Njuike sisdollui

Oza sátnerájus

Sisdoalu giella

Diehtu doahpagis

... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > development > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > development > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > change > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > social change > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > developing > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)
... > yso-käsitteet (fi) > perdurant > processes > action > changes > developing > development of society > ubiquitous network society (change)

Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma

ubiquitous network society (change)  


  • ysometa:Concept

Eará gielain



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