Diehtu doahpagis
Ávžžuhuvvon tearbma
37 Construction. Building Industry. Housing Construction. Earth Construction. Hydraulic Engineering. Road Construction
Joavkku lahtut
- abandoned houses
- accessways
- acoustics (phonics)
- acoustics (physical phenomena)
- Act on energy certificates for buildings
- additional development (construction)
- adhesives industry
- administrative buildings
- agricultural hydraulic engineering
- air conditioning
- air conditioning equipment
- air conditioning mechanics
- air conditioning systems
- air filters
- air humidifying
- air raid shelters
- alarm devices
- alarm systems
- alteration work
- Andersudde
- animal housing
- animal stalls
- Annala Park
- apartment blocks
- aqueducts
- Archipelago Trail
- architectural tradition
- archive buildings
- artesian wells
- asbestos
- asphalt
- asphalting
- Aswan Dam
- attics
- attic-type flats
- auditoriums (premises)
- Aunessilta (museum bridges)
- backfilling material
- baking ovens
- balconies
- balcony access blocks
- banking
- barns
- bar placers
- barracks
- base floors
- bathroom furniture
- bathrooms
- beams (skeleton constructions)
- bearing capacity
- bedrooms
- beds
- benches
- bicycle paths
- bitumen
- blasting
- blasting equipment
- block heating
- blocks (building supplies)
- blowers (air conditioning equipment)
- Blue Highway (tourist route)
- boards (building supplies)
- boards of construction
- boat harbours
- boathouses
- boiler plants
- bookshelves
- break rooms
- breakwaters
- brick buildings
- brick casters
- brick industry
- bricklayers
- bricks
- bridge building
- bridges
- Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory
- building authorities
- building automation
- building code
- building companies
- building density
- building drawing
- building drawing
- building export
- building heritage
- building history
- building inspection
- building inspectors
- building instructions
- building joinery industry
- building logs
- building management businesses
- building material industry
- building materials
- building permits
- building planning (zoning)
- building preservation
- building product industry
- building production
- building prohibitions
- building regulations
- building restrictions
- building rights
- buildings
- building services engineering
- building sites
- buildings -- protection
- building stock
- building stones
- building supplies
- building timber
- building tradition
- bunkhouses
- business buildings
- business premises
- bypasses
- cabins (vehicles)
- cadastral systems
- cages
- canals
- canopies
- carpenters (artisans)
- carpenters (construction workers)
- carports
- carriageways
- cathedrals
- ceiling heating
- ceilings
- cellars
- cellulose insulation
- cement
- cement industry
- central heating
- ceramics industry
- ceramic slabs
- ceramic tiles
- chairs
- chests of drawers
- children's rooms
- chimneyless cabins
- chimneys
- chimney sweepers
- chimney sweeping
- chipboards
- church builders
- church buildings
- church cottages
- City Rail Loop
- civil engineers (degrees)
- civil engineers (occupations)
- cladding (construction)
- clearing
- clearing of a riverbed
- clinkers
- closets
- closing devices
- coating (activity)
- coatings (matter)
- coat racks
- cold spaces
- collapse
- columbariums
- columns (architecture)
- common facilities
- complete renovation
- composites
- composting toilets
- concrete
- concrete buildings
- concrete industry
- concrete structures
- concreting
- condition assesment
- condition inspection
- condition survey
- conference rooms
- conservation
- conservators
- constructed environment
- construction
- construction areas
- construction defects
- construction economics
- construction engineering
- construction industry
- construction law
- construction machines
- construction magazines
- construction managers
- construction planning (design)
- constructions
- construction sector
- construction sheet metal workers
- construction-site housing
- construction technicians
- construction waste
- construction workers
- construction works
- Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- cooling equipment
- corridors
- corrosion prevention
- cost of repair
- covered spaces
- cowherd's cottages
- crane operators
- cranes (lifting devices)
- crossings
- cultural heritage buildings
- cut glass
- cut glass
- cutoff walls
- damp proofing
- dams
- decay (matter)
- deep-water channels
- deep-water harbours
- demolition bans
- deputy landlords
- detached houses
- dismantling
- district heating
- district heating fitters
- doghouses
- domes
- doors
- dovecotes
- draining of a lake
- drawing-room
- dredges
- dredging
- dressing rooms
- drilled wells
- drying barns
- dry toilets
- duckboards
- dwellings
- earth construction
- earth excavation (activity)
- earth fill
- earthmoving
- earthmoving machines
- earthwork construction machinery
- eaves
- ecological construction
- electrical accessories
- electrical designers
- electrical diagrams
- electrical drawing
- electrical wiring design
- electrical works
- electric heating
- electricians
- electricity meters
- electric systems
- electric wires
- embankments
- enclosures
- energy-plus-houses
- engine rooms
- entrances
- entryways
- environmental construction
- environmental construction
- escalators
- escape routes
- Eurocodes
- European Road E18
- excavators
- exhibition premises
- experimental building
- explosives
- facades
- facilities for young people
- facilities management
- facility services
- factories
- fairway maintenance
- fans (ventilators)
- farm buildings
- farmhouse living-rooms
- fastening accessories
- faucets
- felt
- felt roofs
- fences
- fibreboards
- fillers (building materials)
- finishing materials
- Finnish national road 1
- Finnish national road 10
- Finnish national road 12
- Finnish national road 13
- Finnish national road 18
- Finnish national road 2
- Finnish national road 21
- Finnish national road 22
- Finnish national road 3
- Finnish national road 4
- Finnish national road 5
- Finnish national road 6
- Finnish national road 7
- Finnish national road 8
- Finnish national road 9
- fire grates
- fireplaces
- fireproof materials
- fire retardant treatment
- fixtures
- flagpoles
- flat roofs
- flats
- floor coverings
- floor layers
- floor plans
- floors
- flues
- footstools
- forest roads
- foundation engineering
- foundations (structural components)
- free-standing detached houses
- frost damage
- frost heaving
- frost protection
- funiculars
- furnishings
- furniture
- furniture industry
- furniture shops
- garages
- garden construction
- garden design
- garden furniture
- gates
- geotechnical engineering
- glass
- glass
- glass constructions
- glass fibres
- glass industry
- glazing (finishing)
- glues
- gluing
- glulaminated wood
- granaries
- granite
- graphical symbols
- graphic concrete
- gravel
- gravel roads
- Great Coast Road
- green roofs
- green walls
- Green Year 2000
- ground frost
- ground survey
- gunpowder
- gypsum
- halls
- halls (buildings)
- harbours
- hardboards
- Haukipudas Church
- hearths
- heat consumption
- heat exchangers
- heating appliances
- heating boilers
- heating equipment fitters
- heating plants
- heating (spaces)
- heating systems
- heat insulation
- heat loss
- heat pumps
- Hiidentie (roads)
- hinges
- histories of houses
- hobby rooms
- holiday homes
- hospital buildings
- hot air guns
- hot-air heating
- house construction
- house construction industry
- house manager's certificates
- housing exhibitions
- housing fairs
- housing stock
- HPAC and electrical engineering
- HPAC and electricity sector
- HPAC engineering
- HPAC fitters
- HPAC materials
- HPAC planning
- HPAC sector
- HPAC systems
- HPAC works
- humidifiers
- hunting lodges
- Huovintie Road
- huts
- hybrid technology
- hydraulic engineering
- ice roads
- indoor air
- Indoor Air 2002
- indoor environment
- indoor lighting
- indoor spaces
- industrial buildings
- industrialised construction
- industrial pipefitters
- infill construction
- infrastructure construction
- inland waterways
- inner courtyards
- insulations (building supplies)
- insulation sector
- interior decorators
- interior design planning
- interiors
- intermediate floors
- iron stoves
- joint building ventures
- jointing
- jointing compounds
- joints (technology)
- junctions
- junctions
- Jäämerentie
- kammit (fi)
- kantatiet (fi)
- Keitele Canal
- Kerimäki Church
- keys
- King's Road
- kitchen furniture
- kitchens
- Kymijoki Canal
- Kyrönkankaantie Road
- laavut (fi)
- lacquering
- lacquers
- ladders
- laminated materials
- land areas
- Land Extraction Act
- land law code
- landscape development
- landscaping sector
- land use
- Land Use and Building Act
- lead glass
- Lempäälä channel
- Lepakkoluola
- level crossings
- library buildings
- lifting devices
- lifts
- light fittings
- lighting
- lighting design
- lightning protection
- light rail
- lightweight concrete
- lime industry
- limestone
- limestone
- lining
- living rooms
- load bearing structures
- locks
- locks (hydraulic engineering)
- log buildings
- log construction
- lost heat
- low-energy houses
- Länsiväylä
- macadam
- maintenance companies
- maintenance men
- marble
- marine accidents
- marine electricians
- Markkula Bridge (Kihniö)
- masonry
- master builders
- master chimney sweeps
- master painters
- Merisatama
- metal pipes
- metal plates
- metal structures
- metro
- milk platforms
- mineral aggregate
- mineral fibres
- mineral wool
- mining
- mixed-use streets
- model builders
- modernisation (building management)
- modular building
- modules
- moisture damages
- motor-traffic ways
- motorways
- mould damages
- mountings
- municipal engineering
- Murman Railway
- museum bridges
- museum buildings
- museum roads
- Mäntyharju Channel
- nails (fastening accessories)
- natural stone
- near-zero-energy houses
- neighbourhood construction
- new construction
- noise barriers
- Northern Lights Route
- nuts (fastening accessories)
- office buildings
- office furniture
- offices hidden in residential buildings
- official premises
- offshore constructions
- oil gravel
- oil heating
- oil paints
- Old Church of Keuruu
- on-site construction
- open-plan offices
- Oresund Bridge
- outbuildings
- outdoor kitchens
- outdoor lighting
- outdoor locations
- ovens
- Ox Road of Häme
- Paasitorni
- painters (occupations)
- painting industry
- painting (surface treatment)
- painting tools
- paints
- paintshops
- Panama Canal
- panellings
- parquet
- party venues
- Pasilanväylä
- passive houses
- paths
- pavements
- pedestrian and bicycle ways
- pedestrian crossings
- pedestrian streets
- penthouses
- pergolas
- period furniture
- personnel facilities
- Petäjävesi Old Church
- physical environment
- piers
- pile-driving
- piles
- pillars
- pipe fitters
- pipe repair
- pipes and tubes
- pipings
- pitch
- planning and construction administration
- plaster
- plasterboards
- plastering
- plastic pipes
- plastic sheets
- plots of land
- ploughing (alteration)
- plywood
- Pohjanmaan rantatie
- porches
- powder coating
- power plant mechanics
- precast concrete
- preconstruction
- prefabricated construction
- prefabricated construction units
- prefabricated houses
- premises
- premises with transparent roofs
- pressure equipment
- pressure vessels
- Private Road Act
- private roads
- production buildings
- property caretakers
- property development
- property maintenance
- property managers
- property servicing
- protection against decay
- protective structures
- public areas
- public buildings
- public spaces
- pumps (technical object)
- putty
- Päijänne Water Tunnel
- rack railways
- radiator heating
- radiators
- radiators
- rail construction
- railings
- railroad ties
- railway administration
- railway maintenance
- railways
- railway tracks
- rain water system
- rakennusneuvokset (honorary titles)
- ramparts
- Rantarata
- real estate developers
- real estate management
- real property
- rebuilding (construction)
- recreation and leisure facilities
- refrigeration engineering
- regulation of water systems
- rehearsal spaces
- reinforced concrete
- reinforcements (material)
- reinforcing (construction works)
- religious buildings
- renovation
- renovation building (activity)
- rental housing
- reorganisation
- reservoirs
- reservoirs (dams)
- resident facilities
- residential buildings
- restoration of water systems
- restoration (reconstruction)
- ridge roofs
- Ring III
- Ring Rail Line (Finland)
- ring wells
- road administration
- road building
- road construction machines
- road construction workers
- road environment
- road lighting
- road maintenance
- road maintenance boards
- road maintenance charge
- road networks
- road rollers
- roads
- roadsides
- roads -- maintenance
- road surfaces
- road verges
- roadworks
- rock caverns
- rock cuttings
- rock engineering
- rocking chairs
- rock mechanics
- rollers (technical objects)
- roof ceiling joists
- roof coverings
- roofing
- roofs
- rooms
- root cellars
- Route 66
- Saimaa Canal
- Saimaa deep-water channel
- salting
- sand
- sandblasting
- sanding
- sandstone
- sanitary facilities
- saostuskaivot (fi)
- saunas
- sauna stoves
- scaffolds
- scenic roads
- school buildings
- screwdrivers
- screws
- sealants
- sealing
- seams
- searchlights
- sea routes
- seating
- secondary residences
- secondary residences
- semi-detached houses
- senior houses
- service buildings
- service homes for the elderly
- sets of rooms
- settling basins
- sewerage
- sewers
- sewer systems
- sewer systems
- shake roofs
- sheds
- sheet metal
- shelters (places)
- shelves
- shingles
- shop furniture
- shore construction
- shotfirers
- silicate paints
- single-family houses
- Sissola
- skeleton constructions
- skyscrapers
- sliding doors
- slow streets
- smart houses
- smoke saunas
- snowblowers
- snow construction
- snow guns
- snow removal
- social housing guidance
- sofas
- soil material
- soil mechanics
- solar collectors
- solar heating
- solar panels
- soot
- soundproofing
- South Harbour
- space planning
- speed bumps
- spray painting
- stages (performance)
- staircases
- stairs
- steamrollers (road rollers)
- steel construction
- steel constructions
- steel fibres
- stocks (boats)
- stone buildings
- stone (material)
- stone pavement
- stone structures
- storage spaces
- stove heating
- street construction
- street environment
- street lighting
- street networks
- streets
- street signs
- structural components
- structural design
- structural engineering
- structural physics
- structures
- Strömma Canal
- student flats
- substitute premises
- substructures (constructions)
- subsurface drainage
- Suez Canal
- summer cottages
- sun loungers
- supervisory control of building
- supply of heat
- supporting fixture
- surface structures
- surface treatment
- Suuri Savontie
- tables (furniture)
- Taipale Canal
- tearooms
- technical insulators
- technical office
- tekniset eristäjät
- temperature control
- temperature regulators
- terraced houses
- terraces (patios)
- theatre buildings
- thin sheet metal
- thresholds (structural components)
- tightness
- tiled stoves
- tile roofs
- tiles
- tiling
- timber construction
- tin roofs
- toilets
- townhouses
- traffic networks
- traffic routes
- tramways
- transformers (electrical devices)
- transport corridors
- Trans-Siberian Railway
- trellises
- trenching
- tunnel construction
- tunnels
- type-planned houses
- Ukko-Pekka Bridge
- umpipihat (fi)
- unbuilt areas
- underfloor heating
- underground
- underground spaces
- underpasses
- urban construction
- utility rooms (household)
- Vaasa-Jyväskylä Highway
- valves
- Varkaantaipale Canal
- vaults
- vehicle painters
- ventilation
- ventilation equipment
- ventilation systems
- Vesilinna
- veteran houses
- Via Baltica
- Viisikanta Prize
- village community houses
- village helpers
- villas
- Vuosaari harbour
- waiting rooms
- walk-in closets
- walkways
- wallpapering
- wallpapers
- walls
- walls of buildings
- warehousing spaces
- warning devices
- washbasins
- washing spaces
- water distribution systems
- water meters
- water pipes
- water supply plants
- water system arrangements
- water system planning
- water towers
- waterways
- waterworks
- well drilling
- wells
- West Harbour
- wet rooms
- whitewash
- windows
- winter construction
- winter maintenance
- winter roads
- wooden apartment blocks
- wooden boards
- wooden buildings
- wooden hot tubs
- wooden shingle roofs
- wooden structures
- wood heating
- wood (natural materials)
- wood shingles
- wood staining
- wood wool
- work platforms
- yards
- Yli-Laurosela farmhouse museum
- Ylinen Viipurintie
- youth centres
- Äänekoski-Vaajakoski waterway
Eará gielain
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