Föredragen term
17 Zoology
Hör till gruppen
- aardvark
- Acanthocephala
- acaridae
- Acipenseriformes
- Acipenser sturio
- aculeates
- adipose tissues
- Aegolius funereus
- affenpinscher
- Afghan hound
- African swine fever
- African wild dog
- airbreathing catfishes
- Airedale terrier
- airways (respiratory organs)
- Akita
- Alaskan Malamute
- albatrosses
- Alcidae
- Aleutian disease
- Aleyrodidae
- alligators
- alpaca
- American Akita
- American Black Bear
- American cocker spaniels
- American foxhound
- American hairless terrier
- American mink
- American Staffordshire terrier
- amoebae
- amphibians
- Amphicyonidae
- Amphipoda
- anal glands
- Anas
- anatomy
- angiogenesis
- angora rabbit
- Anguilla anguilla
- animal anatomy
- animal diseases
- Animal Diseases Act
- animal ecology
- animal fibres
- animal geography
- animal keeper
- animal kingdom
- animal magazines
- animal marking
- animal migration
- animal parks
- animal physiology
- animal populations
- animal protection
- animal rights
- animal rights activism
- animal rights movements
- animals
- animals -- behaviour
- animal sounds
- animal trainers
- Animal Welfare Act
- animal welfare inspectors
- animal welfare ombudsmen
- animal welfare societies
- animal young
- animal young
- Annelida
- Anodonta anatina
- Anopheles maculipennis
- anseriformes
- anteaters
- antelopes
- ant hills
- Anthozoa
- ants
- apes
- Aphelenchoididae
- Aphididae
- Aphids
- Apodiformes
- Appenzeller Sennenhund
- apple fruit moth
- Apus
- aquarium fishes
- aquatic fauna
- Arabian horse
- arachnids
- arachnology
- arctic char
- arctic fox
- Arctic puffin
- Arctiidae
- Ardeidae
- Arion vulgaris
- armadillos
- arthropods
- artificial nests
- Artiodactyla
- Ascaris lumbricoides
- asp (fish)
- assistance dogs
- Athalia rosae
- Atheriniformes
- Atlantic herring
- Atlantic salmon
- Atlantic tuna
- Atyidae
- audition (physiology)
- Australian cattle dog
- Australian shepherd dogs
- Australian terrier
- autonomic nervous system
- autumnal moth
- avifauna
- aye-ayes
- Aythya
- baboons
- bacterial kidney disease (fish diseases)
- bald eagle
- baleen whales
- Baltic herring
- Baltic vimba
- banded damoiselle
- banded knifefish
- Barbary horse
- barnacle goose
- barn owl
- barn swallow
- barred warbler
- basenji
- basilisks
- basset hound
- bats (mammals)
- beagle
- bear
- Bearded Collie
- bears
- Beauceron
- beavers
- bee eaters
- beehives
- bees
- beeswax
- beetles
- Belgian griffon
- Belgian sheepdog
- beneficial insects
- Bernese mountain dog
- bichon frise
- bichons
- bighorn sheep
- bile ducts
- bioluminescence
- bird areas
- bird counts
- bird deaths
- birdhouses
- bird migration
- bird observatories
- bird populations
- birds
- bird's nests
- birds of prey
- bird sounds
- bird tables
- bird watching
- birdwatching towers
- bird water areas
- bird wetlands
- Birman cat
- birth weight
- bison
- bivalvia
- black grouse
- black-headed gull
- black Russian terrier
- black-throated divers
- black-throated loon
- blind-worm
- blood
- blood circulation
- bloodhound
- blue fox
- bluethroat
- blue tit
- boars
- body hair (human or animal)
- body temperature
- Boidae
- Bolognese dog
- Boloria titania
- Bombycillidae
- bone
- bonobo
- bony tissues
- border collie
- Border Guard dogs
- border terrier
- borzoi
- Boston terrier
- bouvier des Flandres
- bovidae
- bovine
- bovine animals
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy
- boxer (dog)
- Brachiopoda
- brain
- brambling
- branchiura
- Brazilian terrier
- bream
- breeders
- Briard
- Brittany spaniel
- Broholmer
- brood parasitism
- brook trout
- brown mouse lemur
- brown trout (lacustine)
- brown trout (riverine)
- Brussels griffon
- Bryozoa
- Bubo Bubo
- budgerigar
- buffaloes
- bulldog
- bullmastiff
- bull terrier
- bumblebees
- buntings
- burbot
- Burmese cat
- Buteo buteo
- cabbage maggots
- cage birds
- Cairn terrier
- Calidris
- Callithricidae
- Calopterygidae
- calves (bovine animals)
- calving
- camel
- camelids
- canary (finches)
- canine nasal mites
- canines
- caprimulgiformes
- Caprinae
- carcases
- Caridina
- carnivorous animals
- carp
- carrier pigeons
- carrions
- cartilage
- Casuariiformes
- cat
- Catalan sheepdog
- catfishes
- cavalier King Charles spaniel
- cephalopods
- Cerastoderma glaucum
- Cercopithecus
- Cervidae
- Chaetognatha
- chameleons
- chamois
- Chaoboridae
- char
- Charadriiformes
- cheetah
- Chesapeake Bay retriever
- Chihuahua
- chimpanzee
- chinchillas
- Chinese crested dog
- Chironomidae
- Chordata
- chow chow
- Chrysomelidae
- cicadas
- ciconiiformes
- circulatory system
- circus animals
- cirneco dell'Etna
- civets
- Clarias gariepinus
- Clethrionomys glareolus
- clouded apollo
- cloven hoofs
- clupeidae
- Clupeiformes
- Cnidaria
- coal tit
- coatis
- coat of hair (human)
- cobras
- cockatiel
- cockatoos
- cockroaches
- cocks
- cod
- colic in horses
- Coliidae
- Collared Flycatcher
- collie
- Colorado potato beetle
- Colubridae
- Columbidae
- Columbiformes
- common blackbird
- common crane
- common goldeneye
- common kestrel
- common minnow
- common moorhen
- common octopus
- common quail
- common shelduck
- common starlings
- common swift
- common tree shrews
- complement system
- connective tissue
- connective tissues
- conservators
- constrictors (snakes)
- Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals
- Copepoda
- copse snail
- copulation
- Coraciiformes
- coral
- Coregonus lavaretus
- cormorants
- corncrake
- cornea
- Coronella austriaca
- Corvus
- Corvus corax
- coton de Tulear
- Cottidae
- Cottus gobio
- courtship rites
- cows
- coyote
- coypu
- crabs
- crane flies
- crayfish
- crayfish
- crayfish plague
- Cricetidea
- crickets
- Crocodylidae
- crow
- crucian carp
- cruelty to animals
- crustaceans
- crystalline lens
- Ctenophora
- cuckoos
- Cuculiformes
- Curculionidae
- curly coated retriever
- cuttlefish
- Cyprinidae
- Cypriniformes
- Cyprinodontiformes
- dabbling ducks
- dachshunds
- Dalmatian dog
- damselflies
- damselflies
- dandruff
- daphnia
- data deficient species
- Daubenton's bat
- deciduous teeth
- defecation
- degu
- dehorning
- depth perception
- dermaptera
- descendants
- Desmodus rotundus
- determination of species
- Devon rex
- digestion
- digestive organs
- dinosaurs
- dinosaurs
- diphyllobothrium dendriticum
- Diphyllobothrium latum
- Diprionidae
- Diptera
- directive species
- distemper
- distribution (range)
- diving ducks
- Doberman pinscher
- dog
- doghouses
- dogue de Bordeaux
- dolphins
- domestic animals
- domestication
- donkeys
- dovecotes
- down
- dragonflies
- draught animals
- draught dogs
- drever
- drives (biology)
- Drosophila melanogaster
- Drosophilidae
- drug detector dogs
- drumming wolf spider
- duck
- dung beetles
- dunnocks
- Dutch shepherd dog
- eagles
- eastern baton blue
- East Siberian laika
- echinococcosis
- Echinodermata
- Echiura
- eels
- egg laying
- eggs
- eider
- Eisenia foetida
- electric eel
- electrophysiology
- elephants
- elk
- elkhounds
- emus
- Enchytraeidae
- endangered animals
- endangered species
- endemic animal species
- endemic species
- endothelium
- energy production (biological phenomena)
- English cocker spaniel
- English setter
- English springer spaniel
- Entlebucher mountain dog
- entomology
- epididymides
- epithelium
- ermine
- ermine moths
- ethology
- euphydryas aurinia
- Eurasian bullfinch
- Eurasian dotterel
- Eurasian hobby
- Eurasian jay
- Eurasian nutcracker
- Eurasian pygmy owl
- Eurasian sparrowhawk
- Eurasian three-toed woodpecker
- Eurasian treecreeper
- Eurasian woodcock
- European badger
- European brook lamprey
- European common weasel
- European cuckoo
- European hare
- European mink
- European moles
- European polecat
- European shorthair
- ewes
- exocrine glands
- exotic (cat)
- extinct animals
- eyelids
- eyes
- eyesight
- faeces
- falabella
- Falconidae
- falconry
- falcons
- falcons trained for falconry
- fallow deer
- farrowing
- fauna
- fawns
- feathers
- feeding
- Felidae
- female animals
- female parents (animals)
- ferret
- fiddler crab
- field of view
- field vole
- finches
- Finnhorse
- Finnish hound
- Finnish Lapphund
- Finnish spitz
- fireflies
- fish diseases
- fishes
- fish fauna
- fish kills
- fish populations
- fish roe
- fjord horse
- flamingos
- flat-coated retriever
- flat worms
- fleas
- flexibility
- flies
- flounder
- flushing dogs
- flying
- flying foxes
- foaling
- foals
- force production (physiology)
- fox terriers
- Frankliniella occidentalis
- French bulldog
- fresh water trout
- frogs
- fur animals
- furcoat (animal)
- furunculosis
- Gadiformes
- galagos
- galliformes
- Game Animal Damages Act
- game animals
- game birds
- game stocks
- gastropods
- Gastrotricha
- Gaviiformes
- gazelles
- geese
- geldings
- Genetta genetta
- genitals
- genitourinary organs
- genomic imprinting
- Geochelone
- Geometridae
- gerbils
- German hunt terrier
- German pinscher
- German pointer
- German shepherd dog
- German spitz klein
- German spitz mittel
- gestation (animals)
- giant panda
- giant schnauzer
- gibbons
- giraffe
- Giraffidae
- giving birth (animals)
- glands
- Glanville fritillary
- glaucopsyche arion syn. maculinea arion
- Globodera pallida
- gnus
- goat
- Gobiidae
- golden eagle
- golden nematode
- golden oriole
- golden retriever
- goldfish
- Gordon setter
- gorilla
- goshawk
- GPS wildlife tracking
- grasshoppers
- grayling
- Great Crested Grebe
- great Dane
- greater prairie chicken
- greater Swiss mountain dog
- great grey owl
- great Pyrenees
- great snipe
- great spotted woodpecker
- great tit
- grebes
- greenhouse whitefly
- green-veined white
- greyhound
- greylag goose
- grey patridge
- grey seal
- griffons
- ground beetles
- ground squirrels
- grouse
- Gruidae
- Gruiformes
- guide dogs
- guinea pigs
- gulls
- gums
- gun dogs
- Gyps
- gyrfalcon
- haapana (fi)
- haflinger
- hamsters
- harbor porpoise
- hares and rabbits
- harjalintu (fi)
- harness racehorses
- hatching
- Havanese dog
- hawk owl
- hazel grouse
- hearing ear dogs
- hedgehogs
- Heliconiinae
- Hemiptera
- hemipterans
- hen
- herbivores
- herding dogs
- herds, flocks and packs
- hermit beetle
- herpetology
- Heterandria formosa
- hibernation
- hippopotamuses
- Hirudo medicinalis
- histology
- Hokkaido (dog)
- hole nesters
- Homarus gammarus
- home ranges
- honeybees
- hoofs
- horce racing
- hornbills
- Horned Grebe
- horns
- horse
- horsehair worms
- horses used for riding
- host animals
- host species
- hounds
- house dust mites
- hovawart
- human-animal relationship
- human being
- human beings
- hummingbirds
- hunting dogs
- Hydrozoa
- hyenas
- Hylobius abietis
- Hymenoptera
- hypo alert dogs
- hypothermia
- Ibizan hound
- Icelandic horse
- ichneumonoid wasps
- ichthyology
- Idotea balthica
- iguanidae
- immune response
- immune system
- immunity
- inbreeding
- indicator species
- indigenous animal species
- indris
- inland water fishes
- insectivores
- insect pests
- insects
- instincts
- internal organs
- invasive species
- invertebrates
- Ips typographus
- Irish setter
- Irish terrier
- Irish wolfhound
- isopoda
- Italian greyhound
- itch mite
- ixodidae
- jackals
- jackdaw
- Jack Russell terrier
- jaguar
- jalokuoriaiset (fi)
- Japanese spitz
- joint cartilage
- joints (musculoskeletal system)
- Jämthund
- jäytäjäkoimaiset (fi)
- Kai (dog)
- kangaroos
- Karelian bear dog
- kattohaikara (fi)
- Keeshond
- Kerry blue terrier
- kilit (fi)
- killer whale
- kinaesthesia
- King Charles spaniel
- kingfishers
- Kinorhyncha
- Kishu (dog)
- kiwis
- koala
- kooikerhondje
- korat cat
- kromfohrländer
- laboratory animals
- Labrador retriever
- Ladoga ringed seal
- ladybugs
- lagomorphs
- lagotto Romagnolo
- laika
- lake trout
- lambing
- lambs
- Lampetra fluviatilis
- lampreys
- Landseer
- land snails
- Lapponian herder
- large beasts
- large Münsterländer
- larks
- Larus argentatus
- Larus canus
- larvae
- leatherback turtle
- leeches
- lemmings
- lemurs
- Leonberger dog
- leopard
- Lepidoptera
- Lepus timidus
- lesser black-backed gull
- lesser spotted woodpecker
- lesser white-fronted goose
- Lhasa apso
- lice
- ligaments
- lion
- Lipoptena cervi
- little owl
- living fossils
- lizards
- llama
- locusts
- long-eared owl
- longhorn beetles
- lorises
- louse flies
- Lumbricidae
- lumbricus terrestris
- Lymnaea stagnalis
- lynx
- löwchen
- macaques
- mackerels
- Macoma baltica
- magnetoreception
- magpie
- Malacostraca
- Malayan colugos
- male animals
- males
- mallard
- Maltese dog
- mammals
- mammary glands
- mammoths
- map (Nymphalidae )
- marbled minor
- mares
- Margaritana margaritifera
- marine animals
- marine mammals
- marmosets
- marmots
- marsupials
- masticatory system
- mating
- mayflies
- medusae
- mehiläishaukka (fi)
- Meligethes aeneus
- melitaea
- melitaea diamina
- mergansers
- Mergus merganser
- merimetso (laji) (fi)
- merlin (Falconidae)
- mesosa myops
- mesostigmata
- mice
- Microtus levis
- miction
- migratory birds
- migratory fishes
- milkweed butterflies
- millipedes
- mine detection dogs
- miniature pig
- miniature pinscher
- miniature schnauzer
- mites
- molluscs
- Molossers
- monachus
- mongooses
- monkeys
- monoporeia affinis
- monotremes
- moor frog
- morphology
- mosquitoes
- Motacillidae
- moths
- mould dogs
- moult
- mouse lemurs
- mudi
- mule
- Muscicapidae
- muscles
- musculoskeletal system
- musdox
- muskrat
- mustelids
- mute swan
- mysidaceans
- Mytilus edulis
- Myxomycetes
- nails
- narwhal
- natural enemies
- nature sounds
- Neanderthal
- Neapolitan mastiff
- near threatened species
- Nematocera
- nematodes
- Nemertea
- Neodiprion sertifer
- Nephropidae
- nerve tissue
- nervous system
- nesting (reproductive behaviour)
- nests
- neuroanatomy
- neuromuscular activity
- neuroptera
- Newcastle disease
- New Forest pony
- Newfoundland dog
- New World porcupines
- New World vultures
- New Zealand mudsnail
- ninespine stickleback
- Nitidulidae
- Noctuidae
- Noctuoidea
- nocturnal animals
- nomadic birds
- Norfolk terrier
- Norrbottenspets
- northern damselfly
- Norwegian elkhound
- Norwegian forest cat
- Norwegian lundehund
- Notodontidae
- Notodontinae
- Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever
- Nymphalidae
- nymphalinae
- nymphalis antiopa
- nymphalis urticae syn. aglais urticae
- ocelot
- octopoda
- octopuses
- odd-toed ungulates
- oestrus
- okapi
- old English sheepdog
- Oligia
- Oligochaeta
- open nesters
- Opiliones
- orange tips
- orangutan
- organ system
- Oribatida
- Oriolidae
- ornithologists
- ornithology
- Orthoptera
- Oryctolagus
- osprey
- ospreys
- ostriches
- otter
- ovaries
- owls
- oystercatchers
- oysters
- palaeozoology
- paleontology
- pandas
- pangolins
- Papilionidae
- Papilionoidea
- papillon dog
- Paradisaeidae
- parasites
- parasites (protozoa)
- parasitism
- parasitoids
- paratuberculosis
- Parnassius
- parrots
- Parson Russell terrier
- parts of the body
- passeriformes
- paws
- peacock butterfly
- peafowl
- pearl-bordered fritillary
- pearls
- peccaries
- Pekingese (dog)
- Pelecaniformes
- pelicans
- penis
- perch
- Perciformes
- Peregrine falcon
- periphyton
- Persian cat
- Peruvian hairless dog
- pests
- petit basset griffon Vendéen
- petit Brabançon
- pets
- pet shops
- phalène
- Pharaoh hound
- Phasianidae
- phasmids
- pheasant
- Phoenicurus
- Phoenicurus phoenicurus
- Phyllomorpha laciniata
- physiological effects
- physiology
- Phytobia cambii
- piciformes
- pied flycatcher
- Pieridae
- pig
- piglets
- pike
- pike-perch
- pine marten
- pine sawflies
- pinewood nematode
- Pinnipedia
- pinschers and schnauzers
- Pissodes piniphilus
- Plasmodium
- pleuronectiforms
- Ploceidae
- plovers
- plumage
- plumes
- Podicipediformes
- Poeciliidae
- Pogonophora
- poikilothermy
- pointer (dog)
- pointing dogs
- poisonous animals
- poisonous snakes
- polar bear
- police dogs
- Polish lowland sheepdog
- pollinators
- Polychaeta
- Polyommatinae
- Pomatoschistus minutus
- Pomeranian dog
- pony
- pony-sized finnhorse
- poodles
- porpoises
- Portuguese podengo
- Portuguese water dog
- prairie dogs
- predation
- predator damage
- predator population
- predators
- predatory fishes
- prehistoric animals
- prey
- Priapulida
- primates
- Proboscidea (mammals)
- Procaviidae
- Procellariiformes
- Procyonidae
- products of animal origin
- prosimians
- protected animals
- protecting oneself
- protection of animal species
- protection of fauna
- protective coloration
- protozoa
- provincial animals
- provincial birds
- Psittaciformes
- Psyllidae
- Pteroclidiformes
- pterosaurs
- pug
- puli
- puma
- pumi
- puss moth
- pygmy marmoset
- Pyrenean mastiff
- pyrstöravut (fi)
- rabies (animal diseases)
- rabies (virus diseases)
- raccoon dog
- raccoons
- radius bone
- rainbow trout
- rajidae
- Rallidae
- rams
- Rana temporaria
- rangifer tarandus fennicus
- Ranua Zoo
- rasorial birds
- rattlesnakes
- Rattus
- Rattus norvegicus
- Rattus rattus
- red-backed shrike
- red deer
- red-eared slider
- red fox
- red squirrel
- red-throated loon
- reindeer
- reproduction (biology)
- reproduction (change)
- reproductive behaviour
- reptiles
- resident birds
- respiratory organs
- retina
- retrievers
- Rheiformes
- rhinoceroses
- Rhodesian ridgeback
- Rhynchocephalia
- ringed seal
- ringing
- ring-tailed lemur
- roach
- rock ptarmigan
- rodents
- roe deer
- rook
- Rotifera
- Rottweiler
- rough-legged buzzard
- ruff
- ruffe
- ruminants
- Russian flying squirrel
- Russian hound
- Russian tortoise
- Saima ringed seal
- Saint Bernard dog
- salamanders
- salivary glands
- salmon
- Salmoniformes
- salt water fishes
- Saluki
- Samoyed dog
- sawflies
- scales
- Scarabaeidae
- schapendoes
- schipperke
- schnauzers
- Sciaridae
- Scolopacidae
- Scolytidae
- Scorpaeniformes
- scorpions
- Scottish deerhound
- scrapie
- sea birds
- sea horses
- sea lions
- seals (animals)
- search and rescue dogs
- sea trout
- sea urchins
- Sennenhunde
- sense of balance
- sense of feeling
- sense of hearing
- sense of pain
- sense of smell
- sense of taste
- sense organs
- senses
- sepikät (fi)
- sepät (kovakuoriaiset) (fi)
- setters (dog)
- sexual instinct
- sexual intercourse
- sexual selection
- sharks
- shar pei
- sheep
- sheepdogs
- Shetland pony
- Shetland sheepdog
- shiba dog
- shih tzu
- Shikoku dog
- short-billed dunlin
- short-eared owl
- shrews
- shrikes
- shrimps
- Siamese cat
- Siberian cat
- Siberian husky
- Siberian jay
- Siberian tiger
- Siberian tit
- sighthounds
- signal crayfish
- silky terrier
- silverfish
- silver fox
- Simuliidae
- sininärhi (fi)
- Sipunculidea
- sirenians
- Sitodiplosis mosellana
- skeletal system
- skeleton
- skin
- skuas
- Skye terrier
- skylark
- sledge dogs
- sloths
- small Münsterländer
- small predators
- smelt
- smooth fox terrier
- smooth newt
- snails
- snakes
- snow leopard
- snowy owl
- social insects
- soft-coated wheaten terrier
- soft tissues
- soil organisms
- sounds
- sows
- Spanish water dog
- sparrow
- sparrows
- spawn
- speciation
- species
- species-typical behavior
- sperm whales
- Spheniscidae
- Sphenisciformes
- spiders
- spine
- spined loach
- spitz dogs
- spleen
- sponges
- spoors (animal)
- spotted crake
- sprat
- spreading (process)
- squirrels (family)
- Staffordshire bull terrier
- stallions
- starfishes
- Sterrhinae
- stick insects
- sticklebacks
- stoneflies
- stray animals
- stray cats
- stray dogs
- strigiformes
- striped skunk
- Struthioniformes
- stump-tailed macaque
- sturgeons
- Suina
- sulidae
- swallows
- swans
- swarm intelligence
- Swedish Lapphund
- Swedish vallhund
- swifts
- swifts
- swine fever
- Sylviidae
- synapses
- Syngnathiformes
- Syrphidae
- tactile sense
- taming of animals
- tapeworms
- tapirs
- tarantulas
- Tardigrada
- tarsiers
- tavi (fi)
- tawny marbled minor
- tawny owl
- taxidermy
- taxidermy
- teats
- teeth
- Temminck's stint
- temperature regulation
- tench
- tendons
- Tenthredinidae
- terebrant thrips
- terek sandpiper
- termites
- terns
- terrariums
- terriers
- territories (zoology)
- testicles
- Testudinidae
- Tettigoniidae
- therapy dogs
- thoroughbred horses
- threespine stickleback
- thrips
- thrush nightingale
- thymus
- Thysanura
- Tibetan dog breeds
- Tibetan mastiff
- Tibetan spaniel
- Tibetan terrier
- tiger
- tinamiformes
- tineoidea
- Tineoidea
- tissues (parts of the body)
- titmice
- toothed whales
- tooth root
- torpor
- traces
- train oil
- trematoda
- trichinella
- trichoptera
- trioza apicalis
- Triturus cristatus
- trogons
- trout
- Tubulidentata
- tunicates
- tunturisopuli (fi)
- Turdidae
- turkeys
- turtles
- types (classification)
- tytonidae
- tytönkorennot (fi)
- töyhtöhyyppä (fi)
- udder
- Unio crassus
- Ural owl
- urinary organs
- Urodela
- uterine cervix
- uterus
- vagina
- velvet scoter
- vendace
- vermin
- vertebrae
- vertebrates
- Vertigo angustior
- Vertigo pygmaea
- Vespa
- Vespertilionidae
- Vespidae
- veterinary drugs
- veterinary hospitals
- viae lacrimales
- vibriosis
- Vipera berus
- Viperidae
- Virginia opossum
- viverrinae
- viviparous lizard
- vocal cords
- vocal organs
- volpino Italiano
- waders
- walruses
- wandering albatross
- war dogs
- warning coloration
- water birds
- water snails
- water striders
- wels catfish
- Welsh corgi
- Welsh springer spaniel
- western capercaillie
- western curlew
- West Highland white terrier
- West Indian manatee
- West Siberian Laika
- whales
- whelping
- whippet
- white-backed woodpecker
- white spot disease (fish diseases)
- white-tailed deer
- white-tailed sea eagle
- white wagtail
- white whale
- whooper swan
- wild animals
- wild boar
- wildcat
- wildlife
- wild reindeer
- willow grouse
- willow tit
- wings
- winter feeding
- wintering
- winter moth
- wire fox terrier
- wisent
- wolf
- wolfdog
- wolf spiders
- wolverine
- wood lemming
- woodpeckers
- wood pigeon
- wood tiger
- workhorses
- working dogs
- worms
- Xenarthra
- yellow-breasted bunting
- Yorkshire terrier
- zebrafish
- zebras
- Zoarces viviparus
- zoobenthos
- zoological museums
- zoologists
- zoology
- zoonoses
- zoos
- Ähtäri Zoo
Termer på andra språk
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}