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Föredragen term

Pregnancy-Associated alpha 2-Macroglobulins  


  • Topical Descriptor


  • alpha 2-Globulins, Pregnancy-Associated
  • alpha 2-Glycoproteins, Pregnancy-Associated
  • alpha2 PAG
  • alpha2-PAG
  • alpha(2)-PAG
  • PAAG
  • Pregnancy Associated alpha 2 Globulins
  • Pregnancy-Associated alpha 2-Globulins
  • Pregnancy Associated alpha 2 Glycoproteins
  • Pregnancy-Associated alpha 2-Glycoproteins


  • Large (>160 kDa) glycoproteins with electrophoretic mobility of ALPHA-GLOBULINS, found in high concentration in the plasma of pregnant women but also in a number of species including mouse, rat, and others (ALPHA-MACROGLOBULINS). In humans, they are always present in the circulation and are nonspecific inhibitors of PROTEINASES, similar to COMPLEMENT PROTEINS (C3; C4; C5).

Anmärkning om ändringshistoria

  • 2018 (2004); for ALPHA 2-GLUCOPROTEINS use ALPHA-MACROGLOBULINS 1976-2017

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Skapad 2003-07-09, senast editerad 2024-06-25