Diehtu doahpagis
Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma
71 Administration. Organisational Research. Public Administration
Joavkku lahtut
- activity based management
- Act on Civil Aviation Administration
- Act on collective bargaining agreement on civil servant salaries
- Act on Collective Bargaining Contract on Civil Servant Salaries
- Act on Cooperation between the Police, Customs and the Border Guard
- Act on Electronic Services and Communication in the Public Sector
- Act on Information Management Governance in Public Administration
- Act on Information Management in Public Administration
- Act on Public Contracts
- Act on Public Contracts in the Fields of Defence and Security
- Act on Restructuring Local Government and Services
- Act on the Autonomy of Åland
- Act on the Environmental Assessment of Authorities' Plans and Programmes
- Act on the Financing of Education and Culture
- Act on the Finnish Forestry Centre
- Act on the Openness of Government Activities
- Act on Water Services
- administration (action)
- administration of agriculture and forestry
- administration of economic affairs
- administration of higher education
- administration of internal affairs
- administration (systems of a society)
- administrative agreements
- administrative appeals
- administrative areas
- administrative authorities
- administrative bodies
- administrative buildings
- administrative complaints
- administrative compulsion
- administrative courts
- administrative culture
- administrative decisions
- administrative history
- administrative judicial procedure
- Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (1996)
- Administrative Judicial Procedure Act (2020)
- administrative law
- administrative managers
- administrative matters
- administrative measures
- administrative permissions
- administrative policy
- administrative procedure
- Administrative Procedure Act
- administrative reform
- administrative sciences
- administrative scienctists
- administrative sectors
- administrative services
- administrative tribunals
- age management
- agricultural administration
- appeal boards
- appeals
- appointments to office
- appropriations
- archives administration
- area deans
- art administration
- art committees
- Assembly Act
- assessors (honorary titles)
- audit committees
- authorisation procedure
- aviation administration
- badges of office
- basic public services
- becoming organised
- berufsverbot
- bishop's visitations
- board representation
- boards of construction
- boards of directors
- boards of physical education
- boards (organs)
- border checks
- boyars
- budget deficit
- budget guidance according to spending limits
- budgets (governmental)
- building authorities
- building instructions
- building regulations
- bureaucracy
- business concepts
- business management
- capital cities
- capitals of culture
- caretaker governments
- category management
- cathedral deans
- central administration
- central administrative boards
- central government
- central government debt
- central government transfers to local government
- centralisation
- central organisations
- centres for economic development, transport and the environment
- certificates of non-impediment
- chairmanship
- chairpersons
- chairpersons of the board
- chancellors
- chancellors of justice
- change management (leadership)
- charters of foundation
- chief administrative officers in church
- chief information officers
- chief secretaries
- church administration
- church boards
- church centres
- church councils
- church employees
- circular letters
- citizen service
- city auditors
- city cards
- city halls
- city secretaries
- civil defence
- civil marriage ceremony
- civil parishes
- civil service law
- coalitions (organisations)
- coastguards
- coercive measures
- coercive measures
- Coercive Measures Act
- collective bargaining agreements concerning government clerical personnel
- collective labour agreements
- commissions (organs)
- committees (general)
- committees (parliamentary)
- communications administration
- community educators
- community police
- competence development
- competence management
- competition administration
- competitiveness pact
- conditions of employment
- conference centres
- conference rooms
- conferences
- conference services
- conference travel
- confidential posts
- congregational administration
- congregations
- consolidations of municipalities
- constitutional courts
- constitutional law (branches of jurisprudence)
- constitutional law (provisions)
- constitutional orders
- construction projects
- consultative committees
- consumer administration
- contract management
- cooperation districts
- corporate communications
- cost-of-living classification
- councils for the elderly
- councils (organs)
- counselors of state
- counties
- county administrative boards
- county elections (Finland)
- county government
- county self-government
- criminal investigation police
- Criminal Investigations Act
- criminal records
- crisis management (leadership)
- cross-sector administration
- crowd control
- crown administrative houses
- cultural administration
- cultural boards
- cultural expenditures
- cultural institutions
- customs administration
- customs authorities
- customs control
- customs counsellors
- customs inspectors
- customs officials
- customs (organisations)
- deans (church)
- dean's visitations
- decentralisation
- decision analysis
- decision-makers
- decision making
- decision support systems
- Deep Leadership
- defence administration
- delegating
- delegations
- demographic data systems
- department for maintenance of public order
- department of cultural services
- department of education and cultural services
- department of environmental services
- department of fire services
- department of health services
- department of housing services
- department of leisure services
- department of library services
- department of museum services
- department of real property and surveying services
- department of sports services
- department of technical services
- department of youth services
- deputies
- deputy directors general
- deputy mayors
- deregulation
- design management
- detectives
- development discussions
- diocesan administration
- directors general
- directors of administration
- directors of prison administrations
- directors of social welfare services
- disclosure of information
- disruptive behaviour
- district engineers
- district government
- district registrars
- doctors honoris causa
- documents
- drug detector dogs
- economic control
- economic defence
- economic policy
- economic regulation
- educational administration
- educational department
- educational department
- educational expenditures
- elected officials
- electoral districts
- electronic documentation
- electronic documents
- electronic financial management
- electronic government
- elokuvaneuvokset (honorary titles)
- emergency planning
- Emergency Powers Act
- employment agencies
- employment and economic development centres
- employment and economic development offices
- employment counsellors
- employment relationship
- enterprise architecture
- enterprise resource planning systems
- environmental administration
- environmental boards
- environmental control
- environmental leadership
- environmental permit authorities
- environmental permits
- environmental secretaries
- environment centres
- environment protection administration
- episcopal conferences
- establishing permanent employment
- European Charter of Local Self-government
- execution (implementation)
- executive assistance
- executive boards
- executive directors
- executive power
- exemption from visa
- expert organisations
- extracts from the population register
- facilities management
- factory managers
- farming administration
- federal chancellors
- federations of municipalities
- filling a public office
- financial administration
- financial capacity classification
- financial management sector
- fire service boards
- fiscal administration
- food administration
- foreign representation
- foreign service
- forest administration
- forest boards
- forest centres
- formation of government
- free municipalities
- frontier guards
- game districts
- geographic information
- geographic information systems
- good governance
- governing bodies
- government agencies
- government employees
- government funds
- government offices
- Government Palace (Finland)
- government platforms
- government policy
- government proposals
- governments (administrative areas)
- governments (countries)
- governments in exile
- government support
- government transfers and grants
- governors
- gravediggers
- guides to document drafting
- hazardous waste processing plants
- head of local education and culture department
- heads of state
- health and social services reform
- health care boards
- health care expenses
- health management science
- Helsinki City Hall
- honorary titles
- hospital districts
- hotel managers
- housing administration
- human resource management
- human resources
- human resources strategies
- immediate leadership
- immediate superiors
- incorporation
- indirect public administration
- industrial safety districts
- information administration
- inhabitants of a municipality
- initiatives to municipal authorities
- integrated reporting
- intendants
- interagency cooperation
- intermediate level administration
- internal communication
- internal control
- internally displaced congregations
- investment directors
- judicial administration
- judicial examination of the spot
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictional district offices
- jurisdictional districts
- kanslianeuvokset (honorary titles)
- Kesäranta
- knowledge-based management
- knowledge management
- kotiseutuneuvokset (honorary titles)
- Kremlin
- Kultaranta
- kunnallisneuvokset (honorary titles)
- kunnallistutkinto
- Kuopio Town Hall
- labour administration
- labour market agreements
- labour protection administration
- land registers
- leaders
- leadership (activity)
- leadership training
- lean manufacturing
- learning organisation
- liability for acts in office
- library boards
- linnanvoudit
- local administration
- local executives (cities and towns)
- local executives (municipalities)
- local government
- Local Government Act
- local government boards
- local government officials
- local government reform
- local government regional authorities
- local government structure
- local government studies
- local police
- local politicians
- local politics
- local register offices
- local tax offices
- long-term planning
- lääkintöneuvokset (honorary titles)
- maakuntaneuvokset (honorary titles)
- maanviljelysneuvokset (honorary titles)
- magistrates
- management by coaching
- management by objectives
- management contracts
- management culture
- management education
- management systems
- management teams
- managerial skills
- managerial work
- managers and executives
- market town managers
- market towns
- masters of laws trained on the bench
- mayors
- mayors
- medals for merit
- medals of honour
- medium-term planning
- meetings (arranged events)
- meeting technique
- middle management
- military administration
- military districts
- military leadership
- military passports
- military provinces
- military regimes
- ministerial responsibility
- ministers
- minister–secretaries of state
- ministers of defence
- ministers of economic affairs
- ministers of finance
- ministers of foreign affairs
- ministers of housing
- ministers of justice
- ministries
- minutes (documents)
- misconduct in office
- model documents
- motivational leadership
- mounted police
- municipal appeals
- municipal boards
- municipal boundaries
- municipal budgets
- municipal business committees
- municipal calendars
- municipal central organisations
- municipal central organisations
- municipal councillors
- municipal councils
- municipal department of social services
- municipal district councils
- municipal district government
- municipal division
- municipal economy
- municipal elections
- municipal employees
- municipal engineering
- municipal enterprise groups
- municipal enterprises
- municipal expenditures
- municipal federations of education
- municipal halls
- municipalisation
- municipalities
- Municipality of Residence Act
- municipality's fields of activity
- municipality types
- municipal joint-stock companies
- municipal law
- municipal managers
- municipal planning
- Municipal Regions Act
- municipal rental dwellings
- municipal reports
- municipal revenue
- municipal sector
- municipal tax
- municipal transport corporation
- municipal water boards
- Mäntyniemi
- national audit
- navigation administration
- negotiations
- negotiation skills
- networking (making contacts)
- network management (leadership)
- networks (societal phenomena)
- new public management
- non-partisan caretaker governments
- notaries
- notaries public
- occupation administration
- offences in office
- office caretakers
- office managers
- officers
- official directory of public officials
- official duties
- official journeys
- official publications
- official ranks
- official regulations
- official residences
- officials' workwear
- official titles
- organisational behaviour
- organisational changes
- organisational citizenship behaviour
- organisational climate
- organisational communication and public relations
- organisational culture
- organisational factors
- organisational psychology
- organisational research
- organisational sociology
- organisational structure
- organisational theories
- organisations (systems)
- organs (organisations)
- ownership policy
- ownership steering
- paper shredders
- parishioners
- parish mergers
- parliamentary audit
- parliament buildings
- payroll administration
- pedagogical leadership
- performance-based management
- performance management
- performances (calculated units)
- period of service
- permits
- personal data
- personal identification numbers
- personnel administration
- personnel administrators
- personnel magazines
- personnel planning
- personnel policy
- personnel selection
- personnel training
- person registers
- pitäjänneuvokset (honorary titles)
- planning of administrative provinces
- planning of operations
- planning (zoning)
- police academies
- Police Act
- police administration
- police chiefs
- police departments
- police dogs
- police education
- police (occupations)
- police (organisations)
- police stations
- police vehicles
- political appointments
- population registers
- positions of trust
- postal systems
- posts (occupations)
- power of decision
- presentation (decision making procedure)
- presenting officials
- presidential elections
- Presidential Palace (Finland)
- presidents
- prime ministers
- principle of majority
- principle of openness
- private investigators
- private sector
- process management
- proclamations (public notices)
- procurators
- profit responsibility
- programme management
- prohibitions
- project leadership
- project management
- project managers
- projects
- property registers
- protection of minority shareholders
- provinces (administrative areas)
- provincial administration
- provincial administrative courts
- provincial governors
- Provincial Parliament
- public administration
- public art
- public authorities
- public authority
- public cleansing
- public companies
- public debt
- public enterprises
- public expenditures
- public finances
- public funding
- publicity of documents
- public law
- public office buildings
- public offices
- public order
- Public Order Act
- public ownership
- public procurement
- public sector
- public sector entities
- public servants
- public-service collective agreements
- public services
- purchased services
- purchaser-producer models
- quality management (leadership)
- railway administration
- rationalisation
- rationing
- real estate boards
- real property tax
- records management
- recruitment of employees
- regional artists
- regional councils
- regional government
- regional government
- regional government reform
- regionalisation (active)
- regionalisation (passive)
- regional planning authorities
- regional service units
- regional state administrative agencies
- region mayors
- registering
- registers of associations
- registers of mortgages
- regulation (adjustment)
- regulations (directives)
- regulations (ordinance)
- remote management
- remote meetings
- representative assemblies
- reputation management
- requests for information
- Rescue Act (1999)
- Rescue Act (2011)
- rescue departments
- rescue services
- resolutions (statements)
- results-based management
- right of initiative
- road administration
- road maintenance boards
- rural communes
- rural police chiefs
- rural police districts
- safety and security management
- Satulinna (Hirvensalmi)
- school administration
- school boards
- school districts
- science administration
- scientific committees
- seats of local government
- secondary occupation
- secretaries for cultural affairs
- secretaries general
- secretaries of state
- sectoral research
- security of supply
- security police
- security stewards
- Security Stewards Act
- self-government
- self-leadership
- seminars
- senates
- senators
- senior accountants
- service commitments
- service culture
- service in public administration
- service regulations (ordinance)
- service structure
- serving a notice
- sewerage
- sewer systems (organisations)
- short-term planning
- small municipalities
- small towns
- small towns
- social administration
- social affairs and health administration
- social and health care areas
- social expenditures
- social secretaries (occupations)
- social welfare boards
- sosiaalineuvokset (honorary titles)
- specific catchment areas
- sports administration
- staff
- state agencies
- state-aided institutions
- state and municipal enterprises
- state expenditures
- state finances
- state financial administration
- state forests
- state guarantee
- state lands
- state local government
- state-owned companies
- state ownership steering
- state (public sector entities)
- state revenue
- state's business activities
- strategic guidance
- strategic leadership
- strategy work
- street maintenance fees
- subordinates
- sub-regional units
- subsidiarity
- success factors
- supervisor-employee discussions
- supervisor-employee relationship
- supervisors
- supervisory boards
- supervisory control of building
- surrounding municipalities
- survey administration
- sustainable management
- taloustirehtöörit (honorary titles)
- Tampere City Hall
- tax administration
- tax boards
- tax revenues
- technical commitees
- telecommunications companies
- teleconferences
- temperance secretaries
- Terijoki government
- terveydenhuoltoneuvokset (honorary titles)
- third sector
- titles (designations)
- tourist boards
- town and city councillors
- town and city councils
- towns and cities
- trade and industry administration
- trade missions
- trade registers
- traffic administration
- travel documents
- twin towns (cities and towns)
- twin towns (municipalities)
- type approval
- undercover operations
- uniformed police
- uniforms
- unincorporated state enterprises
- units
- universal applicability of collective agreements
- value-based leadership
- vehicle inspection
- vergers
- vice presidents
- vice squad
- video conferences
- village activity
- village committees
- voudit
- waste boards
- waste charges
- waste management
- waste management plants
- water administration
- water and environment districts
- water districts
- water permits
- water services
- water supply plants
- waterworks
- webinars
- welfare reports
- working groups
- youth administration
- youth boards
- youth parliaments
- youth secretaries
- [čájet buot 797 árvvu]
Eará gielain
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