Concept information
Preferred term
57 Upbringing. Teaching. Education
Concept group
Group members
- 350th Anniversary of the University of Helsinki
- abacuses
- ability to attend school
- ability to study
- ability to write
- absences
- academic degree holders
- Academic Entrepreneur Program
- Academic Small-Scale Entrepreneur Program
- activity centres
- Act on Compulsory Education
- Act on Pupil and Student Welfare
- Act on the Financing of Education and Culture
- additional education
- administration of higher education
- admission guides
- adoption (cognition)
- adult didactics
- adult education
- adult education allowance
- adult education centres
- adult education teaching
- adult educators
- adult language proficiency test
- adult pedagogy
- adult students
- adult study
- Advanced International Certificate of Education
- adventure education
- aesthetic education
- afternoon activities
- agricultural colleges
- Akateeminen wartti
- alcohol and drug education
- alternative teacher certification programme (class teachers)
- alumni
- alumni activities
- ambulant school
- ammattikasvatusneuvokset (honorary titles)
- andragogy
- anthropology of education
- apprenticeship training
- architectural education
- Arion programme
- art education
- art education teachers
- art pedagogy
- arts and crafts schools
- art schools
- art schools for children and youth
- arts subjects
- art teachers
- assistants (university)
- attitude education
- audiovisual study material
- audiovisual teaching aids
- bachelors (degrees)
- Bachelors of Arts (Art and Design)
- Bachelors of Science in Technology
- Bachelors of Social Sciences
- Bachelor's theses
- Basic Education Act
- basic education in the arts
- basic level education
- basic training (education)
- behavioural sciences
- bilingual schools
- blended learning
- boarding schools
- Bologna process
- boys' schools
- breaks (between school lessons)
- bringing up a topic
- Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory
- bullying
- business colleges
- cadet schools
- camp school
- Campus Allegro
- campus areas
- candidates for the matriculation examination
- care and education sector
- career choice
- career counselling courses
- career guidance
- care workers in child welfare
- Casa Academica
- catechists
- cathedral schools
- chief education officers
- child orientation
- children's day clubs
- children with special needs
- child work leaders
- choice of profession
- choice of subjects
- christian education
- Christian schools
- church's educational work
- church youth work leaders
- CID association method
- circus pedagogy
- circus schools
- citizenship education
- civic education
- civics
- civic school
- class discussion (educational methods)
- classifications of education
- class reunions
- classroom work
- class teachers
- class teaching
- coaching (education)
- coeducation
- coeducational schools
- collaborative learning
- colleges of health care
- colleges of physical education
- combined classes
- Comenius programme
- Comett programme
- commercial schools
- communication education
- community education
- community educators
- comparative education
- competence-based qualifications
- competence management
- competency training
- Competition of Good Fellowship
- comprehensive school
- comprehensive school system
- compulsory education
- computer-assisted learning
- computer-assisted teaching
- conceptions of learning
- conductive education
- conferment ceremonies
- consequence pedagogy
- constructivism (pedagogy)
- consumer education
- content and language integrated learning
- continuing education
- continuing education centres
- continuing professional education
- cooperative learning
- correspondence schools
- co-teaching
- co-teaching
- counsellors of education
- course-based teaching
- course centres
- courses (curriculum)
- courses (societal objects)
- courses with skill levels
- craft teachers
- creativity education
- critical pedagogy
- cultural education
- curricula
- curriculum publications
- curriculum reform
- curriculum subjects
- dance education
- dance schools
- dance teachers
- day care centres
- days off
- deans
- degree certificates
- degree requirements
- degrees (education)
- design education
- didactics
- differentiation (teaching methods)
- digital badges
- digital study material
- diplomas (certificates)
- direction (instruction and guidance)
- discipline
- disciplining
- distance general upper secondary school
- distance studies
- distance teaching
- distribution of lesson hours
- doctoral dissertations
- doctoral education
- doctors (degrees)
- Doctors of Education
- Doctors of Law
- Doctors of Music
- Doctors of Philosophy
- Doctors of Science (Technology)
- Doctors of Theology
- Doman method
- domestic science schools
- Domus Academica
- double degree
- drama education
- drama education
- drama pedagogy
- drawing (arts subjects)
- driving instructors
- driving schools
- dropping out
- duration of studies
- early childhood education and care
- early childhood education and care teachers
- early childhood education plans
- early interaction
- early intervention
- early support
- ECEC partnership
- economic education
- economics (curriculum subjects)
- educability
- educating oneself
- educational administration
- educational background
- educational choices
- educational counselling
- educational counselling psychologists
- educational department
- educational department
- educational evaluation
- educational expenditures
- educational games
- educational guidance
- educational institute of forestry and timber studies
- educational institutes of agricultural studies
- educational institutes of dairy production
- educational institutions
- educational institutions for visual arts
- educational methods
- educational needs
- educational objectives
- educational planning
- educational programmes (media)
- educational psychology
- educational science
- educational scientists
- educational sociology
- educational software
- educational systems
- educational technology
- educational use
- education and training
- education centres
- education export
- education fees
- education in skills
- education of parents
- education policy
- educators (upbringing)
- electronic matriculation examination
- elementary education
- elementary mass education
- emotional education
- encouragement
- engineering colleges
- engineering schools
- entrance examination questions
- entrance examinations
- entrepreneurship education
- environmental education
- environmental education
- environmental studies
- environment and nature studies
- equality education
- equivalence of qualifications
- Erasmus Programme
- essay writing
- ethical education
- ethics (curriculum subjects)
- etiquette handbooks
- European Baccalaureate
- European Language Portfolio
- European Schools
- EU TRAIN Project
- evaluation
- evening study
- examinations (degrees)
- examinations (education)
- examinations (evaluation)
- exchange of trainees
- exchange students
- exchange students
- exercise books
- exercise-oriented playschools
- expatriates
- experiential learning
- experiential pedagogy
- experimental schools
- extra classes of comprehensive school
- faculties (educational organisations)
- feminist pedagogy
- fields of study
- fields of training
- film education
- film schools
- final assessment
- final projects (education)
- Finnish as a foreign language
- Finnish as a second language
- Finnish schools outside Finland
- Finnish School Television
- fishery colleges
- flexible basic education
- flight instructors
- flipped classroom
- folk academies
- folk high schools
- food education
- foreign degrees
- foreign languages
- foreign students
- forestry schools
- foster parenting
- free workers' institutes
- Freinet pedagogy
- Freirean pedagogy
- further education
- further vocational qualifications
- futures education
- game education
- gap years
- general education
- general knowledge
- general knowledge
- general upper secondary school
- general upper secondary school diplomas
- general upper secondary school graduates
- General Upper Secondary Schools Act
- general upper secondary schools focusing on arts
- general upper secondary schools focusing on music
- general upper secondary schools focusing on sports and exercise
- general upper secondary schools for adults
- general upper secondary school students
- geography (curriculum subjects)
- girls' schools
- Global Citizenship Maturity Test
- global education
- GLOBE Program
- goal orientation
- Godly Play
- grades (education)
- graduates
- graduate schools
- graduation
- graduation parties
- grammar school (8-year)
- grammar school (elementary)
- grandparenthood
- grand tour
- grants
- group instruction
- group size
- growing environment
- growing up
- Grundtvig programme
- guides for upbringing
- gymnastics teachers
- handicraft education
- handicrafts schools
- headmasters
- head teachers
- healing pedagogy
- Health Behaviour in School-aged Children
- health care teachers
- health education (curriculum subjects)
- Herbartianism
- hidden curriculums
- higher education degrees
- higher education policy
- higher education (teaching)
- history of education
- history teachers
- home economics (curriculum subjects)
- home economics teachers
- home-school collaboration
- homework
- horticultural sector educational institutions
- hospital schools
- hotel and restaurant schools
- humanities and natural sciences (curriculum subjects)
- illiteracy
- illustration (concretising)
- imitation learning
- incentives
- independent study
- independent work
- individual education plan
- individualisation (education)
- informal learning
- information literacy
- in-home tutors
- in-hospital teaching
- institutes of adult education
- institutes of higher education in technology
- institutes of media culture studies
- institutional education
- institutions of higher education
- institutions of higher education in art and design
- institutions of higher education in fine arts
- institutions of higher education in visual arts
- instructional films
- instruction not tied to classes
- instruction not tied to year classes
- instruction permits
- instructors (guidance and education)
- instrument teachers
- integrated curriculum
- integrated teaching
- integration training for immigrants
- integration (unification)
- intensive special needs support
- intermediate grade education
- international education
- international examinations
- International Literacy Year
- international matriculation examination
- international schools
- introduction to working life
- investigative learning
- joint application system
- joint selection procedure
- Junior Executive Scholarship Programme
- knowledge of a country
- Korpikoti
- kouluneuvokset (honorary titles)
- Koulun suurjuhlat
- kunnallistutkinto
- labour market training
- language-aware education
- language centres
- language courses (study material)
- language education
- language immersion
- language immersion tours
- language laboratories
- language of instruction
- language teachers
- language teaching
- language tests
- law on training for upper secondary education
- law on vocational adult education
- leadership training
- learnedness
- learners with special needs
- learning
- learning ability
- learning by doing
- learning centres
- learning contents
- learning diaries
- learning difficulties
- learning environment
- learning experiences
- learning objectives
- learning opportunities
- learning organisation
- learning process
- learning results
- learning styles
- learning theories
- learning to learn
- lectors and lecturers
- lecture halls
- lecturers
- lectures
- lecturing
- legal education (upbringing)
- Leonardo da Vinci programme
- lesson hour quota
- lesson plans
- lessons
- level of education
- levels of education
- licentiate theses
- lifelong learning
- Lingua programme
- listening comprehension
- literacy
- literary art education
- literary education
- local geography and history (curriculum subjects)
- local school policy
- logopedics
- lower comprehensive school
- lower comprehensive school pupils
- lower level of comprehensive school
- lyceums
- mainstream education
- management education
- maritime colleges
- master of business administration degree
- master's degrees (polytechnic)
- Masters (graduates)
- Masters of Arts
- Masters of Arts and Masters of Science
- Masters of Arts (Art and Design)
- Masters of Education
- Masters of Music
- Masters of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
- Masters of Social Sciences
- Masters of Social Sciences
- Masters of Visual Arts
- master's theses
- Master's theses (University of Technology)
- mastery learning
- mathematics teachers
- matriculation examination (degrees)
- Matriculation Examination questions
- matriculation examination (tests)
- matriculation graduations (family occasions)
- media education
- media literacy
- method of empathy-based stories
- Metsätalo building
- middle school
- military education
- military pedagogy
- military schools
- Minerva programme
- ministerial education
- mobile learning
- monitors (pupils)
- Montessori method of education
- morning activities
- morning assemblies
- mother tongue
- motor learning
- multigrade teaching
- multiliteracy
- multi-modal studying
- multi-modal teaching
- multiple-choice questions
- municipal federations of education
- museum pedagogy
- music academies
- music education
- music-oriented classes
- music pedagogues
- music pedagogy
- music playschools
- music schools
- music teachers
- national defence colleges
- national defence universities
- native language teachers
- nature schools
- nature teaching
- new illiteracy
- New Student House (Helsinki)
- night school
- non-formal adult education
- non-resident parents
- numerical literacy
- nurse educators
- nurseries with special emphasis areas
- nursing schools
- observation classes
- occupational adult education
- occupational retraining
- Old Student House (Helsinki)
- Omaura
- online courses
- online instruction
- online learning
- online pedagogy
- online study
- online study material
- online teaching
- on-the-job learning
- open academy
- open early childhood education and care
- open educational resources
- open polytechnic
- open university
- open university for the elderly
- optional subjects
- Ostrobotnia building
- outdoor teaching
- overeducation
- pair work
- parallel school system
- parenthood
- parenting counselling centres
- parenting guidance
- parenting guides
- parent nights
- parents’ associations
- part-time teachers
- pastoral dissertations
- peace education
- pedagogical leadership
- pedagogical objectives
- pedagogical planning
- pedagogical thinking
- pedagogy
- pedagogy of higher education
- pedagogy of religion
- peer learning
- peer mediation
- peer relationships
- penkinpainajaiset
- permissive upbringing
- personal competence development plan
- personal study plan
- personal tutor teachers
- personnel training
- phenomenon-based learning
- philanthropism
- philosophy of education
- physical education (school subject)
- physical education teachers
- physical education (upbringing)
- physics teachers
- play-based pedagogy
- playschools
- police academies
- police education
- political education
- popular education
- popular education organisations
- positive pedagogy
- postgraduate degrees
- postgraduate studying
- practical subjects
- practical training
- practical training as a teacher
- preparatory education
- preparatory instrument instruction
- preparatory school
- preschool
- preschool children (age group)
- preschool education
- preschool pupils
- primary and lower secondary education
- primary school (folk school)
- primary school inspectors (folk school)
- primary school teachers (folk school)
- principal lecturers
- prison education
- private schools
- private tuition
- problem-based learning
- process assessment
- process-oriented reading
- professional development programs (continuing professional education)
- professors
- professorships
- Programme for International Student Assessment
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies
- project learning
- psychology of learning
- public defences of doctoral theses
- pupil counselling
- pupil exchange
- pupil organisations
- pupils
- pupils with special needs
- pupil welfare
- raising awareness
- readers (textbooks)
- readiness for learning
- readiness for school
- reading comprehension
- reading diplomas
- reading disorders
- recent graduates
- reflection (cognitive processes)
- reformatories
- reform pedagogy
- reform schools
- Reggio Emilia approach
- Reifeprüfung degree
- religion and ethics (curriculum subjects)
- religious education
- remedial teaching
- research training
- reserve officer schools
- resident parents
- retraining and upgrading of qualifications
- revision guide books
- rewarding
- riding instructors
- safety education
- Satakuntatalo
- scholarship students
- school achievements
- school administration
- school-age children
- school attendance
- school beginners
- school boards
- school buildings
- school bullying
- school catering
- school celebrations
- school children
- school choices
- school class community
- school community
- school culture
- school democracy
- school desks
- school difficulties
- school discipline
- school districts
- school drop-outs
- school environment
- school excursions
- school experiment
- school field trips
- school furniture
- school health care
- school inspectors
- school leaving certificates
- school libraries
- school lunch
- school magazines
- school museums
- school phobia
- school posters (study material)
- school psychologists
- school radio
- school reform
- school reports
- schools abroad
- school satisfaction
- schools (educational institutions)
- school shootings
- schools of domestic and institutional science
- schools of economics and business administration
- schools of sports education
- schools of transport
- school system
- school timetables
- school transport
- school transport subsidy
- school uniforms
- school welfare officers
- schoolwork
- school year
- science education
- secondary education
- secondary subjects
- second language
- selection of pupils
- self-direction
- self-education
- semesters
- sexual counselling
- sexual education
- siblinghood
- simulation training
- singing teachers
- social benefits for students
- social education
- socialisation
- social learning
- social pedagogy
- social sector schools
- social skills
- social therapists
- sociocultural inspiration
- sociology of education
- Socrates programme
- special education of disabled pupils
- special education (teaching)
- special education (upbringing)
- specialisation
- specialisation studies
- specialised general upper secondary schools
- specialists in competence based qualifications
- specialist vocational qualification in entrepreneurship
- specialist vocational qualifications
- special kindergarten teachers
- special needs classes
- special needs teachers
- special needs teaching assistants
- special needs teaching assistants
- special pedagogy
- special schools
- special support
- speech training
- sport academies
- sport middle schools
- sports-oriented classes
- storycrafting method
- student admissions
- student affairs offices
- student affairs secretaries
- student application
- student bodies
- student-centeredness
- student exchange
- student financial aid
- student flats
- student folklore
- student health service
- student housing
- student life
- student loans
- student magazines
- student movements
- student nations
- student organisations
- student places
- student political organisations
- student politics
- student restaurants
- students
- students with special needs
- students' works
- student unions (polytechnics)
- student unions (universities)
- student welfare
- studies
- studies abroad
- studies in an institution of higher education
- study
- study attainments
- study centres
- study clubs
- study counsellors
- study environment
- study grants
- study guides
- study leave
- Study Leave Act
- study material
- study material centres
- study motivation
- study performance
- study programmes
- study skills
- study techniques
- study trips
- study vouchers
- subject didactics
- subject teachers
- suggestopedia
- summer high schools
- summer universities
- supply of education
- Swedish as a second language
- swimming instruction
- swimming teachers
- syllabi (curricula)
- syllabi (programmes)
- systematic pedagogy
- system of higher education
- systems of degrees and curricula
- systems of upbringing
- teacher exchange
- teacherhood
- teacher-pupil relationship
- teacher researcher
- teachers
- teacher's guides
- teachers in handicrafts schools
- teachers in textile handicraft
- teachers of commerce studies
- teachers of religious education
- teacher training
- teacher training institutes of vocational schools
- teacher training institutions
- teaching aids
- teaching and instruction
- teaching by listening
- teaching experiments
- teaching groups
- teaching hospitals
- teaching materials
- teaching of manners
- teaching premises
- teaching profession
- teaching sector
- teaching situation
- teachings skills
- teaching staff
- team teaching
- technical institutes
- technical work (school subjects)
- technology education
- teekkarit
- television education
- temperance education
- term fees
- tertiary education
- textbooks
- textile work (curriculum subjects)
- theatre academies
- theatre education
- theatre teachers
- theories of upbringing
- theses
- three-step support
- toilet training
- tolerance education
- trade schools
- traffic education
- traineeship posts
- trainer education
- trainers (education)
- training
- training and exercise materials
- training companies
- training coordinators
- training kitchens
- training objectives
- training programmes
- training schools
- training services
- training trials
- transfer of training
- transformational learning
- translation schools
- trivial schools (Sweden and Finland)
- truancy
- tutoring
- tutoring at home
- tutors
- tutors (class teachers)
- tutors (private teachers)
- twin schools
- uncultured manner
- underachievement
- Unesco School Library Manifesto
- universities
- Universities Act
- universities of applied sciences
- Universities of Applied Sciences Act
- universities of technology
- universities of veterinary medicine
- university campuses
- university consortiums
- university of applied sciences degrees
- university pedagogy
- upbringing
- upbringing at home
- upbringing at school
- upper comprehensive school
- upper comprehensive school pupils
- upper level of comprehensive school
- Upper secondary general schools (evening classes)
- user training
- values education
- vanhojenpäivä
- Varga-Neményi method
- Vattihuusi
- Vee heuristic
- village schools
- virtual learning environments
- virtual polytechnics
- virtual schools
- virtual universities
- visual arts education
- visual literacy
- vocational adult education centres
- vocational course centres
- vocational education and training
- Vocational Education and Training Act
- vocational institutions
- vocational institutions of education in safety and security
- vocational school students
- vocational skills demonstration
- vocational special education
- vocational special education institutions
- vocational special needs teachers
- vocational studies teachers
- vocational teacher education colleges
- vocational teachers
- vocational teacher training
- vocational training
- vocational upper secondary qualifications
- vocational upper secondary schools
- Waldorf education
- Waldorf schools
- war colleges
- way to school
- willingness to participate in education
- Wilma
- workers' institutes
- work-oriented education
- work-oriented school
- workplace instructors
- work supervision
- worldview education
- young people with special needs
- youth exchange
- [show all 996 values]
In other languages
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}