Föredragen term
15 Biology. Microbiology. Genetics. Anthropology
Hör till gruppen
- absorption
- acclimation
- accompanying species
- acetylcholine
- acid-base equilibrium
- Acinetobacter baumannii
- actins
- activins
- actomyosin
- adaptation (change)
- adenoviruses
- adiponectin
- adrenaline
- adrenarche
- aerobiology
- aeroecology
- aflatoxins
- Agaricaceae
- Agaricus
- Agaricus bisporus
- age
- age estimation (biology)
- A(H1N1) virus
- A(H5N1) virus
- albumens
- algal bloom
- allelopathy
- alpha-synuclein
- alphaviruses
- alternation of generations
- alternative oxidase
- Amanita
- amino acids
- amoebae
- anaerobic fermentation
- anaerobic processes
- anatoxin-a
- ancient DNA
- androgens
- androgyny
- animal proteins
- anoxia
- anthropologists
- anthropometry
- antiandrogens
- antibodies
- antiestrogens
- antigens
- Anti-Müllerian hormone
- antioncogenes
- antioxidants
- antithrombins
- Antrodia crassa
- Aphyllophorales
- apolipoproteins
- aquatic ecology
- aquatic ecosystems
- archaebacteria
- arginine
- aromatase
- artificial life
- ascomycetes
- asexual reproduction
- astrobiology
- astrocytes
- atomic force microscopy
- autoantibodies
- autoimmunity
- autophagy
- avidin
- axons
- ayahuasca
- Bacillus bacteria
- Bacillus cereus
- Bacillus mojavensis
- Bacillus subtilis
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- bacteria
- bacteriology
- bacteriophages
- baculoviruses
- bagasse
- Bartonella bacteria
- basidiomycota
- beauvercin
- behaviour genetics
- benthos
- beta carotene
- beta-glucan
- betaine
- bifidobacteria
- binding (chemistry)
- bioactive compounds
- bioactive glass
- bioanalytics
- bioart
- bioassays
- bioavailability
- biobanks
- biochemistry
- biochemists
- biochronology
- bioclimatology
- biodegradation
- biodiversity
- bioeconomy
- bioelectronics
- bioenergetics
- bioenergy
- bioethics
- biofilms
- biogeochemical cycles
- biogeography
- biogerontology
- biohacking
- BioImageXD
- bioindustry
- bioinformatics
- biolaw
- bioleaching
- biolinguistics
- biological activity
- biological anthropology
- biological children
- biological control
- biological effects
- biological events
- biological factors
- biological methods
- biological parents
- biological rhythms
- biologists
- biology
- biology of physical activity
- bioluminescence
- biomanipulation
- biomarkers
- biomass (ecology)
- biomass (industry)
- biomaterials
- biomechanics
- biomedicine
- biomes
- biometeorology
- biometric identification
- biometry
- biomimetic materials
- biomolecules
- bionics
- biopharmaceuticals
- biophysics
- biopiracy
- bioplastic
- biopolitics
- biopolymers
- biopsychology
- bioreactors
- bioremediation
- biosciences
- biosecurity
- biosemiotics
- biosensors
- biosimilars
- biosphere
- biosynthesis
- biotechnology
- bioterrorism
- biotic communities
- biotin
- biotope
- biowaste
- blood cells
- blood culture
- blood plasma
- bocaviruses
- Boletaceae
- Boletus edulis
- Bordetella
- Borna disease virus
- Borrelia
- botulinum toxin
- B vitamins
- calcaneal tendon
- calcitriol
- Campylobacteria
- cancer cells
- Cantharellus
- capsid
- carbohydrates
- carbonic anhydrases
- cardiac muscle cells
- catecholamines
- cell and tissue culture
- cell biology
- cell culture
- cell cycle
- cell division
- cell membranes
- cell migration
- cell models
- cell nucleus
- cell respiration
- cells
- cell signaling
- cellulases
- cell walls
- cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor
- cerebrospinal fluid
- chaga
- chanterelle
- chemokines
- Chlamydia bacteria
- chloroplasts
- chloropropanol
- chromatin
- chromosomes
- chronobiology
- circadian rhythm
- Cladonia
- Cladonia rangiferina
- climatic periods
- clinical microbiology
- clones
- cloning
- Clostridium botulinum
- Clostridium difficile
- cold resistance
- collagenases
- Collema
- Collema curtisporum
- Collema multipartitum
- Collema nigrescens
- communities (groups)
- competition (biology)
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
- copulation
- coronaviruses
- corticioids
- Cortinarius
- Cortinarius sanguineus
- Cortinarius subgenus dermocybe
- Cortinarius subgenus telamonia
- cortisone
- cowpox virus
- Craterellus tubaeformis
- c-reactive protein
- cross-breed
- crustose lichens
- cryogenic electron microscopy
- cultivated mushrooms
- cultural evolution
- cyanobacteria
- cyclins
- cystatin C
- cytochrome P450 enzyme system
- cytochromes
- cytogenetics
- cytokines
- cytomegalovirus
- cytoplasm
- Darwinism
- data deficient species
- dating (age estimation)
- death
- decay (change)
- decomposition (biodegradation)
- decorin
- defence mechanisms (biological phenomena)
- degeneration
- dendrochronology
- dengue virus
- denitrification
- depolarisation
- developmental biology
- dextrans
- disaccharides
- disintegration
- DNA analysis
- DNA barcodes
- DNA methylation
- DNA microarrays
- DNA polymerases
- DNA tests
- dormancy
- downy mildew diseases
- drinking
- eating
- ebolavirukset (fi)
- ECHO viruses
- ecological balance
- ecological niche
- ecology
- ecophysiology
- ecosystems (ecology)
- edge effects
- edible mushrooms
- electrolyte balance
- electron microscopes
- electron microscopy
- embryo
- embryogenesis
- embryology
- embryo transfer
- endangered fungi
- endangered habitat types
- endangered species
- endemic species
- endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocytosis
- endophytes
- endoplasmic reticulum
- endorphins
- endothelial cells
- energy consumption (metabolism)
- energy ecology
- energy intake
- Enterobacteriaceae
- enterococci
- enteroviruses
- environmental biology
- environmental microbiology
- enzymes
- epigenetic inheritance
- epigenetics
- epithelial cells
- Epstein–Barr virus
- ergosterol
- Erysiphales
- erythropoiesis
- erythropoietin
- Escherichia coli
- estradiol
- estrogens
- ethnobiology
- eugenics
- eukaryote
- eusociality
- evolution
- evolutionary biology
- evolutionary ecology
- evolutionary psychology
- evolution theory
- Exobasidiomycetes
- exome sequencing
- extinction (death)
- extracellular matrix
- extracellular vesicles
- extraterrestrial life
- extreme environments
- false morel
- female animals
- fermentation (alteration)
- fermentation (metabolism)
- ferritin
- fertilisation
- fertility
- fetal development
- fetus
- fibrin
- fibrinolysis
- fibroblasts
- filamins
- fire ecology
- flaviviruses
- fluid balance
- fluorescence microscopy
- folates
- folic acid
- follicle stimulating hormone
- food chains
- food microbiology
- food webs
- forest ecosystems
- formins
- fossils
- frost resistance
- fungal proteins
- fungi
- furin
- Fusarium
- gametes
- gastrointestinal microbiota
- gelsolin
- gender
- gender differences
- gene banks
- gene expression
- gene mapping
- gene maps
- genes
- gene technology
- gene tests
- genetic algorithms
- genetically modified organisms
- genetic counselling
- genetic defects
- genetic factors
- genetic polymorphism
- genetic research
- genetic resources
- genetics
- genetic variation
- genome
- genomics
- genotoxicity
- genotype
- geobiology
- germination
- ghrelin
- gliadins
- glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor
- glial cells
- globulins
- glucans
- glucocorticoids
- glucose metabolism
- glucuronides
- glutamates
- glutathione
- gluten
- glycyrrhizin
- glykosylaatio (fi)
- glymfaattinen järjestelmä (fi)
- Golgin laite (fi)
- gonadotropins
- Gremmeniella abietina
- growth hormones
- Gyromitra
- Gyromitra gigas
- Gyromitra longipes
- Gyromitra perlata
- Gyromitra sphaerospora
- habitat
- habitat types
- hair cells (inner ear)
- hantaviruses
- hardening (biology)
- hatching out
- Helicobacteria
- heme
- hemin
- hemoglobin
- heparin
- hepatitis B virus
- hepatitis C virus
- hepatitis E virus
- hepatitis viruses
- hepatocytes
- hereditary predisposition
- heredity
- heritability
- hermaphroditism
- herpes simplex virus
- herpesviruses
- Heterobasidion
- Heterobasidion annosum
- Heterobasidion parviporum
- heterosis
- histamine receptors
- histocytochemistry
- HLA antigens
- homeostasis
- homocysteine
- hordeins
- horizontal gene transfer
- hormonal effects
- hormonal factors
- hormones
- host cells
- host species
- human bocavirus
- human ecology
- human herpesvirus 8
- human parechovirus
- hyaluronan
- hybrids (biology)
- hydrobiology
- hydrophobins
- hypercapnia
- hyperglycemia
- Hypholoma capnoides
- hypoxia
- identical twins
- immunochemistry
- immunohistochemistry
- imprinting
- inbreeding
- induced pluripotent stem cells
- infertility
- inflammasomes
- influenza A virus
- Influenza B virus
- influenza viruses
- inhalation
- inhibitors
- interferons
- interleukins
- intersexuality
- introns
- invasive species
- iron bacteria
- irritability
- isolation (microbiology)
- JAK-STAT signaling pathway
- Janus kinases
- kainate receptors
- karyopherins
- keratins
- kinases
- kin selection
- Klebsiella
- Kuehneromyces
- Kuehneromyces mutabilis
- kylmäkuivaus (fi)
- laccases
- Lactarius
- Lactarius trivialis
- lactase
- lactate threshold
- lactic acid bacteria
- lactic fermentation
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG
- lactoferrin
- lactose
- lactulose
- Lamarckism
- laminins
- lamins
- landscape ecology
- Legionella bacteria
- lentiviruses
- leptin
- lichens
- life
- life cycle (natural science)
- ligases
- lignocellulose
- lipases
- lipid metabolism
- lipopolysaccharides
- lipoproteins
- liposomes
- Listeria monocytogenes
- living fossils
- living organisms
- Ljungan virus
- longevity
- luteinizing hormone
- lymph nodes
- lymphocytes
- lysosomes
- macrophages
- male animals
- malformations
- mannans
- marine biology
- marketable mushrooms
- mass exctinctions
- mast cells
- mating
- maturation
- maximal oxygen uptake
- medical mycology
- meiosis
- melanins
- melanocortins
- melatonin
- membranes
- memes
- Mendelism
- meninges
- meningococcus
- mescaline
- mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor
- mesenchymal stem cells
- messenger RNA
- metabolic products
- metabolism
- metalloproteinases
- metamorphosis (biology)
- metapopulations
- Micarea
- microbes
- microbial culture
- microbial ecology
- microbial products
- microbiology
- microbiome
- Microbotryales
- microorganisms
- micropropagation
- microRNA
- microsatellites
- microscopes
- microscopy
- milk proteins
- milk (secretions)
- mineralisation
- mineral substances
- mirror neurons
- mitochondria
- mitochondrial DNA
- mitosis
- molecular anthropology
- molecular biology
- molecular genetics
- molecules
- monoamines
- monocytes
- monosaccharides
- mor
- mould
- mould fungi
- mould particles
- muscle cells
- mutagens
- mutants
- mutations
- mutualism (biology)
- mycelium
- mycobacteria
- mycology
- mycoplasma
- mycorrhiza
- mycorrhizal fungi
- mycotoxins
- myosins
- myostatin
- myotilin
- Myxomycetes
- nandrolone
- nanobiotechnology
- natural diversity
- natural enemies
- natural history
- natural history museums
- natural materials
- natural sciences
- natural scientists
- natural selection
- nature
- nature study
- near threatened species
- nerve growth factors
- nestin
- neurobiology
- neurochemistry
- neurofilament proteins
- neurons
- neuropeptides
- neurulation
- niacin
- nicotinamide
- nisin
- nitrification
- nitrogen cycle
- noradrenaline
- normal flora
- Norovirus
- Notch signaling
- nucleic acids
- nutrient cycle
- Obba rivulosa
- ochratoxins
- oestrus
- oligosaccharides
- oncogenes
- oncolytic virotherapy
- oncolytic viruses
- Oomycetes
- optical microscopy
- orexins
- organ culture
- organelles
- organisms
- origin of life
- ospemifene
- osteoclasts
- osteopontin
- ova
- overeating
- oxidants
- oxidative stress
- oxidoreductases
- oxygen radicals
- oxygen uptake
- oxytocin
- paleoanthropology
- paleobiology
- paleoecology
- palladin
- pantothenic acid
- papillomaviruses
- parapoxviruses
- parasitology
- parathyroid hormone
- parechoviruses
- parmeliaceae
- parthenogenesis
- parvoviruses
- pathogens
- Pectobacterium atrosepticum
- Peltigera
- peptides
- periphyton
- peroxidases
- pest control agents
- phagocytosis
- pharmacogenetics
- phenology
- phenotype
- pheromones
- Phlebia radiata
- Phlebiopsis gigantea
- phosphorylation
- photobiology
- phylogenetics
- phylogeny
- phylogeography
- physiological factors
- phytoestrogens
- phytoremediation
- pigment
- plankton
- plant proteins
- plant viruses
- plasma (liquids)
- plasmids
- Pleurotaceae
- Pleurotus ostreatus
- poisonous mushrooms
- polyhydroksialkanoaatit (fi)
- polyketides
- polymerase chain reaction
- polyomaviruses
- Polyporaceae
- polysaccharides
- population biology
- population dynamics
- population dynamics
- population ecology
- population genetics
- populations
- potato scab
- potyviruses
- prebiotics
- primary production
- prions
- probiotics
- profilins
- progesterone
- programmed cell death
- prolactin
- prolamin
- Propionibacterium
- proteases
- protective coloration
- protein corona
- proteins
- proteoglycans
- proteomics
- protists
- pupae
- putrefaction
- putrescine
- Puumala virus
- quadruplets
- quantitative genetics
- quintuplets
- races and breeds
- racial theories
- radiobiology
- ranaviruses
- receptors (biochemistry)
- recombinant proteins
- red blood cells
- regeneration (biology)
- regional ecology
- regional emblems (species)
- renin
- replication (biology)
- repolarisation
- reproduction (biology)
- reproductive behaviour
- reproductive disorders
- resistance (medicine)
- resistin
- respiration
- respiratory syncytial virus
- retroviruses
- rhinoviruses
- rhizobia
- riboflavin
- ribosomes
- RNA interference
- RNA polymerases
- RNA-viruses
- rotavirus
- Russula
- Russula claroflava
- rust fungi
- Salmonella bacteria
- sapovirus
- SARS-CoV-2 virus
- Schroeteria
- scientific names
- secretion
- secretions
- selecting a couple
- Semliki Forest virus
- sense of direction
- sequence analysis
- serotonin
- serotype
- sevoflurane
- sex chromosomes
- sex determination
- sex hormones
- sextuplets
- sexual intercourse
- sexual maturity
- sexual reproduction
- sexual selection
- shiitake
- Siamese twins
- Sindbis virus
- sirtuins
- skin colour
- slime build-up
- sociobiology
- soil biota
- soil respiration
- souring
- spermatozoa
- sphingolipids
- Spirochaeta
- staphylococci
- stem cells
- streptavidin
- streptococci
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- stromal cells
- sucralose
- sumoylation
- survival
- swine influenza
- symbiosis
- syndecans
- synthetic biology
- systematics
- systems biology
- talin
- Tau protein
- taxons
- telomeres
- teratogens
- teratology
- terrestrial ecosystems
- testosterone
- thiamin
- thrombin
- thrombocytes
- thrombomodulin
- thyrotropin
- tissue culture
- tissue engineering
- tissues (organic objects)
- T-lymphocytes
- toll-like receptors
- tooth fungi
- toxins
- tracers (indicators)
- traditional biotope
- transcription (biological events)
- transcription factors
- transcriptome
- transferases
- transglutaminases
- translocation (genetics)
- transmitters (chemical compounds)
- transport proteins
- transposons
- Trichoderma reesei
- Tricholoma
- Tricholoma matsutake
- triplets
- trisaccharides
- troponins
- truffles
- tumor necrosis factors
- twin research
- twins
- tyrosine
- tyrosine kinases
- ubiquinone
- ubiquitins
- usnea
- Ustilaginomycotina
- Uukuniemi virus
- variation (biology)
- vectors (epidemiology)
- vegetative propagation
- vegetative reproduction
- vesicles (cell biology)
- vimentin
- viral proteins
- virology
- virulence
- viruses
- vital functions
- vitamin A
- vitamin B12
- vitamin B6
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin E
- vitamin K
- vitamins
- warning coloration
- waste products
- white blood cells
- white-rot fungi
- wild mushrooms
- wood-decaying fungi
- xenotransplantation
- xylans
- xylooligosaccharides
- yeast
- yeast fungi
- Yersinia bacteria
- Zika virus
Termer på andra språk
15 Biologiija. Mikrobiologiija. Genetihkkadieđa. Antropologiija
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}