Käsitteen tiedot
Käytettävä termi
69 Justice. Legislation
Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet
- abandoned animals
- Accounting Act
- accounting frauds
- accounts receivable
- acknowledgment (confirmation)
- acquisition of real property
- acquittal
- actions (legal process)
- Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding
- Act on Accident Investigation
- Act on Accommodation and Food Service Operations
- Act on Agricultural Industry Register
- Act on Amendment of the Enforcement Act
- Act on Assisted Fertility Treatments
- Act on Audiovisual Programmes
- Act on Blocking Child Pornography
- Act on Checking the Criminal Background of Persons Working with Children
- Act on child custody and right of access
- Act on Civil Aviation Administration
- Act on Client Charges in Healthcare and Social Welfare
- Act on Collecting and Preserving Cultural Materials
- Act on collective bargaining agreement on civil servant salaries
- Act on Collective Bargaining Contract on Civil Servant Salaries
- Act on Combating Oil Pollution on Land
- Act on Commercial Leases
- Act on Commercial Representatives and Salesmen
- Act on Compensation for Crime Damage
- Act on competition restrictions
- Act on Compulsory Education
- Act on Conciliation in Criminal and Certain Civil Cases
- Act on Cooperation between the Police, Customs and the Border Guard
- Act on Co-operation within Finnish and Community-wide Groups of Undertakings
- Act on Co-operation within Undertakings
- Act on Co-operation within Undertakings (2021)
- Act on electronic auctions and dynamic purchasing system
- Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector
- Act on Emergency Response Centre Activities
- Act on Energy Certificates for Buildings
- Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure
- Act on Equality between Women and Men
- Act on Excise Duty on Tobacco
- Act on Fairway Dues
- Act on Game Management Fee and Hunting Licence Fee
- Act on Guaranties and Third-Party Pledges
- Act on Information Management Governance in Public Administration
- Act on Information Management in Public Administration
- Act on Insurance Distribution
- Act on Job Alternation Leave
- Act on Jointly Owned Forests
- Act on Joint Management of Rental Buildings
- Act on Joint Property
- Act on Measures for the Reduction of Tobacco Smoking
- Act on Occupational Safety and Health Enforcement and Cooperation on Occupational Safety and Health at Workplaces
- Act on Package Travel Companies
- Act on Political Parties
- Act on Public Contracts
- Act on Public Contracts by Contracting Authorities in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors
- Act on Public Contracts in the Fields of Defence and Security
- Act on Public Procurement and Concession Contracts
- Act on Public Procurement and Service Concessions in the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors
- Act on Pupil and Student Welfare
- Act on Real Estate Taxation
- Act on Rehabilitative Work
- Act on Residential Leases
- Act on Restraining Orders
- Act on Restructuring Local Government and Services
- Act on Security Checks in Courts of Law
- Act on Service Vouchers in Social Welfare and Health Care Services
- Act on Social Enterprises
- Act on Supporting the Functional Capacity of the Older Population and on Social and Health Services for Older Persons
- Act on Tax Administration
- Act on Television and Radio Operations
- Act on the Adjustment of the Debts of a Private Individual
- Act on the Autonomy of Åland
- Act on the Classification of Audiovisual Programmes
- Act on the Continuation of the Employment and Civil Service Contracts of Persons Liable for Military Service Called to Service
- Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out
- Act on the Electronic Processing of Client Data in Social and Health Care
- Act on the Environmental Assessment of Authorities' Plans and Programmes
- Act on the Exercise of Freedom of Expression in Mass Media
- Act on the Financing of Education and Culture
- Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry
- Act on the Finnish Competition Authority
- Act on the Finnish Red Cross
- Act on the Labour Court
- Act on the Ombudsman for Equality and the Equality Board
- Act on the Ombudsman for Minorities and the National Discrimination Tribunal
- Act on the Openness of Government Activities
- Act on the Organisation of River Basin Management and the Marine
- Act on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
- Act on the Prohibition of Certain Illicit Devices for Accessing Protected Services
- Act on the Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communications
- Act on the Protection of Privacy in Working Life
- Act on the Protection of Rapids
- Act on the Public Disclosure and Confidentiality of Tax Information
- Act on the Public Employment Service
- Act on the Publicity of Court Proceedings in General Courts
- Act on the Recovery of Assets to a Bankruptcy Estate
- Act on the Right in Employee Inventions
- Act on the Right in Inventions Made at Higher Education Institutions
- Act on the Safety of Consumer Goods and Services
- Act on the Sámi Parliament
- Act on the Status and Rights of Patients
- Act on the Status and Rights of Social Welfare Clients
- Act on the Statute of Limitations on Debt
- Act on the Statutes of Finland
- Act on Unemployment Security
- act on virtual currency providers
- Act on Water Services
- administration of justice
- administrative appeals
- administrative complaints
- administrative compulsion
- administrative judicial procedure
- Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (1996)
- Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (2020)
- administrative law
- administrative matters
- administrative measures
- administrative permissions
- administrative procedure
- Administrative Procedure Act
- administrative tribunals
- adopted children
- adoption
- Adoption Act (1985)
- Adoption Act (2012)
- adoptive parents
- adulteries (crimes)
- Advocates Act
- advocates (lawyers)
- affiliated companies
- Agreement Between Finland and Sweden Concerning Frontier Waters
- agreements
- agreements on land use, housing and transport
- Aid to Business Act
- airspace
- Alcohol Act
- alcohol offences
- Aliens Act
- alternative civil service
- alternative dispute resolution
- ambassadors
- amendment for reasons of equity
- amnesty
- Amsterdam Treaty
- Animal Diseases Act
- Animal Welfare Act
- animal welfare offences
- animal welfare ombudsmen
- Annual Holidays Act
- Antiquities Act
- appeals
- application of law
- arbitral award
- arbitration
- arbitration agreements
- arbitration proceeding
- Archives Act
- arranged marriage
- arrest
- arson
- articles of association
- artistic works
- assassination
- assault and battery
- Assembly Act
- assignment of movables
- assistant judges
- assisted suicide
- associates in laws
- Associations Act
- attempted murders
- attempt to commit an offence
- attesting notaries
- Auditing Act
- authorisation
- authorisation procedure
- autonomy (cognition)
- autonomy (societal properties)
- auxiliary prisons
- averages (traffic damages)
- Aviation Act
- aviation law
- bailiffs
- bank robberies
- bankruptcy
- Bankruptcy Act
- bankruptcy violations
- bankrupt's estates
- banns of marriage
- bans on sales
- Basic Education Act
- bearing arms
- becoming criminalised
- beneficiaries
- bestiality
- bigamy
- biolaw
- biometric identification
- biopiracy
- blacklists
- blasphemy
- Blood Service Act
- bodily search
- breaches of contract
- break-in
- bribery
- bridal couples
- brothels
- building code
- building permits
- building prohibitions
- building rights
- burden of proof
- Busines Income Tax Act
- business espionage
- business law
- business licences
- business prohibitions
- business registrations
- business secret
- cadastral procedures
- cancellation (legal)
- canon law
- capital punishment
- captivity
- captures
- case law
- causes of death
- censorship
- certificates of non-impediment
- chancellors of justice
- charges (prosecution)
- Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
- Charter on Transport, Environment and Health
- charters of foundation
- chattel mortgage
- chief judges
- chief justices of Courts of Appeal
- child abduction
- Child Day Care Act
- child grooming
- Child Maintenance Act
- child marriage
- child pornography
- child prostitution
- children's rights
- child's best interest
- child trafficking
- Child Welfare Act
- Christmas Peace
- church codes
- circuit judges
- citizens
- citizenship
- city and town courts
- civic confidence
- civic duties
- civil disobedience
- civil law
- civil marriage ceremony
- civil matters
- civil procedure
- civil service law
- class actions
- class complaints
- Climate Change Act
- climate justice
- codecision procedure
- Code of Hammurabi
- code of inheritance
- coercive measures
- coercive measures
- Coercive Measures Act
- cohabitation
- collateral securities
- collection of charges
- Collective Agreements Act
- commercial code
- commercial law
- commission (commerce)
- committee reports
- committees (general)
- common land
- common law
- common law marriage divorce
- communications law
- Communications Market Act
- Community Law (EU)
- community sanctions
- community sanctions offices
- community service
- companies (business enterprises)
- company law
- comparative law
- comparative law analysis
- compensation for damage
- Competition Act (2011)
- competition law
- complainants
- complaints (extraordinary appeal)
- complicity in crime
- compulsory auction
- computer crimes
- concentration camps
- concessions
- conditional imposition of a fine
- confession of guilt
- confirmation (validity)
- confiscation
- conflict of laws
- conflict resolution
- conscientious objection
- conscription
- conspiracies
- constitutional courts
- constitutional courts
- constitutionality
- constitutional law (branches of jurisprudence)
- constitutional law (provisions)
- constitutional orders
- Constitution of Finland
- constitutions
- construction law
- consultation procedure (EU)
- consumer disputes
- consumer law
- consumer ombudsmen
- Consumer Protection Act
- consumer protection policy
- contract law
- contract management
- contractual penalty
- controlled companies
- control of legality
- Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
- Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
- Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
- Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
- Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
- conveyance of real property
- Co-operatives Act
- copyright
- Copyright Act
- correctional institutions
- correctional services
- correctional treatment
- corruption
- cost-free legal proceedings
- Cotonou Agreement
- Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
- counsels
- counterfeiters
- counterfeit goods
- counterfeit products
- court districts
- court interpreting
- court sessions
- courts of appeal
- courts of first instance
- courts of law
- court system
- Creative Commons licences
- credit information
- Credit Information Act
- creditor
- crime
- crime against humanity
- crime journalism
- crime prevention
- crimes
- crimes against property
- crime scene
- crimes of aggression
- criminal abandonment
- criminal background
- criminal cases
- Criminal Code
- Criminal Code of the Grand Duchy of Finland
- criminal damages
- Criminal Investigations Act
- criminalisation
- criminal law
- criminal liability
- criminal mischief
- criminal policy
- criminal procedure
- criminal psychologists
- criminal psychology
- criminal records
- criminal responsibility
- criminals
- criminal science
- criminology
- crowd control
- crucifixion
- cruelty to animals
- cultural rights
- custody disputes
- custody of a child
- customary law
- customs offences
- cyber crime
- data break-in
- data protection
- Data Protection Act
- data security
- data security policy
- day fines
- dealing in receipts (financial crimes)
- Debt Collection Act
- debtor
- debtor's crimes
- debt provable in bankruptcy
- debt recovery procedure
- declaration of death
- declaration of intent
- decrees
- decriminalisation
- defamation
- defendants
- demand for rectification
- demolition bans
- denunciation (disclosure of information)
- deportation
- deposit insurance
- deprivation of liberty
- design rights
- detective agencies
- detention (criminal procedure)
- Diet of Porvoo
- diets (assemblies)
- diets (parliaments)
- digital certificates
- digital estate
- digital footprint (data privacy)
- diplomats
- direct effects
- directors of prison administrations
- Disability Services Act
- discharge from liability
- disciplinary procedure
- disciplinary punishment
- discretionary power
- dishonesty
- dispensation
- disruptive behaviour
- distraint
- distribution of estate
- district courts
- division of inheritance
- division of the property of the spouses
- divorce
- Doctors of Law
- doctrine of legitimate expectations
- documentary credit
- documents
- domestic peace
- domestic violence
- domicile
- doping crimes
- driving ban
- driving licences
- drug offences
- drunk driving
- drunkenness
- dual nationality
- due process of law
- duty to disclose
- duty to report
- Early Childhood Education and Care Act
- easements
- eavesdropping
- ecclesiastical law
- EC law
- economic analysis of law
- economic law
- economic rights
- economics of crime
- Election Act
- Electricity Market Act
- electronic contracts
- electronic documents
- electronic identification
- eligibility of candidacy
- embezzlement
- emergency laws
- Emergency Powers Act
- empirical juridical research
- Employee Pension Insurance Company Act
- Employees Pensions Act
- Employment Contracts Act
- energy law
- enforcement
- Enforcement code
- enforcement of a punishment
- engagement (betrothal)
- environmental law
- environmental offences
- environmental permits
- Environmental Protection Act
- equality before the law
- equality (fundamental rights)
- erroneous judgement
- escaping
- ESC rights
- Espoo Convention
- essential elements of an offence
- estate administration (estates of deceased persons)
- estate inventory
- estate inventory deeds
- estates of deceased persons
- estates (remains)
- ethnic agitation
- ethnic cleansings
- EU directives
- EU law
- EU regulations
- European Convention on Human Rights
- European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights
- European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage
- European economic interest groupings
- European Landscape Convention
- European Patent Convention
- euthanasia
- evaluation of evidence
- eviction
- evidences
- examination of legislation
- exceptional permits
- exclusive rights
- executed
- execution
- executioners
- executive assistance
- executive power
- exemption from visa
- expediency consideration
- Export Guarantee Act
- expropriation
- expulsion (punishments)
- extortion
- extradition of criminal offenders
- extraordinary appeal
- eyewitnesses
- falling under the statute of limitations
- false accusation
- family homicides
- family law
- family relations
- Farmers' Pensions Act
- Feed Act
- financial crimes
- financial law
- fine (punishments)
- fingerprints
- firearm licences and permits
- Firearms Act
- Fishing Act
- fish-poaching
- fixed fine
- floating charge
- Food Act
- forced labour
- forced marriage
- foreigners
- forensic anthropology
- forensic criminal investigation
- forensic dentistry
- forensic linguistics
- forensic medicine
- forensic pathologists
- forensic psychiatry
- forensic psychology
- Forest Act
- forfeiture
- forgeries
- forms of government
- forms of government
- foster children
- Foundations Act
- framework agreements
- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- franchising
- fraud
- freedom
- freedom of assembly
- freedom of association
- freedom of communications
- freedom of movement
- freedom of movement
- freedom of opinion
- freedom of religion
- freedom of speech
- freedom of the press
- freedom of thought
- freedom of worship
- frisk search
- fundamental rights
- gender-neutral marriage
- general jurisprudence
- General Upper Secondary Schools Act
- general will
- genital mutilation
- genocide
- gifts
- good faith
- good practice
- government bills
- government proposals
- grave robbing
- ground lease (activity)
- guarantors
- guardianship
- guardianship law
- Guardianship Services Act
- guilt
- Guilty Knowledge Test
- hackers
- hacking
- Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict
- Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of Children
- Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
- Halakha
- harmonisation of laws
- hate crimes
- Health Insurance Act
- health law
- hearing (procedure)
- heirs
- Helsinki Accords (1975)
- Helsinki Convention (1962)
- herastuomarit (honorary titles)
- hidden crime
- high commissioners for human rights
- high treason
- hijacking of ships
- hijackings
- hijackings of aircrafts
- historical criminology
- holding companies
- holocaust
- homicide offenders
- homicides
- honour killing
- honour related violence
- hostages
- house arrest
- house search
- housing companies
- Housing Transactions Act
- humanitarian law
- human rights
- human rights organisations
- human rights policy
- human rights violations
- human smuggling
- human trafficking
- Hunting Act
- identification cards
- identity documents
- identity theft
- illegal immigration
- illegality
- illicit distilling
- illicit sexual intercourse
- illicit trade
- illicit viewing
- impediments to marriage
- imprisonment
- Imprisonment Act
- imprisonment as a substitute for non-collectible fine
- impunity
- incapacity
- incest
- incitement
- Income Tax Act
- indemnities
- individual freedom
- industrial espionage
- industrial property agents
- industrial property right
- infanticide
- infiltration (covert operations)
- information and communications offences
- information law
- information leakage
- Information Society Code
- information technology law
- inheritance advances
- Inheritance and Gift Tax Act
- inheritance law
- inheritances
- innocence (guiltlessness)
- insolvency law
- institutions for preventive detention
- Insurance Companies Act
- Insurance Contracts Act
- insurance fraud
- insurance law
- Insurance Mediation Act
- intellectual property law
- intercountry adoption
- interdiction against sale or dispersion
- internal law of a state
- international administration of justice
- international agreements
- International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
- international copyright
- international courts of justice
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- international crime
- international criminal law
- international customary law
- international economic law
- international environmental law
- international family law
- international industrial property right
- international inheritance law
- international labour law
- international law
- international law of obligations
- international law of procedure
- international law of property
- international legal assistance
- international legal entity
- international maritime law
- international market law
- international social law
- international tax law
- international trade law
- international zones
- interpretation of law
- intimate partner violence
- intimate partner violence
- intoxication
- intra-family adoption
- invalidity
- invasion of privacy
- investor protection
- involuntary manslaughter
- judgement books
- judgements (legal)
- judges
- Judge's Rules
- judicial administration
- judicial culture
- judicial discretion
- judicial examination of the spot
- judicialisation
- judicial objects
- judicial power
- judiciary
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictional districts
- jurisprudence
- juristic person
- jurors
- justice
- justices of Court of Appeal
- justices of the Supreme Court
- justifiable defence
- juvenile delinquency
- juvenile law
- juvenile punishment
- kidnappings
- killing
- labour colonies
- labour crimes
- labour law
- labour service
- Land Extraction Act
- land law
- land law code
- land surveying
- Land Tenancy Act
- land title register
- land use agreements
- Land Use and Building Act
- Language Act
- law (branches of jurisprudence)
- law concerning persons
- law firms
- lawful sanctions
- law guides
- law offices
- law of obligations
- law of property
- law of traffic
- law on authorisation to supervise the interests of another party
- law on training for upper secondary education
- law on vocational adult education
- laws
- laws of the land
- lawyers
- lay judges
- legal act
- legal aid
- Legal Aid Act
- legal aid offices
- legal anticipation
- legal capacity
- legal capacity
- legal cases
- legal certainty
- Legal Deposit Act
- legal dogmatics
- legal education (upbringing)
- legal effects
- legal entity
- legal expenses
- legal expenses insurance
- legal finality
- legal force
- legal history
- legal informatics
- legality
- legal journalism
- legal journalists
- legal language
- legal language
- legally competent
- legally incompetent
- legal norms
- legal order
- legal policy
- legal positivism
- legal principles
- legal protection boards
- legal realism
- legal regulation
- legal relationship
- legal scholars
- legal services
- legal state (law)
- legal status
- legal systems
- legislation
- legislative motions
- legislative power
- legislative procedure
- legislative process
- legitimacy
- LEI (identifiers)
- lese-majesty
- liability for acts in office
- liability for damages
- liability for damages
- liability for risk
- liberty of conscience
- licences (permits)
- lie detection
- life imprisonment
- limited companies
- Limited Liability Companies Act (1978)
- Limited Liability Companies Act (2006)
- Limited Liability Housing Companies Act
- limited tax liability
- linguistic rights
- liquidation
- literary works
- living will
- Local Government Act
- Local Government Pensions Act
- local register offices
- logging bans
- Lomé Convention
- lost property
- Lotteries Act
- loyalty
- Lugano Convention
- Maastricht Treaty
- mafia
- Magnus IV Eriksson's Law of the Land
- maintenance (financial provision)
- malicious damage
- manslaughter
- marital rights to property
- marital status
- maritime declarations
- maritime law
- Market Court Act
- market law
- marriage
- marriage ceremony
- marriage contract
- marriage of convenience
- mass destruction
- mass murder
- masters of laws trained on the bench
- Maternity Act
- matrimonial law
- means of payment offences
- medical law
- mental examination
- Mental Health Act
- military courts
- military discipline
- military law
- military laws
- military oath
- military offences
- military passports
- Mining Act
- ministerial responsibility
- minors
- miscarriage of justice
- misconduct in office
- misdemeanours
- mixed marriage
- model agreements
- model documents
- Money Collection Act
- money laundering
- monitoring of telecommunications
- monitoring sentence
- mortgage
- Motor Liability Insurance Act
- multicultural marriage
- Multilateral Agreement on Investement
- municipal administrative court
- municipal appeals
- Municipality of Residence Act
- municipal law
- Municipal Regions Act
- murder
- murder-suicide
- Nationality Act
- Natural Gas Market Act
- natural law
- natural resources law
- Nature Conservation Act
- neglect
- negligence
- netcrime
- non-armed military service
- non-contentious jurisdiction
- Non-Discrimination Act (2004)
- Non-Discrimination Act (2014)
- non-disturbance of public premises
- Non-Military Service Act
- Nordic arrest warrant
- Nordic Convention on Social Assistance and Social Services
- Nordic Convention on Social Security
- notaries
- notaries public
- notice of termination
- oath of allegiance
- oaths
- obligation of debtor to creditor
- obligation to provide maintenance
- obligation to state reasons
- occupational discrimination
- Occupational Health Care Act
- Occupational Safety and Health Act
- offences against freedom of worship
- offences in office
- offences involving danger to the public
- offences of omission
- offenders
- open adoption
- open institutions
- open prisons
- oral hearing
- order of succession
- organisational crimes
- organised crime
- outer territorial waters
- Package Travel Act
- parliament act
- parliamentary documents
- parliamentary ombudsmen
- parliamentary ombudsmen
- parliamentary sessions
- parole period
- parties involved
- parties to an estate
- partnerships
- passports
- patent agents
- patent engineers
- patenting
- patents
- patent systems
- paternity
- Paternity Act
- patient ombudsmen
- pawning
- people of age
- perjury
- permit of residence
- Personal Data Act
- personal injuries
- personal integrity (fundamental rights)
- personal property
- persons carrying on a trade
- petition for appeal
- philosophy of law
- phishing
- picklocks
- Pilotage Act
- piracy
- piracy (use)
- pirates
- places of jurisdiction
- pledges (securities)
- poaching
- Police Act
- police investigation
- police messages for apprehension
- police state
- political crimes
- political murder
- political offences
- political prisoners
- political rights
- pornography
- positive law
- possession and holding
- Postal Act
- precautionary principle
- precedents (law)
- precontracts
- preliminary investigation
- preliminary rulings (EU law)
- premeditation
- preparation of legislation
- preparation to commit an offence
- Prepayment Act
- prerogatives
- presentation of evidence
- preservation orders
- presidents of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
- primary legislation
- principle of legality
- principle of majority
- principle of non-refoulement
- principle of proportionality (legal principles)
- prison camps
- prison education
- prisoners
- prisoners of conscience
- prison guards
- prison libraries
- prisons
- prison theatres
- privacy of correspondence
- private international law
- private investigators
- private law
- privileges
- probation and aftercare
- procedural law
- process servers
- procuring (prostitution)
- product defect
- Product Liability Act
- profits from assignment
- prohibition acts
- prohibitions against discrimination
- Promissory Notes Act
- property law
- proprietary right
- prosecutors
- prosecutors general
- prostitutes
- prostitution
- protection against arbitrary dismissal
- protection against self-incrimination
- protection of minority shareholders
- protection of origin
- protection of patterns and designs
- protection of privacy
- protection of property
- protection of sources
- protection of the third party
- provincial administrative courts
- provincial laws
- proxy statements
- psychological abuse
- public authority
- Public Health Act
- public humiliation (punishment)
- publicity
- publicity of documents
- public law
- public legal aid
- public limited companies
- public order
- Public Order Act
- public sector entities
- Public Sector Pensions Act
- public summonses
- Public Transport Act
- punishability
- punishments
- puppy farming
- purchase of real property
- pyromaniacs
- Radio Act
- radio broadcasting responsibility
- ransom
- rape
- ratification
- real property assessment
- real property formation law
- receiving licences
- recidivism
- reclamation (occupation)
- recognition of a state
- recovery (legal proceedings)
- recovery proceedings
- redemption (transfer of ownership)
- reference (legal)
- registered partnership
- registration of title to a property
- regulation (control)
- regulations (ordinance)
- regulation theory
- rehabilitation of reputation
- reimbursement
- rejoinders (procedural law)
- related rights
- Religious Freedom Act
- religious laws
- remand imprisonment
- Remand Imprisonment Act
- remarriage
- rental agreements
- renting
- rent on a flat (payments)
- rent on land (payments)
- repetition of an offence
- reports of offences
- reproductive rights
- requests for information (Act on the Openness of Government Activities)
- Rescue Act (1999)
- Rescue Act (2011)
- reservation of ownership
- residence permits
- responsibilities (duties)
- restorative justice
- restraining order
- Restructuring of Enterprises Act
- retroactivity
- returning a case to a lower court
- right of access to information
- right of appeal
- right of asylum
- right of domicile in Åland
- right of establishment
- right of first refusal
- right of initiative
- right of possession
- right of public access
- right of redemption
- right of veto
- rights
- right to a claim
- right to use
- right to vote
- Road Traffic Act
- robbery
- roman law
- Romano-Germanic law
- rule of law
- rules of evidence
- rural district courts
- rural judicial districts
- rural police chiefs
- sabotage
- sanctions
- sanctity of the grave
- scam
- Schengen Agreement
- school shootings
- screening procedure
- scrutiny of a bankruptcy estate
- Seafarers’ Employment Contracts Act
- Seafarer's Pensions Act
- secrecy obligation
- secrecy of telephone communications
- Securities Markets Act
- security stewards
- self-censorship
- self-defence
- Self-employed Persons' Pensions Act
- self-help (coercive measures)
- self-regulation (control)
- selling permits
- sense of justice
- serial killers
- set-off
- settlement proceedings
- sex crimes
- sexual abuse
- sexual rights
- shareholders' agreements
- sharia
- shoplifting
- smugglers
- smuggling
- socialist legal system
- social law
- social ombudsmen
- social rights
- Social Welfare Act
- sociology of law
- soft law
- sources of law
- sovereignty
- space law
- speakers of the parliament
- special courts
- special procedures
- speculation (transfer of ownership)
- Sports Act
- sports law
- Stability and Growth Pact
- stalking
- State Employees' Pensions Act
- state of necessity
- state of war
- state territory
- Statistics Act
- statute collections
- statutes
- statutory portion
- street violence
- Study Leave Act
- subjective rights
- subletting
- succession (civil law)
- sugardating
- summary payment order
- summary penal judgement
- summonses (judicial)
- supervised parole
- supervised visitations
- supervision of foreign nationals
- supervision of the interests of another party
- supreme courts
- suretyship
- suspects
- suspended sentences
- Svalbard Treaty
- swindlers
- systems of representation
- taking into custody (child welfare)
- taking into police custody
- taking into possession
- Tax Account Act
- Tax Assessment Procedure Act
- tax complaints
- tax evasion
- tax exile
- tax law
- tax liability
- tax offences
- technical surveillance
- telephone tapping
- terms of agreement
- territorial conquest
- territorial waters
- terror attacks
- terrorism
- testament law
- theft
- thieves
- third-generation human rights
- title (ownership)
- Tobacco Act
- Tobacco Act (2016)
- tort law
- Tort Liability Act
- torture
- total objection
- trade in movables
- trademark agents
- trademarks
- Trademarks Act
- trade secret
- trafficking in women
- traffic licences
- traffic offences
- traffic regulations
- traffic violations
- transfer camps
- transfer of a business
- transfer of assets
- transport law
- transport licences
- travel ban
- travel documents
- treason
- treaties
- Treaty of Brussels
- Treaty of Nice
- trial by ordeal
- trial (legal proceedings)
- TRIPS Agreement
- trustee (next friend)
- trustees (supervisors of interests)
- truth commissions
- tuomiokunnat (judicial districts)
- turnover tax law
- undercover operations
- Unfair Business Practices Act
- United Nations Charter
- United Nations Convention against Corruption
- United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
- universal applicability of collective agreements
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Universities Act
- Universities of Applied Sciences Act
- unjust enrichment
- unrecognised states
- unsolved crimes
- unusual conditions
- utility models
- vagrancy
- Value Added Tax Act
- vandalism
- victim mentality
- victimology
- victims
- vigilantism
- village orders
- violence (activity)
- violent crimes
- visas
- visiting rights
- Vocational Education and Training Act
- waiver of measures
- war crimes
- war criminals
- warranty
- war responsibility
- Waste Act
- Water Act
- water permits
- water rights legislation
- Water Traffic Act
- weapon-related crimes
- will
- witnesses
- witness protection
- workhouses
- workhouses (correctional institutions)
- Working Hours Act
- yakuza
- yhdenvertaisuuslaki (1912)
- young offenders
- Youth Act
- youth detention centres
- Åland Protocol
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{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}