Concept information
Preferred term
inanimate objects
Broader concept
Narrower concepts
- abacuses
- adhesive tapes
- admission tickets
- amigurumi
- animal bodies
- architectural details
- armours
- articles (inanimate objects)
- artificial nails
- artificial organs
- audience areas
- balloons
- banderoles
- baskets
- bathtubs
- birdhouses
- bird tables
- bits (bridles)
- blinds
- bookmarks
- booms
- braids and weaves
- bridge floors
- bridles
- briquets
- brooms and brushes
- buckles
- busses (computing)
- buttons (clothing)
- candles
- candlesticks
- canopies
- cardboard
- cards
- cards of condolence
- cart structures
- celestial bodies
- ceramics
- chains (objects)
- cladding (construction)
- climbing frames
- clipbooks
- columns (architecture)
- combs
- copies
- coverings
- crossword puzzles
- decks (vessels)
- decorations (ornamental)
- dedications
- diaries
- dice
- duckboards
- embankments
- enclosures
- engravings
- equipment
- esselit (fi)
- ex librises
- eyeglasses
- eyeglass frames
- faucets
- feeding troughs
- fences
- films (photography)
- fireboxes
- fire grates
- flagpoles
- flyflaps
- foils (films)
- forgeries
- fossils
- fountains
- frames
- furnishings
- furs
- garments
- gates
- geogrids
- goods
- grills
- guest books
- hairstyles
- handicraft patterns
- handicrafts
- handles
- harnesses
- hatches
- hearths
- hidasteet (fi)
- hinges
- hooks
- hoses
- housepits
- ilmoitustaulut (fi)
- implants
- implements
- insect hotels
- jewellery
- joints (technology)
- kaiteet (fi)
- keels
- kiinnityspoijut (fi)
- knots
- koilit (fi)
- köydet (fi)
- ladders
- lanterns
- lassos
- lean-to shelters
- lepuuttajat (fi)
- liikenteen ohjauslaitteet (fi)
- liikenteen suojalaitteet (fi)
- liitokset (fi)
- loading platforms
- locks (hydraulic engineering)
- lyhtykojut (fi)
- magnets
- mailboxes
- mannequins (dummies)
- masks
- masts
- means of transportation
- medals
- menstrual protection
- menus
- metal wires
- meteorites
- meteors
- Midsummer poles
- miniatures
- mobiles
- moulds
- movable platforms
- mummies
- napkins
- needles
- nests
- nets (objects)
- non-slip protection
- notebooks
- notes
- nozzles
- number puzzles
- obelisks
- objects related to storage
- occlusal splints for bruxism
- organ facades
- pallets
- paloilmoitustaulut (fi)
- paper
- paperboard
- papyri
- parts (components)
- pearls
- pellets
- pergolas
- perpetual-motion machines
- petroglyphs
- photograph albums
- physical objects related to religion
- picture stones
- piles
- pipes and tubes
- pipes (smoking)
- place mats
- plantframes
- playground slides
- playthings
- pleats
- product labels
- projection screen
- publication covers
- putket (fi)
- puutavara (fi)
- railings
- railroad ties
- railway tracks
- rakenteet (fi)
- renkaat (fi)
- reproductions (cultural objects)
- rims
- roofing
- ropes
- ruins
- runestones
- saddles
- sails
- samples
- sandpits
- sauna whisks
- scaffolds
- scarecrows
- scenic designs
- scissors
- scrap
- scratching posts
- screens (dividers)
- seals (labels)
- seams (textiles)
- sewers
- shipwrecks (objects)
- showers
- sieves
- signalling devices
- signatures
- signboards and plates
- signposts
- sketches
- solmut (fi)
- speed bumps
- spinning tops
- stages (performance)
- stages (theatre)
- stairs
- staves
- stencils
- stents
- stickers
- sticks
- stirrups
- stones and rocks (natural objects)
- strings and cords
- structures and constructions
- sunglasses
- supplies
- surfaces
- swings
- technical objects (physical objects)
- tents
- terraces (patios)
- textiles
- tiimalasit (fi)
- timber
- title pages
- tokens
- torches
- traffic signs
- travel souvenirs
- trellises
- trivets
- trophies (hunting)
- tyres
- unidentified flying objects
- vaijerit (fi)
- washbowls
- waste bins
- waste containers
- wells
- wigs
- wood shingles
- yards (sailing)
- zippers
Entry terms
- concrete inanimate object
- This is a hierarchical concept not to be used in subject cataloging.
In other languages
konkreettinen eloton objekti
konkret icke-levande objekt
livlösa objekt
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}