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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi

yleishyödylliset ja muut julkiset palvelut  


  • INSPIRE-ryhmäkäsite

  • Käsiteryhmä

  • Kokoelma


  • http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme


  • Tämä käsittää yleishyödyllisten palvelujen laitokset, kuten viemäröinnin, jätehuollon, energiahuollon ja vesihuollon, sekä hallinnolliset ja sosiaaliset julkiset palvelut, kuten viranomaiset, väestönsuojat, koulut ja sairaalat.


  • The theme "Utility and Government Services" provides basic information (e.g. the location, basic technical characteristics or involved parties) on a wide range of administrative and social services of public interest.\ The theme is split in the following subthemes:\ • Utility Networks: Node-link-node structured networks for collection, transmission and distribution, including electricity, oil/gas and chemicals, sewer, thermal, water or (not mandatory) telecommunications networks;\ • Administrative and social governmental services: Local and governmental services and social infrastructures, selected with respect to the INSPIRE scope (focused on public & environmental aspects), represented as "points of interest”;\ • Environmental management facilities: Generic facility descriptions for waste management sites, water treatment plants and regulated or illegal areas for dumping.



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