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  • INSPIRE-ryhmäkäsite

  • Begreppsgrupp

  • Samling


  • http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/theme


  • Territorium indelat efter nuvarande och framtida planerade funktion eller socioekonomisk användning (t.ex. bostadsmark, industrimark, handel, jordbruk, skogsbruk, friluftsliv).


  • Land Use theme is defined as the use and functions of a territory and it is description of land in terms of its socio-economic and ecological purpose. Land use theme is itself split in two different types: \ - The Existing Land Use which objectively depicts the use and functions of a territory as it has been and effectively still is in real life \ - The Planned Land Use which corresponds to spatial plans, defined by spatial planning authorities, depicting the possible utilization of the land in the future.\ Two types of classification systems are supported by Land Use theme, the (obligatory) Hierarchical INSPIRE Land Use Classification System which is a multi-level, classification system that will apply to the existing and planned land use; the (optional) specific classification system in use in a member state.

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