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Fluids and Secretions > Exudates and Transudates > Gingival Crevicular Fluid

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Gingival Crevicular Fluid  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • Exudate, Gingival
  • Exudates, Gingival
  • Gingival Exudate
  • Gingival Exudates


  • note X ref; crevicular refers to the gingival crevice


  • A fluid occurring in minute amounts in the gingival crevice, believed by some authorities to be an inflammatory exudate and by others to cleanse material from the crevice, containing sticky plasma proteins which improve adhesions of the epithelial attachment, have antimicrobial properties, and exert antibody activity. (From Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982)

Fuomášahttin rievdadanhistorjjás

  • 91(72); was GINGIVAL EXUDATE see under GINGIVITIS 1972-90 (Prov 1972-74); was in Cat A & C 1972-83, was in Cat C 1984-95

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Ráhkaduvvon 1/1/99, maŋimuš rievdaduvvon 6/25/24