Diehtu doahpagis
Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma
24 Nutrition. Restaurant Sector. Food Sector. Accommodation Sector. Domestic economy
Joavkku lahtut
- 5:2 diet
- accommodation
- accommodation providers
- accommodation sector
- accommodation service
- acidifying agents
- acidity
- Act on Accommodation and Food Service Operations
- Act on Excise Duty on Tobacco
- Act on Measures for the Reduction of Tobacco Smoking
- additives
- advisers in housekeeping
- aglycones
- Alcohol Act
- alcohol (beverage)
- alcohol content
- alcoholic beverages
- alcohol industry
- animal fats
- animal proteins
- anise spirits
- anthocyanins
- antioxidants
- aperitifs
- appetisers
- appetite
- apple cider vinegar
- apple wine
- aroma
- artificial sweeteners
- Atkins diet
- attics
- attic-type flats
- baby foods
- baby-led weaning
- Bachelors of Hospitality Management
- bagels and kringles
- bakeries
- bakers
- bakery industry
- bakery products
- bakery sector
- bakery workers
- baking
- baking ovens
- baking soda
- balconies
- banquets
- bark bread
- bars (eating and drinking establishments)
- bartenders
- bath attendants
- bathroom furniture
- bathrooms
- beauvercin
- bed and breakfast
- bedclothes
- bedrooms
- beds
- beef
- beer
- benches
- beta-carotene
- beta-glucan
- beverage industry
- beverages
- biotechnology
- biotin
- biscuit industry
- biscuits
- biscuits
- bistros
- bitter (alcoholic beverages)
- bitterness
- black sausage
- blankets
- bleaching
- blinds
- blouses
- blue cheese
- boarding houses
- boiling (cooking)
- bookshelves
- botulism
- bouillons (chicken-based)
- bouillons (meat-based)
- bowls
- bran
- brandy
- bread
- bread-baking grain
- bread machines
- bread rolls
- breakfasts
- breastfeeding
- breast milk
- breweries
- brewing industry
- brewmasters
- broiler meat
- brunches
- buffets
- bulgur
- butlers
- butter
- B vitamins
- cachaça
- cafés
- cafeteria assistants
- cake moulds
- cake pops
- cakes
- cake servers
- calcitriol
- calvados
- canteens
- capsule hotels
- carbohydrates
- carbonic anhydrases
- carpets
- catering
- catering sector (lines of business)
- catering service
- causing germination
- celiac disease diet
- cellars
- central vacuum cleaners
- cereal grains
- cereal industry
- cereal products
- chairs
- champagne
- cheese
- cheesecakes
- cheese industry
- cheese moulds
- cheese spread
- chefs
- chests of drawers
- chewing gum
- chewing tobacco
- chicken dishes
- child care supplies
- children's rooms
- chilli
- chocolate
- chocolate pralines
- churns
- chutneys
- cider (alcoholic beverages)
- cigarettes
- cigars
- cinnamon
- cleaners in offices, hotels and other establishments
- cleaning
- cleaning agents
- cleaning equipment
- cleaning firms
- cleaning machines
- cleaning personnel
- cleaning sector
- cleaning services
- cleaning service sector
- cleanliness
- cleansing agents
- clothes
- clothes dryers {
- clothing care
- clothing textiles
- coat racks
- cocktails
- cocoa
- cocoa
- cocoa butter
- coconut
- coffee
- coffee
- coffee cups
- coffee makers
- coffee mills
- cognac
- cold smoking
- cold spaces
- collagenases
- colostrum
- composting toilets
- confectioners
- confectionery
- confectionery industry
- construction site cleaners
- convection ovens
- convenience food industry
- convenience foods
- cookbooks
- cookers (household appliances)
- cooking magazines
- cooking programmes
- cooking (until done)
- cooks (canteens and catering)
- cooks (restaurants)
- cookware
- cooling equipment
- corks
- corkscrews
- coumarins
- couscous
- cream
- crisp bread
- crisps
- culinary tourism
- cupboards
- cupcakes
- curdling
- curry
- curry (foods)
- curtains
- cut flowers
- cutlery
- cyclodextrins
- dairies
- dairy farming
- dairy industry
- dairy industry technician engineers
- dairypersons
- dairy products
- dairy technology
- desserts
- detergents
- deterioration
- dextrans
- dietary fibre
- dietary guidelines
- diet cooks
- dietetics
- diets
- dining areas
- dinners
- dinnerware
- disaccharides
- dishes (food)
- dishes (household supplies)
- dish washing
- dishwashing machines
- distillation of alcohol
- distilleries
- DNA polymerases
- domestic accidents
- domestic aid
- domestic aids
- domestic preparation
- domestic science schools
- domestic science schools
- dough
- doughnuts
- downy mildew diseases
- dried flowers
- dried foods
- drinking
- drinking culture
- drinking glasses
- drinking habits
- drinking vessels
- drinking water
- drinks
- dry cleaning
- drying
- dry toilets
- dwellings
- eating
- eating and drinking establishments
- eating arrangement
- edible fats
- edible mushrooms
- egg products
- electric stoves
- electronic cigarettes
- Eloviini
- emergency food
- emergency housing
- emergency lighting
- energy drinks
- energy gels
- energy intake
- enzymes
- epicurism
- espresso
- estate wines
- ethnic restaurants
- extractor hoods
- farmhouse living-rooms
- farm owners (female)
- fast food
- fast food restaurants
- fasting
- fat content
- fat (nutrients)
- fat percentage
- fats (organic compounds)
- fatty acids
- fermentation (alteration)
- fermentation industry
- fermentation (metabolism)
- fermented milk products
- feta cheese
- fibre content
- filleting
- finger foods
- fishcakes
- fish cleaning
- fish dishes
- fish (foodstuffs)
- fish industry
- fish-liver oil
- fish oils
- fish products
- fish roe
- fixtures
- flakes
- flash pasteurization
- flats
- flavonoids
- flavonols
- flavour
- flavour enhancers
- flavouring preparations
- florists (degrees)
- flours
- flower arranging
- flower arranging
- flowering pot plant
- flower shops
- flowers (ornamental plants)
- focaccia
- folates
- foliage plants (house plants)
- folic acid
- Food Act
- food aid
- food chemistry
- food colourings
- food control and monitoring
- food culture
- food economy
- food education
- food fat industry
- food habits
- food hygiene
- food hygiene
- food hygiene proficiency certificate
- food industry
- food irradiation
- food management
- food (matter)
- food microbiology
- food mixers
- food mixers
- food poisoning
- food policy
- food preparation
- food preservation
- food processors
- food production
- food products
- food requirements
- food resources
- foods
- food safety
- food sciences
- food sector
- food security
- foodstuffs
- food supplements
- food supply
- food supply chains
- food technician engineers
- food technology
- food tradition
- food waste
- food workers
- footstools
- foreign substances
- Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
- freezers
- freezing
- freshness
- fresh preservation
- fresh-pressed juices
- fresh products
- fresh-salting
- frozen foods
- fructose
- fruitarianism
- fruit crisps
- frying
- frying pans
- fucose
- full board
- functional foods
- fungal proteins
- funnel cakes
- furnishing fabrics
- furnishings
- furniture
- furniture shops
- fusion cuisine
- game dishes
- garden furniture
- garden rooms
- garments
- gas appliances
- gas stoves
- gastronomy
- gelatin
- genetically modified foods
- gin
- ginger
- gingerbread houses
- gingerbreads
- glucose
- glucosinolates
- glutathione
- gluten-free diet
- gluten-free products
- glycogen
- glycosides
- goat milk
- grilled dishes
- grilling
- grills
- grinding
- grits
- groceries
- grocery store chains
- guesthouses
- guksis
- halal
- half board
- hamburgers
- handkerchiefs
- harvesters (machinery for forestry)
- haudutus (fi)
- health food and supplement sector
- health food and supplement shops
- health foods and supplements
- Helsinki Baltic Herring Fair
- hen's eggs
- herbs
- high-protein diet
- Hippeastrum hortorum
- holiday homes
- holiday homes
- holiday villages
- home
- home-brewed wine
- home care sisters
- home economics (branches of science)
- home economics (curriculum subjects)
- home economics sector
- home economics teachers
- home magazines
- homestay
- home technology (curriculum subjects)
- honey
- hotel and restaurant schools
- hotel and restaurant supervisors
- hotel cleaners
- hotel managers
- hotel receptionists
- hotels
- hotel sector
- housecleaning
- household appliance and home electronics stores
- household appliance mechanics
- household appliances
- household economy
- household servants
- households (organisations)
- household supplies
- household textiles
- household waste
- household water
- household work
- housekeepers
- housekeeping
- housekeeping advice
- house plants
- huts
- hyaluronan
- hygiene
- hygiene
- ice cream
- ice cream industry
- ice lollies
- ikebana
- indoor lighting
- induction stoves
- industrial feeding
- infant formulas
- inns
- institutional cateres
- institutional cleaners
- institutional households
- institutional kitchen equipment
- institutional kitchens
- institutional treatment (social services)
- interior decorating with house plants
- interior decoration
- interior decoration guides
- interior design magazines
- intoxicant culture
- intoxicants
- ironing
- ironing equipment
- irons (ironing equipment)
- irradiation
- jaloviina
- jams
- jars
- jars
- jellies
- jugs
- juices
- juicing stations
- kalakukko
- kalaliemet (fi)
- Kangasala rest home
- kasvisliemet (fi)
- kattilat (fi)
- katuruoka (fi)
- kebab
- kesävaatteet (fi)
- ketchup
- kimonos
- kinases
- kiosks
- kitchen furniture
- kitchen help
- kitchens
- kitchen supervisors
- kitchen workers
- knives
- kombucha
- kookosöljy (fi)
- kosher
- kringles
- krouvit
- kylmäköt (fi)
- laccases
- lactic fermentation
- lactitol
- lactose
- lactose-free diet
- lactose-free products
- lactulose
- lamb meat
- lamps
- lanterns
- laundering
- laundries
- layer cakes
- leipäjuusto
- light fittings
- light foods
- linen
- lipases
- lipids
- lipopolysaccharides
- liqueur
- liquorice (sweets)
- living food
- living rooms
- local dishes
- local food
- low-lactose products
- luncheon vouchers
- lunches
- lysophospholipids
- macarons
- macrobiotics
- malnutrition
- malting
- malt liquors
- maltose
- malts
- mannans
- mannitol
- margarine
- marinades
- marination
- marketable mushrooms
- marmalades
- Marthas (members of Martha organization)
- marzipan
- mass catering
- master bakers
- master cheesemakers
- mate
- maternity clothes
- mattresses
- maturation
- mead (non-alcoholic)
- meals
- meal service
- meals on wheels services
- meat
- meatballs
- meat dishes
- meat eating
- meat industry
- meat inspection
- meat loaf
- meat products
- meat technology
- Mediterranean diet
- men's suits
- menus
- meringue
- metalloproteinases
- meze
- microwave heating
- microwave ovens
- mild stimulants
- milk
- milk
- milkfat
- milk-free diet
- milk inspection
- milk processors
- milk products
- milk protein powder
- milkshakes
- millers
- mills
- mincemeat
- mineral substances
- mineral water
- mirrors
- mixtures of butter and vegetable oils
- molecular gastronomy
- monosaccharides
- Montignac diet
- moonshine
- motels
- mould
- mould fungi
- mousses (desserts)
- mousses (savoury dishes)
- muesli
- muffins
- mukikakut (fi)
- mulled wine
- munkit (pastries)
- murekkeet
- mushroom dishes
- mustard
- mycotoxins
- mämmi
- napkins
- niacin
- nicotinamide
- non-alcoholic beverages
- non-smoking
- non-timber forest products
- noodle
- novel foods
- nutrients (animals)
- nutrient supply
- nutrition
- nutritional behaviour
- nutritional guidance
- nutritional physiology
- nutritional therapists
- nutritional therapy
- nutritional value
- nutrition education
- nutrition policy
- nutritive preparations
- oat flakes
- oenology
- oligosaccharides
- olive oil
- omega fatty acids
- Onnela Inn
- organic food
- ornamental plants
- orthorexia
- outdoor kitchens
- oven baked foods
- ovens
- overeating
- oxidants
- packed lunch
- pails
- paleolithic diet
- palm oil
- pancakes
- pancakes
- pans
- pantothenic acid
- paraffin lamps
- parfaits
- pasha
- pasta
- pasteurisation
- pastries
- pastry and confectionery shops
- pastry cutters
- penthouses
- peppers
- peroxidases
- pies and quiches
- piimä
- pillows
- pincushions
- pipes (smoking)
- pizza restaurants
- pizzas
- place mats
- plant products
- plant proteins
- plates
- polenta
- polysaccharides
- popcorn
- pork
- porridges
- port wine
- potato chips
- potato flour
- potato industry
- potato products
- pot cosies
- pot holders
- pots
- potted plants
- poultry dishes
- powdered milk
- prams
- pre-ferments
- preservability
- preservation with sugar
- preservatives
- preserved foods
- preserved foods industry
- pressing (textile care)
- pressure washers
- primal diet
- processed foods
- processed mushroom
- professional kitchens
- prostaglandin
- protective nutrients
- protein products
- provisioning (food supply)
- pubs
- puddings
- pulla
- punch (alcoholic beverages)
- punches (beverages)
- pushchairs
- pyttipannu
- qualification in floristry
- quark
- rape oil
- raw food
- recipes (food)
- recreational lodges
- refrigerating devices
- refrigerators
- regulation (rationing)
- reindeer meat
- renin
- restaurants
- restaurant sector (lines of business)
- restaurant workers
- riboflavin
- right to dispense alcohol
- risottos
- RNA polymerases
- roasteries
- rocking chairs
- rock salt
- rooms
- root cellars
- rotary ironers
- rum
- ruokatoimittajat (fi)
- rusks
- rye bread
- saccharin
- sahti
- sake
- salads
- sal ammoniac
- salinity
- salt content
- salting (food preservation)
- salt (spices)
- samovars
- sandwich cakes
- sandwiches
- sanitary facilities
- sap
- Satulinna
- sauces
- sauerkraut
- saunas
- sausages
- savoury snacks
- scab
- schnapps
- school catering
- school lunch
- schools of domestic and institutional science
- science of nutrition
- sea salt
- seasonal food
- seasoning
- seating
- secondary residences
- secondary residences
- seitan
- semi-processed food products
- sensory evaluation
- serving
- serving of alcohol
- sets of rooms
- setting the table
- sewing materials
- sheep milk
- shelves
- sherry
- shirts
- shot glasses
- showcases
- skewers (food)
- slaughterhouses
- slaughtering
- slow food movement
- small cakes
- smoking
- smoking (food preservation)
- smoothies
- snacks (meals)
- snuff
- soap
- sofas
- soft drink industry
- soft drinks
- sokeriton ruokavalio (fi)
- sorbets
- soups
- sourdough bread
- sourdough fermentation
- souring
- sourness
- South Beach diet
- soy products
- soy sauce
- spaghetti
- spa hotels
- sparkling wines
- special diets
- special formulae for particular nutritional uses
- spices
- spirits (alcoholic beverages)
- spoons
- sport cabins
- sports drinks
- sprouts
- staff restaurants
- stain removal
- starch
- starch industry
- steaks
- stevia
- stews
- stilbenes
- strainers
- student restaurants
- substitutes (objects)
- sucralose
- sucrose
- sugar
- sugar alcohols
- sugar industry
- sugars
- sun loungers
- suppers
- sushi
- sweeteners
- sweetness
- sweets
- swings
- Syväranta
- särä
- tableclothes
- tables (furniture)
- tableware
- talkkuna
- talkkuna
- tapas
- tap water
- tasting
- tea
- tea
- teacups
- teapots
- tearooms
- tea strainers
- tempeh
- tempering
- tequila
- textile care
- textiles care operatives
- thiamin
- thrombin
- tilapäismajoitus (fi)
- tiled stoves
- tips and tricks
- toasters
- tobacco
- Tobacco Act
- tobacco industry
- tobacco products
- tofu
- toilets
- towels
- training kitchens
- trans fats
- transferases
- treacle
- Trichoderma reesei
- trisaccharides
- trivets
- turkey meat
- tyhjiökypsennys (fi)
- ubiquinone
- umami
- uppopaisto (fi)
- utility rooms (household)
- vacuum cleaners
- vacuum packing
- vases
- vases
- veganism
- vegetable crisps
- vegetable fats
- vegetable oils
- vegetable products
- vegetarian dishes
- vegetarian food
- vegetarianism
- vegetarian restaurants
- veggie balls
- venison
- viili
- vinegar
- vitamin A
- vitamin B
- vitamin B12
- vitamin B6
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin E
- vitaminising
- vitamin K
- vitamins
- vodka
- waffle irons
- waffles
- waiters
- wall textiles
- wash
- wash
- washbasins
- washers
- washing and cleaning services
- washing machines
- washing spaces
- water mills
- weight control
- weight loss
- wet rooms
- wheat flour
- whey
- whey proteins
- whisky
- whole wheat flour
- wilderness huts
- windmills
- wine glasses
- wines
- wine tasting
- wine tourism
- wok dishes
- wooden hot tubs
- wood stoves
- wraps (dishes)
- xylans
- xylitol
- xylooligosaccharides
- yeast
- yeast fungi
- yogurt
- youth hostels
- Zone diet
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