Concept information
There is no term for this concept in this language.
Preferred term
65 Valtio-oppi. Politiikka. Kansainvälinen politiikka (fi)
Concept group
Group members
- abductions
- accreditation, diplomacy
- activism
- activists
- Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding
- Act on Equality between Women and Men
- Act on Political Parties
- Act on the Autonomy of Åland
- Act on the Ombudsman for Equality and the Equality Board
- Act on the Ombudsman for Minorities and the National Discrimination Tribunal
- administration of foreign affairs
- administrative policy
- african-americans
- African identity
- Afrikaners
- ageism
- Agenda 2000
- age of independence
- agitation
- agitators
- Agreement Between Finland and Sweden Concerning Frontier Waters
- Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- agricultural countries
- agriculture-based society
- agriculture-based society
- airspace
- air surveillance
- Akha people
- åland issue
- Albanians
- Aleuts
- Aliens Act
- aliens policy
- alkiolaisuus
- alliances
- alternative movements
- ambassadors
- American identity
- Amsterdam Treaty
- anarchism
- anarcho-syndicalism
- anarchy
- Anglophilia
- anti-Americanism
- anti-capitalism
- anticommunism
- anti-fascism
- anti-imperialism
- antimilitarism
- antiracism
- anti-semitism
- anti-terrorist operations
- apartheid
- arab countries
- Arab Spring
- aristocracy
- armament
- armed conflicts
- Armenians
- arms control
- Aryans
- assassination
- associations of states
- asylum
- asylum policy
- asylum seekers
- attempted assassinations
- Australian identity
- autocracy
- autocrats
- autonomy
- Bachelor of Social Sciences
- balance of power
- ban on nuclear tests
- barons
- barons
- becoming independent
- Berlin Wall
- biopolitics
- bioterrorism
- blacks
- blockade
- Boers
- bolshevism
- border control
- borders
- border states
- boundary waters
- bourgeoisie
- bourgeoisie
- bourgeoisness
- boyars
- boycott
- British identity
- cabinets
- cabinets
- capitalism
- capitalistic countries
- caretaker governments
- caretaker governments
- ceded territory
- centre parties
- Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
- Chemical Weapons Convention
- Chinese identity
- Christian democratic parties
- Chukchi people
- church foreign aid
- cis countries
- citizenship
- citizens' initiative
- city states
- civic duties
- civic society
- civil activism
- civil crisis management
- civil disobedience
- civil resistance
- civil rights movements
- civil wars
- claim
- class conflicts
- class consciousness
- class struggle
- class theories
- coalitions
- cold war
- collectivism
- colonialism
- colonies
- coloured people
- Comintern
- common foreign and security policy
- communism
- communism
- communist political parties
- communists
- commutarianism
- concentration camps
- confidential posts
- conflict management
- conflicts
- conflict solving
- Congress of Åland
- consensus
- conservatism
- conservative parties
- conspiracies
- conspiracy theories
- constitutional courts
- constitutionalism
- constitutional law
- constitutional law
- constitutionally governed state
- constitutions
- consulates
- consuls
- Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
- Convention on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora
- Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
- Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
- Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat
- Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
- conventions
- Copenhagen Declaration
- corporatism
- Cotonou Agreement
- Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
- counterintelligence
- countesses
- counts
- coups d'ã©tat
- crimes against the state
- crisis areas
- crisis management
- crisis preparedness
- crisis states
- Croatians
- cross-border cooperation
- crossing of borders
- cultural collaboration
- cultural exchange
- cultural relations
- Dani people
- Danish identity
- decision-makers
- decolonisation
- defectors
- defence policy
- deliberative democracy
- demilitarization
- demilitarized zones
- democracy
- democracy deficit
- democratization
- demonstrations, politics
- deputies
- description of society
- detente
- deterrents
- developed countries
- developing countries
- developing country movement
- developing country policy
- development cooperation
- development of society
- development research
- dialectical materialism
- dictators
- dictatorship
- diets, political history
- diets, political history
- diplomacy
- diplomatic privileges
- diplomatic relations
- diplomats
- direct democracy
- disarmament
- disaster relief
- discrimination
- dissidents
- divided state
- doctrines
- domestic policy
- double agents
- double citizenship
- driftwood theory
- dukes
- dystopias
- Eastern European identity
- e-democracy
- education for international understanding
- egalitarianism
- elected officials
- Election Act
- election campaigns
- election funding
- election observation
- elections
- election systems
- electoral coalition
- electoral districts
- electronic voting
- eligibility
- elitism
- emancipation
- emergency troops
- emigrants
- emigrants
- emigration
- empires
- empires
- English identity
- enlightenment
- enlightenment
- ennoblement
- entering into alliance
- equality
- equality policy
- espionage
- Espoo Convention
- Estonian identity
- ethnic cleansings
- ethnic discrimination
- ethnic groups
- ethnic minorities
- ethnic relations
- eu countries
- EU policy
- eu programmes
- eurasianism
- Euratom Treaty
- eurocommunism
- euro mps
- European Charter of Local Self-government
- European Convention on Human Rights
- European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights
- European Convention on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage
- European identity
- European integration
- European Landscape Convention
- european parliament elections
- European Social Charter
- European year against racism
- Euroscepticism
- eurozone
- evacuations
- executive power
- exercise of power
- exile
- exploitation
- extremist movements
- family reunification
- famine
- fascism
- fascists
- federalism
- federal state
- feminism
- feminists
- Filipinos
- finland image
- finlandisation
- Finnish kinship ideology
- Finnish Kinship Wars
- finnishness
- Finno-Soviet Treaty of 1948
- follow-up meetings
- foreign aid
- foreign countries
- foreign policy
- foreign service
- formation of government
- forms of government
- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- francophilia
- francophone
- freedom
- freedom fighters
- French identity
- friendship associations
- frontier zones
- Gaels
- Garinagu
- general election
- general opinion
- genocide
- geopolitics
- German identity
- glasnost
- Global Citizenship Maturity Test
- global control
- global education
- globalisation
- Government Banquet Hall
- Government Palace
- government programmes
- governments in exile
- grassroots democracy
- Greater Finland (ideas)
- great power politics
- Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
- Greek identity
- Greek War of Independence
- green movement
- Greens
- guerilla movements
- guerillas
- Hague convention of 1954
- Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of Children
- Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
- Hazara people
- heads of state
- hegemony
- Helsingin nuorisofestivaali
- Helsinki Convention
- high treason
- hijackings
- history politics
- holocaust
- hostages
- humanitarian intervention
- humanitarianism
- human rights
- human rights activists
- human rights organisations
- human rights policy
- Hungarian identity
- Hungarian Revolution of 1956
- hunger strike
- ideas
- identity politics
- ideologies
- illegal immigration
- immigrant policy
- immigrants
- immigration
- immigration policy
- imperialism
- inclusion
- independence
- independence anniversary year
- independence movements
- Indian identity
- industrial countries
- industrial espionage
- industrial society
- industrial society
- inequality
- influencing
- information society
- information society
- institutionalism
- integration
- integrative measures
- intelligence
- intelligence services
- interest groups
- interest groups
- internal security
- international aid
- international community
- International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
- International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
- international cooperation
- International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- international economic organisations
- international employment contracts
- internationalisation
- internationality
- international labour movement
- international movements
- International Non-Governmental Organisations
- international operations
- international organisations
- international politics
- international relations
- internationals
- international safety
- international system
- international treaties
- International Year for Tolerance
- International Year of Peace
- International Zones
- internment
- interpellations
- intervention
- Intifada
- Islamic countries
- islamism
- Italian identity
- Japanese identity
- J.V. Snellman 200 Years Jubileum
- Kalmar Union
- kaukasialaisuus (fi)
- Kemalism
- Kesäranta
- Khmer rouges
- kingdoms
- kings
- Kosovo citizens
- Kristallnacht
- Kultaranta
- Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- labour movement
- language issue
- language minorities
- language policy
- Lapua Movement
- leading industrial countries
- leftism
- leftist parties
- left-wing movements
- legations
- legislative authority
- legislative process
- legitimacy
- liberalism
- liberalism
- liberal parties
- liberation movements
- libertarianism
- life policy
- lobbying
- local election
- local politicians
- local politics
- London Naval Treaty
- Lugano Convention
- Maastricht Treaty
- Machiavellianism
- Madrid Agreement
- mafia
- majorities
- majority principle
- managerialism
- mandate territories
- manipulation
- Mäntyniemi
- maoism
- Marshall Aid
- marxism
- marxism-leninism
- mass destruction
- mass movements
- mass murder
- Masters of Social Sciences
- material assistance
- May Fourth Movement
- members of parliament
- member states
- meritocracy
- messianism
- middle class
- Middle East crisis
- migrants
- militarism
- military administration
- military aid
- military alliances
- military attachã©s
- military cooperation
- military coups
- military dictatorship
- military observers
- military policy
- military regimes
- minorities
- minority policy
- monarchism
- monarchy
- monarchy
- movements
- mp's assistants
- Multilateral Agreement on Investiment
- multinational forces
- Nabataeans
- national identity
- nationalism
- nationalist ideology
- nationalist movements
- nationality
- Nationality Act
- nationality policy
- nationality questions
- national minorities
- national security
- national socialism
- nation-state
- native country
- Naxalites
- nazis
- neighbouring area cooperation
- neoconservatism
- neofascism
- neoliberalism
- neo-nazism
- nepotism
- neutral countries
- neutrality
- New Left
- nihilism
- nobility
- nomination of candidates
- non-aggression pacts
- non-alignment
- non-alliance policy
- Non-Discrimination Act
- non-nuclear states
- non-socialist parties
- non-violence
- Nordic arrest warrant
- Nordic Convention on Social Security
- nordic cooperation
- Nordic identity
- Nordic Treaty on Social Services
- Northern Dimension
- Note Crisis 1961
- nuclear-free zones
- nuclear non-proliferation treaty
- nuclear states
- nuclear war
- occupation
- occupation administration
- occupied territories
- Occupy movement
- oecd countries
- official authority
- Ogoni people
- oikeudenmukaisuusteoria (fi)
- oligarchy
- Operation Hunger Day
- opposition
- oppression
- organisational democracy
- orient
- Ossetians
- pacifism
- palveluyhteiskunta (fi)
- Pan-Africanism
- Paneuropean Movement
- Paris Commune
- parliament act
- parliamentarism
- parliamentary control
- parliamentary documents
- parliamentary motions
- parliamentary proceedings
- parliamentary systems
- parliamentary work
- parliament elections
- parliament groups
- parliaments
- participation
- Partnership for Peace
- party activists
- party commitment
- party conferences
- party discipline
- party financing
- party leaders
- party membership
- party politics
- party programmes
- party secretaries
- party subsidy
- party support
- party-switching
- party systems
- party tyranny
- party work
- passive resistance
- patents of nobility
- patriotism
- peace
- peace education
- peace enforcement
- peacekeepers
- peacekeeping
- peacekeeping forces
- peace mediation
- peace movement
- peace movements
- peace negotiations
- peace negotiators
- Peace of Westphalia
- peace organisations
- peace research
- peace researchers
- peace treaties
- peace work
- peasant's revolts
- people
- peoples
- people's communes
- people's democracy
- people's democrats
- perceived enemies
- perestroika
- persecution of Jews
- persecutions
- personal help
- platforms (politics)
- pluralism
- police state
- policy of governance
- policy programmes
- political activity
- political advertising
- political anthropology
- political art
- political assistants
- political attitudes
- political behaviour
- political change
- political communication
- political control
- political crimes
- political crises
- political culture
- political decision-making
- political development
- political ecology
- political economics
- political education
- political elite
- political geography
- political history
- political instability
- political institutions
- political integration
- political journalism
- political leaders
- political movements
- political murder
- political nature
- political nominations
- political organisations
- political participation
- political parties
- political persecutions
- political philosophy
- political philosophy
- political prisoners
- political research
- political rights
- political science
- political scientists
- political scientists
- political students' organisations
- political systems
- political theory
- political violence
- political youth organisations
- politicians
- politicisation
- politics
- politics of memory
- poltical theories
- Polynesians
- popular front
- population problems
- populism
- positions of trust
- positive discrimination
- postcolonialism
- postcommunism
- power
- power structures
- Prague Spring
- pre-industrial society
- pre-industrial society (change)
- presidential elections
- presidents
- pressure groups
- prevention of racism
- primary elections
- princes
- princesses
- principalities
- prison camps
- prisoners of conscience
- progressive utilization theory
- prohibitions against discrimination
- propaganda
- protest movements
- psychological warfare
- public affairs
- public interest
- queens
- racial discrimination
- racial policy
- racism
- radical feminism
- radicalisation
- radicalism
- rajaturvallisuus (fi)
- ranks of nobility
- ratification
- rational choice theory
- rebellion
- rebellious movements
- recognition of a state
- referendums
- reformism
- refugee camps
- refugeedom
- refugee policy
- refugees
- refusal of entry
- regional cooperation
- regionalism
- religious parties
- remote participation
- representations
- representative democracy
- republic
- republicanism
- republics
- reservations (economic phenomena)
- resistance movements
- resistance, politics
- resolutions
- revisionism
- revolutionaries
- revolutionary movements
- revolutions
- right of veto
- right to vote
- right wing ideology
- right wing movements
- right wing parties
- riots
- risk society
- Rome Treaty
- rulers
- Rus people
- russia image
- Russian identity
- russification policy
- Russo-Swedish War (1590-1595)
- sanctions
- sanctions
- Schengen Agreement
- scientific cooperation
- security environment
- security police
- security policy
- security services
- self-government
- senates
- senators
- separation of powers
- separatism
- Serbs
- sex discrimination
- shahbanu
- shahs
- siege
- skinheads
- Slavic peoples
- small states
- social classes
- social conditions
- social contract
- social criticism
- social Darwinism
- social democracy
- social democratic parties
- social development
- social influences
- socialism
- socialism
- socialist countries
- Socialist International
- socialist parties
- socialists
- socially influential persons
- social movements
- social movements
- social philosophy
- social state
- social systems
- social theories
- societal policy
- society
- sociology of politics
- socio-political journals
- Sointula
- solidarity
- Sonjo people
- Sorbs
- sosiaalinen koheesio (fi)
- sovereignty
- Sovietology
- Spanish identity
- speakers of parliament
- spheres of interest
- spies
- Stability and Growth Pact
- stalinism
- state
- state of war
- states
- states of a federation
- state terrorism
- state visits
- structural policy
- structural violence
- structure of society
- student movements
- student politics
- subsidiarity
- succession
- succession to the crown
- Suez Crisis
- suicide strikes
- sukupuoleen perustuva vaino (fi)
- summits
- suojeluvastuu (fi)
- suomalaistamispolitiikka (fi)
- superpowers
- supranational issues
- Svalbard Treaty
- Sveaborg rebellion
- Swedish identity
- syndicalism
- syrjimättömyys (fi)
- systems of government
- Taistoism
- Talebans
- Tamminiemi
- tasa-arvosuunnitelmat (fi)
- technocracy
- Tehran Conference
- Terijoki government
- territorial claims
- territorial conquest
- territorial sea
- territorial violations
- territorial waters
- territory
- terror attacks
- terrorism
- terrorists
- The Charter on transport, environment and health
- theocracy
- theory of communicative action
- theory of structuration
- theory of the state
- The Presidential Palace
- third countries
- tiedustelu (tiedustelutiedon hankinta) (fi)
- time policy
- torture
- totalitarianism
- trade missions
- transfer camps
- transnationalism
- transportation
- treason
- Treaty of Brussels
- Treaty of Lisbon
- Treaty of Nice
- Treaty of Nystad
- Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)
- Treaty of Tartu
- Treaty of Trianon
- Treaty of Turku
- Treaty of Värälä
- Treaty of Versailles
- truth commissions
- Turkish identity
- twin cities
- twin towns
- two-chamber system-
- ubiquitous network society
- ubiquitous network society (change)
- unallied countries
- underdevelopment
- underground operations
- Unionism
- United Nations Charter
- United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
- United Nations Convention on Contracts Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- United Nations Millennium Declaration
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- universality
- unrecognised states
- unusual conditions
- uprisings
- use of force
- utopias
- uusalkiolaisuus
- valtataistelu (fi)
- valtionmuodostus (fi)
- vice presidents
- violence
- vote in advance
- voters
- votes
- vote threshold
- voting
- voting advice applications
- voting behaviour
- Vuoden kellokas
- war
- war policy
- wars
- Washington Naval Treaty
- Watergate
- weapons restrictions
- welfare state
- western countries
- white people
- Wienin kongressi (fi)
- women's movements
- women's rights movements
- workers' associations
- working class
- world citizenship
- world order
- xenophobia
- yksintulleet pakolaislapset (fi)
- Yorubas
- youth elections
- Zapatistas
- zionism
In other languages
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}