Concept information
There is no term for this concept in this language.
Preferred term
50 Kansanperinne. Perinnetieteet. Kulttuuriantropologia. Okkultismi (fi)
Concept group
Group members
- Abkhazians
- aboriginal peoples -- Australia
- Aboriginals
- acculturation
- Adivasis
- administrative culture
- affronts
- Afghans
- african-americans
- African identity
- Africans
- Afrikaners
- Afrocentrism
- Ainu
- Akans
- Akha people
- Ålandians
- Albanians
- alchemy
- alcohol culture
- Aleuts
- All Saints' Day
- all saints' day
- American identity
- Americans
- amulets
- ancient costumes
- ancient peoples
- Anglo-Saxons
- animal tales
- Anniversary of New Kalevala
- annual festivals
- anthropologists
- anthropology
- anthropology of education
- Apaches
- applied anthropology
- April Fools' Day
- Arabistics
- Arabs
- archaeoastronomy
- architectural heritage
- architectural tradition
- arctic cultures
- Armenians
- articulation theory
- Aryans
- ascension day
- Ashkenazi Jews
- Asians
- aspen dug-outs
- astrologers
- astrology
- atlantis
- aura (paranormal phenomena)
- Australian identity
- Australians
- Austrians
- autoethnography
- automatic writing
- ballads
- baltic-finnish peoples
- Baltic Germans
- Balts
- banquets
- Bantu peoples
- Bard's House
- barns
- Basques
- bath whisks
- Bedouins
- Belgians
- beliefs
- Belorussians
- best men
- binge drinking
- birthdays
- Blackfeet
- black humour
- black magic
- blacks
- blood vengeance
- Boers
- Bolgars
- bonfires
- boy culture
- Breton people
- brides
- bridesmaids
- bride's outfit
- British identity
- Britons
- broadsheets
- brownies
- building tradition
- Bulgarians
- bunkhouses
- burial
- burial traditions
- Buriats
- Burmese
- Burmese
- cabbala
- Cajuns
- calendar
- calendar festivals
- camp
- Canadians
- cannibalism
- card reading
- carnivalesque
- carnivals
- Carthaginians
- Catalans
- Cathars
- cattle calls
- Caucasians
- celebrating the last day at school
- celebrations
- celebrations
- centaurs
- ceremonies
- Chaga people
- chakras
- charms
- Chechens
- Chicanos
- children's culture
- children's lore
- children's parties
- Chileans
- chimneyless huts
- chimneyless saunas
- Chinese identity
- Chinese people
- christenings
- christmas
- christmas decorations
- christmas magazines
- Christmas peace
- christmas trees
- Chukchi people
- church boats
- Chuvashes
- circumcision
- citizens of Tampere
- civilisation
- civilization
- clairvoyance
- clans
- codas
- cognitive anthropology
- cognitive cultural studies
- Colombians
- colour analysis
- coloured people
- Comanches
- commemorative poems
- communication culture
- consumer culture
- Convention Concerning the Protection of The World Cultural and Natural Heritage
- Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- conversation skills
- coronation
- cosmomusic
- cossacks
- countercultures
- cowherd's cottages
- creation stories
- Creoles
- Croatians
- cross kitchen
- Csangos
- culinary art
- cultural activity
- cultural anthropologists
- cultural anthropology
- cultural background
- cultural capital
- cultural capitals
- cultural centres
- cultural change
- cultural collaboration
- cultural conflicts
- cultural contacts
- cultural criticism
- cultural dependence
- cultural differences
- cultural ecology
- cultural education
- cultural effects
- cultural enterprises
- cultural environment
- cultural evolution
- cultural exchange
- cultural expenditure
- cultural expertise
- cultural exportation
- cultural field
- cultural geography
- cultural heritage
- cultural identity
- cultural identity of swedish-speaking finns
- cultural institutes
- cultural institutions
- cultural landscape
- cultural objects
- cultural producers
- cultural production
- cultural relativism
- cultural research
- cultural semiotics
- cultural shock
- cultural sites
- cultural sociology
- cultural supply
- cultural sustainability
- cultural tourism
- culture
- culture industry
- cultures
- culture studies
- cupping
- customary law
- customs
- cyclopes
- dalits
- dandyism
- Dani people
- Danish
- Danish identity
- death
- death
- decadence
- decadence
- deceased people
- decorations
- demons
- descriptions of local geography and history
- digital culture
- divining rods
- dowry
- dragons
- drawing-room
- dressing up
- druids
- drying barns
- dwarves
- easter
- easter decorations
- Eastern European identity
- East Europeans
- eccentrics
- economic anthropology
- edda
- Egyptians
- elves
- English identity
- English people
- entertainment
- entertainment based on violence
- environmental anthropology
- epiphany
- epiphany carol singers
- Eskimos
- esoterism
- Espoo citizens
- Espoo identity
- Estonian identity
- Estonian Russians
- Estonians
- ethnic cleansings
- ethnic discrimination
- ethnic groups
- ethnic identity
- ethnicity
- ethnic minorities
- ethnic relations
- ethnic restaurants
- ethnobiology
- ethnocentrism
- ethnofuturism
- ethnography
- ethnography of religion
- ethnohistory
- ethnolinguistics
- ethnologists
- ethnology
- ethnomusicology
- ethnopsychology
- etiquette
- eunuchs
- European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage
- European identity
- Europeans
- Evenki
- exoticism
- fables
- fairy-tale creatures
- families
- family celebrations
- family festivals
- fandom
- fans
- farewell
- Faroese people
- fashion
- fashion business
- father christmases
- father's day
- fauns
- feast of st. lucy
- feng shui
- feresit
- festival days
- fiancés
- Filipinos
- film culture
- Finnish kinship ideology
- Finno-Ugric peoples
- Finns
- Flemings
- folk art
- folk artists
- folk beliefs
- folk costumes
- folk culture
- folk customs
- folk dance
- folk dances
- folk life
- folklore sciences
- folklorism
- folkloristics
- folklorists
- folklorists
- folk medicine
- folk music
- folk poems
- folk poetry
- folk songs
- folk stories
- folk tales
- folk writers
- food tradition
- foreign civilizations
- forensic anthropology
- foretelling
- forms of address
- fortune-tellers
- francophone
- French
- French identity
- friezes -- visual arts
- Frisians -- peoples
- Fulbe people
- function analysis
- funerals
- funny stories
- Gaels
- game culture
- Garinagu
- gatherer cultures
- general culture
- geniuses
- genre analysis
- germanic philology
- German identity
- Germans
- Germans in Finland
- ghosts
- giants
- gifts
- girl culture
- gnomes
- goblins
- goblins
- good taste
- Grail
- granaries
- graphology
- graves
- Greater Finland (ideas)
- Greek Cypriots
- Greek identity
- Greeks
- Greenlanders
- greetings
- griffins
- Guaraní people
- guides to behaviour
- gypsy music
- Hague convention of 1954
- Halloween
- Häme identity
- handicraft tradition
- handshaking
- harems
- haute couture
- Hazara people
- headhunting
- healers
- Helsinki citizens
- Helsinki identity
- hen party
- heros (Greek mythology)
- himmelit
- historical anthropology
- historical stories
- history culture
- hittites
- holiday tradition
- Holy Innocents' Day
- holy places
- home district
- honour killing
- honour related violence
- horoscopes
- hospitality
- Huastecs
- humanistic geography
- humanoids
- humorous tales
- humour
- Hungarian identity
- Hungarians
- hunter-gatherers
- hunting cultures
- Hutu people
- Icelanders
- igloos
- immolation
- Inari Sámis
- incantation
- increase of entertainment
- Indian identity
- Indians
- indigenous peoples
- indo-european peoples
- indology
- inexplicable phenomena
- influential cultural figures
- informants
- Ingrian identity
- ingrians
- inhabitants of Central Finland
- inhabitants of Häme
- inhabitants of Kainuu Region
- inhabitants of North Savo
- inhabitants of Satakunta region
- inhabitants of Southeast Finland
- inhabitants of Southwest Finland region
- inhabitants of Uusimaa region
- inherited knowledge
- initiations
- insanity
- institutional ethnography
- intangible cultural heritage
- intercultural communication
- intercultural interaction
- interculturalism
- intercultural research
- International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
- intoxicant culture
- Inuits
- invitations
- Iranians
- Iraqis
- Irish people
- Iroquois
- islamic culture
- Italian identity
- Italians
- Italic peoples
- Izhorians
- Japanese identity
- Japanese people
- japanology
- jesting
- Jews
- Jews
- Jivaro people
- jokes
- journeyman songs
- jousting
- judicial culture
- kalevala
- Kalevala jubilee
- kalevala metre
- kalevipoeg
- Kalmyks
- Kanneltalo
- Karaites
- Karakalpaks
- Karelian identity
- Karelians (Baltic Finns)
- Karelians (Finns)
- karsikot
- käspaikat
- Kassandra 2000 project
- kaukasialaisuus (fi)
- Khanty people
- Khazars
- Khitans
- Khoi people
- Khoisan people
- kinship
- kissing
- knowledge acquired by memorizing
- Komi people
- Komi-Permyaks
- Koreans
- Kosovo citizens
- kotiseutuneuvokset
- Kouvola citizens
- kurds
- Kven people
- Kyrgyz people
- labyrinths
- Lahti citizens
- Lakotas
- läksiäiset (fi)
- Lammi Farmstead
- Lapp identity
- Lapp identity
- Lapps
- Latin Americans
- Latinos
- Latvians
- leap year day
- legends
- Leivu people
- levitation
- Lhomis
- libellous poems
- linguistic anthropology
- lippulinnat (fi)
- literary culture
- Lithuanians
- Livonians
- local archives
- local culture
- local dishes
- local festivals
- local knowledge
- log floaters
- Lönnrot Jubilee Year 2002
- lovers
- Ludians
- Ludza Estonians
- Luhya people
- Maasai people
- magic
- magic objects
- Makonde people
- Malmi Hall
- management culture
- Manchineri people
- Mandé people
- Mansi people
- mantras
- Maori
- Mari people
- mascots
- masks
- mass graves
- material culture
- matriarchate
- matriarchy
- Mayas
- may day
- May Day publications
- Mbuti people
- media culture
- medical anthropology
- medical anthropology
- mediums
- memes
- memorates
- men's culture
- mermaids
- Merya people
- mestizos
- metsäsaamelaiset (fi)
- Mexicans
- midsummer
- miracles
- miracle tales
- miraculous cure
- Mishars
- Miskitos
- mistresses
- mixed marriage
- Mixtecs
- Mizrahi Jews
- modern myths
- modern tradition
- Mongols
- monogamy
- monsters
- Moomins
- Moors
- Mordvins
- Moroccans
- Moscow citizens
- Mother's Day
- Mountain Sami people
- Mozambiqueans
- multiculturalism
- multicultural marriages
- Muromian people
- muses
- museums of local history and culture
- music culture
- mythical creatures
- mythology
- mythology -- antiquity
- mythology -- Finno-Ugric peoples
- mythology -- Finns
- mythology -- Nordic Countries
- myths
- Nabataeans
- name days
- Namibians
- naming
- narration
- national character
- national costumes
- national culture
- national epics
- national landscape
- Native Americans
- nativity sets
- natural heritage
- nature cure
- nature cure
- Navajos
- Ndembu people
- necrologies
- neighbourly help
- Nenets people
- neopaganism
- neoshamanism
- Nepalese
- Netherlandish
- New Age movement
- New Age movement
- new age music
- New Year
- Nganasans
- nibelungenlied
- Nivkh people
- nomad cultures
- nomads
- nonsense rhymes
- Nordic House -- Reykjavik
- Nordic identity
- Nordic people
- north americans
- North Karelians
- Norwegians
- nostalgia
- nudism
- numerology
- nursing culture
- nymphs
- ob-ugric peoples
- occidentalism
- occultism
- Oglala Lakotas
- Ogoni people
- Olmec
- omens
- oracles
- organisation culture
- oriental culture
- orientalism
- Oriental studies
- Oromo people
- Ossetians
- Ostrobothnian identity
- Ostrobothnians
- Ottomans
- Oulu citizens
- Paikkari Cottage
- Pakistanis
- Palestinians
- palmistry
- paranormal phenomena
- party games
- Pashtun people
- Pataxó people
- patriarchism
- patriarchy
- peasant culture
- peijaiset
- people
- peoples
- permaculture
- permian peoples
- perpetual-motion machines
- Peruvians
- Petsamo citizens
- phoenix bird
- phrenology
- phytotherapy
- Picts
- piercing
- places of sacrifice
- players of folk music
- playing games
- poets of the common people
- Polish
- politeness
- political anthropology
- political culture
- poltergeist
- polyandry
- polygamy
- polygyny
- Polynesians
- popular culture
- popular stories
- popular tradition
- Portuguese
- pranic nourishment
- prayer to Azazel
- Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
- preservation of local arts and crafts
- primitive cultures
- proposal
- proverbs
- psychokinesis
- psykokulttuuri (fi)
- Punan Vuhang
- pygmies
- pyhtääläiset (fi)
- Rantasalmi citizens
- regional history societies
- rekilaulut
- religious anthropology
- research on local geography and history
- retro
- riddles
- ridicule
- rites
- rites of passage
- ritual music
- rituals
- Roma culture
- Romanians
- Romani people
- Romans
- romantic tales
- roma people -- culture
- rotinat (fi)
- rumours
- rune-singers
- rune singing
- rural culture
- Rus people
- Russian identity
- Russians
- rustic furniture
- rustic style
- ruteenit (fi)
- ruumiistairtautumiskokemukset (fi)
- ruusuristiläisyys (fi)
- sacred
- safety culture
- sagas
- Saint Petersburg citizens
- Sami culture
- Sami people
- sã¡mi villages
- Samoyedic peoples
- Sampo (folk poetry)
- samurais
- San people
- Saracens
- sarafaanit (fi)
- Satakunta identity
- satanism
- satyyrit (fi)
- sauna bathing
- Savo identity
- sayings
- school culture
- Scots
- scythians
- secret societies
- seduction
- Selkup people
- Sephardi Jews
- Serbs
- service culture
- seti research
- Setos
- Seven Sleepers' Day
- shaman's drums
- Shawnees
- Sherpas
- shrovetide
- sieidis
- singaleesit (fi)
- sinology
- Sioux people
- sirens
- skittles game
- Skolt Lapps
- Slavic peoples
- Slavistics
- sleighs
- Slovaks
- Slovenians
- snobismi (fi)
- social anthropology
- social life
- social receptions
- socio-cultural factors
- Somali
- song games
- Sonjo people
- soothsayers
- Sorbs
- south americans
- Soviets
- Spanish identity
- Spanish people
- special days
- spells
- spinning-wheels
- spiritism
- spirits (supernatural beings)
- spirit world
- stag party
- Stoa
- stories of origin
- stories of the supernatural
- story-tellers
- study of the paranormal
- subcultures
- Sudanese
- suoneniskentä (fi)
- supernatural beings
- superstition
- supranational culture
- Suvilahti
- svenska dagen
- Swedes
- Swedish identity
- Swedish-speaking Finns
- Swiss
- tabus
- talismans
- tamil people
- tamperelaisuus (fi)
- Tarahumara
- Tatars
- tattooing
- tea ceremony
- tearooms
- telephone etiquette
- Thailanders
- thanks
- theistic satanism
- theological anthropology
- theories of culture
- Tibetans
- tibetology
- time machines
- time travelling
- Titans
- Toltecs
- Tornio citizens
- Totonacs
- tradition
- tradition
- traditional biotope
- traditional exercise
- traditional landscape
- traditional music
- traditional scandinavian dance music
- trance
- transnationalism
- trends
- tribes
- trick questions
- tuonela
- Turkic peoples
- Turkish
- Turkish Cypriots
- Turkish identity
- Turku citizens
- Turku identity
- Tutsi people
- tyrvääläiset (fi)
- tyrvääläisyys (fi)
- Udmurts
- ufology
- ufology
- ufos
- Ukrainians
- underground radiation
- unicorns
- uniform culture
- untouchables
- Uralic peoples
- urban culture
- urban ethnology
- usage and customs
- Uyghur people
- Valentine's Day
- Valkeakoski citizens
- vampires
- Vandals
- vanhojenpäivä
- Vantaa citizens
- Varangians
- Vepsians
- victims
- Vietnamese
- viipurilaisuus (fi)
- village community houses
- village idiots
- village research
- vintage
- virginity
- virpominen
- visual culture
- vocational culture
- vocational tradition
- Volga-Finnic peoples
- Votes
- votives
- voudoun
- Vuoksenranta citizens
- Wallachians
- Walloons
- warriors
- water spirits
- water veins
- weather vanes
- wedding
- wedding magazines
- weepers
- weepings
- werewolves
- western culture
- Westerners
- Western Europeans
- white people
- whitsun
- whitsuntide
- wicca
- wiccaism
- wishes
- witchcraft
- witches
- Wixáritari
- wizards
- women's culture
- wooden 'poor boys'
- wordless communication
- workers' culture
- worker tradition
- working culture
- working culture
- workplace culture
- World Decade for Cultural Development
- world heritage sites
- world picture
- worship
- Yakuts
- Yaquis
- yhdysvaltalaiset (fi)
- Yli-Laurosela farmhouse museum
- yoiks
- Yorubas
- Yorubas
- youth culture
- Yugoslavs
- Yupik
- yurts
- Zapotecs
- zombies
- Zulu people
In other languages
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}