Föredragen term
52 History
Hör till gruppen
- abandoned farms
- activism
- activists
- administrative history
- Aegean culture
- Age of Enlightenment
- age of independence
- Age of the Crusades
- Age of Utility
- ages (periods of time)
- agricultural cultures
- aitosuomalaisuus
- Alahovi manor
- Ala-Lemu manor
- Alberga manor
- Algerian War
- Alikartano manor
- alternative history
- Amber Room
- American Indian cultures
- American Indian Wars
- American Revolutionary War
- anachronism
- ancient castles
- ancient cities
- ancient peoples
- ancient religions
- ancient times
- Anglo-Saxons
- Anjala Confederation
- Anjala manor
- Annala manor
- Annales school of history
- antiquity (period)
- anti-semitism
- Apache indians
- archipelago fleet
- armistice
- assembly of the representatives of the estates
- assesment unit of land
- Assyrians
- Assyriologists
- assyriology
- Axis powers
- Aztecs
- Babylonians
- Backas manor
- barber surgeons
- barons
- barons
- Battle of Bengtskär
- Battle of Gangut
- Battle of Halkokari
- Battle of Hattuvaara
- Battle of Jynkänlahti
- Battle of Kursk
- Battle of Malaya
- Battle of Narva
- Battle of Parkumäki
- Battle of Petäjäsaari
- Battle of Plataea
- Battle of Poltava
- Battle of Porrassalmi
- Battle of Raate Road
- Battle of Salamis
- Battle of Solferino
- Battle of Storkyro
- Battle of Thermopylae
- Battle of Tsushima
- Battle of Vyborg Bay (1790)
- Battles of Svensksund
- Battles of Tali-Ihantala
- Battles of Tolvajärvi
- Bedouins
- Belle Époque
- Berlin Wall
- biographical history
- biographies
- Black Death
- Blackfeet
- Bodom manor
- Boer War
- Bolshevism
- Bomarsund
- book history
- border states
- Bosnian War
- bourgeoisie
- bourgeoisie
- boyars
- boys in civil guards
- Brahelinna
- Brinkhall manor
- building history
- Båtvik manor
- calendar
- Campus Martius
- caravans
- Caroleans
- carolingians
- Carthaginians
- castles
- catacombs
- Catherine Palace
- cavalry
- ceded territory
- Celts
- census registers
- charcoal burning
- chasters of foundation
- chief judges
- chivalry
- chronology
- church registers
- city states
- civil guards
- civil wars
- Classical Studies
- class society
- clergy (estates)
- clientela
- cliometrics
- Club War
- coats of arms
- Code of Hammurabi
- codices
- codices
- codicology
- colonialism
- colonies (communities)
- colonies (states)
- colony
- Comanche indians
- Commemoration of Year 1809
- Commoner's house
- Communist International
- company histories
- compliance policy
- conception of history
- conceptual history
- congregational histories
- Congress of Vienna
- Congress of Åland
- conquistadors
- Continuation War
- coronation
- Cossacks
- countesses
- counts
- coups d'état
- court sessions
- courts (nobility)
- craftsmen and women
- Crimean war
- crown administrative houses
- crown cow barns
- Crown demesnes
- crown distilleries
- crown lands
- crown transportation service
- crucifixion
- crusades
- cultural history
- cultures (cultural systems)
- Cycladic culture
- Dalsvik manor
- daytime work
- Decemberists
- delegates to the parliament
- dependent lodgers
- depression periods
- Diet of Porvoo
- diplomatics
- distillation of alcohol
- doctrinal disputes
- donated lands
- dragoons
- driftwood theory
- dukes
- dynasties
- Early Middle Ages
- Early Modern Age
- economic history
- Eerikinkartano manor
- effective history
- Egyptologists
- Egyptology
- embalming
- emperors
- empresses
- Enlightenment
- ennoblement
- environmental history
- epigraphy
- era of autonomy
- Erkylä manor
- Espoonkartano manor
- estates of the crown
- estates (social classes)
- estates under obligation to equip cavalrymen
- Estonian War of Independence
- ethnohistory
- Etruscans
- etruscology
- Eurocodes
- executioners
- expeditions
- expeditions (groups)
- exploratory expeditions
- explorers
- explorers (discoverers)
- ex-service men
- Fagervik manor
- Falkland Islands War
- family societies
- Fanjunkars tenant farm
- farm owners
- farm owners (male)
- fascism
- February Manifesto of 1899
- February Revolution (1917)
- Fennoman movement
- fennophiles
- feudalism
- feudal system
- Field Headquarters of General Raappana
- film history
- Finnish Civil War
- Finnish constitutionalists
- Finnish famine of 1866-1868
- Finnish kinship ideology
- Finnish Kinship Wars
- Finnish nationalist movement
- Finnish War (1808-1809)
- Finnish Weapons Cache Case
- First World War
- flagging
- flags
- Flemings
- folk memory
- Forest Brothers
- fortification (military)
- fortresses
- Fortress of Lappeenranta
- forts
- Fort Slava
- Franks
- free cities
- freedmen
- French Revolution
- Frugård manor
- Gallic wars
- Gammelbacka manor
- Gauls
- gendarmes
- genealogies (books)
- genealogists
- genealogy
- genealogy
- general history
- General Strike of 1905
- gentry
- Georgian era
- Germanic peoples
- ghettos
- gladiators
- Goths
- governors general
- grain storages of the crown
- Great Address
- Greater Finland (ideas)
- Great Northern War
- Great Power period
- Great Wall of China
- Great Wrath
- Greco-Persian wars
- Greek War of Independence
- Guarani indians
- guild regulations
- guild system
- Gustavian period
- gästgiverier
- Haapaniemi Castle
- Hagalund manor
- Hahkiala manor
- Haikko manor
- Hakkapeliittas
- Hakoinen manor
- Halola manor
- Hamina fortress
- Hanseatic league
- Hatanpää manor
- hay tax
- Hellenism
- heraldry
- Herttoniemi manor
- Hevonoja manor
- hieroglyphs
- Hiivola manor
- hill forts
- hired men
- hirelings
- Hista manor
- historiallinen aika (fi)
- historical consciousness
- historical criminology
- historical demography
- historical demography
- historical geography
- historical maps
- historical research
- historical sociology
- historicism
- histories (literary works)
- histories of houses
- historiography
- historism
- history
- history culture
- history of marginal groups
- history of mentalities
- history of science
- history of science and learning
- history painting
- history painting
- history politics
- history scholars
- history teachers
- Hittites
- home front
- Honkola manor
- Hovila manor
- Huastec indians
- Huguenots
- Huichol indians
- humanism
- Hundred Years' War
- Hungarian Revolution of 1956
- Huns
- Huovila manor
- huutolaiset
- Håkansböle manor
- Häirskiänsaari manor
- Häme Castle
- Hämeenkylä manor
- Högsar manor
- Ilopuro manor
- imperialism
- Incas
- independence days
- Indus culture
- industrialisation
- Inkere manor
- inscriptions
- insurgency
- intellectual history
- Interim Peace
- internally displaced persons
- Intifada
- Iraq War
- Iroquois indians
- Islamic culture
- Jacobites (political movement)
- Jacobites (religion)
- Jaeger Movement
- jaegers
- Jewish-Roman Wars
- Jivaran indians
- Joensuu manor
- Jokioinen manor
- journey workers
- jubilee coins
- judgement books
- Judge's Rules
- Juthbacka manor
- Jutikkala manor
- Järvikylä manor
- Järvitaipale Fortress
- Kaarila manor
- Kahiluoto manor
- Kajaani Castle
- Kalmar War
- kalterijääkärit
- Karjala manor
- Karlberg manor
- Karolineburg manor
- Kastelholm Castle
- Katrineberg manor
- Kaupinlinna
- Kellokoski manor
- Khmer rouges
- Kiiala manor
- Kiiskilä manor
- kings
- kirchenkampf
- Kirjokivi manor
- Kirjola manor
- Kirkniemi manor
- knights
- Knights of the Mannerheim Cross
- Kokemäenkartano manor
- Kollola (Merimasku)
- Korean War
- Korela fortress
- Kormu manor
- Korpo manor
- Korsholma Castle
- Koski manor
- Kosovo War
- Kovero Crown tenant farm
- Kristallnacht
- Kronstadt rebellion
- krouvit
- kruununkyyti
- kruununvoudit
- Kuddnäs manor
- Kuisema manor
- Kuitia manor
- Kulla manor
- Kulosaari manor
- Kuokkala manor
- Kuusisto Castle
- Kyminkartano manor
- Kyminlinna Fortress
- Kymmenegård (fi)
- Kytäjä manor
- Kyyhkylä manor
- Kärnäkoski fortress
- Königstedt manor
- laamanni (honorary titles)
- labour movement
- labyrinths
- ladies-in-waiting
- Lakota indians
- Lallintalo
- landless population
- land reform
- land tax
- land title register
- language issue
- Lapila manor
- Lapland War
- Lapua movement
- Late Antiquity
- Late Middle Ages
- Latvian War of Liberation
- Laukko manor
- Launo manor
- Lauritsala manor
- Laurola manor
- Lautsia manor
- Lauttasaari manor
- laws of the land
- leaseholders
- legal history
- Lempisaari manor
- Lepikko tenant farm
- Lesser Wrath
- levy (military)
- liberation movements
- library history
- Lielahti manor
- life-guards (military organisations)
- life history
- Lindö manor
- Linnainen manor
- Linna manor
- Linnansaari tenant farm
- literary sources
- local councils
- local histories (literary works)
- local history
- Lottas
- Louhisaari manor
- Loukio manor
- luddites
- Maginot line
- magistrates
- Magnus IV Eriksson's Law of the Land
- maids (hirelings)
- Malmgård manor (Pernaja)
- Malminkartano manor (Helsinki)
- Manchineri indians
- mandated territories
- Mannerheim Line
- manors
- March Revolution (1848)
- maritime history
- marks of rank
- Marskin maja
- Matku manor
- Mayas
- Medical Lottas
- memoirs
- mercantilism
- Messilä manor
- microhistory
- Middle Ages
- migration (demography)
- migration of peoples
- Miina's cottage
- military
- military administrative houses
- military allotment system
- military commanders
- military coups
- military expeditions
- military history
- military insignia for honoring brotherhood in arms
- military names
- Minoan culture
- Miskito indians
- Mixtec indians
- Modern Age
- moguls
- Moisio manor
- Mommila manor
- Mommola manor
- monarchism
- Moscow Peace Treaty
- Mukkula manor
- mummies
- Munich Agreement
- municipal administrative court
- Munkkiniemi manor
- muonamiehet
- Murtovaara crown tenant farm
- Mustila manor
- Mustio manor
- Mycenaean culture
- Myrskylä manor
- Myttäälä manor
- mäkitupalaiset
- Mäntsälä rebellion
- Napoleonic Wars
- national days
- national flags
- nationalist ideology
- nationality policy
- national socialism
- National Veterans' Day
- Native Americans
- Navajo indians
- Neitsytniemi manor
- Niemenlautta manor
- Nigerian Civil War
- Nissbacka manor
- nobility
- nomadic pastoralism
- nomads
- Nordenlund manor
- Normans
- Northern Seven Years' War
- nostalgia
- Note Crisis 1961
- Nuhjala manor
- numismatics
- Näse manor
- obelisk
- October Revolution
- Oglala indians
- Ojalehto Crown tenant farm
- Olavinlinna Castle
- Old Academy House (Turku)
- Old Finns (ideology)
- Olhava battle
- Olkkala manor
- Olkkola manor
- Olmecs
- open field system
- Operation Barbarossa
- Operation Mincemeat
- Operation Stella Polaris
- oracles
- Order of Saint John
- orders of knighthood
- organisational flags
- organisation histories
- Orient
- Orisberg manor
- Ostrogoths
- Oulu Castle
- Paddais manor
- palaces
- paleography
- Panslavism
- papyri
- papyrology
- Paris Commune
- parish storages
- Paris Peace Treaty
- partisans
- partitioning of land
- past
- Patashó indians
- patents of nobility
- Pattoin perintötalo
- Pawnees
- payment value records
- peace negotiations
- peace treaties
- peasantry (estates)
- peasants
- peasant sailing
- peasants' revolts
- peddling
- pedlars
- Peloponnesian War
- pennons
- Perheniemi manor
- period of liberty
- period of Swedish rule in Finland
- persecution of Jews
- persecutions
- Persian Gulf War
- pharaohs
- Pharisees
- philhellenism
- philosophy of history
- Phoenician culture
- Phoenicians
- physiocracy
- Picts
- pilgrimages
- pitäjänkokoukset
- places of residence
- polar expeditions
- political history
- political internationals
- poor relief
- population transfers
- Porkkala manor
- Pork mutiny
- Porlammi manor
- postcolonialism
- postwar period
- Prague Spring
- Pre-Columbian Era
- prehistory
- princes
- princes
- princesses
- princesses
- prohibition acts
- prosopography
- psychohistory
- public assistance
- public humiliation (punishment)
- public welfare
- Pukkila manor
- Punic wars
- Puotila manor
- purchases of domain
- puukkojunkkarit
- Pyhäniemi manor
- pyramids
- Päämaja
- queens
- ranks of nobility
- Rapola fort
- Rapola manor
- Raseborg Castle
- Rastila manor
- rationing
- Ratula manor
- Raumanlinna
- rebellious movements
- recent history
- Red Army
- red guards
- redistribution
- reduction
- Reformation period
- Rekola manor
- religious orders of knighthood
- religious wars
- Renaissance
- republicanism
- research history
- resettlement plots
- resistance movements
- revolutionaries
- revolutionary movements
- revolutions
- right of patronage
- Riilahti manor
- Romans
- Rosendal manor
- rote system
- royal houses
- royalty
- rulers (role)
- Ruotsinsalmi sea fortress
- Russification of Finland
- Russification policy
- Russo-Japanese War
- Russo-Swedish War 1495–97
- Russo-Swedish War (1590-1595)
- Russo-Swedish War (1741-1743)
- Russo-Swedish War (1788-1790)
- Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878)
- Ryti-Ribbentrop agreement
- rälssi class
- Saarela manor
- Saari manor (Mynämäki)
- Saari manor (Mäntsälä)
- Saari manor (Tammela)
- Sadducees
- Saksala manor
- Saksanniemi manor
- Salpa Line
- samurais
- Santamäki manor
- Saracens
- Sarvijoki manor
- Scanian War
- school histories
- seals (labels)
- sea powers
- seat farms
- Second World War
- Seesta manor
- Selkee manor
- senates
- senators
- serfdom
- settlement history
- settlers
- Seven Years' War
- shahbanu
- shahs
- Shawnee indians
- sheikhs
- Shlisselburg fortress
- Silk Road
- Sino-Japanese War, 1894-1895
- Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1945
- Sioux indians
- Sippola manor
- Sjundby manor
- Sjölax manor
- Skarhult castle
- Sköldvik manor
- slavery
- slaves
- slave trade
- slavophiles
- social history
- Socialist International
- social mobility (estates of the realm)
- soldiers' cottages
- soldier's graves
- source material
- Soviet–Afghan War (1979-1989)
- Spanish Civil War
- spheres of interest
- sphinxes
- sphragistics
- sport history
- SS troops
- Stansvik manor
- staple towns
- storages of the crown
- storskifte reform
- Stromstad Treaty
- Strömma manor
- Suitia manor
- sulttaanit (fi)
- Sumerians
- Sundsberg manor
- suomalaistamispolitiikka
- Suomenlinna
- Suomenlinna (quarters of a town)
- Suontaka manor
- suostuntavero
- Suur-Ahvenkoski manor
- Suurkylä manor
- Suur-Merijoki manor
- Suurola manor
- Suur-Sarvilahti manor
- Svartholma fortress
- Sveaborg Rebellion
- Svecoman movement
- syndicalism
- Syrian Civil War
- Söderkulla manor
- Söderlångvik manor
- Taavetti Fortress
- Tarahumara indians
- tar burning
- Tarkkala Farm
- tar trade
- Taubila manor
- Tavinsalmi manor
- tax collection
- tax-exempt farms
- tax-grain
- tax paid in kind
- tax prices
- Tehran Conference
- Teijo manor
- televisiohistoria (fi)
- tenant farmers
- tenant farming system
- tenant farms
- tenemented armies
- tenemented soldiers
- Terijoki government
- Tertti manor
- Tervik manor
- Teutons
- the Allies
- theatre history
- Third Reich
- Thirty Years' War
- Thorsvik manor
- Thracians
- Tiainen Crown tenant farm
- Tjusterby manor
- Toivonoja manor
- Toltecs
- Totonac indians
- Tower of London
- trade routes
- trading companies
- transportation (political violence)
- Treaty of Altranstädt
- Treaty of Hamina
- Treaty of Nystad
- Treaty of Nöteborg
- Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)
- Treaty of Tartu
- Treaty of Trianon
- Treaty of Turku
- Treaty of Versailles
- Treaty of Värälä
- Treaty of Westphalia
- trivial schools (Sweden and Finland)
- troy towns
- Träskända manor
- Tuomarinkylä manor
- Turku Castle
- turn of the century
- turn of the millennium
- Törnävä manor
- Umayyads
- unwritten sources
- uprisings
- Urajärvi manor
- urban history
- Uusi-Olkkola manor
- Vaahersalo manor
- Valkila manor
- Vanajanlinna manor
- Vanhakartano manor (Köyliö)
- Vanhakartano manor(Yläne)
- Vanha-Koskipää manor
- Vanhalinna manor
- Varangians
- Vehmaa manor (Juva)
- Versailles Palace
- Vesunta manor
- Viborg blast
- Victorian era
- Vietnam War
- Viking Age
- Viking raids
- Vikings
- Viksberg manor
- Villa Lante
- Villinki manor
- Virtaan Uusikartano manor
- Virtaan Vanhakartano manor
- Virvik manor
- Visigoths
- Viurila manor
- Voiniemen hovi manor
- Voipaala manor
- voyages around the world
- Vuojoki manor
- Vyborg Castle
- war children
- War in Afghanistan (2001-)
- war reparations
- war responsibility
- warriors in Finnish Kinship Wars
- wars
- wartime
- welfare work for war veterans
- Westerkulla manor
- Westernisers
- white guards
- Wijk manor
- Wild West
- Winter War
- witch-hunts
- women's history
- world history
- Yaqui indians
- years of crop failure
- years of danger
- YH
- Ylikartano manor
- Ylilemu manor
- Ylistalo house
- Yom Kippur War
- Young Finns (ideology)
- Yugoslav Wars
- Zapotec indians
- ziggurats
- Åland crisis
- Åvik manor
Termer på andra språk
{{#each values }} {{! loop through ConceptPropertyValue objects }}
{{#if prefLabel }}
{{#if notation }}{{ notation }} {{/if}}{{ prefLabel }}
{{#ifDifferentLabelLang lang }} ({{ lang }}){{/ifDifferentLabelLang}}
{{#if vocabName }}
{{ vocabName }}