Käsitteen tiedot
Käytettävä termi
55 Psychology
Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet
- ability to attend school
- ability to cooperate
- ability to study
- absent-mindedness
- absolute pitch
- acceptance and commitment therapy
- acceptance (psychology)
- acrophobia
- activation level
- activity (properties)
- activity theory
- adaptation (change)
- addictiveness
- adolescent psychology
- adoption (cognition)
- adulthood
- affection (attachment)
- affection (tenderness)
- affectivity
- age
- age crises
- ageing
- aggressions
- aggressiveness
- agony
- agoraphobia
- alertness
- altered states of consciousness
- ambivalence
- amnesia
- analytical psychology
- androgyny
- anger
- animal disease models
- antipathy
- anxiety
- apathy
- a posteriori
- applicability
- applied psychology
- archetypes
- arrogance
- artistic talent
- asexuality
- assertiveness
- association (cognitive processes)
- attachment (relations)
- attachment theory
- attention
- attitude change
- attitudes
- attribution theory
- auditory memory
- auditory perceptions
- authoritarianism
- autism
- autism spectrum disorders
- autonomy (cognition)
- aversion
- AVO-9
- balance theory
- basic needs
- basic trust
- becoming aware
- becoming independent (psychology)
- becoming individualised
- becoming offended
- becoming well
- behaviour
- Behavioural Inattention Test
- behavioural patterns
- behavioural psychology
- behavioural sciences
- behaviour disorders
- behaviour genetics
- being silent
- bestiality
- bibliodrama
- big five model
- biofeedback
- biological rhythms
- biopsychology
- biphobia
- bisexuality
- body image
- body language
- body positivity
- borderline conditions
- borderline personality
- boredom
- bullying
- bullying (military)
- calmness
- capability
- Cartoon Attribution Strategy Test
- catharsis
- chakras
- charisma
- Child Behavior Checklist
- child development
- childhood
- child psychology
- children with special needs
- cinema therapy
- claustrophobia
- clemency
- clinical psychology
- coaching (education)
- codependency
- cognition
- cognitive-analytic therapy
- cognitive biases
- cognitive development
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive processes
- cognitive psychology
- cognitive science
- cognitive skills
- cognitive therapy
- collaborative learning
- collective intelligence
- collective memory
- comfort
- communication psychology
- community psychology
- comparative psychology
- compassion fatigue
- compassion-focused therapy
- competence therapy
- comprehension
- compulsive gambling
- computational neuroscience
- computer-assisted learning
- concentration (psychology)
- concept formation
- conceptions of learning
- concept mappings
- conceptualisation
- concern
- conditioning
- conditioning (passive)
- connectionism
- conscientiousness
- consciousness (mental objects)
- consciousness (mental properties)
- consolation
- constructivism (psychology)
- contempt
- contentment
- contradictions
- conversational therapy
- cooperative learning
- coping
- courage
- course of life
- creative activity
- creativity
- creativity education
- criminal psychologists
- criminal psychology
- crises
- crisis therapy
- critical psychology
- critical thinking
- crowd psychology
- cruelty
- crying
- cultural psychology
- cultural well-being
- curiosity
- cynicism
- Dasein analysis
- debriefing
- defence mechanisms (mental phenomena)
- déjà vu
- delayed development
- delusion of grandeur
- delusions
- demisexuality
- depression (mental disorders)
- deprivation
- depth psychology
- desire
- developmental dyscalculia
- developmental psychology
- development of motor skills
- development of personality
- development of sensory-motor skills
- deviance
- deviant behaviour
- differential psychology
- digital well-being
- diligence (working hard)
- disappointment
- disaster psychology
- discernment
- dishonesty
- dissatisfaction
- dissociation (psychology)
- dissociative disorder
- dissociative identity disorder
- dogmatism (personality)
- drama methods
- drama therapy
- dream interpretation
- dreams (sleeping)
- drives (biological properties)
- dyadic developmental psychotherapy
- dynamic nature
- dysmorphophobia
- early childhood
- early interaction
- eccentrics
- ecological psychology
- educability
- educational counselling psychologists
- educational psychology
- efficiency (properties)
- ego-consciousness
- ego state therapy
- eidetic phenomena
- embellishment
- emotional development
- emotional disorders
- emotional education
- emotional intelligence
- emotionality
- emotional life
- emotional skills
- emotions
- empathising
- empathy
- empowerment
- enemies
- enneagram
- environmental psychology
- envy
- erectile dysfunctions
- erotica
- escapism
- ethnopsychology
- ethology
- evolutionary psychology
- exaggeration
- executive functions (psychology)
- exhaustion
- exhibitionism
- existential psychology
- experience (enjoyment)
- experiences (knowledge)
- experiencing
- experientiality
- experiential learning
- experimental psychology
- expression (communication)
- extraversion
- eye contact
- eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
- face recognition (cognition)
- facial expressions
- faithfulness
- falling asleep
- falling in love
- family background
- family psychology
- fanaticism
- fantasy play
- fatigue (biological phenomena)
- fear (emotions)
- fear of death
- fear of flying
- fear of the dark
- feeling of guilt
- feeling of inferiority
- feeling of superiority
- femininity
- fetishism (sexuality)
- flirting
- flow (experiences)
- food neophobia
- forensic psychology
- forgetting
- fortune (luck)
- friendliness
- friends
- friendship
- frigidity
- frustation
- functional capacity
- gender identity
- gender minorities
- gender roles
- gender variance
- generalised anxiety disorder
- generational experiences
- generosity
- gerontological psychology
- gestures
- girlhood
- goal orientation
- grandparenthood
- gratitude
- greed
- grief
- grief work
- group behaviour
- group dynamics
- growing environment
- growing up
- Guilty Knowledge Test
- habits
- hallucinations
- happiness
- hate
- health psychology
- heterosexuality
- heterosexuals
- history of mentalities
- histrionic personality disorder
- hoarding
- homecoming
- homoeroticism
- homophobia
- homosexuality
- hopelessness
- horror
- hostility
- human-computer interaction
- human factors
- humanistic psychology
- human relations
- human relations work
- humility
- hybris
- hyperactivity
- hypnosis
- hypocrisy
- hysteria
- I
- idealisation
- idealism (attitudes)
- identification (cognition )
- identity (mental objects)
- ignorance
- illusions
- image (profile)
- imagery training
- imagination
- imitation (artistic creation)
- imitation (behaviour)
- imitation learning
- impostor syndrome
- impotence
- impulsivity
- inactivity
- incest
- independence (personal)
- independent coping
- independent initiative
- individualisation
- individuality
- individual psychology
- inducing guilt
- infatuation
- influencing
- ingenuity
- inhibitions
- innocence (psychology)
- insanity
- insolence
- insomnia
- inspiration
- instincts
- intellectual development
- intelligence (mental properties)
- intelligence tests
- intelligibility
- interaction
- internet addiction
- interpersonal psychotherapy
- interpersonal relations
- interpersonal therapy
- intolerance
- introspection
- introversion
- intuition
- investigative learning
- irresponsibility
- islamophobia
- jealousy
- joy
- judgement of character
- Jungian psychology
- kindness
- kinesthetic memory
- kleptomania
- lack of safety
- language acquisition
- language awareness
- language development
- language disorders
- language learning
- laughter
- laziness
- learners with special needs
- learning
- learning ability
- learning by doing
- learning difficulties
- learning process
- learning results
- learning theories
- learning to learn
- left-handedness
- Lene method
- lesbianism
- lie detection
- lifelong learning
- life management
- linguistic identity
- listening
- listening comprehension
- loneliness
- long-distance relationships
- longing
- long-term memory
- love
- love affair
- lucid dreams
- Lukilasse
- lust
- lying (dishonesty)
- maladjustment
- male homosexuality
- managing
- manhood
- mania
- mannerisms (properties)
- Marschak Interaction Method
- masculinity
- masochism
- mastery learning
- maternity
- mathematical talent
- mathematical thinking
- media psychology
- meditation
- melancholy
- memories (mental objects)
- memory (cognition)
- memory disorders
- mental disorders
- mental examination
- mental functioning
- mental health
- mental health problems
- mental ill-health
- mental images
- mentalists
- mentality
- mental life
- mental objects
- mental pictures
- mental support
- mental well-being
- mesmerism
- metacognition
- method of empathy-based stories
- meticulousness
- middle age
- milieu therapy
- military psychology
- mind and body
- mindfulness
- mind maps
- Mini-Mental State Examination
- minority stress
- misandry
- misanthropy
- mismatch negativity
- misogyny
- misunderstandings
- mnemonics
- mood
- moral development
- moral psychology
- Morita psychotherapy
- motivation (activity)
- motivational climate
- motivational psychology
- motivation (mental objects)
- motives (reasons)
- motor functions
- motor skills (general)
- multisensory experience
- musicality
- music psychology
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- narcissism
- narcissistic personality
- narrative psychology
- narrative therapy
- national character
- near-death experiences
- necrophilia
- needs
- nervousness
- neurofeedback
- neurophilosophy
- neuropsychological rehabilitation
- neuropsychologists
- neuropsychology
- neuroses
- nightmares
- non-binary gender
- non-resident parents
- nutrition psychology
- object sexuality
- obsessions
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
- obsessive-compulsive personality
- obstinate age
- occupational health psychology
- occupational psychology
- Oedipus complex
- old age
- online learning
- on-the-job learning
- opinions
- oppositional defiant disorder
- organisational behaviour
- organisational psychology
- orgasm
- out-of-body experiences
- overstraining
- panic
- pansexuality
- parapsychologists
- parapsychology
- parent-child relationship
- parenthood
- parentification
- parenting guides
- passion
- passivity
- PASS theory
- pastoral psychology
- paternity
- patience
- pattern psychology
- pattern recognition (cognition)
- peace of mind
- pedagogical thinking
- pedophilia
- perception (activity)
- perceptions (mental objects)
- perceptual psychology
- perfectionism
- performance anxiety
- performance (coping)
- personality
- personality disorders
- personality psychology
- personality tests
- personality theories
- personality traits
- phenomenon-based learning
- phobias
- phonological awareness
- phrenology
- physiological psychology
- pity
- PK5
- playing (children's games)
- pleasure
- political psychology
- political thought
- positive psychology
- postpartum depression
- post-traumatic psychotherapy
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- practical talent
- preferences
- prejudices
- pressure to perform
- pride
- problem-based learning
- problem behaviour
- problem gambling
- problem solving
- professional identity
- projection (psychology)
- project learning
- prosociality
- prospective memory
- psyche
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalysts
- psychoanalytic theories
- psychoculture
- psychodrama
- psychodynamic psychotherapy
- psychodynamics
- psychogerontology
- psychohistory
- psychological abuse
- psychological anthropology
- psychological coaching
- psychological contract
- psychological development
- psychological effects
- psychological environment
- psychological factors
- psychological strain
- psychological tests
- psychological theories
- psychologisation
- psychologists
- psychology
- psychology of action
- psychology of art
- psychology of learning
- psychology of religion
- psychology of self
- psychometrics
- psychomotor performance
- psychopathology
- psychopathy
- psychophysical breathing therapy
- psychophysics
- psychophysiology
- psychosocial factors
- psychosocial rehabilitation
- psychosocial support
- psychosomatics
- psychosynthesis
- psychotherapy
- puberty
- public image
- Q methodology
- radical feminist therapy
- rapid eye movement sleep
- rational emotive therapy
- reactions
- reactions to stress
- readiness for change
- readiness for learning
- readiness for school
- reading comprehension
- reading disorders
- reality
- reasoning
- reception activities
- reflection (cognitive processes)
- reflection theory of compensation
- reflexes
- relaxation
- religious development
- remembrance
- reminiscence method
- reminiscing
- resident parents
- resistance to change
- restlessness
- rewarding
- right-handedness
- risk-taking
- role models
- role playing
- roles (expected behaviour)
- rootlessness
- Rorschach test
- sadism
- sadomasochism
- savant syndrome
- schema therapy
- schizoaffective disorder
- school bullying
- school difficulties
- school phobia
- school psychologists
- scientific thought
- seasonal affective disorder
- seduction
- self
- self-acceptance
- self-actualization
- self-care literature
- self-confidence
- self-control
- self-criticism
- self-deception
- self-destruction
- self-education
- self-efficacy
- self-esteem
- self-evaluation
- self-expression
- self-help (psychology)
- self image
- self-injurious behavior
- selfishness
- self-knowledge
- self-mutilation
- self-reflection
- self-regulation (psychology)
- self-suggestion
- sensations (mental objects)
- sense of direction
- sense of humour
- sense of responsibility
- sense of rhythm
- senses
- sensitivity (psychology)
- sensorimotor psychotherapy
- sensory defensiveness
- separation anxiety
- sex life
- sexology
- sex therapy
- sexual abuse
- sexual behaviour
- sexual counselling
- sexual deviations
- sexual disorders
- sexual education
- sexual guides
- sexual harassment
- sexual identity
- sexual instinct
- sexuality (sexual orientation)
- sexual minorities
- sexual morality
- sexual psychology
- shame
- shows of affection
- shyness
- siblinghood
- sisu
- sleep
- sleep debt
- sleep disorders
- sleep research
- sleepwalking
- smile
- social behaviour
- social cognition
- social development
- social functioning
- social isolation
- sociality
- social learning
- social neuroscience
- social pathology
- social phobia
- social skills
- sociodrama
- socio-emotional skills
- somatesthesia
- spatial perception
- spatial perception
- special talent
- specific delays in development
- specific language impairment
- speech development
- spiritual growth
- spirituality (mental qualities)
- spontaneity
- sport psychology
- stages of life
- stereotypies
- stimuli (role related to effect)
- stimuli (role related to use)
- stress (biological phenomena)
- stress management
- stupidity
- subconscious
- sublimation (psychology)
- success
- suffering
- suggestion
- suitability tests
- symbolic interactionism
- symbolic play test
- sympathy
- synesthesia
- systems intelligence
- talent
- taste (judgement)
- telepathy
- temperament
- Tennessee Self Concept Scale
- testing
- testing methods
- tests
- text comprehension
- theories of play
- theory of mind
- theory of multiple intelligences
- Theraplay
- thinking
- tic disorders
- timidity
- tolerance (mental)
- Tourette syndrome
- traffic psychology
- traits of character
- transcendental meditation
- transference
- transfer of training
- transformational learning
- transphobia
- transsexualism
- transvestism
- traumas (mental objects)
- traumatisation
- trust
- twelve-step programs
- unconscious mind
- underachievement
- unselfishness
- user psychology
- uusavuttomuus
- valency (psychology)
- Vane
- Vee heuristic
- verbal talent
- vicarious traumatisation
- victim mentality
- view of men
- view of people
- view of women
- village idiots
- violence (traits)
- visions (hallucinations)
- visual memory
- visual perceptions
- vocabulary (knowledge)
- vocational psychologists
- voice dialogue
- voyeurism
- Wartegg test
- Wechsler adult intelligence scale
- Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence
- Western Aphasia Battery
- widowhood
- will (mental qualities)
- willpower
- womanhood
- word recognition (cognition)
- working memory
- workplace bullying
- workplace instructors
- work supervision
- young people with special needs
- youth
- zest for life
Muunkieliset termit
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}