Diehtu doahpagis
Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma
75 Economics. National Economy. Business Economics. Commerce
Joavkku lahtut
- Academic Entrepreneur Program
- Academic Small-Scale Entrepreneur Program
- accessory means of livelihood
- accessory means of livelihood in agriculture
- accident insurance
- accountability
- accountants (auditors)
- account books
- accounting
- Accounting Act
- accounting agencies
- accounting frauds
- accreditation
- acquisition
- activity-based costing
- Act on a Candidate’s Election Funding
- act on agricultural industry register
- Act on Commercial Leases
- Act on Commercial Representatives and Salesmen
- Act on competition restrictions
- Act on electronic auctions and dynamic purchasing system
- Act on Excise Duty on Tobacco
- Act on Public Contracts
- Act on Real Estate Taxation
- Act on Security Measures on certain Ships and in Ports serving them and on monitoring the Security Measures
- Act on Service Vouchers in Social Welfare and Health Care Services
- Act on Social Enterprises
- Act on Tax Administration
- Act on the Adjustment of the Debts of a Private Individual
- Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out
- Act on the Finnish Competition Authority
- Act on the public disclosure and confidentiality of tax information
- Act on the safety of consumer goods and services
- Act on the Statute of Limitations on Debt
- actuarial science
- admen
- advertisers
- advertising
- advertising managers
- advertorials
- affiliate marketing
- affluence
- after-sales service
- age management
- agencies
- agency theory
- Agenda 2000
- Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
- agricultural areas
- agricultural countries
- agricultural economics
- agricultural income
- agricultural machinery salespeople
- agricultural stores
- agricultural taxation
- aid policy
- Aid to Business Act
- airlines
- alliances
- allocation (economics)
- amendment for reasons of equity
- anti-advertising
- anti-capitalism
- antiquarian book shops
- antique dealers
- antique dealers
- appropriations
- arava system
- arbitration agreements
- arms trade
- arrears
- art dealers
- articles of association
- art trade
- asset management companies
- assets
- asset transfer tax
- associated merchandise
- auction
- audit committees
- auditing (accounting)
- Auditing Act
- auditing (evaluation)
- audit reports
- Bachelors of Business Administration
- Bachelors of Economic Sciences
- Bachelors of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
- balanced scorecard
- balance of payments
- balance of resources and expenditure
- balance sheet analysis
- balance sheet for food commodities
- balance sheets
- balancing of loss
- balancing of the accounts
- balancing of the accounts
- bank accounts
- bank employees
- banking crises
- banking sector
- banking services
- bank inspection
- bank managers
- bankruptcy
- bankruptcy violations
- bankrupt's estates
- bankrupt's estates
- bank secrecy
- banks (monetary institutions)
- bans on sales
- bar codes
- barriers to trade
- barter
- basic industry
- becoming established
- benchmarking
- benefits
- best available technology
- bilateral trade
- bills of exchange
- bills of sale
- bioeconomy
- black economy
- blockade
- bonds
- bonds and debentures
- bonuses
- book clubs (book shops)
- book-entry securities
- bookkeepers
- bookkeeping
- booksellers
- book shops
- borrowed capital
- brain drain
- branded products
- branding
- brands
- brands
- brokerages
- brokers
- budget deficit
- budget guidance according to spending limits
- budgeting
- budget policy
- budgets
- budgets -- municipalities
- building export
- building production
- Busines Income Tax Act
- business
- business archives
- business buildings
- business centres
- business coaching
- business colleges
- business communication
- business counselling
- business economics
- business economy
- business employees
- business environment
- business espionage
- business ethics
- business gifts
- business ideas
- business incubators
- business intelligence
- business interruption insurance
- business law
- business licences
- business life
- business management
- business management
- business mathematics
- businessmen
- business models
- business -- municipalities
- business operations
- business parks
- business planning
- business plans
- business processes
- business prohibitions
- business registrations
- business relations
- business reorganisations
- business secret
- business sector
- business services
- business -- state
- business-to-business commerce
- business-to-business marketing
- business trips
- businesswomen
- buyers
- buyers' guides
- buying
- buying behaviour
- by-products
- calculating machines
- calculation of pay
- calculation systems
- calculators
- capital
- capital costs
- capital formation
- capital income
- capital investment
- capitalism
- capitalist countries
- capital market
- capital movements
- capital taxation
- capital transfers
- car dealers
- care insurance
- car salespersons
- car tax
- cartels
- cash
- cash dispensers
- cash flow
- cash flow analysis
- cashiers
- cashiers
- cash management
- cash registers
- cash reserve
- casino economy
- category management
- CE marking
- central banks
- central corporations
- central government transfers to local government
- central organisations
- centres of excellence
- certificate in business and administration
- certificates
- certification
- chains of shops
- chambers of commerce
- change management
- change of generation
- change of ownership
- charges for treatment
- Chartered Public Finance Auditor examination
- cheap import
- cheques
- chief executive officers
- child trafficking
- church tax
- city auditors
- claim for recovery
- classical economics
- clearance sale
- clearing (transfer of money )
- client orientation
- client ownership
- client work
- climate technology
- cliometrics
- closed down shops
- closed economy
- clothing shops
- Coase theorem
- coins
- cold chain
- collateral securities
- collection agencies
- collection of funds
- collectivisation
- collectivism
- commerce
- commerce and industry
- commerce and industry administration
- commerce of housing
- commercial code
- commercial correspondence
- commercial counsellors
- commercial houses
- commercialisation (activity)
- commercialisation (spontaneous process)
- commercialism
- commercial law
- commercial methods
- commercial policy
- commercial schools
- commercial sciences
- commercial secretaries
- commission (commerce)
- commissions
- commodities
- commodities (services)
- common market
- communism
- communism
- communitarianism
- companies (business enterprises)
- company acquisition
- company law
- company logos
- company names
- company reorganisation
- company strategies
- company takeover
- compensation for redemption
- compensation (mutual activity)
- compensations
- competence needs
- competition administration
- competition (economics)
- competition law
- competition policy
- competitive advantage
- competitive bidding
- competitive procurement
- competitive strength
- competitor analysis
- compulsory auction
- computer-aided design
- computer-assisted manufacture
- computer-integrated manufacturing
- concentration (change of a society)
- concessions
- congestion charges
- consortia
- consultancy agencies
- consultants
- consulting
- consumer administration
- consumer behaviour
- consumer commodities
- consumer credits
- consumer culture
- consumer disputes
- consumer economics
- consumer education
- consumer goods (commodities)
- consumer guidance
- consumer habits
- consumerism
- consumer law
- consumer ombudspersons
- consumer policy
- consumer price index
- consumer prices
- Consumer Protection Act
- consumer protection policy
- consumer research
- consumers
- consumership
- consumer theory
- consumption
- consumption expenditure
- consumption research
- consumption tax
- contract management
- contract manufacturing
- contractors
- contract production
- contracts of service
- controlled corporations
- convenience goods
- conveyance of real property
- cooperation with companies
- cooperative banks
- cooperative loan funds
- cooperative retail societies
- cooperatives
- cooperatives
- Co-operatives Act
- cooperative system
- core competency
- corn loans
- corporate analysis
- corporate clients
- corporate culture
- corporate executives
- corporate governance
- corporate governance
- corporate groups
- corporate image
- corporate income tax
- corporate managers
- corporate policy
- corporate steering
- corporate taxation
- corporate taxation
- correspondence (communication)
- correspondents
- corruption
- COST 306 (project)
- cost accounting
- cost benefit analysis
- cost-effectiveness
- cost estimates
- cost-of-living classification
- cost of repair
- cost priority theory
- costs
- costs of living
- Cotonou Agreement
- counselling
- counterfeit goods
- countertrade
- country of origin
- creative economy
- creative industries
- credit cards
- credit granting
- credit information
- Credit Information Act
- credit institutions
- credit losses
- credit market
- credit rating agencies
- credit ratings
- credits
- credit trade
- creditworthiness
- crimes against property
- criticism of consumerism
- critique of technology
- crowdfunding
- cultural expenditure
- cultural export
- currency
- currency crises
- currency policy
- currency reform
- currency transaction tax
- current account
- current assets
- customer databases
- customer experience
- customer information
- customer loyalty
- customer magazines
- customer relationship
- customer relationship management
- customers
- customer satisfaction
- customer service
- customership
- customs administration
- customs clearance
- customs duties
- customs policy
- customs tariffs
- customs unions
- dealers (occupations)
- dealing in receipts (financial crimes)
- debit cards
- debt adjustment
- debt counselling
- debt crisis
- deduction of household expenses
- Deep Leadership
- deficit (economics)
- deflation
- degrowth
- demand
- deparment secretaries
- department stores
- deposit insurance
- deposits (economic phenomena)
- deposit systems
- depreciation
- depression (economic phenomena)
- depression periods
- deregulation
- derivative markets
- design management
- devaluation
- developed countries
- developing countries
- developing country policy
- development area credits
- development areas
- development banks
- development companies
- development cooperation
- development credit corporations
- development economics
- development programmes
- development research
- development strategies
- development theories
- dictating machines
- digital marketing
- direct advertising
- direct investments
- directives
- direct marketing
- direct selling
- direct tax
- disaster relief
- discounting
- discount sale
- disinvestments
- display windows
- disposable products
- disposable products (commodities)
- distance selling
- distinctive marks
- distribution channels
- distribution managers
- distribution of assets
- distribution of delivery
- distribution of profits
- distribution traffic
- diversified companies
- dividends
- Doctors of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
- documentary credit
- dog tax
- domestic products
- domestic trade
- domestic use
- dominant market position
- donations
- donators
- double taxation
- down payment
- drug traffic
- due diligence
- dumping (selling)
- durable goods
- durable goods (services)
- earned income
- ecobalance
- eco-efficiency
- eco-industrial park
- eco-labels
- ecological entrepreneurship
- econometric models
- econometrics
- economical villages
- economic analysis of law
- economic anthropology
- economic bonds
- economic boom
- economic communities
- economic cooperation
- economic correspondents
- economic crises
- economic defence
- economic development
- economic education
- economic effects
- economic efficiency
- economic evaluation
- economic fluctuation
- economic forecasts
- economic geographers
- economic geography
- economic growth
- economic history
- economic indicators
- economic integration
- economic journalism
- economic journals
- economic law
- economic life
- economic models
- economic policy
- economic regions
- economic regulation
- economic relationships
- economics
- economic sanctions
- economic sciences
- economics (curriculum subjects)
- economic situation
- economic sociology
- economics of crime
- economic status
- economic structure
- economic systems
- economic theories
- economists
- economy
- economy
- educational expenditure
- education export
- EEA Agreement
- efficiency (properties)
- Efficient Consumer Response
- elasticity (societal objects)
- election funding
- electrical supplies shop
- electricity market
- Electricity Market Act
- electricity tax
- electronic business
- electronic commerce
- electronic financial management
- electronic invoicing
- electronic money
- electronic money
- electronic transactions
- E-liike
- embargo
- emerging markets
- emission trade
- Employee Pension Insurance Company Act
- Employment and Economic Development Centres
- employment pension institutions
- employment subsidy
- energy balance
- energy costs
- energy labelling
- energy market
- energy policy
- energy resources
- energy tax
- energy technology
- engineering offices
- enterprise architecture
- enterprises
- entrepreneurial income
- entrepreneurs
- entrepreneurship
- entrepreneurship education
- entrepreneurs' organisations
- environmental accounting
- environmental analysis
- environmental bookkeeping
- environmental economics
- environmental economics (economic sciences)
- environmental industry
- environmental subsidy
- environmental tax
- environmental taxation
- environmental technology
- establishment of government or local government owned companies
- estate duty
- estates of deceased persons
- estates of deceased persons
- ethical consumerism
- ethical investing
- euro
- European Cooperative Societies
- European Cooperative Society (company forms)
- European economic interest groupings
- European integration
- European Patent Convention
- Eurozone
- EU subsidies
- event marketing
- event production
- excess (liability)
- exchange economy
- exchange markets
- exchange rate mechanism
- exchange-traded funds
- excise tax
- executive coaching
- expenditure
- expert organisations
- export
- export control
- export credits
- export fees
- export industry
- export prices
- export processing zone
- export promotion
- export quarantees
- export restrictions
- export subsidy
- fabric shops
- facilities management
- factories
- factoring (financing)
- factors of production
- factory managers
- fair trade
- fairway dues
- family businesses
- finance companies
- financial account
- financial accounting
- financial administration
- financial analysis
- financial capacity classification
- financial control
- financial crimes
- financial crises
- financial directors
- financial groups
- financial institutions
- financial law
- financial losses
- financial management
- financial management (lines of business)
- financial managers
- financial managers
- financial markets
- financial planning
- financial plans
- financial sector
- financial sector
- financial supervision
- financial viability
- financiers
- financing
- financing services
- financing systems
- Finnish markka
- fire insurance
- fiscal administration
- fiscal policy
- fiscal policy
- fixed assets
- flat taxation
- flea markets
- flexible production
- florists
- flower shops
- food administration
- food aid
- food policy
- food production
- food supply chains
- foreign exchange reserve
- foreign investments
- foreign ownership
- foreign trade
- forest economy
- forest income
- forest management areas
- forest owners
- forest ownership
- forestry and earth moving contractors
- forest taxation
- forms (documents)
- forms of enterprise
- forms of support
- forward contracts
- Foundations Act
- foundations (organisations)
- fractional ownership
- franchising
- freedom of charge
- freedom of trade
- free trade
- freight
- frontier trade
- fuel tax
- funding programmes
- fund management companies
- fund raising
- funds (organisations)
- funeral homes
- furniture shops
- further processing
- futures
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- General Agreement on Trade in Services
- generational accounting
- gentrification
- Genuine Progress Indicator
- getting rich
- gift tax
- giveaways
- Global Reporting Initiative
- gold standard
- goods
- goodwill
- government budgets
- government funds
- grain trade
- green economy
- green products
- groceries
- grocery store chains
- gross national product
- ground lease (activity)
- growth companies
- guarantee
- guarantors
- handmade products
- hardware stores
- Hartman house (Finland)
- head offices
- health claims
- health economics
- health food and supplement sector
- health food and supplement shops
- health insurance
- health service expenses
- Helsinki Baltic Herring Fair
- hidden advertising
- high income people
- hire purchase
- holding companies
- home insurance
- home reversion
- household appliance and home electronics stores
- household economy
- household production theory
- housing agency
- housing companies
- housing cooperatives
- housing corporations
- housing loans
- housing market
- housing production
- Housing Transactions Act
- human capital
- human development index
- human resource accounts
- human resource management
- human trafficking
- hyvinvointitalous (fi)
- Ideapark
- illicit trade
- image marketing
- immaterial capital
- immaterial investments
- impecuniousness
- import
- import control
- importers
- import levies
- import prices
- import restrictions
- incentive traps
- incentive wage
- incentive wage
- income
- income differences
- income distribution
- income formation
- income from work
- income -- municipalities
- incomes policy
- income -- state
- income tax
- Income Tax Act
- income transfers
- incorporation
- increase in value
- incurring of debts
- index clause
- indices (measure)
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial policy
- industrial areas
- industrial buildings
- industrial companies
- industrial counsellors (government officials)
- industrial countries
- industrial economy
- industrialisation
- industrialism
- industrial management
- industrial policy
- industrial production
- industrial property agents
- industrial secretaries
- industrial security
- industrial structure
- industry
- inflation (economic phenomena)
- informal economy
- information industry
- information technology companies
- Inheritance and Gift Tax Act
- innovation policy
- input-output analysis
- inside information
- insider trading
- insolvency
- institutionalism
- insurance
- insurance against loss or damage
- insurance agents
- insurance associations
- insurance companies
- Insurance Companies Act
- insurance contracts
- Insurance Contracts Act
- insurance coverage
- insurance funds
- insurance inspectors
- insurance institutions
- insurance law
- insurance mathematics
- Insurance Mediation Act
- insurance medicine
- insurance physicians
- insurance premiums
- insurance sector
- integrated production
- integration (passive)
- interest (economics)
- interest groups (groups)
- interest on arrears
- interest policy
- interest rate cap
- interest rate hedging
- interest subsidy
- intermediate storages
- internal auditing
- internal control
- internal market
- internal marketing
- international accounting
- international corporations
- international economic law
- international economic organisations
- international economics
- international financial accounting standards
- International Financial Reporting Standards
- internationalisation
- international law of property
- international market
- international market law
- international payments traffic
- international tax law
- international trade
- international trade law
- intrapreneurship
- inventory control
- investements
- investment activities
- investment aid
- investment assets
- investment banks
- investment companies
- investment directors
- investment funds
- investment products
- investment reserves
- investments
- investment services
- investor communication
- investor protection
- investors
- invoices
- invoicing
- ironworks
- island policy
- joint marketing
- joint ownership
- joint-stock property companies
- joint taxation
- joint ventures
- jumble sales
- junior chambers of commerce
- Kamppi
- key customer status
- Keynesianism
- kibbutzim
- kiertotalous (fi)
- kilometre tax
- kiosks
- kivijalkaliikkeet
- know-how
- knowledge-based management
- knowledge companies
- knowledge economy
- knowledge management
- labour costs
- labour crimes
- labour economics
- land acquisition
- land law code
- landowners
- land ownership
- land price
- land reform
- land rent
- Land Tenancy Act
- land trade
- land value
- large-scale enterprises
- large-scale industry
- launching (marketing)
- law of property
- leading
- leading industrial countries
- lean manufacturing
- learning organisation
- lease
- leasing
- leasing
- ledgers (registers)
- legal expenses insurance
- lessors
- level of earnings
- level of income
- liabilities
- liability for damages
- liability insurance
- liability to charge
- liberalism (ideology)
- licences (permits)
- life cycle analysis
- life cycle models
- life insurance
- limited companies
- limited companies
- Limited Liability Companies Act
- Limited Liability Housing Companies Act
- limited tax liability
- liquidity
- Lisbon Strategy
- listed companies
- listing (stock market)
- literary agents
- loans
- loans (loaned object)
- lobbying
- lobbyists
- local currency
- local economy
- location guidance
- logistics
- logistics centres
- logistics sector
- logistics services
- logos (symbols)
- long-term care insurance
- long-term planning
- long-term saving
- losses (economy)
- low-cost production
- low-income people
- loyal customers
- loyalty cards
- lumber trade
- luxury
- luxury goods
- macroeconomics
- macroeconomy
- Madrid Agreement
- maecenases
- mail order
- maintenance backlog
- maintenance charges (housing corporations )
- Makkaratalo building
- Malmquist index
- management accountancy
- management accounting
- management by objectives
- management by result
- management of finances
- management systems
- managerialism
- managers (entertainment and sports)
- mannequins (dummies)
- manufacturers
- manufacturing industry
- marginal tax
- marine insurance
- market areas
- Market Court Act
- market economy
- market halls
- marketing
- marketing bans
- marketing communication
- marketing periodicals
- marketing research
- market law
- market research
- markets (events)
- markets (systems)
- market surveillance
- market trade
- market value
- Marxian economics
- mass production
- master of business administration degree
- Masters of Science (Economics and Business Administration)
- material aid
- material flows
- material input
- material recovery
- materials economy
- means of livelihood
- means of payment
- means of payment offences
- mechanisation (active)
- mechanisation (passive)
- media companies
- medium-sized enterprises
- medium-sized industry
- medium-term planning
- meetings of shareholders
- membership fees
- menoleikkaukset (fi)
- mercantilism
- merchant banks
- merchants
- merchant shipping
- mergers
- messengers
- microeconomics
- microeconomy
- microenterprises
- micro loans
- Millennium Technology Prize
- mixed economy
- mobile marketing
- mobile shops
- modeling agencies
- monetarism
- monetary economy
- monetary institutions
- monetary policy
- monetary systems
- monetary theory
- monetary unions
- Money Collection Act
- money flow
- money laundering
- money market
- money (means of payment)
- money (objects)
- monopolies
- mortgage credit institutions
- mortgage on company assets
- Most favoured nation principle
- motivational leadership
- Motor Liability Insurance Act
- motor trade
- motor vehicle tax
- movable services
- Multilateral Agreement on Investement
- municipal business committees
- municipal economy
- municipal enterprise groups
- municipal enterprises
- municipal expenditures
- municipalisation
- municipal joint-stock companies
- municipal tax
- municipal tax percentage
- music market
- music shops
- mutual companies
- mutual funds
- mutualism (economic theory)
- mystery shopping
- Myyrmanni
- national accounting
- national economy
- national income
- nationalisation
- national product
- natural economy
- Natural Gas Market Act
- natural products
- natural product sector
- natural resources
- natural sources of livelihood
- natural values trading
- nature-based entrepreneurs
- nature entrepreneurship
- necessity entrepreneurship
- neighbourhood services
- neighbourhood shops
- neoclassical economics
- neoliberalism
- net national product
- network economy
- network marketing
- network secretaries
- neuromarketing
- new cooperatives
- new economy
- New International Economic Order
- newspaper advertising
- non-food
- non-food production
- nonrenewable natural resources
- Nordek
- obligation of debtor to creditor
- offer calculation
- offers
- office automation
- office buildings
- office furniture
- office machines
- office premises
- office requisites
- offices
- offices hidden in residential buildings
- offices (premises)
- office technology
- office work
- office workers
- ohjauskorko (fi)
- oil companies
- oligarchs
- oligopoly
- online advertising
- online banking services
- online shops
- open economy
- open-plan offices
- operating costs
- Operation Hunger Day
- optician's shops
- optimisation
- option loans
- options (securities)
- orderers
- orders
- organic production
- organisational climate
- organisations for commerce
- organisation (societal objects)
- organisations (systems)
- organ sales
- origin markings
- outdoor advertising
- outdoor sales
- output
- outsourcing
- overproduction
- own-account workers
- own check
- owners
- ownership (activity)
- ownership policy
- ownership (quality)
- package markings
- paper money
- parallel imports
- parent companies
- partly owned companies
- partnership
- partnership loans
- partnerships
- partnerships (companies)
- parts salespeople
- party financing
- party subsidies
- patent agents
- pawning
- pawnshops
- pay assignment offices
- payment cards
- payment defaults
- payment methods
- payment of interest
- payments
- payment services
- payments traffic
- payment systems
- payment terminals
- pay rise
- payroll administration
- payroll taxes
- peddling
- pedlars
- peer review
- pension contributions
- pension funds
- pension institutions
- Percent for Art
- performance audit
- performance-based management
- performance management
- personal aid
- personal finance
- personal insurance
- personnel funds
- pet shops
- physiocracy
- piecework contracting
- planned economy
- planning of operations
- point of sale terminals
- policy for regional development
- political advertising
- political economics
- post-communism
- poverty
- precision marketing
- pre-industrial manufacturing units
- preliminary taxation
- Prepayment Act
- press subsidies
- presumptive income taxation
- price comparison
- price competition
- price control
- price development
- price elasticity
- price formation
- price increase
- price indexes
- price lists
- price policy
- price reduction
- prices
- pricing
- primary commodities
- primary production
- primary production
- private copying remuneration
- private equity investors
- private insurance
- private labels
- private land
- private ownership
- Private Security Services Act
- private services
- privatisation of public assets and services
- process management
- producer goods
- producer goods (sercives)
- producer liability
- producer prices
- producers
- producing
- product catalogues
- product control
- product damages
- product demonstrators
- product description
- product development
- product information
- production buildings
- production capacity
- production chains
- production companies
- production control
- production costs
- production (creation)
- production losses
- production planning
- production plants
- production quotas
- production systems
- production technology
- productisation
- productivity
- product liability
- Product Liability Act
- product life cycle
- product managers
- product models
- product placement
- product policy
- product ranges
- products
- product safety
- product semantics
- profit
- profitability
- profitability
- profit and loss accounts
- profit margin
- profit margin calculation
- profit responsibility
- profits
- profits from assignment
- progressive taxation
- progressive utilization theory
- project export
- project import
- project leadership
- project planning
- projektijohtajat (fi)
- promissory notes
- Promissory Notes Act
- property
- proprietary right
- prosperity
- protectionism
- protection of minority shareholders
- protection of origin
- protection of property
- protective duties
- public commodities (services)
- public companies
- public debt
- public enterprises
- public expenditure
- public finances
- public funding
- public goods
- public joint-stock companies
- public limited companies
- public procurement
- public relations
- public utilities (organisations)
- purchase decisions
- purchased services
- purchase of real property
- purchases
- purchasing agents
- purchasing power
- pääomakanta (fi)
- Pörssitalo
- quality
- quality assurance
- quality awards
- quality circles
- quality control
- quality control
- quality management {
- quality managers
- quality manuals
- quality ratings
- quality systems
- quality work
- quantity theory of money
- quasi-markets
- radio advertising
- rates of exchange
- rational choice theory
- rationalisation
- ration cards
- rationing
- raw material resources
- raw materials
- real estate companies
- real estate economics
- real estate market
- real estate services
- realisation
- real property
- real property agency
- real property agents
- real property investments trusts
- real property sector
- real property tax
- rebuilding (construction)
- recession
- reclamation (notices)
- recovery policy
- recycled products
- recycling
- redemption (transfer of ownership)
- reference rate of interest
- regional accounts
- regional aid
- regional development
- regional economy
- regional policy
- registry offices
- regulation (rationing)
- reindeer management areas
- reinsurance
- relationship marketing
- rendering of accounts
- renewable natural resources
- rental agreements
- rentals
- rent control
- rented flats
- rent on a flat (payments)
- rent on land (payments)
- rents
- reorganisation
- repurchases
- reputation management
- resale
- research financing
- reserve supplies
- resource allocation
- resource-based economy
- resources
- restraints of competition
- Restructuring of Enterprises Act
- resuscitation
- retailers
- retail trade
- reuse
- revaluation
- revenue model
- revenue officials
- revenue stamps
- revenue stamps
- reverse charge mechanism for value added tax
- reverse mortgage loans
- right of first refusal
- right of possession
- risk analysis
- risk financing
- risk management
- risks
- road maintenance charge
- road tolls
- Rome Treaty
- royalties
- ruble
- rural enterprises
- rural entrepreneurs
- rural livelihoods
- rural policy
- safes
- safety management
- sale
- sales
- sales agents
- sales managers
- salespeople
- sales profits
- sales promotion
- sales work
- sales worker supervisors
- sanctions
- sanctions (coercive measures)
- satellite account
- saving
- saving
- saving for a home
- saving for retirement
- saving in shares
- savings
- savings associations
- savings banks
- savings insurance
- schools of economics and business administration
- schools of transport
- scrap businesses
- seasonal variations
- secondary income
- sectors (lines of business)
- securities
- securities dealers
- Securities Markets Act
- securities portfolios
- securities trading
- securitisation
- security market
- security of supply
- Security Stewards Act
- self-employed persons
- self-service
- self-service stores
- self-sufficiency
- selling permits
- senior accountants
- separate assessment (taxation)
- serial production
- service business
- service businesses
- service commitments
- service culture
- service design
- service desks
- service fees
- service level
- service marketing
- service occupations
- service producers
- service production
- services
- services
- service sector
- service stations
- service strategies
- service systems
- service trades
- service vouchers
- severance pay
- sex shops
- share capital
- share certificates
- shareholders
- shareholders' equity
- share issues
- sharing economy
- shoe shops
- shop furniture
- shoplifting
- shopping
- shopping centres
- shopping malls
- shopping tourism
- shopping trolleys
- shops
- shortage of energy
- short-term loans
- short-term money
- short-term planning
- single currency
- slump
- small and medium-sized enterprises
- small and medium-sized industry
- small enterprises
- small-scale entrepreneurs
- small-scale industry
- small-scale production
- social credits
- social economy
- social enterprises
- social entrepreneurship
- social entrepreneurship
- social expenditures
- socialisation
- socialism
- socialism
- socialist countries
- social responsibility of business
- social security contribution
- Societas Europaea
- socioeconomic factors
- socioeconomics
- socioeconomic status
- soft technology
- software business
- solidity (economics)
- solvency
- sparing technology
- specialty goods
- specialty goods trade
- specialty stores
- speculation (transfer of ownership)
- sponsorship
- sports stores
- sport technology
- spreadsheets
- stabilisation
- Stability and Growth Pact
- stability mechanisms
- stakeholder groups
- stamp duty
- standard industrial classifications
- standard of living
- start-up assistance
- startup companies
- state aid
- state-aided institutions
- state and municipal enterprises
- state audit
- state auditing
- state budgets
- state debt
- state economy
- state enterprises
- state expenditures
- state financial administration
- state guarantee
- statements of changes in financial position
- state-owned companies
- state subsidies
- stock accounting
- stock exchanges
- stock prices
- stocks
- strategic guidance
- strategic leadership
- street maintenance fees
- street trading
- structural adjustment programs
- structural funds
- structural policy
- structure of trade and industry
- student financial aid
- student loans
- stumpage prices
- subcontracting (acquisition)
- subcontracting (piecework)
- subcontractors
- subordinated loans
- subsequent tax assessment
- subsidiary companies
- subsidiary contracting
- subsidies
- subsistence
- success factors
- suhteellinen köyhyys (fi)
- supermarkets
- suppliers
- supply
- supply chains
- surplus value
- sustainability gap in public finances
- sustainable consumption
- sustainable development
- sustainable management
- syndicates
- talousneuvokset
- taloustirehtöörit
- tariffs
- tax
- taxable value
- tax account
- Tax Account Act
- tax administration
- tax agreements
- tax assessment by estimation
- Tax Assessment Procedure Act
- taxation
- taxation of persons
- tax at source
- tax authorities
- tax base
- tax boards
- tax competition
- tax complaints
- tax deductions
- tax evasion
- tax exemption
- tax exile
- tax-free sales
- tax havens
- tax increases
- tax inspection
- tax law
- tax liability
- tax lists
- tax offences
- tax offices
- tax percentage
- tax planning
- tax proposals
- tax rate
- tax reductions
- tax reform
- tax reliefs
- tax returns
- tax revenues
- teachers of commerce studies
- technical services
- technological development
- technology centres
- technology companies
- technology industry
- technology (information)
- technology policy
- telemarket
- telemarketing
- television advertising
- tenders for a contract
- teollisuusneuvokset (honorary titles)
- terms of delivery
- terms of payment
- Thaler
- theories of economic growth
- tie-in sale
- timber market
- timeshare real estates
- timesharing
- tokens
- tourism entrepreneurs
- toy shops
- trade agreements
- trade and industry administration
- trade balance
- trade cycle funds
- trade events
- trade guilds
- trade in movables
- trademark attorneys
- trademarks
- Trademarks Act
- trade missions
- trade ombudsmen
- trade registers
- trade relations
- trade schools
- trade sector
- trade taxation
- trade technicians
- trade with convenience goods
- trading practices
- traffic charges
- trafficking in women
- transactions (mutual activity)
- Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
- transfer of a business
- transfer of assets
- transfer of technology
- transfer prices
- transfer pricing
- transfer to reserves
- transition economy
- transportation economics
- transport charges
- transport costs
- travel accounts
- travel expenses
- travel insurance
- treasures
- trusts (organosations)
- turnkey
- turnover (economic phenomena)
- turnover tax
- turnover tax law
- type approval
- typewriters
- typewriting
- tyre dealers
- underdevelopment
- unfair competition
- United Nations Convention against Corruption
- United Nations Convention on Contracts Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
- United States dollar
- unit prices
- upward trend
- urban economics
- urban economics
- urban economics (regional economy)
- urban policy
- used goods
- use of money
- utilisation
- utility theory
- utility value analysis
- Valtakunnallinen yrittäjäpalkinto
- valuables
- value-added tax
- value appraisement
- value-based leadership
- value chains
- value creation
- value (external properties)
- value (knowledge)
- value of money
- value theory
- vehicle insurance
- vehicle tax
- vending machines
- venture capital
- venture capital investments
- village shops
- viral marketing
- vocational qualification in business and administration
- volatility (economic phenomena )
- voluntary insurance
- voluntary pension insurance
- vuorineuvos (honorary titles)
- warehouse work
- warehousing
- war loans
- warrants
- warrants
- warrants (securities)
- warranty
- wartime economy
- waste charges
- wasting
- water co-operatives
- water rates
- wealth
- wealth tax
- Western countries
- wholesale businesses
- wholesale prices
- wholesalers
- wholesale trade
- willingness to pay
- window dressers
- window dressing
- worker cooperatives
- World Trade Center (New York)
- write-offs
- yhteisöomistus (fi)
- yritykset (toiminta) (fi)
- zero growth
Eará gielain
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}