Föredragen term
societal objects
Hierarchical concept
YSO Concept
Överordnat begrepp
Underordnade begrepp
- abstract objects related to arts
- abstract objects related to religion
- abstracts
- account books
- accounts (reports)
- advertisements
- agreements
- aikatrendi (fi)
- aineistokuvaukset (fi)
- ajankuva (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- alustukset (fi)
- anachronism
- annual report
- annual reports
- aptitude assessments
- archaeological heritage
- area reservations
- art
- art forms
- articles (inanimate objects)
- arviot (fi)
- assigned municipalities of residence
- assignment
- audio announcements
- audit reports
- authorisation
- awards
- axioms
- balanced scorecard
- balance of resources and expenditures
- balance sheets
- banns of marriage
- barometer surveys
- benefits
- Bologna process
- boundaries
- brands
- breakdown of budgetary accounts
- business concepts
- calculations
- camps
- carbon balance
- career
- case reports
- certificates of honour
- challenges
- charges (prosecution)
- citations
- commands
- commentaries (reportage)
- comments (opinions)
- common position
- company forms
- concepts (outlines)
- conclusions
- consent
- contradiction (logic)
- corrections (rectifications)
- cost estimates
- courses (societal objects)
- cultural heritage
- customer interface
- decisions
- declarations
- degrees (education)
- demands
- designated employment
- deterrents
- diagnosis
- diagrams
- dialogue
- dichotomies
- digital footprint (data privacy)
- digital product passports
- directions (ways)
- discipline
- discourse
- disinformation
- disorder
- documentation
- documents
- dystopias
- ecological surveys
- economic objects
- eEurope
- elasticity (economy)
- election threshold
- employment report
- employment terms
- energy balance
- engagements (societal objects)
- enterprise architecture
- environmental issues
- erotica
- esitykset (yhteiskunnalliset tuotokset) (fi)
- estates (social classes)
- estimations of needs
- ethos
- examinations (degrees)
- fair play
- fairy-tale creatures
- fakelore
- fake news
- fashion
- fatwas
- feedback
- fictional places
- ficts
- fields of study
- filter bubbles
- final projects (education)
- flow charts
- forecasts
- formats
- form of protection
- forms (documents)
- forms of government
- formulas (narration)
- game mechanics
- games
- general knowledge
- general surveys
- good
- good wishes
- grades (education)
- graphic look
- greetings
- guidelines and recommendations
- hadith
- hazard statements
- headlines
- health profiles
- hegemony
- honorary titles
- honour (properties)
- honours (acts of appreciation)
- horoscopes
- humour
- hype
- hypotheses
- ideas (principles)
- ideas (thoughts)
- image (profile)
- immunization programs
- incentive traps
- indexes (comparative figures)
- indexes (directories)
- indicators
- inferences
- information
- information architecture
- information overload
- information technology architecture
- info session
- initiatives
- insurance
- interviews
- invitation for tender
- invitation to correct
- irony
- jobs
- judgements (philosophy)
- judicial objects
- justification
- kaavat (maankäyttö) (fi)
- Karelian question
- kehotukset (fi)
- keskustelut (fi)
- kohu (fi)
- kokeet (fi)
- konservointikertomukset (fi)
- kunniavelka (fi)
- kuntoarviot (fi)
- laatuselosteet (fi)
- lainvalintasäännökset (fi)
- language issue
- laws of thought
- learning opportunities
- legal cases
- legal order
- lifeworld
- liiketoiminta-arkkitehtuuri (fi)
- lines of action
- linguistic objects
- literature
- losses (warfare)
- löytökertomukset (fi)
- manifestit (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- manners of proceeding
- maritime declarations
- marketing research
- market research
- materials (role)
- means of livelihood
- measuring instruments (indicators)
- megatrends
- memes
- messages
- methods
- military ranks
- mind and body
- models (objects)
- mottoes
- muistolauseet (fi)
- municipality types
- mythical creatures
- määräyskokoelmat (fi)
- nationality issues
- natural laws
- need study for labour and training
- New International Economic Order
- news
- nopeussuositukset (fi)
- Nordek
- norms
- notifications
- notifications (EU)
- nutrient balance
- oaths
- offers
- official letters
- official ranks
- omens
- operational form
- opetukset (fi)
- opinion polls
- order
- orders (requests)
- ostokset (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- paradigms
- paradoxes
- patent landscape
- patent map
- patent regulation
- payment value records
- people (phenomena)
- permits
- petition
- plagiarised copies
- plans
- playlists
- plays and games
- police messages for apprehension
- political narratives
- pornography
- portfolios
- portrayals (biographical history)
- posts (occupations)
- potential company
- powers and mandates
- power (societal objects)
- precautionary statements
- prescriptions of physical activity
- principles
- proclamations (public notices)
- product description
- professional image
- professional sports career
- profiles (information)
- project portfolio
- projects
- promises
- propaganda
- prophecies (magic)
- propositions
- public image
- public offices
- pääkirjat (fi)
- päättötyöt (fi)
- qualifications
- questionnaire
- questions
- rakennusten käyttö- ja huolto-ohjeet (fi)
- ranking lists
- ranks of nobility
- raportit (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- reading diplomas
- registers
- rejoinders (communication)
- rekisteriselosteet (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- reports (public administration)
- reputation
- requests
- requests for an opinion
- requirement specifications
- responses
- responsibilities (duties)
- restrictions
- revenue estimates
- review
- rights
- riski-hyöty -arvio (fi)
- R-phrases describing hazard
- rules
- rumours
- salutes
- sarcasm
- scenarios
- school achievements
- school timetables
- science
- sections of a newspaper of magazine
- security clearances
- security stewards
- services
- signal words
- slanders
- slogans
- social stratification
- sociograms
- soft law
- speeches
- standard phrases providing safety advice
- statements (claims)
- statements (reports)
- statistics (data)
- statutes
- stipulations
- strategies
- structured documents
- student places
- students' works
- studies
- study attainments
- study of paranormal phenomena
- styles (phenomena)
- sublime
- summer jobs
- summonses (judicial)
- suoritus (fi)
- supernatural creatures
- surveys
- symbolism (cultural phenomena)
- syncretism
- synthesis
- syytökset (fi)
- tables of squares
- taboos
- tactics
- tendencies
- terms of agreement
- thanks
- the evil
- tilastokuvaukset (fi)
- timetables
- titles (designations)
- tradition
- trends
- turnkey
- type of business organisation
- typography
- työsuhde-ehdot (fi)
- työympäristöprofiilit (fi)
- units of measurement
- utopias
- vacancies
- values (conceptions)
- variants (folklore)
- veronpalautukset (yhteiskunnalliset objektit) (fi)
- vices
- virtues
- vote
- värikartat (abstraktit objektit) (fi)
- warnings
- works (cultural objects)
- Åland crisis
- societal accomplishments
- This is a hierarchical concept not to be used in subject cataloging.
Termer på andra språk
yhteiskunnalliset tuotokset
samhälleliga alster
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}