Concept information
Preferred term
00 General Terms
Concept group
Group members
- abandonment (desertion)
- abstract character
- abuse
- academies
- acceptability
- acceptance
- accessibility
- accessibility
- accessories (devices)
- accounts (reports)
- accreditation (education)
- accrual
- accumulation
- acquisition
- action
- action groups
- action programmes
- activation
- activities (functions)
- activity
- activity centres
- actuators
- adaptations
- addiction
- additives
- adhesive tapes
- adhesive taping
- admiration
- admirers
- admission guides
- admission tickets
- advanced level
- advance information
- advantages
- advection
- advisers
- aftercare
- after-treatment
- after-use
- agents (actors)
- aggregate units
- aggregation
- aiding and abetting
- aids (implements)
- allocation (active)
- allocation (passive)
- alternative methods
- alternatives
- ambiguity
- amount
- analysis
- analysts
- anniversaries
- annotation
- annual reports
- annual reviews
- anomalies
- anonymity
- anticipation
- antiheroes
- apparatuses
- appearance (looks)
- applicants
- application procedure
- applications (applying)
- applications (documents)
- application (use)
- appraisal
- arranging
- arrival
- articles (inanimate objects)
- ascertainment
- assemblies (societal events)
- assembly (composition)
- assessment discussion
- assignment
- assistants (general)
- associated merchandise
- assortments
- asymmetry
- attachments
- attendants and caretakers
- attractiveness
- attribution
- authentication
- authenticity
- autobiographical approach
- automatic control
- auxiliary equipment
- auxiliary supplies
- availability
- awards
- badges, buttons and pins
- barriers
- bases
- basic skills
- baskets
- bathtubs
- becoming more common
- becoming prepared
- becoming released
- becoming selected
- becoming unclean
- beginners
- beginning
- being late
- being unhurried
- best practices
- binding
- biomimetic materials
- body of members
- booms
- border districts
- boundaries
- breaks
- brooms and brushes
- campaigns
- candidates
- capability
- capacity
- capsules
- card files
- care
- care instructions
- carrying
- carrying equipment
- cases (storage)
- catalogues and directories
- causes
- certificates of honour
- chain letters
- chains (objects)
- chains (systems)
- challenge (questioning)
- challenges
- change
- change management (control)
- changing residence
- chaos
- checklists
- choice
- circumstances
- classes
- classics
- classifications
- clerks
- closeness
- closing
- closing ceremonies
- clusters
- coaches (occupations)
- coaching
- codes
- coercion
- coexistence
- coherence
- cold resistance
- cold treatment
- collapse
- collection catalogues
- collection (general)
- collection (recreational activity)
- collections
- collectors (enthusiasts)
- collectors (gatherers)
- collision
- combined effects
- combining
- commands
- commemorative plaques
- commentaries (reportage)
- comments (opinions)
- committing oneself
- common use
- comparison
- compatibility
- compensation (activity)
- compensatory methods
- competence
- competing (recreation)
- competitions
- compilation of statistics
- completeness
- complexity
- compliance
- compliance with requirements
- complicity
- components
- composition (consistency)
- concentration (chemical properties)
- concept design
- conceptions
- concepts (outlines)
- concreteness
- condition
- conditioners
- condition monitoring
- conference publications
- conferences
- conference services
- confidentiality
- configuration
- configuration theory
- congestion
- connections (technical objects)
- connectors
- consent
- consequences
- consistency
- constituent materials
- consumption
- contact information
- contact persons
- contacts
- containers (dishes)
- contamination
- contemporary criticism
- content
- context
- contingency
- continuing
- continuum (mathematical concepts)
- contractualisation
- contrast
- control
- control (prevention)
- control (steering)
- control systems
- control technology
- convergence
- conversion
- conversion
- convoys
- cooperation (general)
- cooperativity
- coordinating
- corrections (rectifications)
- correctness (validity)
- correspondence (equivalence)
- costs
- counselling
- courses (societal objects)
- coverage
- covering (activity)
- cramped conditions
- cries
- crises
- criteria
- criticism
- crowdsourcing
- cultivation
- curators (art and culture)
- customer information
- customers
- customer satisfaction
- customer segmentation
- customisation
- damages (destruction)
- damages (harms)
- dates (time)
- days of the week
- deactivation
- decisions
- decisions to reject
- decline
- decommissioning
- decrease (active)
- decrease (passive)
- defects
- deficiencies
- definition (activity)
- definitions
- degradation
- degree of difficulty
- dehydration
- delay
- delivery cycle
- delusions
- demands
- demonstrations (presentations)
- depletion
- deposits (reservoirs)
- design agencies
- destruction
- destruction (passive)
- determination (activity)
- development (active)
- development (passive)
- devices
- diagnostics
- dialogicality
- dichotomies
- differences
- differentiation (change)
- difficulties
- diffusion
- dimensioning
- diplomas (certificates)
- direction (instruction and guidance)
- direction methods
- directions (ways)
- dirt (uncleanliness)
- disappearance
- discontinuation
- discount
- discoveries
- discretion
- dismantling
- disorder
- disputes
- dissimilarity
- distancing
- distinctive marks
- distribution
- disunion
- diversification
- diversity
- division (active)
- division (passive)
- doctrines
- documentarism
- documents
- domestic preparation
- dosage
- downsizing
- drafting
- dreams (aspirations)
- drivability
- duration
- duration of action
- dynamic nature
- dysfunctions
- editing
- effectiveness
- effects (results)
- efficacy
- efficiency (properties)
- elasticity (societal objects)
- electronic forms
- emptiness
- emptying
- encounter
- encryption
- ending (active)
- ending (passive)
- endurance
- engagement (properties)
- engagements (societal objects)
- engineering design
- enlargement (passive)
- enticements
- environment
- environmental factors
- equalisation
- equipment
- error conditions
- errors
- escape
- estimations of needs
- evaluation
- evaluation methods
- evidence-based practices
- examinations (evaluation)
- examples
- exchange
- exchange of information
- execution (implementation)
- exercise methods
- exercises
- expansion (active)
- expansion (passive)
- expectations
- expediency
- experiment
- experimentality
- expert services
- explosive strength
- expressiveness
- extension
- extensiveness
- extent
- extraction (engineering)
- extreme phenomena
- extrusion
- facial recognition
- facilitation
- failure
- fair play
- falling down
- fastening
- favourites
- feedback
- feinting
- fellow man
- fillings (material)
- filtration
- final deposition
- findability
- finishing (final treatment)
- fitting
- fixed-term nature
- flavour
- fluency
- flyflaps
- follow-up meetings
- forecasts
- forerunners
- forgery
- formal writing
- form and shape
- formats
- forms (documents)
- forms of support
- formulas (information)
- founding (establishment)
- fragmentation
- fragments
- framed paintings and pictures
- frames
- framing
- freedom of choice
- Friday
- frost resistance
- functionality
- functionality
- functionality
- functional materials
- functional methods
- further processing
- future
- gamification
- gaze
- gender quotas
- generalisation
- general works
- genericity
- genres
- genuineness
- gigs (performances)
- goals (abstract objects)
- group guidance
- group interviews
- groups
- growth
- growth factors
- guardians
- guest books
- guidance
- guidelines
- guideline values
- guides (literary works)
- guides (occupations)
- habitability
- habits
- handmade products
- hand tools
- harassment
- harmful effects
- harmful substances
- harmonisation
- harmony
- hatches
- hearing (procedure)
- heating (materials)
- heat resistance
- heat treatment
- heavy equipment
- helping
- heroes
- heterogeneity
- hidden images
- hierarchy
- homogeneity
- homogenisation
- honours (acts of appreciation)
- hooks
- human agency
- hurry
- hyperlinks
- hyperplasia
- icons (role)
- Ida Aalberg Acting Prize
- ideas (thoughts)
- identification marks
- identification (recognition)
- identifiers (information)
- identity (societal properties)
- ignition
- imaging
- immobility
- impermeability to water
- implements
- impoverishment
- improving
- improving efficiency
- impurities
- incidence (economics)
- inclusion
- independence
- indexes (directories)
- indexes of persons
- indexing
- individualisation (education)
- inexperience
- infiltration (change)
- influence
- influences
- informed consent
- initiatives
- innovativeness
- inside information
- inspection and revision
- installation
- institutions (formal organisation)
- instruction manuals
- instructions
- instructors (guidance and education)
- instrumentalization
- instruments for treatment
- instruments (non-musical)
- insufficiency
- integrated management systems
- integration (passive)
- integration (unification)
- intensity
- interaction
- interchangeability
- interest
- interest groups (groups)
- interfaces (surfaces)
- interferences
- intermediate level
- intermediation
- international comparison
- international evaluation
- international mobility
- international statistics
- interoperability
- interrogation
- intervention
- interviewers
- interviews
- intrinsic motivation
- introduction (deployment)
- invalidation
- inviolability
- invitations
- joining (entry)
- joining together
- joint production
- keeping in operation
- keyboards (technical objects)
- kokeneisuus (fi)
- layout
- laypersons
- leakages
- left and right
- leftovers
- letters
- letters to the editor
- level
- lids
- limit values (restrictions)
- lines of action
- linking
- lists of works
- load
- loans
- localisation (adaptation)
- location
- locationing
- long-term effects
- long-term preservation
- lookalikes
- losing (failing to win)
- loss (feeling)
- loss (waste)
- love letters
- lubrication
- machines
- mainstreaming
- maintenance
- making
- making an appointment
- management (control)
- mandatory monitoring
- manner of representation
- manners and means
- manufacturers
- manufacturing
- manufacturing engineering
- mapping
- marginal notes
- markings
- marks
- marshals
- mass customisation
- materiality
- material recovery
- materials handling
- materials (matter)
- materials (role)
- material technology
- measurement
- measures (procedures)
- measuring errors
- measuring instruments (indicators)
- mechanisms
- mediators
- meetings (arranged events)
- member lists
- membership
- membership benefits
- memorandums (memos)
- memorandums (reports)
- memorial services
- mending
- messages
- methodicalness
- methods
- Mikael Agricola Award
- miniatures
- minutes (documents)
- mirroring
- missing people
- mistake
- misuse
- mitigation
- mobility
- modelling (creation related to information)
- models (objects)
- moderation (editing)
- moderation (temperance)
- modifiability
- modification
- modularity
- Monday
- monitoring
- months
- mortars (bowls)
- motor-driven working machines
- mottoes
- mounts (auxiliary equipment)
- multichannel
- multifunctionality
- multilateralism
- multiple use
- multi-problem
- multisectorality
- nameplates
- narrativity
- natural laws
- need for renewal
- needles
- needs
- needs assessment
- needs test
- negativity
- negotiations
- nets
- networks (systems)
- new products
- Nobel Prizes
- Nobel prize winners
- nomenclature
- nomination
- nomination of candidates
- non-impediment
- normality
- norms
- notation (general)
- notes
- notifications
- number (quantity)
- nurture
- obedience
- objection
- objectives
- obligations
- obligatoriness
- obstruction
- obtaining
- occurence
- officials in associations
- ombudsmen
- one-sidedness
- opening hours
- openings (celebrations)
- openness
- operational environment
- operations models
- opposites
- optimality
- order
- orders (requests)
- organising
- orientation (cognition)
- origin (properties)
- output
- overheating
- overloading
- overweight
- own check
- packaging
- parades
- parallel use
- participants
- participatory design
- participatory evaluation
- participatory planning
- parts (components)
- passivity
- patterns
- peer support
- performances (calculated units)
- performance situation
- performance targets
- performativity
- performing (mutual activity)
- permanence
- personal assistants
- personification
- personifying
- persons
- phenomena
- physical exercises
- picking
- pictograms
- piercing
- pilot experiments
- place
- placement
- placing
- planners and designers
- planning and design
- planning errors
- plans
- plans of action
- pleas
- point of view
- polarisation
- polarisation (social sciences)
- political correctness
- polydrug use
- pop up phenomena
- portfolios
- portrayals (cultural objects)
- position finding
- positivity
- postcoital contraception
- posthumous works
- postponement
- powders
- powers and mandates
- praise
- precautionary measures
- precision
- predictability
- predisposition
- pre-emption
- preliminary treatment
- preparation
- prerequisites
- presence
- presentations (introductions)
- presentation technology
- preservability
- press force
- pressuring
- prevention
- price lists
- primary level
- principal designers
- prioritisation
- private collections
- proactivity
- probes
- problems
- problem use
- procedures
- processes
- processing
- processions
- product collections
- productivity
- products
- profile raising
- profiles (information)
- profiling
- programmes (plans)
- prohibited items
- projects
- prominent persons
- promises
- promotion (furtherance)
- properties
- propositions
- protection (activity)
- protection by law
- protective agents
- protests
- prototypes
- provenance
- provocativeness
- publications
- punctuality
- qualifications
- quality
- quality assessment
- quality ratings
- questions
- queues
- quotas
- ramadan
- ranking lists
- rapid manufacturing
- rarities
- raw materials
- reactions
- reactivity
- realisation (active)
- realisation (passive)
- realisation (transfer of ownership)
- real-time
- reciprocity
- recognition
- recommendations
- reconstruction
- record results
- recovery (recapture)
- recovery (return)
- recruiting of members
- redistribution
- reduction (active)
- reduction (passive)
- reels
- refining
- reforms
- refrigeration
- refusal
- registers
- registration
- regulation (adjustment)
- regulation (control)
- regulation (rationing)
- regulations (directives)
- relations
- relativity
- release
- relevance
- reliability (general)
- relocation
- remanufacturing
- remembrance
- removal
- remunerativeness
- renewal
- repairers
- repairing
- repair manuals
- repair shops
- repeatability
- repetition
- reporting
- representation (mental objects)
- representation (mutual action)
- representatives
- reproduction
- requests
- requirements engineering
- research
- reservations (bookings)
- resilience
- resiliency (flexibility)
- resource allocation
- resources
- responses
- restoration (repairing)
- restrictions
- results
- retrospectives
- return
- return to health
- reuse
- revamping
- reviews
- rhythm
- rhythmics
- right to use
- rims
- rising
- risk assessment
- risk factors
- risk groups
- risks
- rollers (technical objects)
- rolls (catalogues)
- routines
- routing
- rules
- safety and security
- salutes
- samples
- sampling (inspection)
- satiety
- Saturday
- scaffolds
- scarcity
- scent
- schematics
- schemes (information)
- screening analysis
- sealants
- searching
- seasonal variations
- secretaries
- secrets
- sectioning
- security clearances
- segmentation
- segregation
- selection criteria
- selectivity
- self-criticism
- self-evaluation
- self-regulation (adjustment)
- self-regulation (control)
- seminars
- sensations (excited interest)
- separation
- separators
- sequencing
- service centres
- service level
- service life
- service (maintenance)
- service needs
- service reliability
- services
- set-off
- settlement of matters
- shades (furniture)
- shadows
- sheaths
- shell and peel
- shielding
- shortening
- showers
- shrinkage
- signals
- signatures
- signboards and plates
- signposts
- sign systems
- similarity
- simplicity
- sitting
- situational awareness
- size
- sketches
- skills
- sky
- sleeping pads
- slowness
- solution orientation
- solutions (answers)
- sorting
- sound signals
- source codes
- spare parts
- specialisation
- specialists (experts)
- specialties
- spectacles
- speed endurance
- spinning tops
- splitting
- spraying
- spreading (active)
- spreading (process)
- squeeze
- stabilisation (economy and society)
- stability (invariability)
- stakeholder groups
- stamping
- stamps and imprints
- standing
- starting
- statement of reasons
- statements (claims)
- statements (reports)
- state prizes
- statistics (data)
- staves
- steering systems
- stickers
- sticks
- stigmata
- stimulation
- stipulations
- stocktaking
- stoppage
- storage
- storing and recording
- strategic planning
- strategies
- stratification
- straying
- stretching
- structure (properties)
- styling
- subject indexes
- submission
- substitutability
- substitutes (objects)
- success
- success
- sufficiency
- Sunday
- superheroes
- supervision
- supplies
- support
- supporters
- supporting
- surfaces
- surprises
- surrender of possession
- surveillance
- suspension (vehicles)
- sustainable assessment
- sustainable use
- swastika
- symbols
- symmetry
- synchronizing
- synergy
- synthesis
- system design
- systems
- tables of contents
- tables of squares
- tactics
- tags (information)
- taking advantage
- target groups
- target programmes
- tasks
- teams
- technical drawings
- technical inspection
- technical norms
- techniques
- televoting
- temporality
- tendencies
- terms of office
- testing
- testing methods
- texture
- theories
- thickness
- threats
- three-dimensionality
- Thursday
- tidiness
- time limit
- timeliness
- time management
- timetables
- timing
- tipping (giving information)
- tips and tricks
- togetherness
- tolerance (physical)
- tolerance tests
- tools
- torches
- touch
- tours
- traceability
- traces
- tracing
- tracking
- tracks
- trainees
- transfer
- transferability
- transgression (violation of norms)
- transitional phase
- transition period
- transparency
- treatment
- treatment and handling
- trends
- trial use
- truthfulness
- Tuesday
- turnover (replacement)
- two-dimensionality
- types and species
- typologies
- umpires and referees
- unambiguity
- underlying factors
- underutilisation
- unification
- uniformity
- units
- universality
- updating
- upkeep (servicing)
- urgency
- usability
- use
- usefulness
- use of force
- user-centered design
- user-centeredness
- user experience
- users
- using a service
- utilisation
- utility articles
- valuables
- value (properties)
- variation
- variety
- versatility
- virtuality
- virtuosos
- visibility
- visions (prospects)
- visitors
- visits
- visual design
- visual environment
- vitality
- voluntariness
- volunteers
- voters
- votes
- vulnerability
- waiver
- warehousing
- warnings
- wastage
- weakening
- Wednesday
- weekends
- well-being
- wicked problems
- Wihuri International Prize
- winners
- winning
- winter use
- wishes
- withdrawal
- womanisers
- working order
- work machines
- work practices
- works (cultural objects)
- yield
- zones
In other languages
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}