Hyppää sisältöön

Hae sanastosta

Sisällön kieli

Käsitteen tiedot

events and action > events > change > development (active) > progress of a society
events and action > action > change > development (active) > progress of a society
alteration > development (active) > progress of a society
events and action > events > change > societal change > progress of a society
events and action > action > change > societal change > progress of a society

Käytettävä termi

progress of a society  


  • KAUNO Concept

  • KTO Concept

  • YSO Concept


  • social development

Muunkieliset termit



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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Luotu 1.8.1986, viimeksi muokattu 13.10.2022