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Tissues > Connective Tissue > Bone and Bones
Musculoskeletal System > Skeleton > Bone and Bones

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Bone and Bones  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • Bone and Bone
  • Bones and Bone
  • Bones and Bone Tissue


  • /cytol: consider also OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; /embryol: consider also OSTEOGENESIS; /surg: consider also OSTEOTOMY or ARTHRODESIS or FRACTURE FIXATION & its specifics; differentiate from SKELETON which is almost never used: restrict SKELETON to bone arrangement as a whole & not for "skeletal" which usually means "bone" (= BONE AND BONES); inflammation = OSTEITIS; necrosis = OSTEONECROSIS;


  • A specialized CONNECTIVE TISSUE that is the main constituent of the SKELETON. The principal cellular component of bone is comprised of OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; and OSTEOCLASTS, while FIBRILLAR COLLAGENS and hydroxyapatite crystals form the BONE MATRIX.

Fuomášahttin rievdadanhistorjjás

  • /transplantation was BONE TRANSPLANTATION 1963-65; was BONE AND BONES/transplantation 1966-89

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Ráhkaduvvon 1/1/99, maŋimuš rievdaduvvon 6/25/24