Käsitteen tiedot
Käytettävä termi
67 Warfare. Military Technology. Defence. Weapons
Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet
- Act on Public Contracts in the Fields of Defence and Security
- Act on the Continuation of the Employment and Civil Service Contracts of Persons Liable for Military Service Called to Service
- adjutants
- admirals
- air bases
- aircraft carriers
- air defence
- air forces
- air raid shelters
- air rifles
- air surveillance
- air warfare
- alarm devices
- alarms
- alarm systems
- alternative civil service
- American Civil War
- American Indian Wars
- ammunition
- anti-aircraft defence
- anti-aircraft forces
- antimilitarism
- anti-tank defence
- antitank guns
- armed conflicts
- armed forces
- armed military service
- armies
- armistice
- armoured trains
- armoured troops
- armoured vehicles
- armours
- arms control
- arms industry
- arms limitations
- arms proliferation
- arms trade
- arrows
- arsenals (military)
- artillery
- art of warfare
- assault guns
- assault rifles
- asutuskeskustaistelut (fi)
- asymmetrinen sota (fi)
- attack
- auxiliary reserve
- Axis powers
- ballistics
- barracks
- battalions
- battlefield medicine
- Battle of Agincourt
- Battle of Bengtskär
- Battle of Gangut
- Battle of Gettysburg
- Battle of Halkokari
- Battle of Hattuvaara
- Battle of Juminda
- Battle of Jutland
- Battle of Jynkänlahti
- Battle of Khalkhin Gol
- Battle of Koljonvirta
- Battle of Kosovo
- Battle of Kursk
- Battle of Lappeenranta
- Battle of Lemo
- Battle of Matroosa
- Battle of Narva
- Battle of Navarino
- Battle of Oravais
- Battle of Paju
- Battle of Parkumäki
- Battle of Petäjäsaari
- Battle of Poitiers (1356)
- Battle of Poltava
- Battle of Porrassalmi
- Battle of Pälkäne
- Battle of Raate Road
- Battle of Rautu
- Battle of Solferino
- Battle of Storkyro
- Battle of Tampere
- Battle of the Ardennes
- Battle of the Little Bighorn
- Battle of Trafalgar
- Battle of Tsushima
- Battle of Vyborg Bay (1790)
- Battle of Vyborg Bay (1940)
- Battle of Vyborg Bay (1944)
- Battle of Waterloo
- Battle of Ähtäri
- battles
- battleships
- battle sites
- Battles of Svensksund
- Battles of Tali-Ihantala
- Battles of Teikarsaari
- Battles of Tolvajärvi
- bearing arms
- berserkers
- biological warfare
- biological weapons
- blasting equipment
- Blenheim (airplanes)
- blockade
- Bomarsund
- bombardments
- bombers
- bombs
- boomerangs
- border guard detachments
- border jaegers
- border management
- border security
- border violations
- Bosnian War
- bows
- boys in civil guards
- brigades
- brotherhood in arms
- bullets
- bullying (military)
- bunkers
- cadets
- cadet schools
- camouflage outfits
- capitulation
- captains
- carbines
- cartridges
- cavalry
- charging (loading)
- Chechen War
- chemical weapons
- Chemical Weapons Convention
- chiefs of defence
- child soldiers
- civil defence
- civil guards
- civilian crisis management
- civilian population
- civil resistance
- civil wars
- close combat
- closed areas
- coastal artillery
- coastal guns
- coast defence
- coastguards
- coastguards (organisations)
- collaborationists
- colonels
- combat medical technicians
- combat skills
- commanders
- commanders-in-chief
- commanders of military personnel
- companies (military detachments)
- comprehensive defence approach
- concentration camps
- Congress of Åland
- conquest
- conscientious objection
- conscription
- conscription armies
- conscriptions
- conscripts (military)
- conventional weapons
- counterintelligence
- crisis management
- crisis preparedness
- cruisers (warships)
- cutting weapons
- cyberwarfare
- daggers
- deceased war heroes
- defence
- defence administration
- defence by civils
- defence expenditures
- defence industries
- defence policy
- defence readiness
- defence systems
- defensive forces
- defensive war
- demilitarisation
- demilitarised zones
- desantniks
- desertation from frontline
- desertion (military)
- destroyers (warships)
- detachments (military)
- detente
- disabled veterans
- disarmament
- disinformation
- divisions (detachments)
- double agents
- draftees' dependants allowances
- dragoons
- duels
- dugouts (field fortresses)
- dynamite
- eastern front (World War I)
- eastern front (World War II)
- economic defence
- electronic warfare
- Emergency Powers Act
- engineer officers
- English Civil War (1642–1651)
- enlisted personnel
- enlistees
- entertainment troops
- EOD divers
- Eritrean-Ethiopian War (1998-2000)
- Eritrean War of Independence (1961-1991)
- espionage
- evacuation
- explosives
- ex-service men
- Falkland Islands War
- fallen (deceased people)
- feinting
- field artillery
- field fortresses
- field hospitals
- fighter planes
- Finnish Civil War
- Finnish Kinship Wars
- Finnish Weapons Cache Case
- firearm licences and permits
- firearms
- Firearms Act
- firearms magazines
- fire control (gunnery)
- First Boer War
- First Schleswig War
- flag processions
- Folland Gnat (planes)
- foreign legions
- fortification (military)
- fortresses
- Fortress of Lappeenranta
- forts
- Fort Slava
- Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871)
- freedom fighters
- French Revolutionary Wars
- frontier guards
- front (military)
- Gallic wars
- garrison areas
- garrisons
- gendarmes
- generals
- Greek War of Independence
- green sisters (occupations)
- grenades
- Guantánamo Bay
- guard commanders
- guerilla movements
- guerillas
- guerilla warfare
- gunpowder
- guns (artillery)
- Hamina fortress
- handguns
- haupitsit (fi)
- hired armies
- home front
- home guard
- hostilities (warfare)
- humanitarian intervention
- Hundred Years' War
- hunting rifles
- hybrid influencing
- hybrid warfare
- häiveteknologia (fi)
- ilmaoperaatiot (fi)
- ilmatorjuntaohjukset (fi)
- infantry
- infiltration (covert operations)
- information operations
- information warfare
- insurgencies
- intelligence and reconnaissance
- Intifada
- Invasion of Normandy
- Iran-Iraq War
- Iraq War
- Israel-Arab War (1948-1949)
- Jaeger Movement
- jaegers
- junior Lottas
- just war
- Järvitaipale Fortress
- Kalmar War
- kalterijääkärit
- kamikaze flights
- kemiallinen sodankäynti (fi)
- Kosovo War
- Kyyrö Battle
- Kärnäkoski fortress
- land forces
- landing crafts
- landing (military operations)
- land mines
- lentomestarit
- levy (military)
- liberation movements
- lieutenant colonels
- lieutenants
- lieutenants general
- life-guards (military organisations)
- light machine guns
- lines of defence
- local defence troops
- London Naval Treaty
- long-distance patrols
- losses (warfare)
- Lottas
- machine guns
- Maginot line
- majors (officers)
- Malayan campaign
- Mannerheim Line
- maritime surveillance
- marks of rank
- marshals
- medals of honour
- Medical Lottas
- medical service
- mental national defence
- mercenaries
- meritorjuntaohjukset (fi)
- MiG-21 (fighter planes)
- MiG (fighter planes)
- militarism
- military
- military administrative houses
- military aid
- military aircrafts
- military alliances
- military attachés
- military aviation
- military bands
- military bases
- military branches
- military camouflage
- military chaplains
- military command
- military command areas
- military commanders
- military cooperation
- military coups
- military courts
- military dictatorship
- military discipline
- military districts
- military education
- military engineers
- military ethics
- military exercises
- military expeditions
- military forces
- military government
- military helicopters
- military history
- military hospitals
- military injuries
- military injuries insurance
- military insignia for honoring brotherhood in arms
- military law
- military laws
- military leaders
- military leadership
- military mail
- military medical doctors
- military medicine
- military mobilisation
- military music
- military oath
- military observers
- military offences
- military officials
- military operations
- military passports
- military pedagogy
- military periodicals
- military personnel
- military pilots
- military police
- military policy
- military provinces
- military psychiatry
- military psychology
- military ranks
- military refresher courses
- military regimes
- military schools
- military science
- military service
- military sociology
- military sports
- military strategy
- military technology
- military uniforms
- military vehicles
- mine carriers
- mine clearance
- mine detection dogs
- mines (weapons)
- missile defence
- missiles
- model planes
- Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact
- mortars (shooting weapons)
- movable platforms
- multinational forces
- muskets
- mustard gas
- Napoleonic Wars
- national defence
- national defence colleges
- national defence courses
- national defence organisations
- national defence universities
- national defence work
- national security
- National Veterans' Day
- naval bases
- naval battles
- naval fleet
- naval forces
- naval guns
- naval warfare
- network traffic intelligence
- Nigerian Civil War
- non-aggression pacts
- non-armed military service
- non-commissioned officers
- Non-Military Service Act
- non-nuclear states
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
- nuclear states
- nuclear test ban
- nuclear tests
- nuclear warfare
- nuclear-weapon-free zones
- nuclear weapons
- occupation (military operations)
- occupied territories
- offensive war
- officers (military personnel)
- Olhava battle
- operaatiotaito (fi)
- Operation Mincemeat
- orders of merit
- orders of the day
- pacifism
- pacifists
- panssarintorjuntaohjukset (fi)
- parades
- paramilitary forces
- paratroops
- partisans
- partnership for peace
- passive resistance
- pastoral care in the military
- patrol boats
- peace
- peace enforcement
- peacekeepers
- peacekeeping
- peacekeeping forces
- peacekeeping operations
- peace mediation
- peace negotiations
- peace negotiators
- peace treaties
- Peninsular War
- period of service
- Persian Gulf War
- persons undergoing non-military service
- pistols
- platoons
- prison camps
- prisoners of war
- professional armies
- projectiles
- promotions
- propaganda companies
- protecting oneself
- proxy war
- psychological warfare
- Punic wars
- radars
- radiation protection
- railway guns
- rapid reaction force
- readiness brigades
- readiness forces
- rearmament
- rebellious movements
- reclamation (occupation)
- recoilless rifles
- reconnaissance aircrafts
- reconnaissance satellites
- recruitment (military)
- recruitment of employees
- recruits
- Red Army
- red guards
- Reds (Finnish civil war)
- regiments
- regular non-commisioned officers
- reserve non-commissioned officers
- reserve officers
- reserve officer schools
- reservists
- reservists' associations
- resistance movements
- responsibility to protect
- revolutionary movements
- revolvers
- rifles
- Riihimäen Kallenpäivät
- risteilyohjukset (fi)
- robotic weapons
- Ruotsinsalmi sea fortress
- Russian Civil War
- Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022
- Russo-Swedish War 1495–97
- Russo-Swedish War (1570-1595)
- safety areas
- Salpa Line
- Scanian War
- sea defence
- sea fortresses
- Second Boer War
- second lieutenants
- Second Schleswig War
- security of supply
- security policy
- service clubs (military)
- servicemen and servicewomen
- service troops
- shields
- shooting
- shotguns
- shots (pellets)
- siege
- signal corps
- slings (weapons)
- small weapons
- snipers
- soldiers
- soldier's graves
- Somali Civil War
- Soviet–Afghan War (1979-1989)
- Spanish Civil War
- spears
- special forces
- spies
- SS troops
- state of emergency
- state of war
- stationary war hospitals
- station ships
- submachine guns
- submarine mines
- submarines
- Suomenlinna sea fortress
- Svartholma fortress
- Sveaborg Rebellion
- swords
- Syrian Civil War
- Taavetti Fortress
- tactics
- tanks
- territorial conquest
- the Allies
- threat of war
- throwing weapons
- time of peace
- torpedoes
- total objection
- trainer airplanes
- training ships
- transfer camps
- transport planes
- Treaty of Brömsebro (1645)
- Treaty of Nystad
- Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)
- Treaty of Stolbovo
- Treaty of Tartu
- Treaty of Trianon
- Treaty of Turku
- Treaty of Tyavzino
- Treaty of Versailles
- Treaty of Värälä
- Treaty of Westphalia
- trenches
- trench warfare
- Trojan War
- trophies (hunting)
- Ukrainian crisis 2014-
- underground activities
- uprisings
- use of force
- Valmet L-70 Vinka
- Valmet L-90 TP Redigo
- Valtiontalo (Jyväskylä)
- Viborg blast
- victims
- Vietnam War
- war booties
- war children
- war colleges
- war correspondents
- war crimes
- war criminals
- war damages
- war diaries
- war dogs
- war equipment
- war experiences
- warfare
- war games
- war graves
- War in Afghanistan (2001-2021)
- war industry
- war journalism
- war loans
- war museums
- war orphans
- war politics
- war propaganda
- warrant officers
- warrant officers
- war reparations
- war reports
- war responsibility
- warriors
- warriors in Finnish Kinship Wars
- wars
- war series
- warships
- wartime
- wartime economy
- war widows and widowers
- Washington Naval Treaty
- weapon-related crimes
- weapons
- weapons of mass destruction
- weapons systems
- weapons technology
- weapons tests
- welfare work for war veterans
- western front (World War I)
- western front (World War II)
- white guards
- Whites (Finnish civil war)
- will to defend country
- withdrawal (military)
- wounded
- yeomanry (Finnish military)
- YH
- Yugoslav Wars
Muunkieliset termit
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}