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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

official documentation  


  • INSPIRE-paikkatietokohdetyyppi



  • http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/featureconcept

Kuuluu ryhmään

paikkatietokohdetyyppiä reaalimaailmassa vastaavan käsitteen yläkäsite


  • The official documentation that composes the spatial plan; it may be composed of the applicable legislation, the regulations, cartographic elements, descriptive elements that may be associated with the complete spatial plan, a zoning element or a supplementary regulation. In some Member States the actual textual regulation will be part of the data set (and can be put in the regulationText attribute), in other Member States the text will not be part of the data set and will be referenced via a reference to a document or a legal act. At least one of the three voidable values shall be provided.

UML nimi

  • OfficialDocumentation

Muunkieliset termit



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