Käsitteen tiedot
Käytettävä termi
73 Social Policy. Social Development Policy. Social Security. Health Care. Housing
- ysa:ryhma_73 (YSA)
Ryhmään kuuluvat käsitteet
- AA movement
- abstinence from substance abuse
- accelerated accrual
- A-clinics
- Act on Checking the Criminal Background of Persons Working with Children
- Act on Rehabilitative Work
- Act on Service Vouchers in Social Welfare and Health Care Services
- Act on Social Enterprises
- Act on Supporting the Functional Capacity of the Older Population and on Social and Health Services for Older Persons
- Act on the Electronic Processing of Client Data in Social and Health Care
- Act on the Status and Rights of Social Welfare Clients
- Act on Unemployment Security
- actuarial science
- adjustment training
- adopted children
- adoption
- Adoption Act (1985)
- Adoption Act (2012)
- adoption grant
- adoptive parents
- adult social work
- aftercare (social services)
- afternoon activities
- age policy
- aid policy
- alcohol and drug education
- alcoholics
- alcoholism
- alcohol policy
- alcohol use
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test
- almshouses
- arava system
- assigned municipalities of residence
- assistance dogs
- assistants for disabled people
- assistants for employment of disabled people
- assistants (general)
- augmentative and alternative communication
- baby magazines
- Bachelors of Social Services
- basic income guarantee
- basic needs
- basic public services
- basic security
- beggars
- begging
- benefits
- binge drinking
- border guard dogs
- border region work
- boy work
- bringing up a topic
- care chains
- care entrepreneurs
- care for older people
- care institutions
- care sector
- care service businesses
- care services
- care work
- care workers in child welfare
- central hospitals
- central institutions
- change-of-generation pensions
- charity
- charity events
- child benefits
- child care
- child care allowances
- Child Day Care Act
- child home care allowance
- Child Maintenance Act
- child maintenance allowance
- child orientation
- child policy
- child prostitution
- child protection
- child protection notifications
- child-related work
- children in placement
- children's day clubs
- children's homes (child welfare institutions)
- children's hospitals
- children's instructors
- children's villages
- child's best interest
- child sponsorship
- child's status
- child support
- child trafficking
- child welfare
- Child Welfare Act
- child welfare clinics
- child welfare institutions
- child welfare officers
- Christmas seal homes
- church pensions
- church youth work leaders
- citizens' status
- clemency
- closure pensions
- clubhouses (rehabilitation)
- coaching for independent living
- colleges of health care
- commerce of housing
- Common Responsibility Campaign
- communal living
- community educators
- community work
- company-owned dwellings
- compensation for loss of earnings
- construction-site housing
- consumer policy
- contraception counselling
- contract management
- control policy
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Convention on the Rights of the Child
- Copenhagen Declaration
- correctional treatment
- Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse
- crisis centres
- crisis services
- crisis telephones
- crisis work
- custody disputes
- custody of a child
- customer relationship
- customer work
- daily allowances
- daily sickness allowances
- daily unemployment allowances
- day activities
- day care
- day care workers
- day centres
- day hospitals
- dental care (public health service)
- dental clinics
- deparment secretaries
- department of health services
- department of housing services
- department of youth services
- departments of social services
- detoxification (social work with intoxicant abusers)
- diagnosis-related group classification
- direction (instruction and guidance)
- directors of social welfare services
- disability associations
- disability benefits
- disability pensions
- disability policy
- Disability Services Act
- district hospitals
- domestic aid
- domestic aids
- domestic helpers
- domestic violence
- dorm managers
- draftees' dependants allowances
- drug addicts
- drug policy
- drug problems
- drug tests
- drug use
- dual residence
- dwellings
- early childhood education and care
- Early Childhood Education and Care Act
- early childhood education plans
- early intervention
- early rehabilitation
- early retirement pensions
- early support
- earnings-related pensions
- ecological housing
- educational social workers
- education of parents
- education policy
- e-healthcare
- emergency housing
- Employee Pension Insurance Company Act
- Employees Pensions Act
- employment pension institutions
- employment pensions
- employment pension societies
- employment policy
- employment security
- environmental health care
- environmental policy
- equality policy
- European Convention on the Exercise of Children's Rights
- European Social Charter
- evidence-based social work
- experienced well-being
- ex-service men
- family camps
- family centres
- family counselling
- family counselling centres
- family counsellors
- family day care
- family day care childminders
- family day care supervisors
- family foster homes
- family group conference
- family guidance
- family leaves
- family orientation
- family planning
- family policy
- family rehabilitation
- family reunification
- family upbringing
- family work
- farmers' early retirement programmes
- Farmers' Pensions Act
- financial aid
- flexible care allowance
- flexicurity
- food supply
- forms of support
- foster care
- foster children
- foster families
- foster home care
- foster homes
- foster parents
- friendly visiting services
- friendship programmes
- funeral homes
- gerontology
- gerotechnology
- girl work
- global problems
- Goal Attainment Scaling
- godchildren
- Granny’s Corner
- grassroots democracy
- green care
- group family day care
- group homes
- group rehabilitation
- guarantee pension
- guardianship
- guardianship law
- Guardianship Services Act
- guidance centres
- guidance centres for the elderly
- guide dogs
- Hague Convention of 1996 on the International Protection of Children
- Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
- halls of residence
- health and social services reform
- health and wellness sector
- health care
- health care engineering
- health care expenses
- health care personnel
- health centres
- health inspectors
- health law
- health policy
- health protection
- health sector
- health service institutions
- health services
- hearing ear dogs
- helping
- holiday activities
- holiday homes
- home care
- home care sisters
- home help services
- home hospitals
- homelessness (lack of home)
- homelessness (lack of housing)
- homeless persons (lacking home)
- homeless persons (lacking housing)
- homeowners' associations
- home rehabilitation
- home reversion
- homes for the aged
- hospital care
- hospital districts
- hospitals
- hospital schools
- hospital wards
- house calls
- housing agency
- housing allowance
- housing cooperatives
- housing exhibitions
- housing fairs
- housing health
- housing loans
- housing market
- housing policy
- housing production
- housings
- housing services
- housing shortage
- housing stock
- human development index
- human relations work
- human trafficking
- illegitimate children
- immediate family
- incapacity for work
- incentive traps
- income differences
- income distribution
- income security
- incomes policy
- income support
- income transfers
- industrial injuries insurance
- inhabitant structure
- institutional care
- institutional education
- institutionalisation (change related to person)
- institutional services (social services)
- institutions for elderly care
- instructors for persons with developmental disabilities
- instructors (guidance and education)
- insurance institutions
- intensive care units
- intercountry adoption
- international social law
- international social policy
- International Year of Older Persons
- International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
- International Year of the Family
- International Youth Year
- interpreting services
- intervention (treatment methods)
- intimate partner violence
- intimate partner violence
- Into Work Project
- intoxicant policy
- intra-family adoption
- involuntary treatment
- island policy
- joint custody
- kindergartens
- kindergarten teachers
- labour market policy
- labour market subsidy
- labour policy
- lack of means
- leisure instructors
- library dogs
- life politics
- living abroad
- living at home
- living conditions
- Local Government Pensions Act
- loft apartments
- long-term care insurance
- long-term unemployed people
- long-term unemployment
- maintenance (financial provision)
- maltreatment
- marginalised people
- Masters of Science (Health Care)
- Masters of Science (Health Care)
- Maternity Act
- maternity allowance
- maternity benefits
- maternity leave
- maternity packages
- meals on wheels services
- medical centres
- medical social workers
- men-specific social work
- mental health rehabilitation
- mental health services
- mental health work
- mental hospitals
- military injuries insurance
- Minnesota Model
- morning activities
- mother and child homes
- mother and child shelters
- motivational interview
- movable services
- moving away from home
- multi-professionalism
- municipal department of social services
- municipal housing for the elderly
- municipal old-age homes
- municipal pensions
- municipal rental dwellings
- myllyhoito
- named nurse system
- nannies
- national pensions
- need for help
- needs test
- neglect
- neighbourhood associations
- neighbourhood services
- networking (nursing)
- neurocognitive rehabilitation
- neuropsychiatric coaching
- night shelters
- non-institutional services
- non-institutional social care
- non-profit services
- nonstandard hour child care
- Nordic Convention on Social Assistance and Social Services
- Nordic Convention on Social Security
- nurseries with special emphasis areas
- nursery schools
- nurses for persons with developmental disabilities
- nursing culture
- nursing homes
- nursing leave
- nursing schools
- nursing sector
- nursing staff
- nursing subsidy
- obligation to provide maintenance
- occupational health care
- Occupational Health Care Act
- official residences
- old-age pension
- old age policy
- ombudsmen for children
- online youth work
- open adoption
- open day care
- oral health care
- organisations of patients' families
- orphanages
- orphans
- outpatient rehabilitation
- outreach elderly work
- outreach social work
- outreach youth work
- owner-occupied residences
- own risk
- parental allowance
- parental leave
- parenting counselling centres
- parenting guidance
- partial care allowance
- partial daily sickness allowances
- partial disability pension
- partially disabled people
- part-time pensions
- Paternity Act
- paternity allowance
- paternity leave
- patients in psychiatric rehabilitation
- pension accrual
- pension contributions
- pensioners
- pension funds
- pension institutions
- pension policy
- pensions
- pension schemes
- pension societies
- pension trusts
- penthouses
- people of limited working ability
- people with impairments
- personal assistance
- personal assistants
- personal doctor system
- personal identification numbers
- philanthropy
- places of treatment
- play activities
- polydrug use
- poor people
- poor relief (care)
- poor relief (financial aid)
- population policy
- population responsibility
- poverty
- prenatal care
- prenatal classes
- prenatal clinics
- pre-teen work
- preventive drug and intoxicant work
- preventive mental health work
- preventive social policy
- preventive social work
- primary health care
- private caretakers
- private day care allowance
- private hospitals
- privileged social position
- probation and aftercare
- problems with alcohol
- promotion of work ability
- prosperity
- prostitution
- psychiatric hospitals
- psychiatric rehabilitation
- psychogerontology
- psychosocial rehabilitation
- psychosocial support
- public health
- Public Health Act
- public health medicine
- public health service
- public services
- public welfare
- purchased services
- purchaser-producer models
- quality of life
- RAI system
- real estate market
- reception homes (child welfare institutions)
- recreation
- referral to treatment
- reformatories
- reformism
- reform schools
- refugee reception centres
- refugee welfare
- refugee work
- regional healthcare
- regional policy
- regional social counselling
- regional social work
- rehabilitating social work
- rehabilitation
- rehabilitation assessment
- rehabilitation counsellors
- rehabilitation institutions
- rehabilitation patients
- rehabilitation services
- rehabilitation subsidy
- rehabilitative work experience
- reimbursements for medicine expenses
- reimbursements of travel costs
- relative poverty
- relief funds
- relief work
- remote caregiving
- remote services
- rental dwellings
- rental housing
- rented premises
- residence
- resident activities
- resident associations
- residential areas
- retirement
- retirement age
- retirement home managers
- reverse mortgage loans
- right of occupancy
- right-of-residence apartments
- rollators
- Ronald McDonald House
- rooms in shared apartments
- rural policy
- safe houses
- safety services
- saving for a home
- school health care
- school welfare officers
- Seafarer's Pensions Act
- secondary residences
- security of child maintenance
- self-employed persons' pensions
- Self-employed Persons' Pensions Act
- self-help groups
- senior houses
- service centres
- service chains
- service commitments
- service counselling
- service desks
- service fees
- service homes
- service housing with 24-hour assistance
- service plans
- service producers
- service production
- services for older people
- services for the disabled
- service structure
- service systems
- service transport
- service vouchers
- sheltered flats
- sheltered housing
- sheltered work
- sickness insurance
- single parents
- social administration
- social advisors
- social affairs and health administration
- social allowances
- social and health care areas
- social benefits
- social credits
- social employment
- social empowerment
- social enterprises
- social entrepreneurship
- social ethics
- social exclusion
- social expenditures
- social gerontology
- social history
- social housing management
- social housing production
- social indicators
- social insurance
- social justice
- social law
- social marketing
- social medicine
- social monitoring workers
- social ombudsmen
- social policy
- social politicians
- social problems
- social psychiatry
- social rehabilitation
- social research
- social responsibility
- social sciences
- social secretaries (occupations)
- social sector
- social sector schools
- social security
- social security policy
- social services
- social stations
- social support
- social technology
- social therapists
- social welfare
- Social Welfare Act
- social welfare and health care organisations
- social welfare authorities
- social welfare boards
- social welfare for the developmentally disabled
- social welfare for the disabled
- social welfare guides
- social welfare offices
- social work
- social workers
- social workers (with university diploma in social services)
- social work in health care
- social work with intoxicant abusers
- social work with substance abusers
- societal policy
- societal responsibility
- solution orientation
- sosiaalineuvokset (honorary titles)
- special care
- special day care
- special groups
- specialised youth work
- special kindergarten teachers
- special needs teaching assistants
- special needs teaching assistants
- specific catchment areas
- spouses' pensions
- standard of living
- State Employees' Pensions Act
- state pensions
- status of disabled people
- status of the elderly
- status of the youth
- statutory care guarantee
- stay-at-home fathers
- stay-at-home mothers
- street children
- structural social work
- structural unemployment
- student financial aid
- student flats
- student health service
- student housing
- study vouchers
- subsidised employment
- substance abuse problems
- substance abuse rehabilitation
- substance abuse rehabilitation patients
- substance abusers
- substitute assistance
- summer camps
- supervised visitations
- supplementary pensions
- supported accommodation
- support families
- support for informal care
- supportive housing
- support persons
- support services
- survivors' pensions
- taking into custody (child welfare)
- taxicabs for disabled passengers
- temperance
- temperance education
- temperance movements
- temperance secretaries
- temperance societies
- temperance work
- temporary housing
- tenants
- terminal care
- third sector
- trafficking in women
- training for work activities
- transition assistance
- transport services (social services)
- travel dispatch centers
- treatment communities
- treatment decisions
- treatment environment
- treatment queues
- ULPU Project
- underprivileged social position
- unemployed people
- unemployment
- unemployment benefits
- unemployment benefit societies
- unemployment insurance
- unemployment pensions
- unemployment security
- university hospitals
- unmarried mothers
- urban decay
- urban policy
- vagrancy
- vagrants
- Vattihuusi
- vice squad
- violence prevention work
- visiting rights
- vocationally oriented medical rehabilitation Aslak
- vocational qualification in social and health care
- vocational rehabilitation
- volunteer work
- Vuoden kellokas
- wage security
- waiting period
- wards
- war orphans
- war widows and widowers
- welfare and wellbeing economy
- welfare policy
- welfare reports
- welfare services
- welfare state
- widows and widowers
- Women for Sobriety
- women-specific social work
- work centres
- work supervision
- work with developmentally disabled persons
- work with disabled people
- work with the elderly
- years-of-service pension
- Youth Act
- youth administration
- youth boards
- youth care (social services)
- youth guarantee
- youth homes
- youth information
- youth leaders
- youth parliaments
- youth policy
- youth secretaries
- youth services
- youth stations
- youth unemployment
- youth work
- youth workers
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