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Concept information

events and action > action > action with an object > building preservation
change by maintaining > building preservation

Preferred term

building preservation  


  • AFO Concept

  • JUPO Concept

  • KAUNO Concept

  • MAO Concept

  • SOTO Concept

  • TSR Concept

  • YSO Concept

Entry terms

  • conservation
  • protection
  • protection (activity)


  • Museo 2015
  • Työsuojelurahasto

In other languages

  • Finnish

  • rakennussuojelu
  • rakennusten suojelu
  • suojeleminen
  • Northern Sami

  • vistesuodjaleapmi
  • Swedish

  • beskydd
  • beskyddande
  • byggnadsskydd
  • byggnadsvård
  • skydd (verksamhet)


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