Diehtu sátnerájus
PTO - Finnish Geospatial Domain Ontology
Finnish Geospatial Domain Ontology (PTO) is formed from the General Finnish Ontology (YSO, version 2019.3.Cicero) and complementary spatial concepts. The spatial concepts are derived from Vocabulary of Geoinformatics (4th edition), Vocabulary of Geodesy (so far unpublished), Paikkatietohakemisto’s Search Term Catalogue and European Commission Regulations 1089/2010 and 1253/2013 regarding interoperability of spatial data sets and services. The latter concepts are spatial object types in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive.
National Land Survey of Finland
National Land Survey of Finland
The Finnish Terminology Centre TSK
The National Spatial Data Network of Finland
Maŋimuš rievdaduvvon
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 15:24:43
Resurssaid lohkomearri tiippaid mielde
Tiipa | Lohkomearri |
Tearpmaid lohkomearri gielaid mielde
Giella | Njunuštearpmat | Stivrentearpmat | Čihkon tearpmat |