species
- energy crops
- Enteromorpha
- Epilobium
- Epilobium laestadii
- epiphytes
- Epipogium aphyllum
- Ericaceae
- Eriophorum
- Eriophorum latifolium
- Eriophorum vaginatum
- esker vegetation
- ethnobotany
- Eucalyptus
- Euphorbia
- Euphorbiaceae
- European ash
- European larch
- European white birch
- evergreen plants
- Exobasidiomycetes
- ex situ conservation
- extinct plants
- Fabaceae
- Fagaceae
- false morel
- fava bean
- fell vegetation
- fens
- ferns
- fescue
- fibre flax
- fibre plants
- field crops
- figs
- Finnish whitebeam
- fire blight
- fireweed
- flax
- flora
- floristics
- flower bulbs
- flowering
- flowering pot plants
- flower (parts of plants)
- flower shops
- flowers (plants)
- fodder plants
- foliage plants (house plants)
- Fontinalis
- Fontinalis antipyretica
- forage barley
- forest canopy
- forest conservation
- forest pathology
- forest regeneration
- forests
- forest stands
- forest types
- forest vegetation
- freesias
- fruits
- fruit trees
- fucus vesiculosus
- Funaria hygrometrica
- fungi
- Furcellaria lumbricalis
- Fusarium
- Galega
- Galega officinalis
- Galega orientalis
- Galium saxatile
- Gallica roses
- galls (botany)
- garden angelica
- garlic
- Gentianaceae
- Gentianella campestris
- Geraniaceae
- geraniums
- Geranium sylvaticum
- gerberas
- germination
- Gesneriaceae
- giant hogweed
- ginger
- ginseng root
- glasswort
- goatroot ononis
- gooseberry
- grains (parts of plants)
- grape
- grapefruit
- grapevines
- grasses (family)
- grass fields
- grasslands
- greater dodder
- greater tussock-sedge
- green algae
- green currant
- Gremmeniella abietina
- ground cover plants
- ground vegetation
- groves
- growing season
- gymnosperms
- Gyromitra
- Gyromitra gigas
- Gyromitra longipes
- Gyromitra perlata
- Gyromitra sphaerospora
- habitat factors
- hardwood trees
- hawkweeds
- hazel
- hazelnut
- heath spotted-orchid
- height growth
- hemicellulose
- hemp
- hemp oil plant
- Heracleum
- Heracleum persicum group
- Heracleum sosnowskyi
- herbaceous perennials
- herbaceous plants
- herbaria (collections)
- herbaria (illustrated works)
- Heterobasidion
- Heterobasidion annosum
- Heterobasidion parviporum
- highbush blueberry
- hilltop forests
- Himalayan balsam
- Hippeastrum hortorum
- histology
- honey plants
- honeysuckles
- hornworts
- horse-radish
- horticultural plants
- host plants
- host species
- house plants
- Humulus
- Humulus lupulus
- humus soils
- hyacinth
- hybrid aspen
- Hydrocharitaceae
- hygrophytes
- Hypericaceae
- Hypericum
- Hypericum montanum
- Hypericum perforatum
- Hypholoma capnoides
- Hypnales
- Impatiens
- indicator species
- indigenous plant species
- inflorescence
- introduced species
- invasive species
- Iridaceae
- Isatis
- ivies
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Juncaceae
- junipers
- Juniperus communis
- kale
- Kali turgida
- kallioimarrekasvit (fi)
- kiwifruit
- kohlrabi
- Kuehneromyces
- Kuehneromyces mutabilis
- Lactarius
- Lactarius trivialis
- Lactuca sativa var. capitata
- Lamiaceae
- Lapland hamatocaulis moss
- larch
- late blight of potato
- Lauraceae
- Laurus
- Laurus nobilis
- lawns
- leaf
- leaf area index
- legumes
- Lemna
- Lemna gibba
- Lemna minor
- Lemna trisulca
- lemon
- lentils
- lettuce
- lettuces (genus)
- lichens
- lignin
- Liliaceae
- lilies
- lime (citrus fruits)
- Linaceae
- linden
- lingonberry
- liverleaf
- liverworts
- living fossils
- lodgepole pine
- Loeskypnum badium
- Lolium perenne
- Lophozia longiflora
- lupines
- Lupinus polyphyllus
- Lychnis
- Lychnis viscaria
- macroalgae
- Magnoliaceae
- magnolias
- maize
- malting barley
- Malvaceae
- mango
- mangrove forests
- mangrove plants
- maple
- marketable mushrooms
- meadow fescue
- meadow plants
- meadows
- medical mycology
- medicinal plants
- Meliaceae
- Melica
- Melica ciliata
- melon
- Micarea
- microalgae
- Microbotryales
- microgreens
- micropropagation
- mildews
- mimicry
- mineral soils
- mints
- mire complexes
- mixed forests
- monocotyledons
- Monstera
- moors (areas)
- Morinda citrifolia
- morphology (biology)
- mosses
- mountain birch
- mushroom houses
- mycelium
- mycology
- mycorrhiza
- mycorrhizal fungi
- Myrtaceae
- Myxomycetes
- najas
- Najas flexilis
- Najas tenuissima
- narcotic plants
- Nardia
- natural enemies
- natural forests
- natural history museums
- natural sites
- near threatened species
- needle loss
- needles (parts of plants)
- neophytes
- nettles
- Nicotiana tabacum
- nival zone
- Norway spruce
- Nuphar
- nutrient balance
- nutrients (plants)
- nutrient uptake (plants)
- nuts (parts of plants)
- Nymphaeaceae
- nympheids
- oak
- oak
- oats
- Obba rivulosa
- oil flax
- oil palms
- oil plants
- old growth forests
- Oleaceae
- olive
- olive tree
- Onagraceae
- onion
- Ononis
- open bogs
- open marshes
- Ophioglossaceae
- orange
- orchard grass
- Orchidaceae
- orchids
- organic soils
- organology (botany)
- ornamental grasses
- ornamental plants
- ornamental shrubs
- ornamental trees
- Paeoniaceae
- paleobotany
- paleontology
- palm trees
- palsa mires
- palynology
- Panax
- Papaveraceae
- papaya
- parasites
- parasitism
- parasitoids
- parmeliaceae
- parts of plants
- pasture plants
- pathogens
- pea
- peach
- pear
- peat
- peatland forests
- peatlands
- peatland types
- peat mosses
- pecan nut
- Pelargonium
- Peltigera
- peonies
- peppermint
- perennial sowthistle
- perennials (plants)
- periphyton
- Persian hogweed
- pest resistance
- Peucedanum
- Peucedanum palustre
- Phalaris
- Phlebia radiata
- Phlebiopsis gigantea
- phloem
- photosynthesis
- Phragmites
- Physcomitrella patens
- physiology
- phytocenology
- phytoestrogens
- phytogeography
- phytoremediation
- phytotoxicity
- Pilosella
- Pinaceae
- pine
- pineapple
- pine bogs
- pines
- pistachio
- Pisum
- Plantaginaceae
- Plantago
- Plantago lanceolata
- plant anatomy
- plant-based materials
- plant communities
- plant cuttings
- plant diseases
- plant dyes
- plant ecology
- plant fibers
- plant hormones
- plant nutrients
- plant pathology
- plant physiology
- plant propagation
- plants
- plant stand
- plant viruses
- Pleurotaceae
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- Pleurozium schreberi
- plum
- plumbaginaceae
- Pogonatum
- poinsettia
- poisonous mushrooms
- poisonous plants
- polemochores
- pollen
- pollination
- Polygonaceae
- Polyporaceae
- Polytrichum
- Polytrichum juniperinum
- poppies
- Populus
- potato
- potted plants
- potyviruses
- preceding crops
- prehistoric plants
- primeval forest areas
- primeval forests
- primroses
- Primulaceae
- Primula nutans
- Primula veris
- protected plants
- protection forests
- protection of flora
- protective plants
- provincial plants
- Prunus padus
- Pteridophyta
- Puccinellia
- Puccinellia phryganodes
- Pulsatilla
- Pulsatilla patens
- Pulsatilla vernalis
- pumpkin
- purple-loosestrife
- qualification in floristry
- Quercus rubra
- quince
- quinoa
- radish
- rain forests
- raised bogs
- Ranunculaceae
- Ranunculus
- rapeseed
- raspberry
- red algae
- red cabbage
- red clover
- red currant
- red stele of strawberry
- reed canary grass
- reed fields
- relicts species
- reproduction (biology)
- resin
- resistance (medicine)
- Rhaponticum carthamoides
- rhizome
- Rhodiola
- rhododendrons
- rhubarb
- rhytidiadelphus
- rice
- rock plants
- root crops
- roots (parts of plants)
- root system
- Rosaceae
- rosehip
- roseroot
- roses
- rowan
- rowan berry
- rubber tree
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus
- Rubus arcticus ssp x stellarcticus
- Rubus fruticosus
- rugosa rose
- Russula
- Russula claroflava
- rust fungi
- rye
- ryegrasses
- sage
- Saintpaulia
- Salicaceae
- Salix caprea
- Salsola
- Salvia
- Samolus valerandi
- sap
- saprophytes
- Saskatoon serviceberry
- savannas
- saxatile flora
- Saxifraga adscendens
- Saxifragaceae
- Scapania nemorea
- Schroeteria
- Scirpus
- Scirpus radicans
- scleroderris canker
- sea buckthorn
- seagrasses
- sea plants
- seaweeds
- seed plants
- seeds
- shiitake
- Siberian larch
- silenes
- site types (biology)
- Sium
- Sium latifolium
- slope mires
- small-leaved linden
- smooth meadow-grass
- snags (trees)
- soft rot (plant diseases)
- Solanaceae
- Solanum dulcamara
- Solenostemon scutellarioides
- Sorbaronia mitschurinii
- Sorbus aucuparia
- Sorghum bicolor
- Sorghum (genus)
- sowthistles
- soy
- soybean
- soybeans
- special crops
- speciation
- species accompanying settlement
- species protection
- species survey
- spelt
- Sphagnum fuscum
- spice plants
- spinach
- Spinacia
- spores
- sprigs
- spring onion
- spring-sown turnip rape
- spruce
- spruce swamps
- stem (parts of plants)
- steppes
- stimulant crops
- stolons
- stomata (botany)
- strawberries
- strawberry
- subarctic zone
- submerged plants
- subtropics
- succulent plants
- sugar beet
- sugarcane
- sugar plants
- sunflower
- sunflowers
- swede (root crops)
- Swedish whitebeam
- sweet potato
- Syringa
- Syringa vulgaris
- taiga
- taiga forest lands
- taiga forests
- tall fescue
- Tanacetum
- Tanacetum vulgare
- tangerine
- tarragon
- Tartarian silene
- taxons
- tea shrub
- teff
- temperate broadleaf and mixed forests
- temperate zone
- Thalictrum
- Thalictrum aquilegiifolium
- thymes
- Tilia x vulgaris
- Tillandsia
- timothy-grass
- tissues (organic objects)
- tobacco
- tomato
- tooth fungi
- treeless top of a fell
- trees
- tree species
- tree stand
- tree stumps
- Tremella
- Tricholoma
- Tricholoma matsutake
- triticale
- tropics (climatic zones)
- truffles
- trunk (parts of plants)
- tuber
- tuber-bearing plants
- tulips
- tundra
- turnip
- turnip rape
- types and species
- Ulmaceae
- Ulmus laevis
- undergrowth (trees and bushes)
- undersown crops
- undervegetation
- unisexual plants
- urban forests
- Urticaceae
- Urtica dioica
- useful plants
- usnea
- Ustilaginomycotina
- Vaccinium
- vascular bundles
- vascular plants
- vascular tissue
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetables
- vegetation
- vegetation damages
- vegetation zones
- vegetative propagation
- vegetative reproduction
- vernalisation
- Vicia
- Violaceae
- Viola collina
- violets
- Vitaceae
- Vitis vinifera
- walnut
- waterside vegetation
- wavy hair-grass
- weeds
- wetlands
- wheat
- white cabbage
- white currant
- white-rot fungi
- wild berries
- wildernesses
- wild mushrooms
- wild oat
- wild plants
- wild strawberry
- wild thyme
- wild vegetables
- willows
- wintering
- winter plants (herbaceous plants)
- winter turnip rape
- wood-decaying fungi
- wood science
- woody plants
- wych elm
- xerophytes
- yellow anemone
- yellow marsh saxifrage
- young stands
- Zingiberaceae
- Zosteraceae
- Zostera marina
- zucchini
Muunkieliset termit
16 Šaddodieđa
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}