Hyppää sisältöön

Hae sanastosta

Sisällön kieli

Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

Glymphatic System  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • Glymphatic Clearance System
  • Glymphatic Pathway
  • Glymphatic Pathways
  • Pathway, Glymphatic


  • A vascular waste clearance system in the brain analogous to the lymphatic system that facilitates transporting of solutes and waste products from CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) and brain INTERSTITIAL FLUID (ISF). CSF from the SUBARACHNOID SPACE enters the brain periarterial spaces, into the interstitium via channels (e.g., AQUAPORIN 4 PROTEIN) on astrocytic endfeet and exchanges with brain ISF before perivenous drainage of solutes and waste.

Huomautus muutoshistoriasta

  • 2019

Muunkieliset termit



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