Njuike sisdollui

Oza sátnerájus

Sisdoalu giella

Diehtu doahpagis

Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma



  • Topical Descriptor



  • Altitudinal Scotoma
  • Altitudinal Scotomas
  • Arcuate Scotoma
  • Arcuate Scotomas
  • Bjerrum Scotoma
  • Bjerrum Scotomas
  • Central Scotoma
  • Central Scotomas
  • Centrocecal Scotoma
  • Centrocecal Scotomas
  • Paracecal Scotoma
  • Paracecal Scotomas
  • Paracentral Scotoma
  • Paracentral Scotomas
  • Peripheral Scotoma
  • Peripheral Scotomas
  • Ring Scotoma
  • Ring Scotomas
  • Scintillating Scotoma
  • Scintillating Scotomas
  • Scotoma, Altitudinal
  • Scotoma, Arcuate
  • Scotoma, Bjerrum
  • Scotoma, Central
  • Scotoma, Centrocecal
  • Scotoma, Paracecal
  • Scotoma, Paracentral
  • Scotoma, Peripheral
  • Scotoma, Ring
  • Scotomas, Altitudinal
  • Scotomas, Arcuate
  • Scotomas, Bjerrum
  • Scotomas, Central
  • Scotomas, Centrocecal
  • Scotoma, Scintillating
  • Scotoma, Sector
  • Scotomas, Paracecal
  • Scotomas, Paracentral
  • Scotomas, Peripheral
  • Scotomas, Ring
  • Scotomas, Scintillating
  • Scotomas, Sector
  • Sector Scotoma
  • Sector Scotomas


  • differentiate from physiol blind spot ( = BLIND SPOT)


  • A localized defect in the visual field bordered by an area of normal vision. This occurs with a variety of EYE DISEASES (e.g., RETINAL DISEASES and GLAUCOMA); OPTIC NERVE DISEASES, and other conditions.

Eará gielain



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