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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

Pentalogy of Cantrell  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • Cantrell Haller Ravitch syndrome
  • Cantrell Pentalogy
  • Cantrell's Pentalogy
  • Cantrells Pentalogy
  • Pentalogy, Cantrell
  • Pentalogy, Cantrell's
  • Thoracoabdominal Syndrome
  • Thoracoabdominal Syndromes


  • Rare congenital deformity syndrome characterized by a combination of five anomalies as a result of neural tube defect. The five anomalies are a midline supraumbilical abdominal wall defect (e.g., OMPHALOCELE), a lower STERNUM defect, a congenital intracardiac defect, an anterior DIAPHRAGM defect, and a diaphragmatic PERICARDIUM defect (e.g., PERICARDIAL EFFUSION). Variants with incomplete and variable combinations of the defects are known. ECTOPIA CORDIS; CLEFT LIP; and CLEFT PALATE are often associated with the syndrome.

Huomautus muutoshistoriasta

  • 2011

Muunkieliset termit



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