Concept information
Preferred term
53 Religion. Theology. Religious Studies
Concept group
Group members
- Abbasids
- abbesses
- abbots
- Advent
- Adventism
- Adventists
- agape
- agape therapy
- agendas (church)
- agnosticism
- Alawites
- Alexander-Svirsky Monastery
- Alfred Kordelin Chapel
- allegiance
- Almoravides
- alms
- altarpieces
- altars
- Amish
- Anabaptists
- ancient religions
- angels
- Anglican Church
- animal worship
- animism
- anointment (religion)
- anthems
- anthropology of religion
- anthroposophists
- anthroposophy
- Antichrist
- antinomianism
- antitheism
- apocalypticism
- apocrypha
- apologetics
- apophatic theology
- apostasy
- apostles
- Apostolic Fathers
- apotheosis
- archbishops
- archimandrites
- area deans
- Arianism
- Armenian Apostolic Church
- Arminianism
- asceticism
- Ashkenazi Jews
- Assassins (Ismailites)
- assessors (cathedral chapters)
- astral religions
- atheism
- atheists
- atonement (religion)
- Augsburg Confession
- Awakening movement
- Babism
- Baha'i
- banns of marriage
- baptism
- baptismal fonts
- baptism movements
- Baptism (Protestantism)
- Baptists
- bear cult
- becoming righteous
- beliefs
- belief systems
- bell towers
- Benedictine Order
- Bible
- Bible interpretation
- bible knowledge
- Bible stories
- bible translations
- Bible verses of the day
- biblical criticism
- biblical figures
- biblical history
- bibliodrama
- bishops
- bishop's visitations
- black magic
- blasphemy
- blessing (activity)
- blessings (religious accomplishments)
- bliss
- Bon
- Books of Concord
- Books of the Maccabees
- Brahmanism
- bridal couples
- Brigittines
- Buddhism
- Buddhist art
- Buddhist literature
- Buddhists
- burial
- burial chambers
- burial sites
- burial traditions
- cabala
- calendar festivals
- caliphates
- caliphs
- calvinism
- campus chaplains
- Candomblé
- cannibalism
- canonisation of saints
- canon law
- canons (collections)
- cantors
- cardinals
- cargo cults
- caritative work
- Carmelites
- Carthusians
- caste system
- catechisms
- catechists
- catechumens
- Cathars
- cathedral chapters
- cathedral deans
- cathedrals
- Catholicism
- Catholics
- celibacy
- cemeteries
- Chabad
- Chapel of Holy Spirit
- Chapel of Saint Paul (Inari)
- chapels
- chaplain generals
- chaplains
- charisma
- charismatic movements
- charms (magic)
- chief administrative officers in church
- children's bibles
- children's day clubs
- child work leaders
- choirs (architecture)
- choral books
- chorale preludes
- chorales
- choral hymn books
- christening gowns
- christening trees
- Christian art
- Christian children's songs
- Christian culture
- christian education
- Christian ethics
- Christian existentialism
- Christian hymns
- Christianity courses (Orthodox Church)
- Christianity (properties related to religion)
- Christianity (religions)
- Christian literature
- Christian music
- Christians
- Christian schools
- Christian sects
- Christian socialism
- Christian songs
- Christian Theosophy
- Christian Zionism
- Christmas Peace
- Christology
- church administration
- church archives
- church art
- church attendance
- church bells
- church boards
- church builders
- church buildings
- church centres
- church ceremonies
- church choirs
- church codes
- church community work
- church councils
- church criticism
- church discipline
- church elections
- church employees
- church fathers
- church folklore
- church foreign aid
- church halls
- church history
- church holidays
- church (institution)
- church membership
- church modes
- church museums
- church music
- church musicians
- Church of Holy Trinity (Rauma)
- Church of Saint Alexander Nevsky and Saint Nicholas
- Church of Saint Elias (Helsinki)
- Church of Saint Herman of Alaska (Espoo)
- Church of Saint Lawrence (Lohja)
- Church of Saint Lawrence (Vantaa)
- Church of Saint Martin (Raisio)
- Church of Saint Mary (Hollola)
- Church of Saint Mary (Pohja)
- Church of Saint Mary (Sastamala)
- Church of Saint Michael (Pälkäne)
- Church of Saint Michael (Turku)
- Church of Saint Nicholas (Kotka)
- Church of Saint Nicholas (Tuusula)
- Church of Saint Olaf (Vammala)
- Church of Saint Paul (Peräseinäjoki)
- Church of the Cross (Lahti)
- Church of the Holy Cross (Hattula)
- Church of the Holy Cross (Kuusamo)
- Church of the Holy Cross (Rauma)
- Church of the Rural Congregation of Heinola
- church paintings
- church parks
- church pensions
- church plays
- church's educational work
- church sociology
- church tax
- church textiles
- church vestments
- church youth work
- church youth work leaders
- circumcision (men)
- Cistercians
- civil religion
- classical mythology
- clergy
- clergy (estates)
- clock towers
- coffins
- cognitive science of religion
- Cologne Cathedral
- columbariums
- Common Responsibility Campaign
- communion vessels
- conceptions of god
- confession (religion)
- confirmation (church ceremonies)
- confirmation (family occasions)
- confirmation training
- confirmation training camps
- Confucianism
- congregational administration
- congregational histories
- congregational life
- congregational magazines
- congregations
- conscience
- consecration of bishops
- contemporary Christian music
- contemporary witchcraft
- contextual theology
- convents and monasteries
- conversion (religion)
- converts
- convocations
- Coptic Church
- Coptics
- counter-reformation
- creation (all that exists)
- creationism
- creation (religion)
- creation stories
- cremation
- crematoriums
- criticism of religion
- crosses
- crucifixes
- crucifixion
- crusades
- cult objects
- cults
- Dalit theology
- damnation
- deaconesses
- deacons
- deadly sins
- deaneries (administrative areas)
- deans (church)
- dean's visitations
- deceased people
- Declaration of the Parliament of the World's Religions
- defection from the Church
- deification
- deism
- demons
- denominational religious education
- dervishes
- devil
- devotional books
- devotional services
- devotional speeches
- dianetics
- diaspora
- diocesan administration
- diocesan counsils
- diocesan meetings
- dioceses
- disciples
- Divine Light Mission
- divinity
- docetism
- Doctors of Theology
- doctrinal disputes
- doctrine of the Trinity
- dogmas
- dogmatic history
- dogmatics
- dogmatism (attitudes)
- Dominican Convent of Saint Olaf (Turku)
- Dominicans (orders of monks)
- Donatism
- druids
- Druzes
- dualism
- Early Christian art
- Early Christianity
- early Judaism
- Eastern Catholic Churches
- Eastern Orthodoxy (Christianity)
- ecclesiastical law
- ecclesiastical year
- ecclesiology
- ecotheology
- ecstatic movements
- ecstatic phenomena
- ecumenical councils
- ecumenicalism
- ecumenics
- Elimäki Church
- Emmaus movement
- end of the world
- enlightenment (religion)
- episcopal conferences
- eschatology
- esoterism
- Espoo Cathedral
- Essenes
- ethics
- ethnic religions
- ethnography of religion
- eulogies (speeches)
- evangelicalism
- Evangelical Lutheran Church
- Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saint Mary (St Petersburg)
- evangelical movement
- evangelisation
- evil eye
- exegetics
- exorcism
- faith
- faith healing
- Fall of man
- false gods
- family counselling
- family counsellors
- family work
- fatalism
- fatwas
- fellow man
- feminist theology
- fiancées and brides
- fiancés and grooms
- Finnish Bible anniversary
- Finnish mythology
- flood
- Föglö Church
- folk beliefs
- folk piety
- forgiveness
- Franciscans
- Free churches
- freedom of religion
- freedom of worship
- free thought
- fundamentalism
- funeral sermons
- general church history
- general synods
- geography of religion
- Germanic mythology
- Ghost Dance
- glossolalia
- Gnosticism
- God
- godchildren
- goddesses
- Godly Play
- godparents
- gods
- gospel
- gospel music
- gospel rock
- gospels (Bible)
- grace
- gravediggers
- grave goods
- graves
- gurus
- gypsy mission
- hadith
- hagiographies
- halal
- Hämeenkylä Church
- Hanko Church
- Hanko Orthodox Church
- Hannulan herätys
- Hasidism
- Haukipudas Church
- Heaven
- hegumenias
- hegumens
- Heinola Church
- hell
- Helsinki Cathedral
- Helsinki Old Church
- henotheism
- herättäjäjuhlat
- heresy
- hermits
- Herrnhutism
- hesychasm
- High Church movement
- Hinduism
- Hindu literature
- Hindus
- history of religion
- holiness
- holy books
- Holy Communion
- Holy Spirit
- Holy Trinity Church (Helsinki)
- Holy Trinity Church (Kempele)
- Holy Trinity Church (Lahti)
- Holy Trinity Church (Raahe)
- Holy Trinity Church (Valtimo)
- Holy Trinity Monastery
- holy war
- home mission
- homiletics
- hope
- hospital priests
- hospital theologians
- Huguenots
- humility
- Hussites
- Hutterites
- hymnals
- hymnography
- hymnology
- hymn singing
- hyppyherätys
- Hyvinkää Church
- icon art
- iconoclasm
- iconostases
- icon painters
- icon painting
- icons (paintings)
- idolatry
- imams
- immanence
- immersion fonts
- incarnation
- indulgences (religious accomplishments)
- initiations
- Inquisition
- intelligent design
- intercession days
- intercessory prayer
- interfaith dialogue
- internally displaced congregations
- international social work of the church
- International society for Krishna Consciousness
- irreligiousness
- Islam
- Islamic culture
- Islamic literature
- Islamism
- islamophobia
- Ismailites
- Jacobites (religion)
- Jainism
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jesuits
- Jesus movement
- Jesus Prayer
- Jewish Christianity
- Jewish Christians
- Jewish literature
- Jewish mission
- Jews (religious groups)
- Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification
- Judaism
- Kaleva Church
- Kallio Church
- Kamppi Chapel of Silence
- Kannus Church
- Karaites
- Karkku Church
- karma
- Kartanoism
- Kautokeino Rebellion
- Kempele Old Church
- Kerimäki Church
- Kiikka Church
- Kiiminki Church
- Kingdom of God
- kinkerit
- kirchenkampf
- Kirkkonummi Church
- Kirkkopäivät
- Kitinoja Church
- Kōfuku no kagaku
- Kökar Monastery
- Konevsky Monastery
- Korpela movement
- kosher
- Laestadian associations of peace
- Laestadianism
- Laitila Church
- Lakeuden risti (church buildings)
- Lamaism
- Laughing Revival
- legends
- Lent
- liberal theology
- liberation theology
- life after death
- Lintula Convent (Heinävesi)
- Lintula Convent (Kivennapa)
- Lintula Holy Trinity Church
- litanies (music)
- Little Sisters of Jesus
- liturgical colours
- liturgical music
- liturgical objects
- liturgics
- liturgy
- Lohtaja Church
- Lohtaja Church Music Festival
- Lollards
- Lord's Prayer
- love for one's neighbour
- Lutheran Churches
- Lutheranism
- Lutherans
- magic
- magic objects
- magic wands
- Magnificat
- mana
- Mandaeism
- mandalas
- Manichaeism
- mantras
- Marcionism
- Mariology
- marriage
- marriage ceremony
- martyrs
- mass graves
- Mass (religion)
- meditation
- Melkite
- memorial stones
- mendicant orders
- Mennonites
- Merikappeli
- Messianic Jews
- messianism
- Methodism
- Methodists
- metropolitans
- mid-week holidays
- mihrabs
- Mikael Agricola Church
- military chaplains
- millennialism
- ministerial education
- miracles
- missals
- missiology
- missionaries
- missionary theology
- missionary work
- mission secretaries
- missions (religious organisations)
- mixed marriage
- Mizrahi Jews
- Monastery of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Finland
- Monastery of Saint Aaron (Jordan)
- monasticism
- monastic libraries
- monastic life
- monism
- monks
- monks in holy orders
- monotheism
- Montecassino Abbey
- moralities
- Moral Re-Armament
- morals
- moral theology
- Morbacka
- Mormons
- morning assemblies
- mosques
- Mozarabs
- Muonio Church
- Muslims
- mystery religions
- mysticism
- mystics
- mythology
- myths
- Naantali Convent
- narrative theology
- national church
- nativistic movements
- natural theology
- nature worship
- Neo-Confucianism
- neopaganism
- neoshamanism
- neo-Thomism
- Nestorians
- New Age movement
- new age music
- new atheism
- New Pietism
- new religious movements
- Noah's ark
- non-church members
- Nordic mythology
- Notre-Dame cathedral
- novices
- nuns
- Nurmo Church
- offences against freedom of worship
- offering (financial aid)
- offerings (religion)
- offertories
- Old Believers
- Old Church of Isokyrö
- Old Church of Keuruu
- Old Church of the Parish of Keminmaa
- Old Church Park (Helsinki)
- omens
- oneness
- Order of Saint John
- orders of monks
- orders of nuns
- ordination
- ordination of women
- original sin
- Orphism (religions)
- Orthodox
- Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicholas (Kuopio)
- Orthodox Church
- orthodox church music
- orthodoxy (properties)
- Otaniemi Chapel
- Oulu Cathedral
- Oxford Group movement
- Padise Abbey
- paganism
- pantheism
- papacy
- Paradise
- Parikkala Church
- parish centres
- parish clerks
- parishioners
- parish lectors
- parish libraries
- parish mergers
- parish ministers
- parish unions
- parish work
- parsonages
- passion plays
- past lives
- pastoral care in hospitals
- pastoral care in the military
- pastoral counselling
- pastoral dissertations
- pastoral examination
- pastoral psychology
- pastoral theology
- patriarchates (church administration)
- patriarchs
- patristics
- Pechenga Monastery
- pedagogy of religion
- Pelagianism
- Pentecostal movement
- Peräseinäjoki Church
- Petäjävesi Old Church
- Pharisees
- phenomenology of religion
- philosophical theology
- philosophy of religion
- Pietism
- Pihlajavesi Wilderness Church
- pilgrimages
- pilgrims
- Pirita Convent
- places of sacrifice
- Plymouth Brethren
- pneumatology (theology)
- political theology
- polytheism
- Poor Clare Sisters
- poor man statues
- Popes
- Pori Orthodox Church
- Porvoo Cathedral
- Porvoo Common Statement
- Porvoo declaration
- postliberal theology
- practical theology
- praise
- prayer books
- prayerhouses
- Prayerism
- prayers
- prayer to Azazel
- prayer wheels
- praying
- prazniks
- preachers
- preaching (evangelisation)
- predestination
- pre-reformation movements
- Presbyterian Churches
- priesthood
- Priestly Blessing
- priests
- priests for the deaf
- prison chaplains
- processions (Eastern Orthodox)
- process theology
- profane
- profession of faith (activity)
- professions of faith
- proofs of God's existence
- prophecies
- prophecy
- prophets
- Protestant Churches
- Protestantism
- Protestants
- providence
- Psalms (texts)
- pseudepigrapha
- Pskov-Caves Monastery
- psychology of religion
- pulpits
- purgatory
- puritanism
- puritans
- Puumala Church of Saint John the Baptist
- Pyhän Nikolaoksen tsasouna (Suomussalmi)
- Quakers
- qualification for laymen to preach
- Qumran Scrolls
- Qurʼan
- Rabbinic literature
- rabbis
- radical orthodoxy
- Rastafari movement
- redemption (religion)
- Reformation
- Reformed Churches
- reincarnation
- relics (religious objects)
- religion and ethics (curriculum subjects)
- religion and religions
- religion policy
- religious art
- religious articles
- religious behaviour
- religious buildings
- religious communities
- religious development
- religious discrimination
- religious education
- religious events
- religious experiences
- religious folklore
- Religious Freedom Act
- religious holidays
- religious identity
- religious interaction
- religious language
- religious leaders
- religious life
- religious literature
- religious magazines
- religious minorities
- religious movements
- religious music
- religiousness
- religious orders
- religious orders of knighthood
- religious organisations
- religious parties
- religious perceptions
- religious persecutions
- religious plays
- religious poems
- religious practice
- religious processions
- religious programmes
- religious science scholars
- religious songs
- religious spirituality
- religious wars
- remorse
- resurrection
- retables
- retreats (religious occasions)
- revelations
- revivalist movements
- revival meetings
- righteousness
- rites
- rites of passage
- ritual garb
- rituals
- road churches
- Roman Catholic Church
- rosaries
- Rosicrucianism
- Rovaniemi Church
- Sääksmäki Church
- Sabbath
- sacraments
- sacred kingship
- sacred places
- sacrificing
- Saint Birgitta Church (Nykarleby)
- Saint Catherine's Church (Turku)
- Saint Catherine's Monastery
- Saint Henry's Cathedral (Helsinki)
- Saint John's Church (Helsinki)
- Saint Lawrence's Church (Hämeenkoski)
- Saint Nicholas Church (Joensuu)
- Saint Paul's Church
- saints
- Saint Thomas Mass
- Salokunta Church
- salvation
- Salvation Army officers
- Samaritans
- Sami drums
- Sammaljoki Church
- sanctification
- Santeria
- sarcophagi
- satanism
- scholasticism
- Schwenkfelder Church
- science of religion
- Scientology
- seal of confession
- seamen's ministers
- seamen's mission (missionary work)
- seamen's missions (organisations)
- secularisation
- secularism
- Sephardim
- Sermon on the Mount
- sermons
- service (religion)
- Sethianism
- sewing circles
- Shakers (religious communities)
- Shaktism
- shamanism
- shamans
- sharia
- Shi'ism
- Shinto
- shrines
- shroud of Turin
- sieidis
- Sikhism
- Sikhs
- sin
- Sistine Chapel
- social work of the church
- sociology of religion
- soldier's graves
- Solovetsky Monastery
- soul
- Sovituksenkirkko
- spirit possession
- spirits of the dead
- spiritual gifts
- spiritual guidance
- spiritualism (theories)
- spirituality (religion)
- spiritual violence
- state church
- stave churches
- St. Olaf’s Church (Kalanti)
- stone churches
- Stonehenge
- street mission
- striving (religious life)
- stupas
- suffering
- Sufism
- Summer Services (Laestadianism)
- Sundays and holidays
- Sunday school
- Sunnism
- Suonenjoki Church
- supernatural creatures
- superstition
- sutras
- Swedenborgianism
- symbolism (cultural phenomena)
- symbols
- synagogues
- syncretism
- synodal sermons
- synodal speeches
- systematic theology
- taboos
- Taivassalo Church
- Talibans
- Talmud
- Tampere Cathedral
- tantra
- Taoism
- Tapiola Church
- teachers of religious education
- Templars
- temples
- Temppeliaukio Church
- temptations
- Ten commandments
- Thangkas
- theism
- theistic satanism
- theocracy
- theodicy
- theologians
- theological anthropology
- theological ethics
- theology
- theology of religions
- theories on the origins of religion
- theosophists
- theosophy
- theses synodales
- Thomism
- Törnävä Church (Seinäjoki)
- totemism
- trance
- transcendence (being)
- transmigration of souls
- Trappists
- trial by ordeal
- True Love Waits campaign
- tsasounas
- Turku Cathedral
- twin parishes
- Tyrnävä church
- Tyrvää Church
- Ulvila Church
- Umayyad dynasty
- underworld
- Unification Church
- Unitarians
- urns
- Ursulines
- Uspenski Cathedral
- Uukuniemi Revival
- Vaasa Church
- Vadstena Abbey
- Vaishnavism
- väki (mythology)
- Valamo Monastery (Heinävesi)
- Valamo Monastery (Valaam)
- Valentinianism
- Vanaja Church
- vasulaisuus
- Veda
- Vedic religion
- Vehmaa Church of Saint Margaret
- vergers
- vespers
- vesper (service)
- vigil (liturgy)
- vigils (compositions)
- visions (hallucinations)
- vocation (calling)
- vodou
- votive offerings
- votive ships
- Vuoksenniska Church
- wabi-sabi
- Wahhabism
- Waldenses
- war graves
- weddings
- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- Wicca
- wise men
- witchcraft
- witches
- witch hunts
- wooden churches
- World Teacher
- world view
- worldview
- worship
- worship of the dead
- Yazidis
- Yazidism
- Ylikiiminki Church
- Ylistaro Church
- Yoruba religion
- young church volunteer activity (Evangelical Lutheran Church)
- Zen Buddhism
- Zoroastrianism
In other languages
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}