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production and industrial facilities  


  • INSPIRE-ryhmäkäsite

  • Doabajoavku

  • Čoakkáldat


  • http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme


  • Industrial production sites, including installations covered by Council Directive 96/61/EC of 24 September 1996 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (1) and water abstraction facilities, mining, storage sites.


  • The theme "Production and Industrial Facilities" comprises information about industrial facilities and activities of production (focusing on extraction, transformation or storage of resources, including energy production) and the main related environmental issues.\ The description of production and industrial facilities, e.g. types or activities, in INSPIRE is based on the Integrated pollution prevention and control Directive (2008/1/EC), as recently amended by Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU), the European pollution and transfer register regulation (166/2006/EC), the SEVESO Directive, its amendments (96/82/EC-A), the NACE regulation (1893/2006/EC) and other relevant legislation and industrial standards.



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