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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

Barthin oireyhtymä  


  • Aihe


  • Barth
  • Barthin syndrooma

Muunkieliset termit

  • englanti

  • 3 Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type II
  • 3 Methylglutaconicaciduria Type 2
  • 3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type II
  • 3-Methylglutaconicaciduria Type 2
  • 3-Methylglutaconicaciduria Type 2s
  • 3-Methylglutaconicaciduria Type II
  • 3-Methylglutaconicaciduria Type IIs
  • Cardioskeletal Myopathy with Neutropenia and Abnormal Mitochondria
  • MGA Type 2
  • MGA Type 2s
  • MGA Type II
  • MGA Type IIs
  • Type 2, 3-Methylglutaconicaciduria
  • Type 2, MGA
  • Type 2s, MGA
  • Type II, MGA
  • Type IIs, MGA
  • ruotsi



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