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Concept information

Preferred term

Protein Domains  


  • Topical Descriptor

Entry terms

  • Domain, Peptide
  • Domain, Protein
  • Domains, Peptide
  • Domains, Protein
  • Peptide Domain
  • Peptide Domains
  • Protein Domain

Scope note

  • Discrete protein structural units that may fold independently of the rest of the protein and have their own functions.

History note

  • 2017; use PROTEIN STRUCTURE, TERTIARY 2000-2016

In other languages

  • Finnish

  • proteiinidomeenit
  • proteiinin toiminnalliset alueet
  • proteiinin toiminnalliset rakenteet
  • toiminnalliset alueet proteiinissa
  • Swedish


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 7/8/16, last modified 6/25/24