Concept information
Preferred term
98 Free Time. Hobbies. Travel. Handicrafts
- ysa:ryhma_98 (YSA)
Group members
- 350th Anniversary of the University of Helsinki
- abstract games
- action games
- Act on Package Travel Companies
- adventure games
- adventure parks
- adventurers
- adventure services
- adventure travel
- Afrikan tähti (board games)
- agritourism
- airsoft
- air travel
- Aitoon kirkastusjuhlat
- amateur radio
- amigurumi
- Amorph! Festival
- amusement parks
- amusement rides
- amusements
- Ankkarock
- Anniversary of New Kalevala
- Anniversary Year of Beniamino Gigli
- ANTI - Contemporary Art Festival
- Aonir (role-playing games)
- applique work
- aquarium fishes
- aquarium plants
- aquariums
- arcade games
- art-related hobbies
- arts events
- associations
- Associations Act
- Astraterra (role-playing games)
- audience development
- backpacks
- Ballet Mikkeli
- balloons
- balls (entertainment events)
- banquets
- Barbie dolls
- bars (eating and drinking establishments)
- basketwork
- bast work
- beaches
- bead embroidery
- beadwork
- beauty contests
- beauty contest winners
- beauty queens
- Best Fiends (game)
- betting
- bibliophilia
- bingo
- birch bark work
- birdhouses
- bird tables
- bird watching
- birthdays
- board games
- boat clubs
- bobbin lace making
- bobbles
- Bomba festivals
- bonework
- bookcrossing
- braiding
- braids and weaves
- brain puzzles
- bridge (card games)
- brotherhoods
- building blocks (playthings)
- bullfights
- cabins (buildings)
- campfires
- camping
- camping centres
- camping equipment
- camp life
- camps
- campsites
- candlesticks
- canework
- canoe camping
- canoeing routes
- card games
- carding
- cards
- card tricks
- carnivals (amusement parks)
- carnivals (celebrations)
- car travel
- casinos
- celebrations
- ceremonies
- charitable organisations
- checkers
- chess
- children's games
- children's parties
- christenings
- Christmas decorations
- Christmas tourism
- circle games
- clayware
- climbing
- clipbooks
- clothes repair (sewing)
- club activities
- clubs (commercial)
- clubs (recreational)
- collectible card games
- combs
- Commemoration of Year 1809
- commemorative books
- computer games
- conference travel
- confirmation (family occasions)
- console games
- contour sawing
- cooperative games
- correspondence clubs
- cosplay
- costumes
- Counter-Strike (shooting games)
- coverings (objects)
- craft magazines
- craft science
- craft skills
- craft teachers
- crayfish parties
- crocheting
- cross-stitch works
- crossword puzzle magazines
- crossword puzzles
- cruises
- cultural events
- cultural hobbies
- cultural organisations
- cultural tourism
- cut (textiles)
- cycling routes
- dance events
- dark tourism
- dart games
- dating services
- decals
- decoration (artistic creation)
- decorations (ornamental)
- découpage
- dice
- dice games
- digital games
- discos
- Disneyland Paris
- district organisations
- doll clothes
- dollhouses
- dolls
- domestic tourism
- double cloths (wall textiles)
- Down By The Laituri
- downhill sledding
- Dragonbane
- drawn thread work
- drawn-thread work
- DX listening
- dyeing
- E80-kirjailijatapaaminen
- Easter decorations
- ecotourism
- educational games
- electronic sports
- Eloviini
- embroidery
- embroidery on cotton honeycomb fabric
- English darts
- entertainers
- entertainment centres
- entertainment events
- entertainment journalism
- escape rooms
- escort services
- ethnic restaurants
- European Year Against Racism
- European Year of People with Disabilities
- events
- event tourism
- Evo Hiking Area
- exercise games
- experience industry
- experience tourism
- extreme sports
- fabric weaving
- fair play
- fair trade tourism
- family occasions
- family reunions
- fancy dresses
- fantasy games
- fantasy play
- fascinators
- featherworks
- felting
- felt work
- ferris wheels
- festivals
- festival weeks
- festive clothing
- festivities
- Festivo
- fidget spinners
- fighting games
- figures (miniatures)
- film festivals
- finger knitting
- finger puppets
- Finnish Bible anniversary
- firework devices
- firework displays
- fishing tourism
- flower arranging
- flower arranging
- fly casting
- food tourism
- foosball
- football pools
- foreign travel
- fransut
- freemasons
- free time residents
- fulling
- Full Moon Dance Festival
- fur work
- gambits
- gambling games
- game analysis
- game characters
- game consoles
- game culture
- game design
- game graphics
- game industry
- game magazines
- game programming
- game research
- games
- game sector
- games of chance
- games with music
- garden parties
- geocaching
- get-togethers
- glassworks
- glossy scrap pictures
- go (abstract games)
- graduation parties
- granny squares
- Green Year 2000
- Hamina Tattoo
- handcrafting
- handicraft education
- handicraft instructions
- handicraft patterns
- handicrafts
- handicraft sector
- handicraft tradition
- handkerchiefs
- hand puppets
- Haukiputaan operettiviikot
- health care tourism
- Helsinki Festival
- HeroQuest
- Hetta Music Event
- hiking and backpacking
- hiking areas
- hiking routes
- hiking trails
- himmelit
- historical reenactment
- historic vehicle enthusiasts
- hitchhiking
- hobbies
- hobby crafting
- hobbyhorses
- hobby magazines
- hobby rooms
- hobby tourism
- holiday activities
- holiday areas
- holiday homes
- holidaymaking
- holidays (celebrations)
- homestay
- honeymoons
- hornwork
- horror games
- horse riding trails
- horse tourism
- Hossa Hiking Area
- humanitarian organisations
- hunting tourism
- Hyvinkään meripäivät
- ice climbing
- ice sculptures
- ideological organisations
- ikebana
- Ilmajoen musiikkijuhlat
- Ilosaarirock
- Ilovaarirock
- Ilvesvaellus trail
- Imatra Big Band Festival
- incentive travel
- independence anniversary year
- independent travel
- Indoor Air 2002
- indoor climbing
- inkle bands
- International Baltic Sea Forging Week
- International Children's Theatre Festival
- International Literacy Year
- International Woodcarving Week of Kemijärvi
- International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
- International Year for Tolerance
- International Year of Older Persons
- International Year of Peace
- International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
- International Year of the Family
- International Youth Year
- interrail tourism
- jigsaw puzzles
- Joensuun laulujuhlat
- joking
- jubilee year of Finnish book
- jubilee years
- Jutajaiset Folklore Festival
- J.V. Snellman 200 Years Jubileum
- Jyrock
- Jyväskylä Festival
- Kaamosjazz Festival
- Kalevala jubilee
- Kalottjazz & Blues Festival
- Kansanvalistusseuran laulu- ja soittojuhlat
- Karhunkierros trail
- käsityöneuvokset (honorary titles)
- Kaustinen Folk Music Festival
- Kemijärvi International Woodsculpting Symposium
- Kihaus Folk Festival
- Kiikoisten purpurijuhlat
- kirigami
- kites
- Kivi-juhlat
- knitted lace
- knitting
- knitwork
- knotting
- Koljonvirran veistoviikot
- Korpikoti
- Kotka Maritime Festival
- Koulun suurjuhlat
- Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival
- kumihimo
- Kungsleden
- laces
- lace trims
- lacquerwork
- Lahti Organ Festival
- Lakeside Blues Festival
- leatherwork
- Lego toys
- leisure
- leisure activities
- Linnanmäki amusement park
- lions organisations
- live action role-playing games
- local area tourism
- local festivals
- local heritage societies
- locker hooking
- Lohtaja Church Music Festival
- Lönnrot Jubilee Year 2002
- looms
- lotteries
- Lotteries Act
- lotto
- Löylymäki
- luggage
- machine embroidery
- macrame
- magicians
- magic tricks
- magic wands
- Mänttä Art Festival
- marquetry
- Marthas (women's organisations)
- masquerades
- matriculation graduations (family occasions)
- mattelassé
- meetinghouses
- members
- memorabilia
- memory games
- mentalists
- merry-go-rounds
- metalwork
- Metsäpeuran maa
- Midnight Sun Film Festival
- Mikkeli Amateur Theatre Festival
- Minecraft (game)
- miniature gardens
- mobile games
- model gliders
- modeling compounds
- modelling (artistic creation)
- model planes
- model railroads
- mogul skiing
- mölkky
- monogramming
- Monopoly (board games)
- Moominworld
- Mother's Day
- motor caravanners
- mountaineering
- multicopters
- multiplayer games
- musical games
- music festivals
- naalbinding technique
- name days
- naming ceremonies
- Näsinneula tower
- nature tourism
- nature trails
- needle embroidery
- needle lace
- nightclubs
- nightlife
- Night of the Arts
- non-governmental organisations
- non-profit corporations
- Nordic Rheumatism Year
- number puzzles
- Nuori Kulttuuri
- Nuorison taidetapahtuma
- observation towers
- ocean voyages
- Odd Fellow organisations
- Off Tampere
- Olavinlinna Opera Festival
- online games
- online poker
- open air dance pavilions
- open air dancing
- opera festivals
- organisation activists
- organisational activities
- organisational work
- origamis
- Orimattila laulaa ja soi
- ornamental objects
- outdoor games
- outdoor recreation
- outdoor recreation areas
- outdoor routes
- outings
- Paavo Nurmi Jubilee Year
- package holidays
- package tours
- Package Travel Act
- paintball
- paper clay
- papercrafts
- paper dolls
- paper-mache crafts
- party games
- party games
- party venues
- pastime handicrafts
- patchwork crochet
- patchworks
- peijaiset
- Pentinkulman päivät literature festival
- people's houses (community halls)
- pervasive games
- philatelists
- picnics
- picture puzzles
- Pieni karhunkierros trail
- pincushions
- pin loom weaving
- places for dancing
- plaiting and weaving
- plaitwork
- plastic works
- platform games
- play-based pedagogy
- players (non-music)
- playgrounds
- playhouses
- playing cards
- playing (children's games)
- playing (games and sports)
- plays and games
- playsites
- playthings
- pleats
- Poet's Way (tourist routes)
- Pokémon Go (game)
- poker
- poppana
- porcelain painting
- Pori Jazz
- Posio Pot 96
- pot cosies
- pot holders
- practical joke devices
- pranks
- pre-Christmas parties
- pressing plants
- problem gambling
- professional wrestling
- programme leaflets
- programme services
- Prometheus Ceremonies
- Provinssirock
- public events
- pubs
- Puijo Tower
- pupil organisations
- Pyhäjärven kihupäivät
- pyrotechnics
- Qstock
- qualification in floristry
- quiz questions
- quizzes
- raanu rugs
- racing games
- radio amateurs
- radio-controlled cars
- Rauma Blues
- Rauma Lace Week
- reader trips
- reading as recreation
- recreation
- recreational fishing
- recreational lodges
- recreational use
- recreation and leisure facilities
- recreation areas
- relief associations
- religious organisations
- restaurants
- reversible knits
- ribbons
- river cruises
- rock climbing
- rocking horses
- role-playing games
- roller coasters
- Roots'n River Blues
- rope skipping
- rotary organisations
- roulette
- round table organisations
- Ruisrock
- rural tourism
- Russian roulette
- Russian Seasons
- Ruunaa Hiking Area
- ryijy rugs
- safaris
- sailing clubs
- Sampojuhlat
- Sanoja & säveliä
- Särkänniemi
- Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival
- Savcor Ballet
- Savonlinna Ballet Festival
- Savonlinna Opera Festival
- scale models
- scenic routes
- school excursions
- scout movement
- scouts
- scrapbooking
- Sea Scouting
- secret societies
- Seinäjoki Tango Festival
- serious games
- sewing
- sewing materials
- sewing patterns
- sewings
- sex business
- sex shops
- sex tourism
- sex toys
- ship travel
- shooting games
- shopping tourism
- Side Step Festival
- sights (attractions)
- silk ribbon embroidery
- simulation games
- singing games
- single-player games
- ski routes
- sleeping bags
- slot machines
- snooker
- snow castles
- snow sculptures
- snowshoes
- social evenings
- social receptions (events)
- societies named after a person
- soft toys
- solitaires (card games)
- soroptimists
- space tourism
- special days (celebrations)
- spending summer time
- spinning (handicraft)
- spinning-wheels
- sport cabins
- sport fishing
- sports games
- sports organisations
- sports travel
- staff clubs
- St.age 2000 International Youth Theatre Event
- stamp collecting
- stencils
- stoneworks
- stranded knits
- strategy games
- strawwork
- striptease
- student bodies
- student organisations
- student unions (polytechnics)
- study clubs
- sudoku
- summer camps
- summer cottage life
- summer residents
- Suolahden suuri höyryfestivaali
- Super Mario Run (game)
- survival games
- sustainable tourism
- table hockey
- tablet-woven bands
- Taju (arts events)
- Tampereen kukkaisviikot
- Tampere Theatre Festival
- Tanssiareena festival
- tarot
- tatting
- teachers in textile handicraft
- technical work (crafts)
- teddy bears
- temperance societies
- tents
- textile printing
- textile sculptures
- textile work (handicraft)
- textured knits
- theatre events
- The centenary year of Finland’s independence
- theme days
- theme weeks
- theme years
- The Sims (simulation games)
- Tillintupa
- Time of Music
- tin soldiers
- Toholammin harmonikkaviikko
- Total Balalaika Show
- tourism
- tourism businesses
- tourism entrepreneurs
- tourism policy
- tourism promotion
- tourism research
- tourism sector
- tourist areas
- tourist boards
- tourist destinations
- tourist guides (occupations)
- tourist maps
- tourist resorts
- tourist routes
- tourists and travellers
- tourist services
- tour leaders
- tournaments (medieval)
- tournaments (sports contests)
- toy cars
- toy industry
- toy shops
- trading cards
- train travel
- transparent weaves
- travel
- travel agencies
- travel agents
- travel brochures
- travel fairs
- travel guides (literary works)
- travel insurance
- travel magazines
- travel souvenirs
- tree houses
- trekking
- trekking backpacks
- trip chains
- trips
- trivets
- Tunisian crocheting
- tuppi (card games)
- Turku Jazz Festival
- Turku Music Festival
- Tuska Open Air Metal Festival
- twig crafts
- two-player games
- urban exploration
- urban tourism
- Vanhanajan toripäivä
- Vanhan kirjallisuuden päivät
- Vanhojen paloautojen päivä
- vantage points
- vegetarian restaurants
- video games
- village associations
- village parties
- vint (card games)
- vinyl cutters
- virtual pets
- voyages and travels
- voyages around the world
- walking routes
- walking tours
- war games
- water toys
- weaving
- wedding anniversaries
- wellness tourism
- whitework embroidery
- wilderness guides (literary works)
- wilderness guides (occupations)
- wilderness hiking
- wilderness huts
- willow works
- wine tourism
- winter tourism
- women's organisations
- women's rights organisations
- wood carving
- wood chip work
- woodcraft
- wooden toys
- woodwork (handcrafting)
- working trips
- world champions
- World of Warcraft (role-playing games)
- wreaths
- yarn bombs
- yarns
- youth associations
- youth hostels
- youth organisations
- zonta organisations
- zoos
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}