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Föredragen term

Fibrinogens, Abnormal  


  • Topical Descriptor

Överordnat begrepp


  • Abnormal Fibrinogens


  • Fibrinogens which have a functional defect as the result of one or more amino acid substitutions in the amino acid sequence of normal fibrinogen. Abnormalities of the fibrinogen molecule may impair any of the major steps involved in the conversion of fibrinogen into stabilized fibrin, such as cleavage of the fibrinopeptides by thrombin, polymerization and cross-linking of fibrin. The resulting dysfibrinogenemias can be clinically silent or can be associated with bleeding, thrombosis or defective wound healing.

Anmärkning om ändringshistoria

  • 89

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Skapad 1988-05-16, senast editerad 2022-04-11