Föredragen term
22 Agriculture. Farming. Horticulture. Animal Husbandry
Hör till gruppen
- 4-H clubs
- abandoned farms
- accessory means of livelihood in agriculture
- acidity
- administration of agriculture and forestry
- affenpinscher
- Afghan hound
- African swine fever
- agricultural administration
- agricultural advisors
- agricultural advisory services
- agricultural areas
- agricultural chemicals
- agricultural colleges
- agricultural economics
- agricultural enterprises
- agricultural entrepreneurs
- agricultural environment
- agricultural exhibitions
- agricultural experiment stations
- agricultural hydraulic engineering
- agricultural income
- agricultural journals
- agricultural laborers
- agricultural land
- agricultural landscape
- agricultural machinery
- agricultural machinery mechanics
- agricultural machinery salespeople
- agricultural museums
- agricultural organisations
- agricultural policy
- agricultural population
- agricultural production
- agricultural products
- agricultural sciences
- agricultural sector
- agricultural stores
- agricultural taxation
- agricultural technology
- agricultural wastes
- agricultural work
- agriculture
- agritourism
- agroecology
- agroforestry
- agronomists
- Airedale terrier
- air frost
- Akita
- Alaskan Malamute
- Aleutian disease
- Allium
- allotment gardening
- allotment gardens
- alsike clover
- American Akita
- American cocker spaniels
- American foxhound
- American hairless terrier
- American mink
- American Staffordshire terrier
- angora rabbit
- animal bodies
- animal damage
- animal diseases
- animal exhibitions
- animal farming
- animal farms
- animal feedingstuffs
- animal food
- animal housing
- animal husbandry
- animal husbandry technician engineers
- animal keeper
- animal protection
- animal stalls
- animal trainers
- animal training
- animal welfare inspectors
- animal welfare ombudsmen
- animal welfare societies
- anther culture
- anthrax
- apium
- Appenzeller Sennenhund
- arable area
- arable energy
- arboretums
- artificial insemination
- artificial inseminators
- artificial turf
- Asemapuisto (Nurmes)
- asparagus
- atrazine
- aubergine
- Australian cattle dog
- Australian shepherd dogs
- Australian terrier
- automatic milking
- Bachelors of Agriculture and Forestry
- bacterial diseases
- bacterial kidney disease (fish diseases)
- baling
- barley
- barley net-spot blotch disease
- barns
- barn-type hen houses
- basenji
- basset hound
- battery rearing
- beagle
- beans
- Bearded Collie
- Beauceron
- bee culture (livelihoods)
- beef
- beef cattle
- beef cattle farms
- beehives
- beekeeping (husbandry)
- beeswax
- beetroot
- Belgian griffon
- Belgian sheepdog
- beneficial insects
- Bernese mountain dog
- berries
- berry bushes
- berry cultivation
- berry picking
- Beta (chenopodiaceae)
- bichon frise
- bichons
- biodynamic agriculture
- biological control
- biomass
- biotechnology
- Birman cat
- birth weight
- bits (bridles)
- blackcurrant
- black Russian terrier
- black scurf and stem canker
- bloodhound
- blue fox
- boars
- bog formation
- Bolognese dog
- bonkei
- bonsai
- border collie
- border terrier
- borzoi
- Boston terrier
- botanical gardens
- bouvier des Flandres
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- boxer (dog)
- box farming
- Brazilian terrier
- bread-baking grain
- breeders
- Briard
- bridles
- Brittany spaniel
- broccoli
- Broholmer
- broiler meat
- broilers
- Brussels griffon
- Brussels sprouts
- buckwheat
- bulldog
- bullmastiff
- bulls
- bull terrier
- Burmese cat
- burn-beat cultivation
- cabbage lettuce
- cabbages
- cacao tree
- cage birds
- Cairn terrier
- calves (bovine animals)
- calving
- candidiasis
- Cannabaceae
- capsicum
- carrot
- cat
- Catalan sheepdog
- catch crops
- cat shows
- cattle
- cattle farms
- cattle herders
- cattle husbandry
- cattle tenders
- cauliflower
- causing germination
- cavalier King Charles spaniel
- celeriac
- celery
- cereal crops
- cereal grains
- change of generation
- change-of-generation pensions
- chard
- Charolais cattle
- chemical control
- Chesapeake Bay retriever
- chicken coops
- chicken egg production
- Chihuahua
- chinchillas
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese crested dog
- chippers
- chive
- chow chow
- cirneco dell'Etna
- clay
- clearing
- clearing land for cultivation
- clearing virgin land for cultivation
- clicker training
- climbing plants
- closure pensions
- clovers
- cocks
- coffee tree
- cold resistance
- colic in horses
- collie
- colostrum
- combine harvesters
- commercial fertilizer
- common millet
- communicable disease
- companion crops
- compensation for clearing land for cultivation
- compost
- composting
- concentrated feed
- contract cultivation
- contract production
- Cordeauxia edulis
- coriander
- corn loans
- coton de Tulear
- cotton
- cotton
- couch grass
- county veterinary surgeons
- cow barns
- cowherd's cottages
- cows
- coypu
- crop
- crop cultivation
- crop failures
- cropping zones
- crop rotation
- cross-breed
- cruelty to animals
- cucumber
- cultivated mushrooms
- cultivated plants
- cultivation
- cultivation
- cultivation
- cultivation methods
- cultivation of seedlings
- cultivation tests
- cultural control (methods of pest control)
- curly coated retriever
- currants
- cut flowers
- dachshunds
- dairy cattle
- dairy farming
- dairy farms
- Dalmatian dog
- degu
- dehorning
- depopulation (becoming uninhabited)
- Devon rex
- direct seeding
- ditches
- Doberman pinscher
- dog
- dog breeders
- dog breeding
- doghouses
- dog shows
- dog sled teams
- dog tax
- dog trainers
- dogue de Bordeaux
- domestic animal farming (livelihoods)
- domestic animal production
- domestic animals
- dovecotes
- draught animals
- draught dogs
- drever
- dried flowers
- drought resistance
- drying
- drying apparatuses
- drying barns
- drying plants
- duck
- Dutch clover
- Dutch shepherd dog
- Eastern Galega
- East Siberian laika
- echinococcosis
- edible plants
- educational institutes of agricultural studies
- educational institutes of dairy production
- egg laying
- egg production
- elkhounds
- enclosures
- energy crops
- English cocker spaniel
- English setter
- English springer spaniel
- Entlebucher mountain dog
- Esplanade Park (Helsinki)
- euphorbia
- European polecat
- European shorthair
- ewes
- exercise (animals)
- exotic (cat)
- experimental farms
- falabella
- fallow
- fallowing
- family estates
- farm buildings
- farm economy
- farmers
- farmers' early retirement programmes
- farm forestry
- farmhouses
- farming
- farming administration
- farming -- weather service
- farm owners
- farm owners (female)
- farm owners (male)
- farm relief workers
- farms
- farriers
- farrowing
- fawns
- Feed Act
- feed conservation
- feed grain
- feed industry
- feeding
- feeding devices
- female parents (animals)
- ferret
- fertilisation of plants
- fertiliser industry
- fertilizers
- field cropping
- field crops
- fields (agriculture)
- Finncattle
- Finnhorse
- Finnish hound
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish spitz
- Finnsheep
- first thinning
- fjord horse
- flat-coated retriever
- flavivirus infections
- flax
- flax (natural fibres)
- florists (degrees)
- flower bulbs
- flower shops
- flowers (ornamental plants)
- flushing dogs
- foaling
- foals
- fodder plants
- food irradiation
- foot-and-mouth disease
- forage barley
- fox terriers
- Frankliniella occidentalis
- free-range areas
- freesias
- French bulldog
- fresh preservation
- fruit cultivation
- fruit trees
- fungicides
- fur
- fur animals
- fur farmers
- fur farming
- fur farming (livelihoods)
- fur farms
- galega
- Game Animal Damages Act
- garden art
- gardeners
- gardening
- gardening advice
- gardening exhibitions
- gardening machines
- gardening magazines
- gardening sector (lines of business)
- garden rooms
- gardens
- garlic
- geldings
- gene technology
- gerbils
- German hunt terrier
- German pinscher
- German pointer
- German shepherd dog
- German spitz klein
- German spitz mittel
- germinability
- Gesneriaceae
- gestation (animals)
- giant schnauzer
- ginger
- giving birth (animals)
- Glims
- glyphosate
- goat
- goat care
- goat husbandry (livelihoods)
- goat milk
- golden retriever
- gooseberry
- Gordon setter
- grain cultivation
- grain growing farms
- grain harvest
- grain (parts of plants)
- grain storages
- grain trade
- granaries
- grapevines
- grassland farming
- grasslands
- great Dane
- greater Swiss mountain dog
- great Pyrenees
- greenbelts
- green fodder
- greenhouse cultivation
- greenhouses
- green manuring
- green roofs
- green walls
- Green Year 2000
- greyhound
- griffons
- ground cover plants
- growing season
- grow light cultivation
- growth disorders
- growth media
- growth regulators
- guinea pigs
- gun dogs
- haflinger
- Hakasalmi Park
- hamsters
- harnesses
- harrowing
- harrows
- harvest
- Havanese dog
- hay (green fodder}
- hay harvest
- hedges
- heifers
- Helsinkipuisto
- hemp (cannabaceae)
- hemp (natural fibres)
- hemp oil plant
- hen
- hen's eggs
- herbaceous perennials
- herbicides
- herders
- herding
- herding dogs
- hereditary estates
- Hereford
- Hesperia Park
- Highland cattle
- Hippeastrum hortorum
- Hokkaido (dog)
- honey
- honeybees
- horse
- horse care
- horse farming (livelihoods)
- horse farms
- horse grooms
- horseradish
- horse stables
- horse trainers
- horticultural farms
- horticultural peat
- horticultural plants
- horticultural production
- horticultural products
- horticultural science
- horticultural sector educational institutions
- horticultural workers
- horticulture
- horticulturists
- hounds
- hovawart
- Humulus
- humus
- hyacinth
- hydroponics
- Hämeenpuisto Park
- Ibizan hound
- Icelandic horse
- improvement of livestock
- inbreeding
- indoor feeding
- insect damage
- insecticides
- insect pests
- integrated production
- intensive farming
- intercropping
- Irish setter
- Irish terrier
- Irish wolfhound
- irradiation
- irrigation
- irrigation methods
- irrigators
- isokirjopeippi (fi)
- Italian greyhound
- Jack Russell terrier
- Japanese spitz
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Johanneksenpuisto park
- Jämthund
- Kai (dog)
- Karelian bear dog
- Keeshond
- kennels
- Kerry blue terrier
- kibbutzim
- kilit (fi)
- King Charles spaniel
- Kirkkopuisto Park (Jyväskylä)
- Kishu (dog)
- kitchen gardens
- kohlrabi
- kolkhozes (farms)
- kolkhozes (worker cooperatives)
- kooikerhondje
- korat cat
- Korteniemi forest ranger’s estate
- kromfohrländer
- Labrador retriever
- lagotto Romagnolo
- laika
- lambing
- lamb meat
- lambs
- landscape development
- landscape fields
- landscape planning
- landscaping sector
- Landseer
- Lapponian herder
- large Münsterländer
- late blight of potato
- lawn mowers
- lawns
- legumes
- lehtikaali (fi)
- lentils
- Leonberger dog
- lettuce
- Lhasa apso
- lignocellulose
- lilies
- liming
- liquid manure
- litter (bedding)
- livestock control
- livestock farmers
- livestock husbandry
- livestock products
- lodging (crops)
- Länsisatamanpuisto Park
- löwchen
- maanviljelysneuvokset (honorary titles)
- maize
- Maltese dog
- malting barley
- malus
- manure
- manure yards
- mares
- market gardening
- market gardens
- mastitis
- maturation
- meat
- meat inspection
- meat production
- meat products
- mechanical control
- medicinal plants
- methods of pest control
- mildews
- milk
- milk
- milkers
- milk fever
- milking
- milking machines
- milking parlours
- milk inspection
- milk platforms
- milk production
- milk products
- milk yield
- milling machines
- miniature pig
- miniature pinscher
- miniature schnauzer
- Molossers
- moose damages
- mother cows
- mowing
- mudi
- mull
- mushroom growing
- mushroom houses
- mushroom picking
- mycoses
- native breeds
- native varieties
- natural management field
- natural pastures
- natural products
- natural product sector
- natural sites
- natural sources of livelihood
- nature resource sector
- Neapolitan mastiff
- Newcastle disease
- new farms
- New Forest pony
- Newfoundland dog
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogenous fertilizers
- no-dig gardening
- non-food production
- non-timber forest products
- Norfolk terrier
- Norrbottenspets
- Norwegian elkhound
- Norwegian forest cat
- Norwegian lundehund
- no-tillage
- Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever
- nurseries (horticulture)
- nutrient balance
- nutrient content
- nutrients (plants)
- oats
- oil flax
- oil plants
- old English sheepdog
- open-field production
- organic cultivation
- organic farms
- organic fertilisers
- organic food
- organic production
- organic products
- ornamental grasses
- ornamental plants
- ornamental shrubs
- ornamental trees
- Oryctolagus
- outdoor feeding
- outdoor rearing
- outdoor runs
- overproduction in agriculture
- oxen
- Paeoniaceae
- papillon dog
- paratuberculosis
- parks
- Parson Russell terrier
- part-time cultivation
- pasture plants
- pasture rearing
- pastures
- pea
- peat cultivation
- peatland agriculture
- pedigree record
- Pekingese (dog)
- Pelargonium
- peony
- Persian cat
- Peruvian hairless dog
- pest control agents
- pesticides
- pesticides industry
- pest resistance
- pests
- pet boarding facilities
- petit basset griffon Vendéen
- petit Brabançon
- pets
- pet shops
- phalène
- Pharaoh hound
- Phaseolus vulgaris
- phosphatic fertilizers
- physical control
- phytophthora cactorum
- pieces of land
- pig
- pig breeding
- pig farms
- piggeries
- pig keeping (livelihoods)
- piglets
- pine marten
- pinschers and schnauzers
- Pisum
- plague
- plantations
- plant breeding
- plant diseases
- plantframes
- plant health control
- plant hormones
- planting
- plantings
- plant nutrients
- plant pathology
- plant production
- plant products
- plant protection
- ploughing (alteration)
- ploughing (tillage)
- ploughs
- poinsettia
- pointer (dog)
- pointing dogs
- Polish lowland sheepdog
- Pomeranian dog
- pony
- pony-sized finnhorse
- poodles
- pork
- Portuguese podengo
- Portuguese water dog
- Porvariskuninkaanpuisto park
- postharvest treatment
- potassium fertilizers
- potato
- poultry
- poultry farming
- poultry farming (livelihoods)
- poultry farms
- precision farming
- predator damage
- prescribed burning
- preservatives
- production animals
- production quotas
- products of animal origin
- pug
- puli
- pumi
- pumpkin
- Punakivi Park
- puppy farming
- Pyrenean mastiff
- qualification in floristry
- raccoon dog
- radish
- rams
- rapeseed
- raspberry
- raspberry
- rattan
- raw feeding
- reallocations of pieces of land
- red cabbage
- red clover
- red currant
- red fox
- reed
- reindeer
- reindeer breeders
- reindeer farms
- reindeer herding communities
- reindeer husbandry
- reindeer management
- reindeer management areas
- reindeer meat
- reindeer round-up
- relay intercropping
- resettlement plots
- resistance (biological qualities)
- retrievers
- Rhodesian ridgeback
- rhubarb
- rice
- riding schools
- road verges
- rock gardens
- rock plants
- rohtovuohenherne (fi)
- roof gardens
- root crops
- rosehip
- roses
- rotary tillers
- rotation farming
- Rottweiler
- Rubus arcticus ssp x stellarcticus
- rugosa rose
- rural advisors
- rural advisory services
- Russian hound
- rye
- saddlemakers
- saddles
- safety zones
- Saint Bernard dog
- saintpaulia
- saintpaulia
- salad crops
- saltpetre
- Saluki
- salvia
- salvia officinalis
- Samoyed dog
- sand culture
- scarecrows
- schapendoes
- schipperke
- schnauzers
- scleroderris canker
- Scottish deerhound
- scrapie
- scratching posts
- scythes
- seed
- seed cultivation
- seed disinfection
- seedling production
- seedlings
- seed potato
- seed production
- seed testing
- Sennenhunde
- service (biological methods)
- setters (dog)
- sewage sludge
- shar pei
- shearing
- sheep
- sheepdogs
- sheep houses
- sheep husbandry
- sheep keeping (livelihoods)
- sheep milk
- Shetland pony
- Shetland sheepdog
- shiba dog
- shih tzu
- Shikoku dog
- shoeing
- Siamese cat
- Siberian cat
- Siberian husky
- sighthounds
- silage
- silky terrier
- silver fox
- Sitodiplosis mosellana
- Skye terrier
- slash-and-burn cultivation
- slash-and-burning
- slaughtering
- sledge dogs
- small farmers
- small farms
- small Münsterländer
- smooth fox terrier
- soft-coated wheaten terrier
- soft rot
- soilage
- soil analysis
- soil chemistry
- soil cultivators
- soil fertility
- soil improvement
- soil improvement material
- sowing
- sowing machines
- sowing seed
- sows
- soy
- soybeans
- Spanish water dog
- special crops
- specialists in nursery gardening
- special tree species
- spelt
- spice plants
- spinach
- Spinacia
- spitz dogs
- spraying
- spring grain
- spring onion
- spring-sown turnip rape
- sprinkler devices
- sprinkler irrigation
- stables
- Staffordshire bull terrier
- stallions
- stecklings
- stimulant crops
- stirrups
- Stofinnhova
- storm damage
- straw
- strawberry
- stray cats
- stray dogs
- substitution for holidays
- subsurface drainage
- sugar beet
- sugarcane
- sugar plants
- surficial geology
- sustainable agriculture
- swede (root crops)
- Swedish Lapphund
- Swedish vallhund
- sweet potato
- swine fever
- tarkkailukarjakot
- tarragon
- tea shrub
- Tehtaanpuisto park (Helsinki)
- terrace cultivation
- terraces (patios)
- terriers
- thinning (forestry)
- Tibetan dog breeds
- Tibetan mastiff
- Tibetan spaniel
- Tibetan terrier
- tie stall barns
- tillage
- timothy-grass
- tobacco plant
- tomato
- tractor brands
- tractors
- transplantation (planting)
- trenching
- trimming
- triticale
- turkey meat
- turkeys
- turnip
- turnip rape
- udder
- umpipihat (fi)
- undersown crops
- unheated free-range areas
- universities of veterinary medicine
- upbringing
- urban agriculture
- useful plants
- varieties
- vegetable cultivation
- vegetable gardens
- vegetables
- venison
- vermin
- veterinarians
- veterinary medicine
- veterinary therapeutics
- veterinary treatment
- vibriosis
- Vicia
- vicia faba
- virus diseases
- viticulture
- vole damages
- volpino Italiano
- waste land
- weeds
- Welsh corgi
- Welsh springer spaniel
- West Highland white terrier
- West Siberian Laika
- wheat
- whelping
- whippet
- white cabbage
- white currant
- wild oat
- windbreaks (plantings)
- wind damage
- wine farms
- winter feeding
- winter gardens
- winter grains
- wintering
- winter turnip rape
- wire fox terrier
- wolfdog
- woodland gardens
- woodland pastures
- wool
- workhorses
- working dogs
- Yakutian cattle
- yards
- Yorkshire terrier
- Zingiberaceae
- zoonoses
- zucchini
Termer på andra språk
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}