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Käsitteen tiedot

Mental Disorders > Neurocognitive Disorders > Dementia > Aphasia, Primary Progressive > Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia

Käytettävä termi

Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • Aphasia, Progressive Nonfluent
  • Aphasias, Progressive Nonfluent
  • Nonfluent Aphasia, Progressive
  • Nonfluent Aphasias, Progressive
  • Non fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia
  • Non-fluent Primary Progressive Aphasia
  • PPA Syndrome
  • PPA Syndromes
  • Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia
  • Progressive Nonfluent Aphasias
  • Syndrome, PPA
  • Syndromes, PPA


  • A form of frontotemporal lobar degeneration and a progressive form of dementia characterized by motor speech impairment and AGRAMMATISM, with relative sparing of single word comprehension and semantic memory.

Huomautus muutoshistoriasta

  • 2010; use APHASIA, PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE 2001-2009

Muunkieliset termit



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