Föredragen term
18 Nature Protection. Environmental Conservation. Environment. Waste
Hör till gruppen
- Aarnikotka Nature Reserve
- Abisko National Park
- acid deposition
- acidification
- Act on Combating Oil Pollution on Land
- Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure
- Act on the Environmental Assessment of Authorities' Plans and Programmes
- Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry
- Act on the Organisation of River Basin Management and the Marine
- Act on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
- Act on the Protection of Rapids
- adenosine triphosphate
- advection
- aeroecology
- aerosols
- Agenda 21
- agricultural chemicals
- agricultural landscape
- agricultural wastes
- agroecology
- aircraft noise
- air impurities and contaminants
- air pollutants
- air pollution
- air protection
- air quality
- alkalinity
- animal ecology
- animal rights activism
- animal rights movements
- aquatic ecosystems
- Archipelago National Park (Finland)
- arsenic
- ash (matter)
- atrazine
- Aulanko Nature Reserve
- avalanches
- bagasse
- becoming feral
- becoming unclean
- best available technology
- betulin
- bioavailability
- biochemicals
- biocides
- biodiversity
- bioethics
- bioindicators
- biological effects
- biomass (ecology)
- biomes
- bioremediation
- biosphere reserves
- biotic communities
- biotope
- biowaste
- bird areas
- bird deaths
- bird wetlands
- Bothnian Sea National Park
- building preservation
- cadmium
- carbon balance
- carbon capture and storage
- carbon dioxide
- carbon footprint
- carbon monoxide
- carbon neutrality
- carbon offsetting
- carbon sinks
- carcinogens
- cesium
- CFC compounds
- chemical accidents
- chemicals
- chlorinated hydrocarbons
- chlorination
- chlorine compounds
- cigarette smoke
- cleantech
- climate activists
- climate change conferences
- climate policy
- climate protection
- climate strategies
- climate technology
- climatic effects
- coastal protection
- collection points
- combustion gases
- composters
- composting
- conservation of the seas
- constructed environment
- construction waste
- Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
- Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
- Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
- Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
- creosote
- critical load
- cultural environment
- cultural heritage buildings
- cultural landscape
- cultural sustainability
- damage prevention
- DAP measurement
- data deficient species
- deforestation
- degrowth
- deinking
- department of environmental services
- desertification
- destruction
- desulfurisation
- diazoxide
- dichloromethane
- dioxins
- dirt (uncleanliness)
- disinfection
- dust
- dust control
- earthquakes
- Eastern Gulf of Finland National Park
- ecobalance
- ecocriticism
- eco-efficiency
- ecoenergy
- ecofeminism
- eco-industrial park
- ecological balance
- ecological catastrophes
- ecological character
- ecological compensation
- ecological construction
- ecological corridors
- ecological design
- ecological entrepreneurship
- ecological footprint
- ecological housing
- ecological modernisation
- ecological networks
- ecological niche
- ecological planning
- ecological psychology
- ecological status
- ecological succession
- ecological sustainability
- ecology
- ecomusicology
- economical sustainability
- economic responsibility
- ecophysiology
- ecosystems (ecology)
- ecosystem services
- ecotheology
- ecotourism
- ecotoxicology
- ecovillages
- effects on waterways
- Ekenäs Archipelago National Park
- electrocoagulation (water purification)
- Elämänmäki Nature Reserve
- emission allowances
- emissions
- emission sources
- emission trade
- endangered animals
- endangered fungi
- endangered habitat types
- endangered plants
- endangered species
- energy ecology
- energy labelling
- energy recovery
- entrepreneurs in nature-based services
- environment
- environmental accidents
- environmental accounting
- environmental activism
- environmental administration
- environmental analysis
- environmental anthropology
- environmental archaeology
- environmental attitudes
- environmental awareness
- environmental benefits
- environmental biology
- environmental boards
- environmental bookkeeping
- environmental certification
- environmental changes
- environmental charges
- environmental chemistry
- environmental communication
- environmental conflicts
- environmental construction
- environmental construction
- environmental control
- environmental damages
- environmental declarations
- environmental ecology
- environmental economics
- environmental economics (economic sciences)
- environmental education
- environmental education
- environmental effects
- environmental ethics
- environmental footprint
- environmental forestry
- environmental geography
- environmental geology
- environmental guidance
- environmental health
- environmental health care
- environmental history
- environmental hygiene
- environmental impact assessment
- environmental indicators
- environmental industry
- environmental issues
- environmentalists
- environmental journalism
- environmental labels
- environmental law
- environmental leadership
- environmental load
- environmental management
- environmental management systems
- environmental managers
- environmental medicine
- environmental movements
- environmental nuisances
- environmental objectives
- environmental offences
- environmental organisations
- environmental permit authorities
- environmental permits
- environmental philosophy
- environmental planning
- environmental plans
- environmental policy
- environmental pollution
- environmental problems
- environmental programmes
- environmental protection
- Environmental Protection Act
- environmental protection organisations
- environmental psychology
- environmental refugees
- environmental rehabilitation
- environmental reporting
- environmental requirements
- environmental research
- environmental responsibility
- environmental risks
- environmental safety
- environmental sciences
- environmental secretaries
- environmental sociology
- environmental statistics
- environmental subsidy
- environmental taxation
- environmental technology
- environmental toxins
- environmental values
- environment centres
- environment protection administration
- environment sector
- erosion
- esker conservation
- Espoo Convention
- ethical consumerism
- European Landscape Convention
- eutrophication
- evolutionary ecology
- exhaust gases
- ex situ conservation
- extinct animals
- extinction (death)
- extinct plants
- extractive waste
- fallouts (matter)
- Finnish Nature Day
- fire ecology
- fish kills
- floods
- fluorinated greenhouse gases
- fly ash
- foreign substances
- forest conservation
- forest damage
- forest deaths
- forest decline
- forest ecosystems
- formaldehyde
- friendliness to the environment
- Friendship Park (nature reserves)
- fungicides
- furans
- garden art
- gases
- Gauja National Park
- geochemical geomedicine
- geodiversity
- geoparks
- Glacier National Park (USA)
- GLOBE Program
- glyphosate
- Grand Teton National Park
- green area planning
- green chemistry
- green economy
- green environment
- greenhouse effect
- greenhouse gases
- green infrastructure
- green movement
- Green parties
- green products
- green transition
- greenwashing
- Haapakeidas Nature Reserve
- habitat
- habitat types
- halons
- Haltiala Nature Reserve
- harmful effects on the landscape
- harmful substances
- hazardous substances
- hazardous waste processing plants
- hazardous wastes
- health protection
- heavy metals
- Helvetinjärvi National Park
- Hepoköngäs Nature Reserve
- herbicides
- HFC compounds
- Hiidenportti National Park
- historic sites
- Hossa National Park
- household waste
- human ecology
- Huovila Park
- hydrocarbons
- hydrogen sulphide
- Häädetkeidas Strict Nature Reserve
- impurities
- indicator species
- industrial chemicals
- industrial ecology
- industrial sewage
- industrial waste
- insecticides
- integrated production
- international environmental law
- introduction (animals)
- ionising radiation
- Isojärvi National Park
- Kalevala National Park
- Kalevala Park
- Kallahdenharju Nature Reserve
- Karkali Strict Nature Reserve
- Karula National Park
- Kauhaneva-Pohjankangas National Park
- Keltaniemi Nature Reserve
- Kevo Strict Nature Reserve
- Koli National Park
- Kolovesi National Park
- Komio Nature Reserve
- Korouoma Nature Reserve
- Kotkanneva Private Nature Reserve
- Krüger National Park
- Kulhanvuori Nature Reserve
- Kurjenrahka National Park
- Kutsa Nature Reserve
- Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- lack of oxygen
- lagooning
- Lahemaa National Park
- landfills
- landscape
- landscape architects
- landscape architecture
- landscape ecology
- landscape fields
- landscape history
- landscape management
- landscape planning
- landscape protection
- landscape research
- landscape services
- landscaping
- landslides
- Langinkoski Nature Reserve
- Lauhanvuori National Park
- lead
- Leivonmäki National Park
- Leivonmäki Nature Reserve
- Lemmenjoki National Park
- Lenholm Nature Reserve
- Liesjärvi National Park
- light pollution
- Linnansaari National Park
- Litokaira
- littering
- littering (passive)
- living environment
- Local Agenda 21
- long-range transport
- loss of nature
- low-carbon approaches
- Luhdanjoki Nature Reserve
- Luonteri Nature Reserve
- Malla Strict Nature Reserve
- Maltio Strict Nature Reserve
- marine ecology
- marine pollution
- Marjovuori Nature Reserve
- Martinselkonen Nature Reserve
- mass exctinctions
- material efficiency
- material flows
- material footprint
- material recovery
- material side streams
- Matsalu National Park
- maximum concentrations
- medical geology
- mercury
- Mesa Verde National Park
- methane
- methylmercury
- METSO Programme
- Metsäpeuranmaa
- metsäsuhde (fi)
- microbial ecology
- micro-litter
- microplastic
- micropollutants
- mire conservation
- mixed waste
- monoterpenes
- mould particles
- municipal waste
- mutagens
- national landscape
- nationally valuable landscapes
- national parks
- national town parks
- Natura 2000
- natural disasters
- natural diversity
- natural environment
- natural forces
- natural heritage
- natural history
- natural landscape
- natural management field
- natural materials
- natural monuments
- naturalness
- natural peace
- natural phenomena
- natural resources
- natural resources law
- natural resources policy
- natural state
- natural values trading
- nature
- nature-based services
- nature centres
- nature conservation
- Nature Conservation Act
- nature documentaries
- nature entrepreneurship
- nature guides
- nature guides (occupations)
- nature magazines
- nature management
- nature programmes (media)
- nature reserves
- nature reserve wardens
- nature schools
- nature services
- nature sites
- nature sounds
- nature teaching
- nature tourism
- nature values
- near threatened species
- needle loss
- nitric oxide
- nitrogen compounds
- nitrogen dioxide
- nitrogen oxides
- noise
- noise abatement
- noise barriers
- noise impact areas
- nonionising radiation
- nonpoint source pollution
- nonrenewable natural resources
- nuclear tests
- nuclear waste
- Nuuksio National Park
- objects of protection
- odour nuisances
- oil pollution damages
- oil spill prevention and response
- old growth forests
- organic cultivation
- organic farms
- organic production
- organotin compounds
- Orivesi-Pyhäselkä Nature Reserve
- Oulanka National Park
- overgrowing
- oxygen depletion
- ozone
- ozone layer depletion
- Paanajärvi National Park
- package plants
- packaging waste
- PAH compounds
- Paljakka Strict Nature Reserve
- Pallas-Ounastunturi National Park
- Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park
- Paris agreement on climate change
- particulate emissions
- Patvinsuo National Park
- perfluorinated alkylated substances
- permaculture
- persistent organic pollutants
- Perämeri National Park
- pesticide residues
- pesticides
- Petkeljärvi National Park
- Peurahaara Nature Reserve
- PFC compounds
- phosphates
- phthalates
- physical environment
- phytoremediation
- Pigouvian tax
- Pisa Nature Reserve
- Pisavaara Strict Nature Reserve
- Pitkäkoski Nature Reserve
- plant ecology
- plant protection products
- plant residues
- plants used in groups
- plastic waste
- plutonium
- point source pollution
- poisons
- political ecology
- pollutants
- polluted areas
- pollution
- polychlorinated biphenyl
- polychlorinated dibenzodioxins
- polychlorinated dibenzofurans
- population dynamics
- population ecology
- primeval forest areas
- producer liability
- protected animals
- protected areas
- protected cultural heritage objects
- protected plants
- protection (activity)
- protection of fauna
- protection of flora
- protection of rapids
- protection plans
- public cleansing
- Public Health Act
- Punkaharju Nature Reserve
- Puurijärvi and Isosuo National Park
- Pyhä-Häkki National Park
- Pyhä-Luosto National Park
- Pyhätunturi National Park
- Päijänne National Park
- quiet areas
- radiation doses
- radiation protection
- radiation safety
- radioactive fallout
- radioactive radiation
- radioactive waste
- radioactivity
- radon
- Ranomafana National Park
- recreational use
- recreation areas
- recycled glass
- recycled materials
- recycled paper
- recycled plastic
- recycled products
- recycling
- recycling centres
- refuse collection vehicle drivers
- refuse collection vehicles
- regional ecology
- relation to nature
- renewable natural resources
- Repovesi National Park
- residential environment
- residues
- reuse
- reverse osmosis
- rewilding
- right of public access
- Riihimäen rautatienpuisto
- Riisitunturi National Park
- road dust
- road environment
- Rokua National Park
- Ruunaa Nature Reserve
- Ruutinkoski Nature Reserve
- safety zones
- Salamajärvi National Park
- Salamanperä Strict Nature Reserve
- Sanginjoki Nature Reserve
- Sarek National Park
- scrap
- scrap businesses
- scrap iron
- sedimentation basins
- seepage water
- Seitseminen National Park
- sewage
- sewage sludge
- sewage treatment plants
- Siikavaara Nature Reserve
- Sipoonkorpi National Park
- slime build-up
- sludge
- smell
- smoke
- social sustainability
- soft technology
- soil pollution
- soil protection
- Sompio Strict Nature Reserve
- sorting of waste
- Southern Konnevesi National Park
- sparing technology
- species protection
- state of the environment
- state of waters
- storm damage
- St Petersburg Environment Week
- strain on the water system
- street environment
- strict nature reserves
- strontium
- sulfur
- sulphur compounds
- sulphur dioxide
- sustainability reporting
- sustainability science
- sustainable agriculture
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable development
- Sustainable Development Goals
- sustainable forest management
- sustainable living
- sustainable tourism
- sustainable use
- Syöte National Park
- Särkkäniemi Nature Reserve
- Söderskär Nature Reserve
- Talaskangas Nature Reserve
- Tassili n'Ajjer National Park
- Teijo National Park
- Telkkämäki Nature Reserve
- teratogens
- terpenes
- terrestrial ecosystems
- tetrachloroethylene
- textile waste
- thermal pollution
- Tiilikkajärvi National Park
- Tiirismaa nature reserve
- Torronsuo National Park
- toxicity
- toxicology
- toxic substances
- traditional biotope
- traditional landscape
- traffic noise
- translocation (plants and animals)
- trash grabbers
- trichlorthylene
- triterpenes
- Träskända Nature Reserve
- Tulliniemi Nature Reserve
- Ulvinsalo Strict Nature Reserve
- underwater nature
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- uranium
- urban ecology
- urban nature
- Urho Kekkonen National Park
- Urpolanjoki Nature Reserve
- utilisation
- Vaisakko Nature Reserve
- Valkmusa National Park
- Valtavaara-Pyhävaara Nature Reserve
- vegetation damages
- Viikki-Vanhankaupunginlahti Nature Reserve
- Vilsandi National Park
- volatile organic compounds
- Värriö Strict Nature Reserve
- washing and cleaning services
- Waste Act
- waste advice
- waste bins
- waste boards
- waste charges
- waste combustion
- waste containers
- waste electronic and electrical equipment
- waste gases
- waste glass collection
- waste incineration plant
- waste management
- waste management plants
- waste oil
- wastepaper
- waste paper collection
- wastes
- waste stations
- waste-to-energy
- waste treatment
- waste utilisation
- wastewater load
- waste water treatment
- Water Act
- water administration
- water and environment districts
- water damages
- water districts
- water footprint
- water management
- water permits
- water policy
- water pollution
- water protection
- water purification
- water quality
- water rights legislation
- water treatment
- weathering
- wilderness areas
- wildlife overpasses
- wildlife reintroduction
- wind damage
- workplace noise
- world heritage sites
- xerothermic habitats
- Yellowstone National Park
- ympäristöluokitukset (fi)
- zero waste
- Øvre Anárjohka National Park
Termer på andra språk
18 Luonddusuodjaleapmi. Birassuodjaleapmi. Biras. Birrasa nuoskkideapmi
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{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}