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Käsitteen tiedot

Käytettävä termi




  • Language dictionaries, special subject and technical dictionaries
  • Special subject dictionaries are normally classed under the subject: combining the corresponding main UDC number with (038). Monolingual general dictionaries, for instance may be denoted solely by common auxiliaries. In linguistics, however, priority may be given to either the language or the linguistic feature. If required, citation order may be reversed to achieve collocation under the form number


  • (038)=111=112.2 Bilingual dictionary, English and German
  • (038)=111 English dictionary
  • 54(038)=134.2 Spanish chemical dictionary

Muunkieliset termit

  • ruotsi

  • suomi

  • erikoissanakirjat | aiheen pääluku(038)=kieli
  • kuvasanakirjat | (038):(084)
  • sanakirjat | (038)=kielen lisäluku
  • sanakirjat, eri alat | (038)aiheen pääluku



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